{done}GTD190026:【翻譯】The Cell Programming Language



Cell is a domain-specific programming language designed to integrate with your language of choice in order to provide a number of features that have no equivalent in more conventional languages.react

It offers, among other things, a very flexible, entirely structural type system; deterministic, repeatable execution; support for reactive programming; the ability to use relations to store data; transactions and propagation of undefined values for error handling; and ortogonal persistence.git

Cell's most important new language construct is automata, which come in two flavors: static automata and reactive ones. For a high-level description of them, head to the overview section.github

Altough Cell is, in and of itself, a general-purpose language, that can be used to write entire applications (the Cell compiler, for example, is entirely written in Cell), that's not what it is designed for. It is, instead, meant to be used as a domain-specific language, much like, for example, tools like Lex and Yacc (or their more modern alternatives) are used for parsing: from Cell source code you can generate a set of classes in your language of choice, and use them in your existing projects. The only target language that is currently available is C++, but Java and C# are coming soon, and other languages will follow.編程

If you have any question, there's the cell-lang Google Group. For announcements, there's cell_lang on Twitter.app

The Cell compiler is open source software, and all source code is available on github.dom






Altough Cell自己是一種通用語言,可用於編寫整個應用程序(例如,Cell編譯器徹底是用Cell編寫的),但這不是它的設計目的。相反,它是用來做爲特定於領域的語言,就像Lex和Yacc這樣的工具(或者他們更現代的替代品)用於解析:從Cell源代碼中,您能夠生成一組類用你選擇的語言,並在現有的項目中使用它們。目前惟一可用的目標語言是C ++,但Java和C#即將推出,其餘語言將隨之而來。


