[gist]the atom workspaceView events

from http://oyanglul.usgit

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131
application:about: "Application: About"
application:bring-all-windows-to-front: "Application: Bring All Windows To Front"
application:hide: "Application: Hide"
application:hide-other-applications: "Application: Hide Other Applications"
application:minimize: "Application: Minimize"
application:new-file: "Application: New File"
application:new-window: "Application: New Window"
application:open: "Application: Open"
application:open-dev: "Application: Open Dev"
application:open-license: "Application: Open License"
application:open-your-config: "Application: Open Your Config"
application:open-your-init-script: "Application: Open Your Init Script"
application:open-your-keymap: "Application: Open Your Keymap"
application:open-your-snippets: "Application: Open Your Snippets"
application:open-your-stylesheet: "Application: Open Your Stylesheet"
application:quit: "Application: Quit"
application:run-all-specs: "Application: Run All Specs"
application:run-benchmarks: "Application: Run Benchmarks"
application:show-settings: "Application: Show Settings"
application:unhide-all-applications: "Application: Unhide All Applications"
application:zoom: "Application: Zoom"
atom-memolist:toggle: "Atom Memolist: Toggle"
autocomplete:toggle: "Autocomplete: Toggle"
autoflow:reflow-paragraph: "Autoflow: Reflow Paragraph"
bookmarks:view-all: "Bookmarks: View All"
click: null
command-palette:toggle: "Command Palette: Toggle"
contextmenu: null
core:cancel: null
core:close: "Core: Close"
core:copy: null
core:focus-next: "Core: Focus Next"
core:focus-previous: "Core: Focus Previous"
core:paste: null
core:redo: null
core:save: "Core: Save"
core:save-as: "Core: Save As"
core:select-all: null
core:undo: null
cursor:moved: null
dev-live-reload:reload-all: "Dev Live Reload: Reload All"
dragover: null
drop: null
editor:attached: null
editor:grammar-changed: null
feedback:report: "Feedback: Report"
find-and-replace:find-next: "Find And Replace: Find Next"
find-and-replace:find-previous: "Find And Replace: Find Previous"
find-and-replace:replace-all: "Find And Replace: Replace All"
find-and-replace:replace-next: "Find And Replace: Replace Next"
find-and-replace:select-all: "Find And Replace: Select All"
find-and-replace:select-next: "Find And Replace: Select Next"
find-and-replace:show: "Find And Replace: Show"
find-and-replace:show-replace: "Find And Replace: Show Replace"
find-and-replace:use-selection-as-find-pattern: "Find And Replace: Use Selection As Find Pattern"
focus: null
focusout: null
fuzzy-finder:toggle-buffer-finder: "Fuzzy Finder: Toggle Buffer Finder"
fuzzy-finder:toggle-file-finder: "Fuzzy Finder: Toggle File Finder"
fuzzy-finder:toggle-git-status-finder: "Fuzzy Finder: Toggle Git Status Finder"
gist-it:gist-current-file: "Gist It: Gist Current File"
gist-it:gist-open-buffers: "Gist It: Gist Open Buffers"
gist-it:gist-selection: "Gist It: Gist Selection"
glist:delete: "Glist: Delete"
glist:saveGist: "Glist: SaveGist"
glist:toggle: "Glist: Toggle"
glist:update: "Glist: Update"
go-to-line:toggle: "Go To Line: Toggle"
grammar-selector:show: "Grammar Selector: Show"
key-binding-resolver:toggle: "Key Binding Resolver: Toggle"
keydown: null
link:open: "Link: Open"
markdown-preview:toggle: "Markdown Preview: Toggle"
markdown-preview:toggle-break-on-single-newline: "Markdown Preview: Toggle Break On Single Newline"
open-on-github:blame: "Open On GitHub: Blame"
open-on-github:branch-compare: "Open On GitHub: Branch Compare"
open-on-github:copy-url: "Open On GitHub: Copy Url"
open-on-github:file: "Open On GitHub: File"
open-on-github:history: "Open On GitHub: History"
package-generator:generate-package: "Package Generator: Generate Package"
package-generator:generate-syntax-theme: "Package Generator: Generate Syntax Theme"
pane-container:active-pane-item-changed: null
pane:active-item-title-changed: null
pane:attached: null
pane:before-item-destroyed: null
pane:item-added: null
pane:removed: null
pane:reopen-closed-item: "Pane: Reopen Closed Item"
project-find:show: "Project Find: Show"
project-find:show-in-current-directory: "Project Find: Show In Current Directory"
release-notes:show: "Release Notes: Show"
settings-view:change-themes: "Settings View: Change Themes"
settings-view:install-packages: "Settings View: Install Packages"
settings-view:install-themes: "Settings View: Install Themes"
settings-view:open: "Settings View: Open"
settings-view:show-keybindings: "Settings View: Show Keybindings"
show: null
styleguide:show: "Styleguide: Show"
symbols-view:go-to-declaration: "Symbols View: Go To Declaration"
symbols-view:toggle-file-symbols: "Symbols View: Toggle File Symbols"
symbols-view:toggle-project-symbols: "Symbols View: Toggle Project Symbols"
terminal:open: "Terminal: Open"
tern:completion: "Tern: Completion"
tern:start-server: "Tern: Start Server"
timecop:view: "Timecop: View"
tree-view:reveal-active-file: "Tree View: Reveal Active File"
tree-view:show: "Tree View: Show"
tree-view:toggle: "Tree View: Toggle"
tree-view:toggle-focus: "Tree View: Toggle Focus"
tree-view:toggle-side: "Tree View: Toggle Side"
update-package-dependencies:update: "Update Package Dependencies: Update"
welcome:show-welcome-buffer: "Welcome: Show Welcome Buffer"
whitespace:remove-trailing-whitespace: "Whitespace: Remove Trailing Whitespace"
window:decrease-font-size: "Window: Decrease Font Size"
window:focus-next-pane: "Window: Focus Next Pane"
window:focus-pane-above: "Window: Focus Pane Above"
window:focus-pane-below: "Window: Focus Pane Below"
window:focus-pane-on-left: "Window: Focus Pane On Left"
window:focus-pane-on-right: "Window: Focus Pane On Right"
window:focus-previous-pane: "Window: Focus Previous Pane"
window:increase-font-size: "Window: Increase Font Size"
window:install-shell-commands: "Window: Install Shell Commands"
window:reset-font-size: "Window: Reset Font Size"
window:run-package-specs: "Window: Run Package Specs"
window:save-all: "Window: Save All"
window:toggle-auto-indent: "Window: Toggle Auto Indent"
window:toggle-invisibles: "Window: Toggle Invisibles"
window:update-available: null