Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART1) node
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART2) shell
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART3) ide
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART4) this
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART5) spa
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART6) 3d
5/10/2018 5:23:01 PM Moving node AZURE\AzureCN-000* from state Provisioning to state Offline
5/10/2018 5:23:01 PM Moving node AZURE\AzureCN-000* from state Provisioning to state Offline
5/10/2018 5:23:00 PM Moving node AZURE\AzureCN-000* from state Provisioning to state Offline
5/10/2018 5:23:00 PM Node AZURE\AzureCN-0004 has become available
5/10/2018 5:23:00 PM Node AZURE\AzureCN-0003 has become available
5/10/2018 5:23:00 PM Node AZURE\AzureCN-0005 has become available
5/10/2018 5:13:00 PM Updating scheduler data for node AZURE\AzureCN-0004
5/10/2018 5:13:00 PM Updating the scheduler configuration for node AZURE\AzureCN-0004
5/10/2018 5:13:00 PM Updating scheduler data for node AZURE\AzureCN-0003
5/10/2018 5:13:00 PM Updating the scheduler configuration for node AZURE\AzureCN-0003
5/10/2018 5:13:00 PM Updating scheduler data for node AZURE\AzureCN-0005
5/10/2018 5:13:00 PM Updating the scheduler configuration for node AZURE\AzureCN-0005
5/10/2018 5:13:00 PM Updating the scheduler configuration for creating deployment bbf25bf7-dfaf-4574-b966-41b27879dd43.
5/10/2018 5:13:00 PM Windows Azure operation succeeded
5/10/2018 5:12:05 PM Waiting for Windows Azure deployment to start
5/10/2018 5:12:05 PM The Operation Id for transitioning Windows Azure deployment to state Running is 9fe3c16cb86476fd8265cbd37a9633a3
5/10/2018 5:12:04 PM Transitioning Windows Azure deployment to the Running state
5/10/2018 5:12:00 PM Windows Azure operation succeeded
5/10/2018 5:10:55 PM Waiting for Windows Azure deployment creation to complete
5/10/2018 5:10:55 PM Configuring HPC cluster storage in Windows Azure
5/10/2018 5:10:54 PM Windows Azure deployment started: bbf25bf7-dfaf-4574-b966-41b27879dd43. Operation Id for this deployment is 44f97c4625f4742e8e67c72d6d55026d
5/10/2018 5:10:54 PM Deployment bbf25bf7-dfaf-4574-b966-41b27879dd43 is locked.
5/10/2018 5:10:49 PM Starting Windows Azure deployment
5/10/2018 5:10:48 PM Uploading HPC cluster certificate to Windows Azure storage
5/10/2018 5:10:47 PM Uploading Windows Azure proxy certificate to the Windows Azure certificate store
5/10/2018 5:10:47 PM The HPC cluster runtime package is present in Windows Azure storage
5/10/2018 5:10:46 PM Skipping *** validation because a *** gateway is not configured in the Windows Azure Virtual Network.
圖86 一個節點的配置日誌日誌
圖87 處於Provisioning狀態的輔助節點orm
在Azure管理門戶中顯示了Azure Paas VM的狀態(圖88-89)blog
圖88 查詢部署階段中Azure計算節點和代理的初始狀態
圖89 在部署階段建立PasS VM
要使節點聯機,請在HPC管理控制檯中選擇處於「 脫機」狀態的節點,右鍵單擊,而後單擊「聯機」(圖90 )。
圖90 使Azure工做節點聯機
工做節點成功啓動後,節點狀態將變爲「 脫機」。
每次啓動一組Windows Azure節點時,Windows Azure都會自動配置兩個(或更多)其餘代理角色實例,以促進HEAD節點與Windows Azure節點之間的通訊(圖91)。設置節點後,在HPC Cluster Manager中顯示。
圖91 從HPC HEAD節點自動配置 HPC代理
圖92 HPC計算代理和HPC Azure工做角色
圖93 具備HEAD節點和三個Azure工做節點的HPC熱圖
若是要在Windows Azure中刪除一組角色實例,請使用HPC羣集管理器中止節點(應用「 中止」操做)。這將從服務中刪除角色實例,並將HPC羣集中工做節點的狀態更改成未部署。
圖94 在Azure雲服務中刪除Azure節點的操做
圖95 中止Azure計算節點的操做
圖96 檢測節點運行狀態
圖97 Azure節點處於未部署狀態
7 參考
使用Microsoft HPC Pack爆發到Windows Azure
Windows Azure的虛擬機和雲服務大小
A8和A9計算密集型實例:HPC Pack快速入門
使用Microsoft HPC Pack設置混合羣集:
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART3)
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART4)
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART7)
Azure HPC Pack配置管理系列(PART8)