Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆



Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆網絡

二、安裝Veritas InfoScale Enterprise


[root@odb01 ~]# /mnt/rhel7_x86_64/installer

Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
選擇Veritas InfoScale Enterprise,安裝完成後不當即進行配置。而後輸入要安裝的主機名,以空格隔開。
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
若是有正式的license輸入便可;若是沒有就使用keyless licensing選項。
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆app


[root@odb01 ~]# /opt/VRTS/install/installer -configure

選擇SF Oracle RAC選項,輸入集羣幾點的主機名,下一步。
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆less

四、配置I/O fencing服務

[root@odb01 ~]# /opt/VRTS/install/installer -fencing

Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
這裏選擇Configure disk based fencing選項。
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆ide

五、配置Oracle OCR和VOTE

在安裝oracle rac以前,必須配置好ocr和vote。能夠建立基於文件系統的,也能夠建立基於裸設備的,這裏使用基於文件系統的ocr和vote。code

[root@odb01 ~]# /opt/VRTS/install/installer -configure

Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆ci


Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆


[root@odb01 ~]# vxdisksetup -if odb01_vmdk0_0
[root@odb01 ~]# vxdg -s init datadg odb01_vmdk0_0=odb01_vmdk0_0
[root@odb01 ~]# vxassist -g datadg make vol01 50G
[root@odb01 ~]# vxassist -g datadg make vol02 50G
[root@odb01 ~]# mkfs -t vxfs -o bsize=8192,largefiles /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/vol01
[root@odb01 ~]# mkfs -t vxfs -o bsize=8192,largefiles /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/vol02
[root@odb01 ~]# mkdir -p /u02/{oradata,archive}  
[root@odb02 ~]# mkdir -p /u02/{oradata,archive}


[root@odb01 ~]# haconf -makerw
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -add rhn_rg
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -modify rhn_rg Parallel 1
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -modify rhn_rg SystemList odb01 0 odb02 1
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -modify rhn_rg AutoStartList odb01 odb02
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -add datadg_rs CVMVolDg rhn_rg
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify datadg_rs CVMDiskGroup datadg
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify datadg_rs  CVMActivation sw
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify datadg_rs  CVMVolume vol01 vol01
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify datadg_rs  NodeList odb01 odb02
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify datadg_rs Critical 0
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -add oradata_mnt CFSMount rhn_rg
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -add archive_mnt CFSMount rhn_rg
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify oradata_mnt MountPoint "/u02/oradata"
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify archive_mnt MountPoint "/u02/archive"
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify oradata_mnt BlockDevice /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/vol01
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify archive_mnt BlockDevice /dev/vx/dsk/datadg/vol02
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify archive_mnt Critical 0
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify oradata_mnt Critical 0
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -enableresources rhn_rg
[root@odb01 ~]# haconf -dump -makero
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -online rhn_rg -any
[root@odb01 ~]# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u02

Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆

九、部署Oracle RAC系統

這裏不詳細描述oracle grid和database的安裝過程,只作如下說明:



[root@odb01 ~]# haconf -makerw
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -add rhn_rs Oracle rhn_rg
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify rhn_rs Owner oracle
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify rhn_rs Home /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify rhn_rs StartUpOpt SRVCTLSTART          
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify rhn_rs ShutDownOpt SRVCTLSTOP
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -local rhn_rs Sid
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify rhn_rs Sid rhndb1 -sys odb01
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify rhn_rs Sid rhndb2 -sys odb02
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -modify rhn_rs Critical 0
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -link oradata_mnt datadg_rs
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -link archive_mnt datadg_rs
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -link rhn_rs oradata_mnt
[root@odb01 ~]# hares -link rhn_rs archive_mnt 
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -link rhn_rg cvm online local firm
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -enableresources rhn_rg
[root@odb01 ~]# haconf -dump -makero
[root@odb01 ~]# hagrp -online rhn_rg -any

Configuring the SF 7.4.1 Oracle RAC cluster隨筆
