Go 並非徹底面向對象的編程語言。Go 官網的 FAQ 回答了 Go 是不是面嚮對象語言,摘錄以下。程序員
能夠說是,也能夠說不是。雖然 Go 有類型和方法,支持面向對象的編程風格,但卻沒有類型的層次結構。Go 中的「接口」概念提供了一種不一樣的方法,咱們認爲它易於使用,也更爲廣泛。Go 也能夠將結構體嵌套使用,這與子類化(Subclassing)相似,但並不徹底相同。此外,Go 提供的特性比 C++ 或 Java 更爲通用:子類能夠由任何類型的數據來定義,甚至是內建類型(如簡單的「未裝箱的」整型)。這在結構體(類)中沒有受到限制。golang
Go 不支持類,而是提供告終構體。結構體中能夠添加屬性和方法。這樣能夠將數據和操做數據的方法綁定在一塊兒,實現與類類似的效果。web
workspacepath -> oop -> employee -> employee.go 編程語言
workspacepath -> oop -> main.go函數
package employee import ( "fmt" ) type Employee struct { FirstName string LastName string TotalLeaves int LeavesTaken int } func (e Employee) LeavesRemaining() { fmt.Printf("%s %s has %d leaves remaining", e.FirstName, e.LastName, (e.TotalLeaves - e.LeavesTaken)) }
package main import "oop/employee" func main() { e := employee.Employee { FirstName: "Sam", LastName: "Adolf", TotalLeaves: 30, LeavesTaken: 20, } e.LeavesRemaining() }
1.Go 並不支持構造器。若是某類型的零值不可用,須要程序員來隱藏該類型,避免從其餘包直接訪問。程序員應該提供一種名爲 NewT(parameters)
的 函數,按照要求來初始化 T
類型的變量。 oop
2.應該讓 Employee
結構體不可引用,修改 Employee爲employee,這樣別的文件就不能引用。
package employee import ( "fmt" ) type employee struct { firstName string lastName string totalLeaves int leavesTaken int } func New(firstName string, lastName string, totalLeave int, leavesTaken int) employee { e := employee {firstName, lastName, totalLeave, leavesTaken} return e } func (e employee) LeavesRemaining() { fmt.Printf("%s %s has %d leaves remaining", e.firstName, e.lastName, (e.totalLeaves - e.leavesTaken)) }
package main import "oop/employee" func main() { e := employee.New("Sam", "Adolf", 30, 20) e.LeavesRemaining() }
總結:Go 不支持類,但結構體可以很好地取代類,而以 New(parameters)
Go 不支持繼承,但它支持組合(Composition)。組合通常定義爲「合併在一塊兒」。汽車就是一個關於組合的例子:一輛汽車由車輪、引擎和其餘各類部件組合在一塊兒。網站
在 Go 中,經過在結構體內嵌套結構體,能夠實現組合。
package main import ( "fmt" ) type author struct { firstName string lastName string bio string } func (a author) fullName() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", a.firstName, a.lastName) } type post struct { title string content string author } func (p post) details() { fmt.Println("Title: ", p.title) fmt.Println("Content: ", p.content) fmt.Println("Author: ", p.fullName()) fmt.Println("Bio: ", p.bio) } func main() { author1 := author{ "Naveen", "Ramanathan", "Golang Enthusiast", } post1 := post{ "Inheritance in Go", "Go supports composition instead of inheritance", author1, } post1.details() }
Title: Inheritance in Go Content: Go supports composition instead of inheritance Author: Naveen Ramanathan Bio: Golang Enthusiast
package main import ( "fmt" ) type author struct { firstName string lastName string bio string } func (a author) fullName() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", a.firstName, a.lastName) } type post struct { title string content string author } func (p post) details() { fmt.Println("Title: ", p.title) fmt.Println("Content: ", p.content) fmt.Println("Author: ", p.fullName()) fmt.Println("Bio: ", p.bio) } type website struct { posts []post } func (w website) contents() { fmt.Println("Contents of Website\n") for _, v := range w.posts { v.details() fmt.Println() } } func main() { author1 := author{ "Naveen", "Ramanathan", "Golang Enthusiast", } post1 := post{ "Inheritance in Go", "Go supports composition instead of inheritance", author1, } post2 := post{ "Struct instead of Classes in Go", "Go does not support classes but methods can be added to structs", author1, } post3 := post{ "Concurrency", "Go is a concurrent language and not a parallel one", author1, } w := website{ posts: []post{post1, post2, post3}, } w.contents() }
在上面的主函數中,咱們建立了一個做者 author1
,以及三個帖子 post1
和 post3
。咱們最後經過嵌套三個帖子,在第 62 行建立了網站 w
Contents of Website Title: Inheritance in Go Content: Go supports composition instead of inheritance Author: Naveen Ramanathan Bio: Golang Enthusiast Title: Struct instead of Classes in Go Content: Go does not support classes but methods can be added to structs Author: Naveen Ramanathan Bio: Golang Enthusiast Title: Concurrency Content: Go is a concurrent language and not a parallel one Author: Naveen Ramanathan Bio: Golang Enthusiast
Go 經過接口來實現多態。在 Go 語言中,咱們是隱式地實現接口。一個類型若是定義了接口所聲明的所有方法,那它就實現了該接口。
package main import ( "fmt" ) type Income interface { calculate() int source() string } type FixedBilling struct { projectName string biddedAmount int } type TimeAndMaterial struct { projectName string noOfHours int hourlyRate int } func (fb FixedBilling) calculate() int { return fb.biddedAmount } func (fb FixedBilling) source() string { return fb.projectName } func (tm TimeAndMaterial) calculate() int { return tm.noOfHours * tm.hourlyRate } func (tm TimeAndMaterial) source() string { return tm.projectName } func calculateNetIncome(ic []Income) { var netincome int = 0 for _, income := range ic { fmt.Printf("Income From %s = $%d\n", income.source(), income.calculate()) netincome += income.calculate() } fmt.Printf("Net income of organisation = $%d", netincome) } func main() { project1 := FixedBilling{projectName: "Project 1", biddedAmount: 5000} project2 := FixedBilling{projectName: "Project 2", biddedAmount: 10000} project3 := TimeAndMaterial{projectName: "Project 3", noOfHours: 160, hourlyRate: 25} incomeStreams := []Income{project1, project2, project3} calculateNetIncome(incomeStreams) }
在上面的 main
函數中,咱們建立了三個項目,有兩個是 FixedBilling
類型,一個是 TimeAndMaterial
類型。接着咱們建立了一個 Income
類型的切片,存放了這三個項目。因爲這三個項目都實現了 Interface
接口,所以能夠把這三個項目放入 Income
切片。最後咱們將該切片做爲參數,調用了 calculateNetIncome
Income From Project 1 = $5000 Income From Project 2 = $10000 Income From Project 3 = $4000 Net income of organisation = $19000