Alink 是阿里巴巴基於實時計算引擎 Flink 研發的新一代機器學習算法平臺,是業界首個同時支持批式算法、流式算法的機器學習平臺。TF-IDF(term frequency–inverse document frequency)是一種用於信息檢索與數據挖掘的經常使用加權技術。本文將爲你們展示Alink如何實現TF-IDF。java
TF-IDF(term frequency–inverse document frequency)是一種統計方法,一種用於信息檢索與數據挖掘的經常使用加權技術。git
TF是詞頻(Term Frequency),IDF是逆文本頻率指數(Inverse Document Frequency)。github
TF-IDF其實是:TF * IDF,TF詞頻(Term Frequency),IDF逆向文件頻率(Inverse Document Frequency)。app
詞頻(term frequency,TF)指的是某一個給定的詞語在該文件中出現的頻率。這個數字是對詞數(term count)的歸一化,以防止它偏向長的文件(同一個詞語在長文件裏可能會比短文件有更高的詞數,而無論該詞語重要與否)。框架
而IDF逆向文件頻率 (inverse document frequency, IDF)反應了一個詞在全部文本(整個文檔)中出現的頻率,若是一個詞在不少的文本中出現,那麼它的IDF值應該低。而反過來若是一個詞在比較少的文本中出現,那麼它的IDF值應該高。好比一些專業的名詞如「Machine Learning」。這樣的詞IDF值應該高。一個極端的狀況,若是一個詞在全部的文本中都出現,那麼它的IDF值應該爲0。機器學習
若是單單以TF或者IDF來計算一個詞的重要程度都是片面的,所以TF-IDF綜合了TF和IDF二者的優勢,用以評估一字詞對於一個文件集或一個語料庫中的其中一份文件的重要程度。字詞的重要性隨着它在文件中出現的次數成正比增長,但同時會隨着它在語料庫中出現的頻率成反比降低。上述引用總結就是:一個詞語在一篇文章中出現次數越多, 同時在全部文檔中出現次數越少, 越可以表明該文章,越能與其它文章區分開來。ide
其中 N_w 是在某一文本中詞條w出現的次數,N 是該文本總詞條數。
其中 Y 是語料庫的文檔總數,Y_w 是包含詞條w的文檔數,分母加一是爲了不w 未出如今任何文檔中從而致使分母爲0 的狀況。
TF-IDF 就是將TF和IDF相乘 :
public class DocCountVectorizerExample { AlgoOperator getData(boolean isBatch) { Row[] rows = new Row[]{ Row.of(0, "二手舊書:醫學電磁成像"), Row.of(1, "二手美國文學選讀( 下冊 )李宜燮南開大學出版社 9787310003969"), Row.of(2, "二手正版圖解象棋入門/謝恩思主編/華齡出版社"), Row.of(3, "二手中國糖尿病文獻索引"), Row.of(4, "二手郁達夫文集( 國內版 )全十二冊館藏書") }; String[] schema = new String[]{"id", "text"}; if (isBatch) { return new MemSourceBatchOp(rows, schema); } else { return new MemSourceStreamOp(rows, schema); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { DocCountVectorizerExample test = new DocCountVectorizerExample(); BatchOperator batchData = (BatchOperator) test.getData(true); // 分詞 SegmentBatchOp segment = new SegmentBatchOp() .setSelectedCol("text") .linkFrom(batchData); // TF-IDF訓練 DocCountVectorizerTrainBatchOp model = new DocCountVectorizerTrainBatchOp() .setSelectedCol("text") .linkFrom(segment); // TF-IDF預測 DocCountVectorizerPredictBatchOp predictBatch = new DocCountVectorizerPredictBatchOp() .setSelectedCol("text") .linkFrom(model, segment); model.print(); predictBatch.print(); } }
model_id|model_info --------|---------- 0|{"minTF":"1.0","featureType":"\"WORD_COUNT\""} 1048576|{"f0":"二手","f1":0.0,"f2":0} 2097152|{"f0":"/","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":1} 3145728|{"f0":"出版社","f1":0.6931471805599453,"f2":2} 4194304|{"f0":")","f1":0.6931471805599453,"f2":3} 5242880|{"f0":"(","f1":0.6931471805599453,"f2":4} 6291456|{"f0":"入門","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":5} ...... 36700160|{"f0":"美國","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":34} 37748736|{"f0":"謝恩","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":35} 38797312|{"f0":"象棋","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":36}
id|text --|---- 0|$37$0:1.0 6:1.0 10:1.0 25:1.0 26:1.0 28:1.0 1|$37$0:1.0 1:1.0 2:1.0 4:1.0 11:1.0 15:1.0 16:1.0 19:1.0 20:1.0 32:1.0 34:1.0 2|$37$0:1.0 3:2.0 4:1.0 5:1.0 8:1.0 22:1.0 23:1.0 24:1.0 29:1.0 35:1.0 36:1.0 3|$37$0:1.0 12:1.0 27:1.0 31:1.0 33:1.0 4|$37$0:1.0 1:1.0 2:1.0 7:1.0 9:1.0 13:1.0 14:1.0 17:1.0 18:1.0 21:1.0 30:1.0
中文分詞(Chinese Word Segmentation) 指的是將一個漢字序列切分紅一個一個單獨的詞。分詞就是將連續的字序列按照必定的規範從新組合成詞序列的過程。
SegmentBatchOp segment = new SegmentBatchOp() .setSelectedCol("text") .linkFrom(batchData);
public final class SegmentBatchOp extends MapBatchOp <SegmentBatchOp> implements SegmentParams <SegmentBatchOp> { public SegmentBatchOp(Params params) { super(SegmentMapper::new, params); } } public class SegmentMapper extends SISOMapper { private JiebaSegmenter segmentor; }
來 完成分詞。具體是在的基礎上稍微作了調整。
public class JiebaSegmenter implements Serializable { private static FinalSeg finalSeg = FinalSeg.getInstance(); private WordDictionary wordDict; ...... private Map<Integer, List<Integer>> createDAG(String sentence) }
createDAG函數的做用是 :在處理句子過程當中,基於前綴詞典實現高效的詞圖掃描,生成句子中漢字全部可能成詞狀況所構成的有向無環圖 (DAG)。
結巴分詞對於未登陸詞,採用了基於漢字成詞能力的 HMM 模型,使用了 Viterbi 算法。
分詞過程主要是在SegmentMapper.mapColumn函數中完成的,當輸入是 "二手舊書:醫學電磁成像",結巴分詞將這個句子分紅了六個單詞。具體參見以下:
input = "二手舊書:醫學電磁成像" tokens = {ArrayList@9619} size = 6 0 = {SegToken@9630} "[二手, 0, 2]" 1 = {SegToken@9631} "[舊書, 2, 4]" 2 = {SegToken@9632} "[:, 4, 5]" 3 = {SegToken@9633} "[醫學, 5, 7]" 4 = {SegToken@9634} "[電磁, 7, 9]" 5 = {SegToken@9635} "[成像, 9, 11]" mapColumn:44, SegmentMapper ( apply:-1, 35206803 ($$Lambda$646) handleMap:75, SISOColsHelper ( map:52, SISOMapper ( map:21, MapperAdapter ( map:11, MapperAdapter ( collect:79, ChainedMapDriver (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.chaining) collect:35, CountingCollector (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators.util.metrics) invoke:196, DataSourceTask (org.apache.flink.runtime.operators)
訓練是在DocCountVectorizerTrainBatchOp類完成的,其經過linkFrom完成了模型的構建。其實計算TF IDF相對 簡單,複雜之處在於以後的大規模排序。
public DocCountVectorizerTrainBatchOp linkFrom(BatchOperator<?>... inputs) { BatchOperator<?> in = checkAndGetFirst(inputs); DataSet<DocCountVectorizerModelData> resDocCountModel = generateDocCountModel(getParams(), in); DataSet<Row> res = resDocCountModel.mapPartition(new MapPartitionFunction<DocCountVectorizerModelData, Row>() { @Override public void mapPartition(Iterable<DocCountVectorizerModelData> modelDataList, Collector<Row> collector) { new DocCountVectorizerModelDataConverter().save(modelDataList.iterator().next(), collector); } }); this.setOutput(res, new DocCountVectorizerModelDataConverter().getModelSchema()); return this; }
計算 IDF 的工做是在generateDocCountModel完成的,具體步驟以下:
第一步 經過DocWordSplitCount和UDTF的混合使用獲得了文檔中的單詞數目docWordCnt。
BatchOperator<?> docWordCnt = in.udtf( params.get(SELECTED_COL), new String[] {WORD_COL_NAME, DOC_WORD_COUNT_COL_NAME}, new DocWordSplitCount(NLPConstant.WORD_DELIMITER), new String[] {});
map = {HashMap@9816} size = 6 "醫學" -> {Long@9833} 1 "電磁" -> {Long@9833} 1 ":" -> {Long@9833} 1 "成像" -> {Long@9833} 1 "舊書" -> {Long@9833} 1 "二手" -> {Long@9833} 1
第二步 獲得了文檔數目docCnt
BatchOperator docCnt ="COUNT(1) AS " + DOC_COUNT_COL_NAME);
這個數目會廣播出去 .withBroadcastSet(docCnt.getDataSet(), "docCnt");,
後面的CalcIdf會繼續使用,進行 行數統計。
第三步 會經過CalcIdf計算出每個單詞的DF和IDF。
double idf = Math.log((1.0 + docCnt) / (1.0 + df)); collector.collect(Row.of(featureName, -wordCount, idf));
df = 1.0 wordCount = 1.0 featureName = "中國" idf = 1.0986122886681098 docCnt = 5
這裏一個重點是:返回值中,是 -wordCount,由於單詞越多權重越小,爲了比較因此取負。
Tuple2<DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Row>>, DataSet<Tuple2<Integer, Long>>> partitioned = SortUtils.pSort(sortInput, 1);
* reference: Yang, X. (2014). Chong gou da shu ju tong ji (1st ed., pp. 25-29). * Note: This algorithm is improved on the base of the parallel sorting by regular sampling(PSRS).
* @return f0: dataset which is indexed by partition id, f1: dataset which has partition id and count.
DataSet <Tuple2 <Object, Integer>> splitPoints = input .mapPartition(new SampleSplitPoint(index)) .reduceGroup(new SplitPointReducer());
public static Long genSampleIndex(Long splitPointIdx, Long count, Long splitPointSize) { splitPointIdx++; splitPointSize++; Long div = count / splitPointSize; Long mod = count % splitPointSize; return div * splitPointIdx + ((mod > splitPointIdx) ? splitPointIdx : mod) - 1; }
allValues = {ArrayList@10264} size = 8 //本task有多少單詞 0 = {Double@10266} -2.0 1 = {Double@10271} -1.0 2 = {Double@10272} -1.0 3 = {Double@10273} -1.0 4 = {Double@10274} -1.0 5 = {Double@10275} -1.0 6 = {Double@10276} -1.0 7 = {Double@10277} -1.0 splitPoints = {ArrayList@10265} size = 7 //採樣了7個 0 = {Double@10266} -2.0 1 = {Double@10271} -1.0 2 = {Double@10272} -1.0 3 = {Double@10273} -1.0 4 = {Double@10274} -1.0 5 = {Double@10275} -1.0 6 = {Double@10276} -1.0
最後返回採樣數據,返回時候附帶當前taskIDnew Tuple2 <Object, Integer>(obj,taskId)
for (Object obj : splitPoints) { Tuple2 <Object, Integer> cur = new Tuple2 <Object, Integer>( obj, taskId); //這裏返回的是相似 (-5.0,2) :其中2就是task id,-5.0是-wordcount。 out.collect(cur); } out.collect(new Tuple2( getRuntimeContext().getNumberOfParallelSubtasks(), -taskId - 1));//這裏返回的是一個特殊元素,相似(4,-2) :其中4是本應用中並行task數目,-2是當前-taskId - 1。這個task數目後續就會用到。
row = {Row@10211} "中國,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" fields = {Object[3]@10214} cur = {Tuple2@10286} "(-5.0,2)" // 返回採樣數據,返回時候附帶當前taskID f0 = {Double@10285} -5.0 // -wordcount。 f1 = {Integer@10300} 2 // 當前taskID
這裏實際上是有一個轉換,就是從正常單詞的抽樣 轉換到 某一類單詞的抽樣,這某一類的意思舉例是:出現次數爲一,或者出現次數爲五 這種單詞。
這裏all是全部採樣數據,其中一個元素內容舉例 (-5.0,2) :其中2就是task id,-5.0是-wordcount。
這裏用 Collections.sort(all, new PairComparator());
來對全部採樣數據作排序。排序基準是首先對 -wordcount,而後對task ID。
SplitPointReducer的返回採樣數值就做爲廣播變量存儲起來:.withBroadcastSet(splitPoints, "splitPoints");
for (Tuple2 <Object, Integer> value : values) { if (value.f1 < 0) { instanceCount = (int) value.f0; // 特殊數據,相似(4,-2) :其中4是本應用中task數目,這個就是後續選擇哪些taskid的基準 continue; } all.add(new Tuple2 <>(value.f0, value.f1)); // (-5.0,2) 正常數據 }
選擇sample index splitPoints.add(allValues.get(index));
for (int i = 0; i < splitPointSize; ++i) { int index = genSampleIndex( Long.valueOf(i), Long.valueOf(count), Long.valueOf(splitPointSize)) .intValue(); spliters.add(all.get(index)); } for (Tuple2 <Object, Integer> spliter : spliters) { out.collect(spliter); } count = 33 all = {ArrayList@10245} size = 33 // 全部採樣數據, 0 = {Tuple2@10256} "(-5.0,2)"// 2就是task id,-5.0是-wordcount。 1 = {Tuple2@10285} "(-2.0,0)" ...... 6 = {Tuple2@10239} "(-1.0,0)" 7 = {Tuple2@10240} "(-1.0,0)" 8 = {Tuple2@10241} "(-1.0,0)" 9 = {Tuple2@10242} "(-1.0,0)" 10 = {Tuple2@10243} "(-1.0,0)" 11 = {Tuple2@10244} "(-1.0,1)" ...... 16 = {Tuple2@10278} "(-1.0,1)" ...... 24 = {Tuple2@10279} "(-1.0,2)" ...... 32 = {Tuple2@10313} "(-1.0,3)" // spliters是返回結果,這裏分別選取了all中index爲8,16,24這個三個record。每一個task都選擇了一個元素。 spliters = {HashSet@10246} size = 3 0 = {Tuple2@10249} "(-1.0,0)" // task 0 被選擇。就是說,這裏從task 0中選擇了一個count是1的元素,具體選擇哪一個單詞其實不重要,就是爲了選擇count是1的這種便可。 1 = {Tuple2@10250} "(-1.0,1)" // task 1 被選擇。具體同上。 2 = {Tuple2@10251} "(-1.0,2)" // task 2 被選擇。具體同上。
use binary search to partition data into sorted subsets。前面函數給出的是詞的count,可是沒有IDF。這裏將用二分法查找 找到IDF,而後把IDF插入到partition data中。
首先要注意一點:splitData的輸入就是原始輸入input, 和splitPoints的輸入是同樣 的。
DataSet <Tuple2 <Integer, Row>> splitData = input .mapPartition(new SplitData(index)) .withBroadcastSet(splitPoints, "splitPoints");
open函數中會取出廣播變量 splitPoints。
splitPoints = {ArrayList@10248} size = 3 0 = {Tuple2@10257} "(-1.0,0)" 1 = {Tuple2@10258} "(-1.0,1)" 2 = {Tuple2@10259} "(-1.0,2)"
row = {Row@10232} "入門,-1.0,1.0986122886681098"
會在splitPoints中二分法查找,獲得splits中每個 sample 對應的真實IDF。而後發送出去。
splitPoints = {ArrayList@10223} size = 3 0 = {Tuple2@10229} "(-1.0,0)" 1 = {Tuple2@10230} "(-1.0,1)" 2 = {Tuple2@10231} "(-1.0,2)" curTuple.f0 = {Double@10224} -1.0 int bsIndex = Collections.binarySearch(splitPoints, curTuple, new PairComparator()); int curIndex; if (bsIndex >= 0) { curIndex = bsIndex; } else { curIndex = -bsIndex - 1; } // 假設單詞是 "入門",則發送的是 "入門" 這類單詞在本partition的index,和 "入門" 的單詞自己 // 其實,從調試過程看,是否發送單詞信息自己並不重要,由於接下來的那一步操做中,並無用到單詞自己信息 out.collect(new Tuple2 <>(curIndex, row));
後續會把new Tuple2 <>(id, count)
id就是這類單詞在這partition中間的index,咱們暫時稱之爲partition index。count就是這類單詞在本partition的數目。
// 輸入舉例 value = {Tuple2@10312} "(0,入門,-1.0,1.0986122886681098)" f0 = {Integer@10313} 0 // 計算數目 for (Tuple2 <Integer, Row> value : values) { id = value.f0; count++; } out.collect(new Tuple2 <>(id, count)); // 輸出舉例,假如是序號爲0的這類單詞,其整體數目是12。這個序號0就是這類單詞在某一partition中的序號。就是上面的 curIndex。 id = {Integer@10313} 0 count = {Long@10338} 12
第二步是localSort。Sort a partitioned dataset. 最終排序而且會返回最終數值,好比 (29, "主編,-1.0,1.0986122886681098"), 29就是"主編" 這個單詞在 IDF字典中的序號。
DataSet<Tuple2<Long, Row>> ordered = localSort(partitioned.f0, partitioned.f1, 1);
public void open(Configuration parameters) throws Exception { List <Tuple2 <Integer, Long>> bc = getRuntimeContext().getBroadcastVariable("partitionCnt"); startIdx = 0L; int taskId = getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask(); for (Tuple2 <Integer, Long> pcnt : bc) { if (pcnt.f0 < taskId) { startIdx += pcnt.f1; } } } bc = {ArrayList@10303} size = 4 0 = {Tuple2@10309} "(0,12)" // 就是task0裏面,這種單詞有12個 1 = {Tuple2@10310} "(2,9)"// 就是task1裏面,這種單詞有2個 2 = {Tuple2@10311} "(1,7)"// 就是task2裏面,這種單詞有1個 3 = {Tuple2@10312} "(3,9)"// 就是task3裏面,這種單詞有3個 // 若是本task id是4,則其startIdx爲30。就是全部partition之中,它前面index全部單詞的和。
而後進行排序。Collections.sort(valuesList, new RowComparator(field));
valuesList = {ArrayList@10405} size = 9 0 = {Row@10421} ":,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" 1 = {Row@10422} "主編,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" 2 = {Row@10423} "國內,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" 3 = {Row@10424} "文獻,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" 4 = {Row@10425} "李宜燮,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" 5 = {Row@10426} "糖尿病,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" 6 = {Row@10427} "美國,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" 7 = {Row@10428} "謝恩,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" 8 = {Row@10429} "象棋,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" // 最後返回時候,就是 (29, "主編,-1.0,1.0986122886681098"),29就是「主編」這個單詞在最終字典中的序號。 // 這個序號是startIdx + cnt,startIdx是某一種類單詞,其在本partition以前全部partition中,這類單詞數目。好比在本partition以前,這類單詞有28個,則本partition中,從29開始計數。就是最終序列號 for (Row row : valuesList) { out.collect(Tuple2.of(startIdx + cnt, row)); cnt++; // 這裏就是在某一類單詞中,單調遞增,而後賦值一個字典序列而已 } cnt = 1 row = {Row@10336} "主編,-1.0,1.0986122886681098" fields = {Object[3]@10339} startIdx = 28
ordered.filter(new FilterFunction<Tuple2<Long, Row>>() { @Override public boolean filter(Tuple2<Long, Row> value) { return value.f0 < vocabSize; } })
DataSet<DocCountVectorizerModelData> resDocCountModel = ordered.filter(new FilterFunction<Tuple2<Long, Row>>() { @Override public boolean filter(Tuple2<Long, Row> value) { return value.f0 < vocabSize; } }).mapPartition(new BuildDocCountModel(params)).setParallelism(1); return resDocCountModel;
其中關鍵類是 DocCountVectorizerModelData 和 BuildDocCountModel。
/** * Save the data for DocHashIDFVectorizer. * * Save a HashMap: index(MurMurHash3 value of the word), value(Inverse document frequency of the word). */ public class DocCountVectorizerModelData { public List<String> list; public String featureType; public double minTF; }
modelData = {DocCountVectorizerModelData@10411} list = {ArrayList@10409} size = 37 0 = "{"f0":"9787310003969","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":19}" 1 = "{"f0":"下冊","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":20}" 2 = "{"f0":"全","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":21}" 3 = "{"f0":"華齡","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":22}" 4 = "{"f0":"圖解","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":23}" 5 = "{"f0":"思","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":24}" 6 = "{"f0":"成像","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":25}" 7 = "{"f0":"舊書","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":26}" 8 = "{"f0":"索引","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":27}" 9 = "{"f0":":","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":28}" 10 = "{"f0":"主編","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":29}" 11 = "{"f0":"國內","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":30}" 12 = "{"f0":"文獻","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":31}" 13 = "{"f0":"李宜燮","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":32}" 14 = "{"f0":"糖尿病","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":33}" 15 = "{"f0":"美國","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":34}" 16 = "{"f0":"謝恩","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":35}" 17 = "{"f0":"象棋","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":36}" 18 = "{"f0":"二手","f1":0.0,"f2":0}" 19 = "{"f0":")","f1":0.6931471805599453,"f2":1}" 20 = "{"f0":"/","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":2}" 21 = "{"f0":"出版社","f1":0.6931471805599453,"f2":3}" 22 = "{"f0":"(","f1":0.6931471805599453,"f2":4}" 23 = "{"f0":"入門","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":5}" 24 = "{"f0":"醫學","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":6}" 25 = "{"f0":"文集","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":7}" 26 = "{"f0":"正版","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":8}" 27 = "{"f0":"版","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":9}" 28 = "{"f0":"電磁","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":10}" 29 = "{"f0":"選讀","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":11}" 30 = "{"f0":"中國","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":12}" 31 = "{"f0":"書","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":13}" 32 = "{"f0":"十二冊","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":14}" 33 = "{"f0":"南開大學","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":15}" 34 = "{"f0":"文學","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":16}" 35 = "{"f0":"郁達夫","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":17}" 36 = "{"f0":"館藏","f1":1.0986122886681098,"f2":18}" featureType = "WORD_COUNT" minTF = 1.0
首先咱們能夠看到 FeatureType,這個能夠用來配置輸出哪一種信息。好比能夠輸出如下若干種:
public enum FeatureType implements Serializable { /** * IDF type, the output value is inverse document frequency. */ IDF( (idf, termFrequency, tokenRatio) -> idf ), /** * WORD_COUNT type, the output value is the word count. */ WORD_COUNT( (idf, termFrequency, tokenRatio) -> termFrequency ), /** * TF_IDF type, the output value is term frequency * inverse document frequency. */ TF_IDF( (idf, termFrequency, tokenRatio) -> idf * termFrequency * tokenRatio ), /** * BINARY type, the output value is 1.0. */ BINARY( (idf, termFrequency, tokenRatio) -> 1.0 ), /** * TF type, the output value is term frequency. */ TF( (idf, termFrequency, tokenRatio) -> termFrequency * tokenRatio ); }
wordIdWeight = {HashMap@10838} size = 37 "醫學" -> {Tuple2@10954} "(6,1.0986122886681098)" "選讀" -> {Tuple2@10956} "(11,1.0986122886681098)" "十二冊" -> {Tuple2@10958} "(14,1.0986122886681098)" ... "華齡" -> {Tuple2@11022} "(22,1.0986122886681098)" "索引" -> {Tuple2@11024} "(27,1.0986122886681098)" featureType = {DocCountVectorizerModelMapper$FeatureType@10834} "WORD_COUNT"
最後,預測時候調用predictSparseVector函數,會針對輸入 二手 舊書 : 醫學 電磁 成像
0|$37$0:1.0 6:1.0 10:1.0 25:1.0 26:1.0 28:1.0
以上表示那幾個單詞 分別對應0 6 10 25 26 28 這幾個字典中對應序號的單詞,其在本句對應的出現數目都是一個。