1.redis基礎類 package com.qlchat.component.redis.template; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis; import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedisPool; import com.qlchat.component.redis.RedisConnectionFactory; import com.qlchat.component.redis.utils.JsonUtil; public abstract class BasicRedisTemplate { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BasicRedisTemplate.class); protected RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory; public void setConnectionFactory(RedisConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; } protected ShardedJedisPool pool; @PostConstruct protected void initPool() { this.pool = connectionFactory.getConnectionPool(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") protected void closeRedis(ShardedJedis jedis) { if (jedis != null) { try { pool.returnResource(jedis); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error happen when return jedis to pool, try to close it directly.", e); if (jedis != null) { try { jedis.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e1) { } } } } } /** * 刪除key, 若是key存在返回true, 不然返回false。 * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public boolean del(String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.del(key) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * true if the key exists, otherwise false * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean exists(String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.exists(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * set key expired time * * @param key * @param seconds * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean expire(String key, int seconds) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; if (seconds == 0) { return true; } try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.expire(key, seconds) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * * 把object轉換爲json byte array * * @param o * @return */ protected byte[] toJsonByteArray(Object o) { String json = JsonUtil.toJsonString(o) != null ? JsonUtil.toJsonString(o) : ""; return json.getBytes(); } /** * * 把json byte array轉換爲T類型object * * @param b * @param clazz * @return */ protected <T> T fromJsonByteArray(byte[] b, Class<T> clazz) { if (b == null || b.length == 0) { return null; } return JsonUtil.parseJson(new String(b), clazz); } public Long ttl(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.ttl(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } } 2.String類型redis工具類 package com.qlchat.component.redis.template; import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis; import com.qlchat.component.redis.RedisException; public class ValueRedisTemplate extends BasicRedisTemplate { /** * set key-value * * @param key * @param value String * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void set(String key, String value) { set(key, value, 0); } /** * set key-value * * @param key * @param value String * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void set(String key, String value, int ttl) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); jedis.set(key, value); if (ttl > 0) { jedis.expire(key.getBytes(), ttl); } } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * set key-value For Object(NOT String) * * @param key * @param value Object * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void set(String key, Object value) { set(key, value, 0); } /** * set key-value For Object(NOT String) * * @param key * @param value Object * @param ttl int * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void set(String key, Object value, int ttl) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // jedis.set(key.getBytes(), HessianSerializer.serialize(value)); jedis.set(key.getBytes(), toJsonByteArray(value)); if (ttl > 0) { jedis.expire(key.getBytes(), ttl); } } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * set key-value with expired time(s) * * @param key * @param seconds * @param value * @return * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String setex(String key, int seconds, String value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.setex(key, seconds, value); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * set key-value For Object(NOT String) with expired time(s) * * @param key * @param seconds * @param value * @return * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String setex(String key, int seconds, Object value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // return jedis.setex(key.getBytes(), seconds, HessianSerializer.serialize(value)); return jedis.setex(key.getBytes(), seconds, toJsonByteArray(value)); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 若是key還不存在則進行設置,返回true,不然返回false. * * @param key * @param value * @return * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public boolean setnx(String key, String value, int ttl) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Long reply = jedis.setnx(key, value); if(reply == null){ reply = 0L; } if (ttl > 0 && reply.longValue() == 1) { jedis.expire(key, ttl); } return reply.longValue() == 1; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 若是key還不存在則進行設置,返回true,不然返回false. * * @param key * @param value * @return * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public boolean setnx(String key, String value) { return setnx(key, value, 0); } /** * 若是key還不存在則進行設置 For Object,返回true,不然返回false. * * @param key * @param value * @return * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public boolean setnx(String key, Object value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // return jedis.setnx(key.getBytes(), HessianSerializer.serialize(value)) == 1 ? true : false; return jedis.setnx(key.getBytes(), toJsonByteArray(value)) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 若是key還不存在則進行設置 For Object,返回true,不然返回false. * * @param key * @param value * @return * @throws RedisException * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public boolean setnx(String key, Object value, int ttl) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // Long reply = jedis.setnx(key.getBytes(), HessianSerializer.serialize(value)); Long reply = jedis.setnx(key.getBytes(), toJsonByteArray(value)); if (ttl > 0) { jedis.expire(key.getBytes(), ttl); } return reply == 1; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 若是key不存在, 返回null. * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String get(String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.get(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, 若是key不存在, 返回null. * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> T get(String key, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // return (T) HessianSerializer.deserialize(jedis.get(key.getBytes())); return fromJsonByteArray(jedis.get(key.getBytes()), clazz); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 自增 +1 * * @param key * @return 返回自增後結果 * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long incr(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.incr(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 自增 +1 * * @param key key * @param integer 起始值 * @return 返回自增後結果 * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long incrBy(final String key, long integer) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.incrBy(key, integer); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 自減 -1 * * @param key * @return 返回自減後結果 * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long decr(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.decr(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } } Hash類型redis工具類 package com.qlchat.component.redis.template; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis; public class HashRedisTemplate extends BasicRedisTemplate { /** * Set the string value of a hash field * * @param key * @param field * @param value * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean hset(final String key, final String field, final String value) { return hset(key, field, value, 0); } /** * Set the string value of a hash field * * @param key * @param field * @param value * @param ttl * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean hset(final String key, final String field, final String value, final int ttl) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Long reply = jedis.hset(key, field, value); if (ttl > 0) { jedis.expire(key, ttl); } return reply == 1; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Set the Object value of a hash field * * @param key * @param field * @param value * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean hset(final String key, final String field, final Object value) { return hset(key, field, value, 0); } /** * Set the Object value of a hash field * * @param key * @param field * @param value * @param ttl * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean hset(final String key, final String field, final Object value, final int ttl) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Long reply = jedis.hset(key.getBytes(), field.getBytes(), toJsonByteArray(value)); if (ttl > 0) { jedis.expire(key, ttl); } return reply == 1; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get the value of a hash field * * @param key * @param field * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String hget(final String key, final String field) { return hget(key, field, 0); } /** * Get the value of a hash field * * @param key * @param field * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String hget(final String key, final String field, int ttl) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); String res = jedis.hget(key, field); if (ttl > 0) { jedis.expire(key, ttl); } return res; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get the value of a hash field * * @param key * @param field * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> T hget(final String key, final String field, final Class<T> clazz) { return hget(key, field, clazz, 0); } /** * Get the value of a hash field * * @param key * @param field * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> T hget(final String key, final String field, final Class<T> clazz, final int ttl) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); T res = fromJsonByteArray(jedis.hget(key.getBytes(), field.getBytes()), clazz); if (ttl > 0) { this.expire(key, ttl); } return res; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Delete one or more hash fields * * @param key * @param fields * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean hdel(final String key, final String... fields) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hdel(key, fields) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Check if a hash field exists * * @param key * @param field * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean hexists(final String key, final String field) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hexists(key, field); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get all the fields and values in a hash * 當Hash較大時候,慎用! * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Map<String, String> hgetAll(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hgetAll(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get all the fields and values in a hash * 當Hash較大時候,慎用! * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Map<String, Object> hgetAllObject(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Map<byte[], byte[]> byteMap = jedis.hgetAll(key.getBytes()); if (byteMap != null && byteMap.size() > 0) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (Entry<byte[], byte[]> e : byteMap.entrySet()) { map.put(new String(e.getKey()), fromJsonByteArray(e.getValue(), Object.class)); } return map; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get all the fields and values in a hash * 當Hash較大時候,慎用! * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> Map<String, T> hgetAllObject(final String key, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Map<byte[], byte[]> byteMap = jedis.hgetAll(key.getBytes()); if (byteMap != null && byteMap.size() > 0) { Map<String, T> map = new HashMap<String, T>(); for (Entry<byte[], byte[]> e : byteMap.entrySet()) { map.put(new String(e.getKey()), fromJsonByteArray(e.getValue(), clazz)); } return map; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get the values of all the given hash fields. * * @param key * @param fields * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public List<String> hmget(final String key, final String... fields) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hmget(key, fields); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * * Get the value of a mulit fields * * @param key * @param ttl * @param fields * @return * @since Wifi 1.0 */ public Map<String, Object> hmgetObject(final String key, final int ttl, final String... fields) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { if (null == fields) { return null; } jedis = pool.getResource(); List<byte[]> byteList = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); for (String field : fields) { byteList.add(field.getBytes()); } List<byte[]> resBytes = jedis.hmget(key.getBytes(), byteList.toArray(new byte[byteList.size()][])); Map<String, Object> resMap = null; if (null != resBytes) { resMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < resBytes.size(); i++) { resMap.put(fields[i], fromJsonByteArray(resBytes.get(i), Object.class)); } } if (ttl > 0) { this.expire(key, ttl); } return resMap; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * * Get the value of a mulit fields * * @param key * @param ttl * @param fields * @return * @since Wifi 1.0 */ public Map<String, Object> hmgetObject(final String key, final String... fields) { return hmgetObject(key, 0, fields); } /** * Set multiple hash fields to multiple values. * * @param key * @param hash * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String hmset(final String key, final Map<String, String> hash) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hmset(key, hash); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Set multiple hash fields to multiple values. * * @param key * @param hash * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String hmsetObject(final String key, final Map<String, Object> hash) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Map<byte[], byte[]> byteMap = new HashMap<byte[], byte[]>(hash.size()); for (Entry<String, Object> e : hash.entrySet()) { byteMap.put(e.getKey().getBytes(), toJsonByteArray(e.getValue())); } return jedis.hmset(key.getBytes(), byteMap); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Increment the integer value of a hash field by the given number. * * @param key * @param field * @param value * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long hincrBy(final String key, final String field, final long value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hincrBy(key, field, value); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get all the fields in a hash. * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<String> hkeys(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hkeys(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get all the fields in a hash. * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> Set<T> hkeys(final String key, final Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<byte[]> set = jedis.hkeys(key.getBytes()); Set<T> objectSet = new HashSet<T>(); if (set != null && set.size() != 0) { for (byte[] b : set) { objectSet.add(fromJsonByteArray(b, clazz)); } } return objectSet; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get the number of fields in a hash. * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long hlen(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hlen(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public Long hsetnx(final String key, final String field, final String value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.hsetnx(key, field, value); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } } List基礎類型工具類 package com.qlchat.component.redis.template; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis; public class ListRedisTemplate extends BasicRedisTemplate { /** * Prepend one or multiple values to a list * * @param key * @param values * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void lpush(String key, String... values) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; if (values == null) { return; } try { jedis = pool.getResource(); jedis.lpush(key, values); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object,Prepend one or multiple values to a list * * @param key * @param values * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void lpush(String key, Object... values) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; if (values == null) { return; } try { jedis = pool.getResource(); byte[][] strings = new byte[values.length][]; for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { // strings[j] = HessianSerializer.serialize(values[j]); strings[j] = toJsonByteArray(values[j]); } jedis.lpush(key.getBytes(), strings); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For single Object,Prepend one or multiple values to a list * * @param key * @param values * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void lpushForObject(String key, Object value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; if (value == null) { return; } try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // jedis.lpush(key.getBytes(), HessianSerializer.serialize(value)); jedis.lpush(key.getBytes(), toJsonByteArray(value)); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For single Object,Prepend one or multiple values to a list * * @param key * @param values * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void rpushForObject(String key, Object value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; if (value == null) { return; } try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // jedis.rpush(key.getBytes(), HessianSerializer.serialize(value)); jedis.rpush(key.getBytes(), toJsonByteArray(value)); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Append one or multiple values to a list * * @param key * @param values * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void rpush(String key, String... values) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; if (values == null) { return; } try { jedis = pool.getResource(); jedis.rpush(key, values); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Append one or multiple values to a list * * @param key * @param values * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public void rpush(String key, Object... values) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; if (values == null) { return; } try { jedis = pool.getResource(); byte[][] strings = new byte[values.length][]; for (int j = 0; j < values.length; j++) { // strings[j] = HessianSerializer.serialize(values[j]); strings[j] = toJsonByteArray(values[j]); } jedis.rpush(key.getBytes(), strings); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Remove and get the last element in a list * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String rpop(String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.rpop(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Remove and get the last element in a list * * @param key * @param clazz * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> T rpop(String key, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // return (T) HessianSerializer.deserialize(jedis.rpop(key.getBytes())); return fromJsonByteArray(jedis.rpop(key.getBytes()), clazz); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Remove and get the first element in a list * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public String lpop(String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.lpop(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Remove and get the first element in a list * * @param key * @param clazz * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> T lpop(String key, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // return (T) HessianSerializer.deserialize(jedis.lpop(key.getBytes())); return fromJsonByteArray(jedis.lpop(key.getBytes()), clazz); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get the length of a list * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long llen(String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.llen(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 刪除List中的等於value的元素 * * count = 1 :刪除第一個; count = 0 :刪除全部; count = -1:刪除最後一個; * * @param key * @param count * @param value * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long lrem(String key, long count, String value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.lrem(key, count, value); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * FOR Object, 刪除List中的等於value的元素 * * count = 1 :刪除第一個; count = 0 :刪除全部; count = -1:刪除最後一個; * * @param key * @param count * @param value * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long lrem(String key, long count, Object value) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // return jedis.lrem(key.getBytes(), count, HessianSerializer.serialize(value)); return jedis.lrem(key.getBytes(), count, toJsonByteArray(value)); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get a range of elements from a list. * <P> * For example LRANGE foobar 0 2 will return the first three elements of the list. * </p> * <P> * For example LRANGE foobar -1 -2 will return the last two elements of the list. * </p> * * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public List<String> lrange(String key, long start, long end) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.lrange(key, start, end); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Get a range of elements from a list. * <P> * For example LRANGE foobar 0 2 will return the first three elements of the list. * </p> * <P> * For example LRANGE foobar -1 -2 will return the last two elements of the list. * </p> * * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> List<T> lrange(String key, long start, long end, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); List<byte[]> list = jedis.lrange(key.getBytes(), start, end); if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { List<T> results = new ArrayList<>(); for (byte[] bytes : list) { results.add(fromJsonByteArray(bytes, clazz)); } return results; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public String ltrim(String key, long start, long end) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.ltrim(key, start, end); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } } set基礎類型工具類 package com.qlchat.component.redis.template; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis; /** * * <b><code>SetRedisTemplate</code></b> * <p> * Set 數據結構的經常使用方法封裝,支持Object 類型 * </p> * <b>Creation Time:</b> 2016年10月12日 下午5:51:46 * */ public class SetRedisTemplate extends BasicRedisTemplate { /** * Add one or more members to a set * * @param key * @param members * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean sadd(final String key, final String... members) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.sadd(key, members) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Add one or more members to a set * * @param key * @param ttl * @param members * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean sadd(final String key,int ttl, final String... members) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Boolean ret = jedis.sadd(key, members) == 1 ? true : false; if (ret && ttl > 0) { jedis.expire(key, ttl); } return ret; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Add one or more members to a set * * @param key * @param members * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean sadd(final String key, final Object... members) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); byte[][] strings = new byte[members.length][]; for (int j = 0; j < members.length; j++) { strings[j] = toJsonByteArray(members[j]); } return jedis.sadd(key.getBytes(), strings) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Remove one or more members from a set * * @param key * @param members * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean srem(final String key, final String... members) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.srem(key, members) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Remove one or more members from a set * * @param key * @param members * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean srem(final String key, final Object... members) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); byte[][] strings = new byte[members.length][]; for (int j = 0; j < members.length; j++) { strings[j] = toJsonByteArray(members[j]); } return jedis.srem(key.getBytes(), strings) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get all the members in a set. * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<String> smembers(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.smembers(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Get all the members in a set. * * @param key * @param clazz * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> Set<T> smembers(final String key, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<byte[]> tempSet = jedis.smembers(key.getBytes()); if (tempSet != null && tempSet.size() > 0) { TreeSet<T> result = new TreeSet<T>(); for (byte[] value : tempSet) { result.add(fromJsonByteArray(value, clazz)); } return result; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get all the members is number in a set. * * @param key * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long scard(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.scard(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * true if the meber exists in a set,else false * * @param key * @param member * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean sismember(final String key, final String member) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.sismember(key, member); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public String spop(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.spop(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public List<String> srandmember(final String key,final int count) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.srandmember(key, count); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } } Zset工具類 package com.qlchat.component.redis.template; import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON; import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis; import redis.clients.jedis.Tuple; import java.util.*; /** * * <b><code>ZSetRedisTemplate</code></b> * <p> * Sorted Sets 數據結構的經常使用方法封裝,支持Object 類型 * </p> * <b>Creation Time:</b> 2016年10月12日 下午5:54:09 * @author abin.yao * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public class ZSetRedisTemplate extends BasicRedisTemplate { /** * 加入Sorted set, 若是member在Set裏已存在, 只更新score並返回false, 不然返回true. * * @param key * @param member * @param score * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean zadd(String key, double score, String member) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zadd(key, score, member) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 加入Sorted set, 若是member在Set裏已存在, 只更新score並返回false, 不然返回true. * * @param key * @param member * @param score * @param ttl 過時時間,秒 * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean zadd(final String key,final double score,final int ttl,final String member) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Boolean ret = jedis.zadd(key, score, member) == 1 ? true : false; if (ret && ttl > 0) { jedis.expire(key, ttl); } return ret; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, 加入Sorted set, 若是member在Set裏已存在, 只更新score並返回false, 不然返回true. * * @param key * @param member * @param score * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean zadd(String key, double score, Object member) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // return jedis.zadd(key.getBytes(), score, HessianSerializer.serialize(member)) == 1 ? true : false; return jedis.zadd(key.getBytes(), score, toJsonByteArray(member)) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index. Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<String> zrange(String key, long start, long end) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrange(key, start, end); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index.Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> List<T> zrange(String key, long start, long end, Class<T> clazz) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<byte[]> tempSet = jedis.zrange(key.getBytes(), start, end); if (tempSet != null && tempSet.size() > 0) { for (byte[] value : tempSet) { // result.add((T) HessianSerializer.deserialize(value)); result.add(fromJsonByteArray(value, clazz)); } return result; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index. Ordered from the highest to the lowest score. * * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return Ordered from the highest to the lowest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<String> zrevrange(String key, long start, long end) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrevrange(key, start, end); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Return a range of members in a sorted set, by index. Ordered from the highest to the lowest score. * * @param key * @param start * @param end * @param clazz * @return Ordered from the highest to the lowest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> List<T> zrevrange(String key, long start, long end, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<byte[]> tempSet = jedis.zrevrange(key.getBytes(), start, end); if (tempSet != null && tempSet.size() > 0) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (byte[] value : tempSet) { // result.add((T) HessianSerializer.deserialize(value)); result.add(fromJsonByteArray(value, clazz)); } return result; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between * min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max). * * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<String> zrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrangeByScore(key, min, max); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between * min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max). * * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> Set<T> zrangeHashSetByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<byte[]> tempSet = jedis.zrangeByScore(key.getBytes(), min, max); if (tempSet != null && tempSet.size() > 0) { HashSet<T> result = new HashSet<T>(); for (byte[] value : tempSet) { // result.add((T) HessianSerializer.deserialize(value)); result.add(fromJsonByteArray(value, clazz)); } return result; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between * min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max). * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return Ordered from the highest to the lowest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<String> zrevrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between * min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max). * * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public <T> List<T> zrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<byte[]> tempSet = jedis.zrangeByScore(key.getBytes(), min, max); if (tempSet != null && tempSet.size() > 0) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (byte[] value : tempSet) { result.add(fromJsonByteArray(value, clazz)); } return result; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public <T> List<T> zrangeByScore(final String key, final double min, final double max, final int offset, final int count, Class<T> clazz) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<byte[]> tempSet = jedis.zrangeByScore(key.getBytes(), min, max, offset, count); if (tempSet != null && tempSet.size() > 0) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (byte[] value : tempSet) { result.add(fromJsonByteArray(value, clazz)); } return result; } return null; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index. Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<Tuple> zrangeWithScores(final String key, final long start, final long end) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrangeWithScores(key, start, end); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Return a range of members with scores in a sorted set, by index. Ordered from the highest to the lowest score. * * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeWithScores(final String key, final long start, final long end) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrevrangeWithScores(key, start, end); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between * min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max). Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return Ordered from the lowest to the highest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max, final int offset, final int count) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Return the all the elements in the sorted set at key with a score between * min and max (including elements with score equal to min or max). Ordered from the highest to the lowest score. * * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return Ordered from the highest to the lowest score. * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final String key, final double min, final double max, final int offset, final int count) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Remove one or more members from a sorted set * * @param key * @param members * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean zrem(final String key, final String... members) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrem(key, members) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For Object, Remove one or more members from a sorted set * * @param key * @param members * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Boolean zrem(final String key, final Object... members) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); byte[][] strings = new byte[members.length][]; for (int j = 0; j < members.length; j++) { // strings[j] = HessianSerializer.serialize(members[j]); strings[j] = toJsonByteArray(members[j]); } return jedis.zrem(key.getBytes(), strings) == 1 ? true : false; } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get the score associated with the given member in a sorted set * * @param key * @param member * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Double zscore(final String key, final String member) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zscore(key, member); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * For ObjecGet the score associated with the given member in a sorted set * * @param key * @param member * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Double zscore(final String key, final Object member) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); // return jedis.zscore(key.getBytes(), HessianSerializer.serialize(member)); return jedis.zscore(key.getBytes(), toJsonByteArray(member)); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Remove all elements in the sorted set at key with rank between start and * end. Start and end are 0-based with rank 0 being the element with the * lowest score. Both start and end can be negative numbers, where they * indicate offsets starting at the element with the highest rank. For * example: -1 is the element with the highest score, -2 the element with * the second highest score and so forth. * <p> * <b>Time complexity:</b> O(log(N))+O(M) with N being the number of * elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements removed by the * operation * @param key * @param start * @param end * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long zremrangeByRank(String key, long start, long end) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zremrangeByRank(key, start, end); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * * Get the length of a sorted set * * @param key * @param min * @param max * @return * @since qlchat 1.0 */ public Long zcount(final String key, final double min, final double max) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zcount(key, min, max); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * Get the number of members in a sorted set * @param key key * @return Long */ public Long zcard(final String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zcard(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public <T> List<T> zrevrangeByScore(String key, double max, double min, Class<T> clazz) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<String> sets = jedis.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min); if (null == sets || sets.size() == 0) { return result; } for (String s : sets) { result.add(JSON.parseObject(s, clazz)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(jedis != null) {jedis.close();} } return result; } public <T> List<T> zrevrangeByScore(String key, double max, double min, int offset, int count, Class<T> clazz) { List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(); ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<String> sets = jedis.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count); if (null == sets || sets.size() == 0) { return result; } for (String s : sets) { result.add(JSON.parseObject(s, clazz)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(jedis != null) {jedis.close();} } return result; } public List<String> zrevrangeByScore(String key, double max, double min, int offset, int count) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); Set<String> sets = jedis.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count); if (null == sets || sets.size() == 0) { return result; } for (String s : sets) { result.add(s); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(jedis != null) {jedis.close();} } return result; } public Set<String> zrangeByScore(String key, double max, double min, int offset, int count) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public Long zremrangeByScore(String key, double start, double end) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try { jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.zremrangeByScore(key, start, end); }finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } public Map<String,Object> zrevrankWithScore(String key,String element){ ShardedJedis jedis = null; Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<>(); try{ Long rankIndex = jedis.zrevrank(key,element); Double score = jedis.zscore(key,element); if(rankIndex != null && score >0){ map.put("rank",rankIndex+1); map.put("score",score); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); }finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } return map; } } HyperLogLog模板 package com.qlchat.component.redis.template; import redis.clients.jedis.ShardedJedis; /** * HyperLogLog模板 * Created by liujunjie on 16-12-15. */ public class HyperLogLogTemplate extends BasicRedisTemplate { /** * 添加 * @param key key * @param elements 元素 */ public Long pfadd(String key, String... elements) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try{ jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.pfadd(key, elements); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } /** * 統計 * @param key key * @return long */ public long pfcount(String key) { ShardedJedis jedis = null; try{ jedis = pool.getResource(); return jedis.pfcount(key); } finally { this.closeRedis(jedis); } } }