自動補全 ctrl + space 代碼提示 ctrl + shift + space 智能代碼提示 排錯 Alt+Enter 或者直接點擊變色出錯的地方,就能夠查看解決方案 生成代碼 (code菜單) alt + ins generating constructors, getters/setters ctrl + o/i overriding/implementing ctrl + j Code | Insert Live Template, 預約義的代碼片斷, File | Settings | Editor | Live templates Ctrl+Alt+T Code | Surround With 搜索 Alt+F7 where a particular symbol is used in your project, full-scale Ctrl+F in the current file Ctrl+Shift+F the entire project Shift + Shift search for classes, file, symbols and menu actions all at once as well as navigate to them, If you do not specify any search pattern, PhpStorm just shows a list of recent files where you can navigate to the relevant item by clicking it Ctrl+N navigation to a Class Ctrl+Shift+N navigation to a File Ctrl+Shift+Alt+N navigation to a Symbol Ctrl+B, Ctrl+Click Go To Declaration Ctrl+Alt+B Go to Implementation 測試 Ctrl+Shift+T 建立測試 瀏覽 Ctrl+F12 瀏覽當前類的結構