mainloop1(Deb, State = #wstate{pending = []}) -> receive Message -> {Deb1, State1} = handle_message(Deb, Message, State), ?MODULE:mainloop1(Deb1, State1) after ?HIBERNATE_AFTER -> erlang:hibernate(?MODULE, mainloop, [Deb, State]) end; mainloop1(Deb, State) -> receive Message -> {Deb1, State1} = handle_message(Deb, Message, State), ?MODULE:mainloop1(Deb1, State1) after 0 -> ?MODULE:mainloop1(Deb, internal_flush(State)) end.
The gen_fsm process can go into hibernation (see erlang:hibernate/3) if a callback function specifies 'hibernate' instead of a time-out value. This can be useful if the server is expected to be idle for a long time. However, use this feature with care, as hibernation implies at least two garbage collections (when hibernating and shortly after waking up) and is not something you want to do between each call to a busy state machine.