Handle javascript data structures with map/reduce
reduce 能夠用來彙總
const customer = [ {id: 1, count: 2}, {id: 2, count: 89}, {id: 3, count: 1} ]; const totalCount = customer.reduce((total, item) => total + item.count, 0 // total 的初始值 ); // now totalCount = 92
把一個對象數組變成一個以數組中各個對象的 id 爲屬性名,對象自己爲屬性值的對象。haoduoshipines6
let products = [ { id: '123', name: '蘋果' }, { id: '345', name: '橘子' } ]; const productsById = products.reduce( (obj, product) => { obj[product.id] = product return obj }, {} ); console.log('result', productsById);
map 能夠理解爲是數組的轉換器,依次對數組中的每一個元素作變換進而獲得一個新的數組。編程
const integers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]; const twoXIntegers = integers.map(i => i*2); // twoXIntegers are now [2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 14] // integers數組並不會受到影響
const posts = [ {id: 1, title: 'Title 1'}, {id: 2, title: 'Title 2'}, ]; // find the title of post whose id is 1 const title = posts.find(p => p.id === 1).title;
唉~ 使用了半年的 es6才發現有這麼好用的東西,譯者傻缺還像下面這麼寫過呢segmentfault
const posts = [ {id: 1, title: 'Title 1'}, {id: 2, title: 'Title 2'}, ]; const title = posts.filter(item => item.id === 1)[0].title;
const integers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7]; const evenIntegers = integers.filter(i => i % 2 === 0); // evenIntegers are [2, 4, 6]
const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]; const arr2 = [6, 7, 8, 9, 0]; const arrTarget = [...arr1, ...arr2]; // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]
function operation(query, option = {}) { const param = {...query, ...option}; // .... return param; } let opt = {startTime: 123455555, endTime: 113345555}; let q = {name: '一步', age: 'xxx'}; operation(q, opt); // {name: "一步", age: "xxx", startTime: 123455555, endTime: 113345555}
const dynamicKey = 'wearsSpectacles'; const user = {name: 'Shivek Khurana'}; const updatedUser = {...user, [dynamicKey]: true}; // updatedUser is {name: 'Shivek Khurana', wearsSpectacles: true}
const params = {color: 'red', minPrice: 8000, maxPrice: 10000}; const query = '?' + Object.keys(params) .map(k => encodeURIComponent(k) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[k]) ) .join('&') ; // encodeURIComponent encodes special characters like spaces, hashes // query is now "color=red&minPrice=8000&maxPrice=10000"
const posts = [ {id: 13, title: 'Title 221'}, {id: 5, title: 'Title 102'}, {id: 131, title: 'Title 18'}, {id: 55, title: 'Title 234'} ]; // to find index of element with id 131 const requiredIndex = posts.map(p => p.id).indexOf(131);
const posts = [ {id: 13, title: 'Title 221'}, {id: 5, title: 'Title 102'}, {id: 131, title: 'Title 18'}, {id: 55, title: 'Title 234'} ]; const index = posts.findIndex(p => p.id === 131)
const user = { name: 'Shivek Khurana', age: 23, password: 'SantaCl@use' }; const userWithoutPassword = Object.keys(user) .filter(key => key !== 'password') .map(key => ({[key]: user[key]})) .reduce((accumulator, current) => ({ ...accumulator, ...current }), {});
const user = {name: 'Shivek Khurana', age: 23, password: 'SantaCl@use'}; const newUser = {...user}; delete newUser.password; // {name: "Shivek Khurana", age: 23}
更現代的寫法YiHzo提供: ?????
const user = {name: 'Shivek Khurana', age: 23, password: 'SantaCl@use'}; // 利用對象的解構,取出非password的全部字段 const {password, ...newUser} = user
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