
自適應線性神經網絡Adaptive linear network, 是神經網絡的入門級別網絡。算法


  1. 採用了f(z)=z的激活函數,屬於連續函數。
  2. 代價函數爲LMS函數,最小均方算法,Least mean square。



 1 '''
 2 Adaline classifier  3 
 4 created on 2019.9.14  5 author: vince  6 '''
 7 import pandas  8 import math  9 import numpy  10 import logging  11 import random  12 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  13 
 14 from sklearn.datasets import load_iris  15 from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split  16 from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score  17 
 18 '''
 19 Adaline classifier  20 
 21 Attributes  22 w: ld-array = weights after training  23 l: list = number of misclassification during each iteration  24 '''
 25 class Adaline:  26     def __init__(self, eta = 0.001, iter_num = 500, batch_size = 1):  27         '''
 28  eta: float = learning rate (between 0.0 and 1.0).  29  iter_num: int = iteration over the training dataset.  30  batch_size: int = gradient descent batch number,  31  if batch_size == 1, used SGD;  32  if batch_size == 0, use BGD;  33  else MBGD;  34         '''
 36         self.eta = eta;  37         self.iter_num = iter_num;  38         self.batch_size = batch_size;  39 
 40     def train(self, X, Y):  41         '''
 42  train training data.  43  X:{array-like}, shape=[n_samples, n_features] = Training vectors,  44  where n_samples is the number of training samples and  45  n_features is the number of features.  46  Y:{array-like}, share=[n_samples] = traget values.  47         '''
 48         self.w = numpy.zeros(1 + X.shape[1]);  49         self.l = numpy.zeros(self.iter_num);  50         for iter_index  in range(self.iter_num):  51             for rand_time in range(X.shape[0]):  52                 sample_index = random.randint(0, X.shape[0] - 1);  53                 if (self.activation(X[sample_index]) == Y[sample_index]):  54                     continue;  55                 output = self.net_input(X[sample_index]);  56                 errors = Y[sample_index] - output;  57                 self.w[0] += self.eta * errors;  58                 self.w[1:] += self.eta * numpy.dot(errors, X[sample_index]);  59                 break;  60             for sample_index in range(X.shape[0]):  61                 self.l[iter_index] += (Y[sample_index] - self.net_input(X[sample_index])) ** 2 * 0.5;  62             logging.info("iter %s: w0(%s), w1(%s), w2(%s), l(%s)" %
 63                     (iter_index, self.w[0], self.w[1], self.w[2], self.l[iter_index]));  64             if iter_index > 1 and math.fabs(self.l[iter_index - 1] - self.l[iter_index]) < 0.0001:  65                 break;  66 
 67     def activation(self, x):  68         return numpy.where(self.net_input(x) >= 0.0 , 1 , -1);  69 
 70     def net_input(self, x):  71         return numpy.dot(x, self.w[1:]) + self.w[0];  72 
 73     def predict(self, x):  74         return self.activation(x);  75 
 76 def main():  77     logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO,  78             format = '%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s',  79             datefmt = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S');  80 
 81     iris = load_iris();  82 
 83     features = iris.data[:99, [0, 2]];  84     # normalization
 85     features_std = numpy.copy(features);  86     for i in range(features.shape[1]):  87         features_std[:, i] = (features_std[:, i] - features[:, i].mean()) / features[:, i].std();  88 
 89     labels = numpy.where(iris.target[:99] == 0, -1, 1);  90 
 91     # 2/3 data from training, 1/3 data for testing
 92     train_features, test_features, train_labels, test_labels = train_test_split(  93             features_std, labels, test_size = 0.33, random_state = 23323);  94     
 95     logging.info("train set shape:%s"  % (str(train_features.shape)));  96 
 97     classifier = Adaline();  98 
 99  classifier.train(train_features, train_labels); 100         
101     test_predict = numpy.array([]); 102     for feature in test_features: 103         predict_label = classifier.predict(feature); 104         test_predict = numpy.append(test_predict, predict_label); 105 
106     score = accuracy_score(test_labels, test_predict); 107     logging.info("The accruacy score is: %s "% (str(score))); 108 
109     #plot
110     x_min, x_max = train_features[:, 0].min() - 1, train_features[:, 0].max() + 1; 111     y_min, y_max = train_features[:, 1].min() - 1, train_features[:, 1].max() + 1; 112  plt.xlim(x_min, x_max); 113  plt.ylim(y_min, y_max); 114     plt.xlabel("width"); 115     plt.ylabel("heigt"); 116 
117     plt.scatter(train_features[:, 0], train_features[:, 1], c = train_labels, marker = 'o', s = 10); 118 
119     k = - classifier.w[1] / classifier.w[2]; 120     d = - classifier.w[0] / classifier.w[2]; 121 
122     plt.plot([x_min, x_max], [k * x_min + d, k * x_max + d], "go-"); 123 
124  plt.show(); 125     
127 if __name__ == "__main__": 128     main();

