javax包源代碼代碼_代碼之夏。 包好了!



During the last six weeks, the selected participants for Unity’s first Summer of Code program have been working hard at making the ideas from their proposals come to life. It has been very exciting for us at Unity to see what people can do with our product with a good idea and six weeks of hard work.

在過去的六週中,Unity的第一個「 夏季代碼」計劃選定參與者一直在努力使提案中的想法變爲現實。 在Unity上,我們看到人們可以用一個好主意和六個星期的辛苦工作來使用我們的產品感到非常興奮。

The mentors at Unity will be doing a final review of their projects, and work with the participants to make sure it’s all nicely wrapped up and ready to be published on our website. We’ll put up another blog post when that happens.

Unity的指導者將對他們的項目進行最終審查,並與參與者合作以確保將其全部包裝好並準備在我們的網站上發佈。 發生這種情況時,我們將發佈另一篇博客文章。

It might take some time though, as some participants might be catching up on some sleep :)


