蟒週刊-401-Python 2.7 今天正式退休

原文: PyCoder's Weekly - Issue #401html


  • 200101 Zoom.Quiet(大媽) 用時 42 分鐘 完成快譯
  • 200101 Zoom.Quiet(大媽) 用時 17 分鐘 完成格式轉抄.

Python 2.7 will not be maintained past Jan 1st, 2020. So long Python 2, and thank you for your years of faithful service. Python 3, your time is now!git


固然, 海量 Py2.7 兼容代碼, 將繼續在非官方支持下良好運行到永遠...web


「The Zen of Python is not ‘the rules of Python’ or ‘guidelines of Python’. It is full of contradiction and allusion. It is not intended to be followed: it is intended to be meditated upon. In this spirit, I offer this series of meditations on the Zen of Python.」segmentfault


蟒之禪 的原義就是引起沉思,而不是終止之...session


Learn how to use Python timer functions to monitor how fast your programs are running. You’ll use classes, context managers, and decorators to measure your program’s running time. You’ll learn the benefits of each method and which to use given the situation.



總之: codetiming 內置計時器;

time.perf_counter() 提供精確計時;

timeit 專用運行時計時;

cProfile 專用性能分析器;

pstats CLI 性能分析工具;

KCachegrind GUI 工具來觀察性能分析數據;

KcgShot3Small.gif (GIF Image, 260 × 218 pixels)

line_profiler 單行代碼性能監察;

memory-profiler 內存監察工具.


The creator of Flask reflects on the Python 2 to 3 migration and how the Python community handled the transition. Interesting read!


數字遊民 不一樣, 移民指就基礎運行平臺的遷移,
不象 Python 1.x -> 2.x 的遷移, 亳無壓力,
由於, 當年根本就沒什麼成規模的 1.x 工程.

因此, 技術工程遷移, 多數阻力不在技術, 而在情緒, 就象人月神話,以及其它真實軟件工程心理學著做中論及的...

代碼相處時間久了, 同樣有感情的, 被迫遷移到徹底無感受的新平臺中, 就象改嫁...


Some good tips and ways to minimize the context interruption when moving between the shell and a Python session.



Embedded systems engineer builds a card-sized computer that boots Linux and runs MicroPython. Cool!




已經有人準備將之複製並配置爲實體 BTC 銭包了...






Articles, Tutorials and Talks

「[It] seems worthwhile for me to write-up my perspective as one of the lead architects for that ecosystem on how I characterize the overall problem space of software publication and distribution, where I think we are at the moment, and where I’d like to see us go in the future.」


簡單的說, 還在春秋戰國時代, 遠沒有穩定下來


I was a guest on Mike Kennedy’s Talk Python podcast and we discussed a shortlist of 10 interesting tutorials published on Real Python in 2019. So if you’re looking to expand your year-end reading list you’ll find some inspiration there. It’s always a treat to be on Mike’s show—definitely check out his podcast!


果真, 每一年必須的 top1 文章/問題/討論都是相同的:

如何運行你的 Python 腳本?

這其實, 也展現出了編程和非編程世界的根本差別.


In this step-by-step course, you’ll learn how to sort in Python. You’ll know how to sort various types of data in different data structures, customize the order, and work with two different ways of sorting in Python.



Python 豐富的數據類型, 也就意味着有豐富的排序技巧...


Creating data batches for model training evaluated in context of loading data using Python generators, HDF5 files and NumPy using a sound processing machine-learning model as an example.

Dummy variables (or binary/indicator variables) are often used in statistical analyses as well as in more simple descriptive statistics.

This post covers mypy in general terms as well many examples demonstrating the syntax and capabilities of this type checker.

Here you will learn how to install, uninstall, & upgrade Python packages using the pipx tool.









Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries, Projects & Code

Handles the hassle of handling the amount of fields to be serialized and queryset changes for each request for you.


Astropy -> 熵, 好詞兒


其實, FFmpeg 自己的控制界面足夠穩了...


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -i overlay.png -filter_complex "[0]trim=start_frame=10:end_frame=20[v0];\
-map [v5] output.mp4


import ffmpeg

in_file = ffmpeg.input('input.mp4')
overlay_file = ffmpeg.input('overlay.png')
        in_file.trim(start_frame=10, end_frame=20),
        in_file.trim(start_frame=30, end_frame=40),
    .drawbox(50, 50, 120, 120, color='red', thickness=5)




C++ 專屬領域終於也被入侵了...

📆🐍 活動/大會

Events, MeetUp 真的是全球線下活動組織中心


❤️ Happy Pythonic ;-( 大媽私人無責任播報)

(( ̄▽ ̄):

第4期已開始, 爲期6周;

當前 ch2
200112 按時結束


200203 值得上線




最後3秒, Python 瘋狂反轉一切.



NN 3879

101camp4py 進行中

官網 https://py.101.camp/

  • 191201 正式開課
  • 200112 按時結束
  • 5py 大年初十開始報名


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