Mean Squared Errorgit
\(loss = \sum[y-(xw+b)]^2\)dom
\(L_{2-norm} = ||y-(xw+b)||_2\)函數
\(loss = norm(y-(xw+b))^2\)spa
\(loss = \sum[y-f_\theta(x)]^2\)code
import tensorflow as tf
x = tf.random.normal([2, 4]) w = tf.random.normal([4, 3]) b = tf.zeros([3]) y = tf.constant([2, 0]) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: tape.watch([w, b]) prob = tf.nn.softmax(x @ w + b, axis=1) loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.losses.MSE(tf.one_hot(y, depth=3), prob)) grads = tape.gradient(loss, [w, b]) grads[0]
<tf.Tensor: id=92, shape=(4, 3), dtype=float32, numpy= array([[ 0.01156707, -0.00927749, -0.00228957], [ 0.03556816, -0.03894382, 0.00337564], [-0.02537526, 0.01924876, 0.00612648], [-0.0074787 , 0.00161515, 0.00586352]], dtype=float32)>
<tf.Tensor: id=90, shape=(3,), dtype=float32, numpy=array([-0.01552947, 0.01993286, -0.00440337], dtype=float32)>
soft version of maxit
\[ p_i = \frac{e^{a_i}}{\sum_{k=1}^Ne^{a_k}} \]class
\[ \frac{\partial{p_i}}{\partial{a_j}}=\frac{\partial{\frac{e^{a_i}}{\sum_{k=1}^Ne^{a_k}}}}{{\partial{a_j}}} = p_i(1-p_j) \]
x = tf.random.normal([2, 4]) w = tf.random.normal([4, 3]) b = tf.zeros([3]) y = tf.constant([2, 0]) with tf.GradientTape() as tape: tape.watch([w, b]) logits =x @ w + b loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.losses.categorical_crossentropy(tf.one_hot(y, depth=3), logits, from_logits=True)) grads = tape.gradient(loss, [w, b]) grads[0]
<tf.Tensor: id=226, shape=(4, 3), dtype=float32, numpy= array([[-0.38076094, 0.33844548, 0.04231545], [-1.0262716 , -0.6730384 , 1.69931 ], [ 0.20613424, -0.50421923, 0.298085 ], [ 0.5800004 , -0.22329211, -0.35670823]], dtype=float32)>
<tf.Tensor: id=224, shape=(3,), dtype=float32, numpy=array([-0.3719653 , 0.53269935, -0.16073406], dtype=float32)>