當前頁面假定你已經閱讀了Getting Started Guide的前面章節,尤爲是.sbt build definition和more about settings。 html
build.sbt很是簡單,它隱藏了sbt實際是如何工做的。sbt構建是用Scala代碼定義的。這些代碼自身須要創建。還有比sbt更好的方式嗎? java
project文件夾是你項目中的另外一個子項目,它知道如何構建你的項目。子項目(理論上)能夠能夠作任何其餘項目能作的事情。你的構建定義就是一個sbt項目。 ide
若是你喜歡,你能夠經過建立一個project/project/文件夾,來調整構建定義項目的構建定義。 佈局
這有一個例證。 ui
hello/ # your project's base directory Hello.scala # a source file in your project (could be in # src/main/scala too) build.sbt # build.sbt is part of the source code for the # build definition project inside project/ project/ # base directory of the build definition project Build.scala # a source file in the project/ project, # that is, a source file in the build definition build.sbt # this is part of a build definition for a project # in project/project ; build definition's build # definition project/ # base directory of the build definition project # for the build definition Build.scala # source file in the project/project/ project
別擔憂!多數時候你並不須要所有。但理解原理是頗有幫助的。 this
順便說一下:任什麼時候候,以.scala或.sbt結尾的文件都會被用上,把他們命名爲build.sbt和Build.scala僅僅是慣例而已。這也意味着多個文件也是容許的。 spa
.sbt文件會合併入它們的兄弟項目文件夾。回顧一下項目佈局: 插件
hello/ # your project's base directory build.sbt # build.sbt is part of the source code for the # build definition project inside project/ project/ # base directory of the build definition project Build.scala # a source file in the project/ project, # that is, a source file in the build definition
build.sbt中的Scala表達式會編譯並與Build.scala(或project/文件夾中的其餘.scala文件)合併。 命令行
``.sbt`` files in the base directory for a project become part of the ``project`` build definition project also located in that base directory.(繞暈了)
項目根目錄下的`.sbt`文件若是成爲構建定義項目的一部分,也要放在相應的根目錄下(是這個意思嗎?)。 scala
import sbt._ import Keys._ object HelloBuild extends Build { val sampleKeyA = settingKey[String]("demo key A") val sampleKeyB = settingKey[String]("demo key B") val sampleKeyC = settingKey[String]("demo key C") val sampleKeyD = settingKey[String]("demo key D") override lazy val settings = super.settings ++ Seq(sampleKeyA := "A: in Build.settings in Build.scala", resolvers := Seq()) lazy val root = Project(id = "hello", base = file("."), settings = Project.defaultSettings ++ Seq(sampleKeyB := "B: in the root project settings in Build.scala")) }
sampleKeyC in ThisBuild := "C: in build.sbt scoped to ThisBuild" sampleKeyD := "D: in build.sbt"
啓動sbt交互命令窗口。輸入inspect sampleKeyA,而後你講看到(除了別的之外):
[info] Setting: java.lang.String = A: in Build.settings in Build.scala [info] Provided by: [info] {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}/*:sampleKeyA
而後輸入inspect sampleKeyC,你將看到:
[info] Setting: java.lang.String = C: in build.sbt scoped to ThisBuild [info] Provided by: [info] {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}/*:sampleKeyC
須要注意「Provided by」顯示了這兩個值的相同範圍。也就是,.sbt文件中的sampleKeyC in ThisBuild等價於將setting放在.scala文件的Build.settings列表中。sbt從這兩個地方獲取構建範圍的設置來建立構建 定義。
如今,輸入inspect sampleKeyB:
[info] Setting: java.lang.String = B: in the root project settings in Build.scala [info] Provided by: [info] {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}hello/*:sampleKeyB
正如你可能已經猜到的,inspect sampleKeyB和sampleKeyD匹配。
[info] Setting: java.lang.String = D: in build.sbt [info] Provided by: [info] {file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/}hello/*:sampleKeyD
sbt將.sbt文件的設置追加到Build.settings和Project.settings中的設置,這意味着.sbt中的設置有優先權。 嘗試修改Build.scala中的sampleC或sampleD,它們依然是build.sbt中的值。build.sbt中的設置將賽過 Build.scala中的。
另外一個你須要注意的:sampleKeyC和sampleKeyD在build.sbt內部有效。這是由於sbt將你的Build對象的內容導入到.sbt文件。在這個例子中build.sbt文件的import HelloBuild._是隱式完成的。
在單一構建中定義多個項目時.scala文件也是必需的。更多內容在Multi-Project Builds中討論。
你能夠切換sbt交互命令行,使包含構建定義項目的project/做爲當前項目。只須要這麼作,輸入reload plugins。
> reload plugins [info] Set current project to default-a0e8e4 (in build file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/project/) > show sources [info] ArrayBuffer(/home/hp/checkout/hello/project/Build.scala) > reload return [info] Loading project definition from /home/hp/checkout/hello/project [info] Set current project to hello (in build file:/home/hp/checkout/hello/) > show sources [info] ArrayBuffer(/home/hp/checkout/hello/hw.scala) >
如上所示,您可使用reload return離開構建定義項目並返回你的常規項目。
若是你認爲build.sbt中的設置是被添加到Build和Project對象的settings域,那就錯了。相反,Build和 Project,以及build.sbt中的設置,會被串聯入另外一個不可變的列表,而後做用於sbt。Build和Project對象只是構成完整構建定 義的一部分。