public class UsersController : ControllerBase
public ActionResult<UserResponse> Get(int id)
var domainUser = UserRepository.GetBy(id);
var responseUser = UserResponseParser.Parse(domainUser);
return Ok(responseUser);
You will often hear, we have no time to write tests, we have no time to do it right. So do you have time to do it twice? The point is if you write a program that does not have automated tests, that will quite likely grow into the point it becomes the spaghetti monster developers take long to fix bugs, as the code is hard to understand and small changes cause magical side-effects.Then the development team will start asking for a rewrite, if they don’t apply TDD the cycle repeats.dom
你常常聽到,咱們沒時間寫測試,咱們沒時間作正確的事。因此你有時間作兩次嗎?(ps: 問了做者,做者的意思是有些開發人員由於作事匆忙,並以此爲藉口不遵循良好的開發原則致使代碼愈來愈難以維護,最後不得不重構)。關鍵是若是你編寫一個沒有自動化測試的程序,他極可能會成爲一個意大利麪怪獸同樣,開發人員花很長時間來修復bug,同時代碼很難理解,小的變化會致使神奇的反作用。 若是他們沒有應用TDD循環重複,因而開發團隊將開始要求重寫。ide
那麼編寫測試首先會減慢開發速度嗎?要看怎麼理解。沒有寫測試,你何時知道你何時完成了開發? 你有信心它有效嗎? 它是否涵了蓋邊緣狀況?在嘗試擴展應用程序時,若是你能擴展它而且知道你沒有破壞之前的行爲,那不是很棒嗎?單元測試
Having a test suite that gives you clear goals so you know when you are finished reduces the guess effort. What will happen on this condition? Instead of wonder, you write a test and define the behaviour you want from it.
It will avoid a lot of unnecessary code.
是否如今就開始寫測試用例呢?並非! TDD首先由Kent Beck提出,他爲此指定了三條規則: