分割的過程當中, 圖像的輪廓曲線要儘量變得光滑。然而, Snake模型使輪廓線更加平滑的同時不能凹陷, 對初始位置的選取較爲敏感, 極大的增長了模型的不肯定性 。GVF Snake模型, 將梯度力擴展至整個圖像中, 一方面加大了輪廓曲線的動態捕捉能力, 另外一方面克服了Snake模型中輪廓線不能凹陷的缺陷 。GVF Snake模型其外力做用範圍較大,具備雙向驅動輪廓運動的特色。對於一幅圖像,首先使用邊界檢測算子獲取該幅圖像I(x,y)的邊界f(x,y),w(x,y) =[u(x, y) , v(x, y) ] 爲該模型的外力, 則GVF Snake模型的能量泛函可表示爲
clc; clear all; close all; rand('state', 0); warning off all; path([pwd '\\toolbox'], path); filename = 'chest'; % 待處理圖像名稱 % 載入圖像 [I, map] = rawread(sprintf('images\\%s.pgm', filename)); % 計算邊緣圖像 f = 1 - I/255; % GVF處理 [u,v] = GVF(f, 0.1, 80); % 正規化處理 mag = sqrt(u.*u+v.*v); px = u./(mag+1e-10); py = v./(mag+1e-10); % 顯示結果 figure(1); subplot(1, 2, 1); imdisp(I); title('原圖像', 'FontWeight', 'Bold'); subplot(1, 2, 2); imdisp(f); title('邊緣圖像', 'FontWeight', 'Bold'); % 初始邊緣曲線 load(sprintf('.\\images\\%s.mat', filename)); [x,y] = snakeinterp(XSnake,YSnake,2,0.5); subplot(1, 2, 1); hold on; h = plot(x, y, 'r-'); % GVF迭代 load(sprintf('.\\images\\test_%s.mat', filename)); for i=1:25, [x,y] = snakedeform(x,y,alpha,beta,gamma,kappa,fx,fy,5); [x,y] = snakeinterp(x,y,dmax,dmin); set(h, 'XData', x, 'YData', y); title(['迭代過程,迭代次數爲 = ' num2str(i*5)], 'FontWeight', 'Bold') pause(0.2); end title('GVF Snake邊緣提取標記', 'FontWeight', 'Bold') mag = sqrt(u.*u+v.*v); px = u./(mag+1e-10); py = v./(mag+1e-10); % 顯示結果 figure(1); subplot(1, 2, 1); imdisp(I); title('原圖像', 'FontWeight', 'Bold'); subplot(1, 2, 2); imdisp(f); title('邊緣圖像', 'FontWeight', 'Bold'); % 初始邊緣曲線 load(sprintf('.\\images\\%s.mat', filename)); [x,y] = snakeinterp(XSnake,YSnake,2,0.5); % XSnake % YSnake % GVF snake (active contour) toolbox % Version 1.0 17-June-1997 % Copyright (c) 1996-1997 by Chenyang Xu and Jerry L. Prince % % Image input/output % rawread - Read a Portable Bitmap file, or a raw file % rawwrite - Write a Portable Bitmap file, or a raw file % % Image Display % imdisp - Display an image % % Active Contour % snakeinit - Initialize the snake manually % snakedeform - Deform snake in the given external force field % snakedeform2 - Deform snake in the given external force field with % pressure force % snakedisp - Display a snake % snakeinterp - Interpolate the snake adaptively % snakeinterp1 - Interpolate the snake at a fixed resolution % (better implemented than snakeinterp) % % Gradient Vector Flow % GVF - Compute the gradient vector flow field % % Other % dt - Simple distance transform % gaussianBlur - Blurring an image using gaussian kernel % gaussianMask - Generate a discrete gaussian mask
1 matlab版本
2 參考文獻
[1] 蔡利梅.MATLAB圖像處理——理論、算法與實例分析[M].清華大學出版社,2020.