CREATE view [dbo].[hr_vw_YearHoliday] as --工齡年數 with tbl_emp as ( select * ,datediff(month,indate,getdate()) *1.0/12 as yr_qty /***/ ,left(convert(char(10),getdate(),120),4)+right(convert(char(10),indate,120),6) yr from employee ) --年假天數及日期區間 , tbl_hol as ( select empid ,convert(char(10),indate,120) indate ,case when yr_qty>=1 then 5+ case when cast(yr_qty as int)-1 >5 then 5 else cast(yr_qty as int)-1 end else 0 end holday /***/ ,case when yr>getdate() then case when dateadd(year,-1,yr)<indate then indate else dateadd(year,-1,yr) end else yr end dt1 ,case when yr>getdate() then yr else dateadd(year,1,yr) end dt2 from tbl_emp a ) --已休年假天數 ,tbl_rest as ( select b.empid ,count(distinct left(YearMonth,4)+'-'+right(YearMonth,2)+'-'+right(dt,2)) days ,min(left(YearMonth,4)+'-'+right(YearMonth,2)+'-'+right(dt,2)) startdt ,max(left(YearMonth,4)+'-'+right(YearMonth,2)+'-'+right(dt,2)) enddt from dbo.schedule(nolock) unpivot (shiftid for dt in (D01,D02,D03,D04,D05,D06,D07,D08,D09,D10,D11, D12,D13,D14,D15,D16,D17,D18,D19,D20,D21,D22,D23,D24,D25,D26,D27,D28,D29,D30,D31 )) b,tbl_hol t where b.empid=t.empid and b.shiftid='HOL' /***/ and cast(left(YearMonth,4)+'-'+right(YearMonth,2)+'-'+right(dt,2) as datetime) between t.dt1 and t.dt2 group by b.empid ) --顯示結果 select h.*,isnull(rt.days,0) restday,h.holday-isnull(rt.days,0) as leftqty,cast(isnull(rt.startdt+'/'+rt.enddt,'-') as varchar(500)) ht from tbl_hol h left outer join tbl_rest rt on h.empid=rt.empid where 1=1 GO