SAP BW中的加強(轉)


一、  數據抽取加強,即在標準數據源中加入數據源中所不存在的字段,或者標準數據源不存在所需數據而須要自定義數據源,相關的事務代碼有RSO2(用於定義通常數據源)、RSA6(維護數據源,用於增長其餘字段)、SMOD(出口:RSAP0001,其中EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001用於業務數據,EXIT_SAPLRSAP_002用於主數據,EXIT_SAPLRSAP_003用於文本,EXIT_SAPLRSAP_004用於層次)this

二、  數據傳輸加強,首先對於導入的外部數據(好比Excel)的信息包,在提取選項的文件名稱處可寫入代碼,用於建立動態的文件名,另外就是開始例程(通常用於數據清洗和合並)、傳輸規則和結束例程,還有一種專家例程(沒用過)spa

三、 事件

 BEx變量加強,即Query Designer中的變量加強,事務代碼:SMOD(出口:RSR00001,功能模塊:EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001),加強的調用時間分爲四種:事務


Step 1(I_STEP = 1): is called before the processing of the variable pop-up and gets called for every variable of the processing type,"customer exit." You can use this step to fill your varibale with a default or proposal value.get


Step 2(I_STEP = 2): is called after porcessing of the variable pop-up. This step is called only for those variables that are not marked as "ready for input" and are set to "mandatory variable entry"input


 Step 3(I_STEP = 3): is called after all variable processing and gets called only once and not per variable. Here you can validata the user


 Step 0(I_STEP = 0): is called for variables that are used in authorizations



 Note: You can nto overwrite the user input values into a variable with this customer exit. You can only derive values for other variables or validate the user entries.class




四、  虛擬立方體、關鍵值、特徵加強,虛擬關鍵值和特徵不存在與數據目標中,而是在運行時計算,使用虛擬關鍵值和特徵可實現複雜的邏輯和數據庫的存取,原使用出口RSR00002,如今使用BADIRSR_OLAP_BADI,相關事務代碼:SE19(用於建立BADIimplementation),具體應用暫未實踐


五、  處理鏈加強,在處理類型的通常程序中能夠使用ABAP程序對處理鏈進行特殊的處理,好比記錄報錯信息或者執行另外的處理鏈等,相關事務代碼:SM62(用於查看事件歷史和管理),具體應用暫未實踐
