type MyInt int var i int var j MyInt
var r io.Reader
var r io.Reader tty, err := os.OpenFile("/dev/tty", os.O_RDWR, 0) if err != nil { return nil, err } r = tty
到這裏,r的類型是什麼?r的類型仍然是interface io.Reader,只是r = tty這一句,隱含了一個類型轉換,將tty轉成了io.Reader。java
type Binary uint64 func (i Binary) String() string { return strconv.Uitob64(i.Get(), 2) } func (i Binary) Get() uint64 { return uint64(i) }
var w io.Writer
switch v := any.(type) { case int: return strconv.Itoa(v) case float: return strconv.Ftoa(v, 'g', -1) }
1 var any interface{} // initialized elsewhere 2 s := any.(Stringer) // dynamic conversion 3 for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { 4 fmt.Println(s.String()) 5 }
143 type iface struct { 144 tab *itab // 指南itable 145 data unsafe.Pointer // 指向真實數據 146 }
617 type itab struct {
618 inter *interfacetype 619 _type *_type
620 link *itab
621 bad int32
622 unused int32
623 fun [1]uintptr // variable sized
624 }
310 type imethod struct { 311 name nameOff 312 ityp typeOff 313 } 314 315 type interfacetype struct { 316 typ _type 317 pkgpath name 318 mhdr []imethod 319 } 320
28 type _type struct { 29 size uintptr 30 ptrdata uintptr // size of memory prefix holding all pointers 31 hash uint32 32 tflag tflag 33 align uint8 34 fieldalign uint8 35 kind uint8 36 alg *typeAlg 37 // gcdata stores the GC type data for the garbage collector. 38 // If the KindGCProg bit is set in kind, gcdata is a GC program. 39 // Otherwise it is a ptrmask bitmap. See mbitmap.go for details. 40 gcdata *byte 41 str nameOff 42 ptrToThis typeOff 43 }
22 func itabhash(inter *interfacetype, typ *_type) uint32 { 23 // compiler has provided some good hash codes for us. 24 h := inter.typ.hash 25 h += 17 * typ.hash 26 // TODO(rsc): h += 23 * x.mhash ? 27 return h % hashSize 28 }
44 h := itabhash(inter, typ) 45 46 // look twice - once without lock, once with. 47 // common case will be no lock contention. 48 var m *itab 49 var locked int 50 for locked = 0; locked < 2; locked++ { 51 if locked != 0 { 52 lock(&ifaceLock) 53 } 54 for m = (*itab)(atomic.Loadp(unsafe.Pointer(&hash[h]))); m != nil; m = m.link { 55 if m.inter == inter && m._type == typ { 71 return m // 找到了前面計算過的itab 72 } 73 } 74 } 75 // 沒有找到,生成一個,並加入到itab的hash中。 76 m = (*itab)(persistentalloc(unsafe.Sizeof(itab{})+uintptr(len(inter.mhdr)-1)*sys.PtrSize, 0, &memstats.other_sys)) 77 m.inter = inter 78 m._type = typ 79 additab(m, true, canfail)
13 const ( 14 hashSize = 1009 15 ) 16 17 var ( 18 ifaceLock mutex // lock for accessing hash 19 hash [hashSize]*itab 20 )
92 // both inter and typ have method sorted by name, 93 // and interface names are unique, 94 // so can iterate over both in lock step; 95 // the loop is O(ni+nt) not O(ni*nt). // 按name排序過的,所以這裏的匹配只須要O(ni+nt) 99 j := 0 100 for k := 0; k < ni; k++ { 101 i := &inter.mhdr[k] 102 itype := inter.typ.typeOff(i.ityp) 103 name := inter.typ.nameOff(i.name) 104 iname := name.name() 109 for ; j < nt; j++ { 110 t := &xmhdr[j] 111 tname := typ.nameOff(t.name) 112 if typ.typeOff(t.mtyp) == itype && tname.name() == iname { 118 if m != nil { 119 ifn := typ.textOff(t.ifn) 120 *(*unsafe.Pointer)(add(unsafe.Pointer(&m.fun[0]), uintptr(k)*sys.PtrSize)) = ifn // 找到匹配,將實際類型的方法填入itab的fun 121 } 122 goto nextimethod 123 } 124 } 125 } 135 nextimethod: 136 } 140 h := itabhash(inter, typ) //插入上面的全局hash 141 m.link = hash[h] 142 atomicstorep(unsafe.Pointer(&hash[h]), unsafe.Pointer(m)) 143 }