//如下是須要用到的js 最好封裝
function startMove(obj, json, fnend) {
clearInterval(obj.timer); //防止定時器疊加
obj.timer = setInterval(function () {
var istrue = true;
for (var key in json) { //key:鍵名 json[key] :鍵值
// console.log(key); //width heigth opacity
var cur = 0; //存初始值
if (key == 'opacity') { //初始值
cur = getstyle(obj, key) * 100; //透明度
} else {
cur = parseInt(getstyle(obj, key)); // 300px 300 width heigth borderwidth px爲單位的
var speed = (json[key] - cur) / 6; //出現小數
speed = speed > 0 ? Math.ceil(speed) : Math.floor(speed); //不要小數部分,沒有這句話或晃動
if (cur != json[key]) { //width 200 heigth 400
istrue = false; //若是沒有達到目標值,開關false
} else {
istrue = true; //true true
if (key == 'opacity') {
obj.style.opacity = (cur + speed) / 100;
obj.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity:' + (cur + speed) + ')';
} else {
obj.style[key] = cur + speed + 'px'; //針對普通屬性 left top height
if (istrue) { //若是爲true,證實以上屬性都達到目標值了
if (fnend) {
}, 30); //obj.timer 每一個對象都有本身定時器
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window.onload = function () {
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var arr = ["美圖1", "美圖2", "美圖3", "美圖4", "美圖5", "美圖6"];
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function next() {
if (now >= bigLi.length) {//大於ul的長度,就將第一張圖片迅速放到最後
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function prev() {
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now = bigLi.length - 1;
function tab() {
//先用再加 翻滾到上面
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//高亮 排他
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li.style.opacity = 0.6;
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startMove(smallLi[now], { "opacity": 100 });
textInf.innerHTML = arr[now];
length.innerHTML = `計算圖片數量${now + 1}/6`;
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<div id="text" class="text">美圖1</div>
<div id="length" class="length">計算圖片數量1/6</div>
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