mud怎麼存東西到包_將MUD升級到Unity 5


Those of us who were around back in the day all remember M.U.Ds. Multiplayer realtime fantasy worlds that, at any rate initially, had to be text-based.

那些回想起來的我們所有人都記得MUD。 不管怎麼說,多人實時幻想世界最初必須是基於文本的。

MUD is a modern take on the M.U.D. genre. A sandbox game with procedurally generated environments, some sophisticated AI and some mud. Yes, actual mud, because, in MUD, survival involves digging around in the the craft ‘n’ build fashion that we’re all familiar with from another game.

MUD是MUD風格的現代代表。 具有程序生成的環境,一些複雜的AI和一些泥巴的沙盒遊戲。 是的,是真正的泥巴,因爲在MUD中,生存需要挖掘我們都從其他遊戲中熟悉的「 n」。

MUD has been under development by a team of eleven or so from Pure Bang Games since the turn of the year, and there’s already a playable. The goal is to launch an early access game around the beginning of next year.

自今年年初以來,MUD已由Pure Bang Games的11個左右的團隊開發,並且已經可以玩了。 目標是在明年年初左右推出搶先體驗遊戲。

It took the Pure Bang team a couple of days to upgrade MUD from Unity 4 to Unity 5. Here’s how they got on.

Pure Bang團隊花了幾天的時間將MUD從Unity 4升級到Unity5。這就是他們前進的方式。

First things first. Shaders. The team had to do about a day’s worth of shader debugging, something that General Programmer Jonathan laughingly described as 「an enduring process.」 He didn’t find it difficult, however.

首先是第一件事。 着色器。 團隊必須完成一天的着色器調試工作,通用程序員喬納森(Jonathan)笑稱這是「一個持久的過程」。 但是,他並不覺得困難。

Script updating was painless. Jonathan says: 「If you’ve designed your code in the correct way and you’re not relying on specific features other than where you need them to fetch the correct references at initialization, it’s a breeze.」

腳本更新很輕鬆。 喬納森說:「如果您以正確的方式設計代碼,並且除了在初始化時需要它們來獲取正確引用的地方之外,您不依賴於特定功能,那將是一件輕而易舉的事。」


He further describes the integration with PhysX 3.3 as 「seamless,」 and notes that it’s given the game a significant performance boost.

他進一步將與PhysX 3.3的集成描述爲「無縫」,並指出它極大地提高了遊戲性能。

All in all it took about two days to get MUD to the point where it would compile and run in Unity 5. Then, the more enjoyable task of making things look better began – changing the ambient light, the sunlight and so on.

總而言之,MUD花費了大約兩天的時間才能在Unity 5中進行編譯和運行。然後,使事物看起來更好的更有趣的任務開始了–改變環境光,陽光等等。

Technical Artist Drew has a lot of praise for the new skybox feature:


「It’s something that I’ve been particularly happy with. I spent a couple of days just playing with all the different things you can do with new procedural skyboxes – adding little bits and pieces on top of them and making the light slowly change during sunrise and sunset.」

「這讓我特別滿意。 我花了幾天的時間來嘗試使用新的程序性天窗可以做的所有不同的事情-在它們上面添加一些點點滴滴,並使光線在日出和日落時緩慢變化。」

「We have a day-night cycle in our game and you can get these really nice colors across the horizon if you do it right. I’m just super happy with how everything’s looking.」

「我們的遊戲有晝夜循環,如果操作正確,您可以在地平線上獲得這些非常漂亮的顏色。 我對一切看起來都很滿意。」

Generally, the team was very pleased with what they were able to achieve in a short space of time. By using the Unity 5 Upgrade Guide they could quickly identify all the areas of their game that needed attention.

通常,團隊對於他們在短時間內能夠實現的目標感到非常滿意。 通過使用《 Unity 5升級指南》,他們可以快速確定遊戲中所有需要注意的領域。


To their relief, the major plugins MUD relies on were already Unity 5 compatible at launch, so all that was needed was a simple update and replace.

令他們鬆了一口氣的是,MUD所依賴的主要插件在啓動時就已經與Unity 5兼容,因此所需要做的只是簡單的更新和替換。

The team use NGUI (which they’ve gotten so used to that they’ve continued to use it), Sunshine! (for volumetric lighting and dynamic shadows) and Sky Master Ultimate amongst other packages. They’ve also bought a number of models from the Asset Store for prototyping purposes, and they’ve grown so attached to some of them that they’re still in the game – they’ll get replaced eventually (promise).

團隊使用NGUI (他們已經習慣了NGUI ,以至於繼續使用它), Sunshine! (用於體積照明和動態陰影)和Sky Master Ultimate等軟件包。 他們還從Asset Store購買了許多模型以進行原型製作,並且它們與某些模型的聯繫是如此緊密,以至於它們仍在遊戲中-最終將被替換(承諾)。

We look forward to following the progress of MUD, and to delving and duelling when the game launches!


Pure Bang Games is a small studio with a big history. It’s been around since 2010. The studio’s first release My Pet Rock launched on Facebook in 2011 and gained an avid following.

Pure Bang Games是一家歷史悠久的小型工作室。 自2010年以來一直存在。該工作室的第一版My Pet Rock於2011年在Facebook上推出,並獲得了熱烈的關注。

