在NG的ML課程中和西瓜書中都有提到:最佳的數據分類狀況是把數據集分爲三部分,分別爲:訓練集(train set),驗證集(validation set)和測試集(test set)。那麼,驗證集和測試集有什麼區別呢?網絡
訓練集,驗證集,測試集這三個名詞在機器學習領域的文章中很常見,如下是這三個詞的英文解釋。 機器學習
Training set: A set of examples used for learning, which is to fit the parameters [i.e., weights] of the classifier. 學習
Validation set: A set of examples used to tune the parameters [i.e., architecture, not weights] of a classifier, for example to choose the number of hidden units in a neural network. 測試
Test set: A set of examples used only to assess the performance [generalization] of a fully specified classifier. 優化
顯然,training set是用來訓練模型或肯定模型參數的,如ANN中權值等; validation set是用來作模型選擇(model selection),即作模型的最終優化及肯定的,如ANN的結構;而 test set則純粹是爲了測試已經訓練好的模型的推廣能力。it
但實際應用中,通常只將數據集分紅兩類,即training set 和test set,大多數文章並不涉及validation set。 io