1. 單一數據源html
all states ==>Store
2. 單向數據流git
dispatch(actionCreator) => Reducer => (state, action) => state
// actionType export const ACTION_TYPE = 'ACTION_TYPE'; // actionCreator let actionCreator = (config) => { return { type: ACTION_TYPE, // 必須定義 type config // 傳遞參數 => reducer } }
import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import reducers from '../reducers'; let store = createStore( reducers, applyMiddleware(thunk) );
// 接收方法 let receiveSomething = (res) => { return { type: RECEIVE_SOME, res } } // 獲取數據方法 export let fetchSomething = (args) => { return dispatch => { return fetch(args).then((res) => { return dispatch(receiveSomething(res)) }) } }
(initialState, action) => newState
import { ACTION_A, ACTION_B } from '../actions'; let initialState = { ... } function example(state = initialState, action) { switch(action.type) { case ACTION_A: return Object.assign({}, state, action.config) case ACTION_B: return Object.assign({}, state, action.config) } }
let doSomething = (config) => { let { a, b } = config; // do something with a, b return { a, b } } function example(state = initialState, action) { switch(action.type) { case ACTION_TYPE: return Object.assign({}, state, doSomething(action.config)) } }
經過 redux 提供的 combineReducers 將不一樣處理邏輯的 reducer 合併起來。redux
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'; export default combineReducers({ reducerA, reducerB }); // or export let reducer = (state = initialState, action) { a: processA(state.a, action), b: processB(state.b, action) }
使用 react-redux 提供的 Provider 能夠將 Store 注入到 react 中。api
Store 將合併後的 reducers 經過 createStore 建立,此外下面示例代碼還使用中間件加入了一層 react-thunk 處理。app
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux' import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import reducers from './reducers'; let store = createStore( reducers, applyMiddleware(thunk) ); ReactDOM.render(( <Provider store={store}> // ... </Provider> ), document.querySelector('#app'));
使用 react-redux 提供的 connect 方法 將組件和所需數據綁定。dom
須要注意的是,Store 建立時接收的是合併後的 reducers, 所以不一樣 reducer 上的處理數據綁定在了不一樣 reducer 對象上,而不是所有掛載在 Store 上。異步
mapStateToProps 將組件內部所需數據經過 props 傳入組件內部。更多綁定機制,具體可參考connectide
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; class ComponentA extends Component { //... } let mapStateToProps = (state) => { // attention !!! let { reducerA, reducerB } = state; return { propA: reducerA.propA, propB: reducerB.propB } }; export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ComponentA);
React bindings for Redux embrace the idea of separating presentational and container components.
Redux 的 React 綁定庫包含了 容器組件和展現組件相分離 的開發思想。
Presentational Components | Container Components | |
Purpose | How things look (markup, styles) | How things work (data fetching, state updates) |
Aware of Redux | No | Yes |
To read data | Read data from props | Subscribe to Redux state |
To change data | Invoke callbacks from props | Dispatch Redux actions |
Are written | By hand | Usually generated by React Redux |
在實際開發中,一個組件的邏輯跟業務緊密相關。若是須要將數據和方法從外部傳入,那麼父級組件所作的事情會不少,多重的子組件也會把父級邏輯弄亂,這就不是 redux 的初衷了。
中文文檔翻譯的意思是:容器組件應該爲路由層面的組件,但這樣既不符合實際開發須要,也違背了 redux 思想。真正界定兩種組件的因素是:
當組件 connect 後,dispatch 方法已經注入到 props 中,因此觸發 Action 能夠從 props 獲取 dispatch 方法。
import React, { Component } from 'react'; // actionCreator import { actionA, actionB } from 'actions/actionA' class ComponentA extends Component { constructor(props) { super(props); } componentDidMount() { let { dispatch } = this.props; dispatch(actionA()) } } export default connect()(ComponentA);
組件內部所需的渲染數據都已經綁定在了 props 上,直接獲取便可。
須要注意的是,在事件監聽中觸發 Action,須要用一個匿名函數封裝,不然 React 在渲染時就會執行事件綁定事件,而不是當事件發生再執行。
render() { let { dispatch, propA, propB } = this.props; return ( <section> // Attention !!! <input type="text" onClick={(ev) => dispatch(actionB(ev))} /> <p className={propA}>{propB}</p> </section> ) }
容器型組件須要鏈接 Redux,使用 dispatch 觸發 actionCreator。
展現型組件須要用到的方法調用在容器型組件內定義好,經過 props 傳入到展現型組件中。
// get actionCreator import { actionA } from './actions/actionA'; class Parent extends Component { handleCallback(data) { // use dispatch let { dispatch } = this.props; dispatch(actionA(data)); } render() { return ( <Child onSomethingChange={this.handleCallback} /> ) } } // connet Redux export default connect()(Parent);
展現型組件不須要用到 Redux 的一切,它的 props 僅僅存在於父級傳入的數據和方法。
// don't need action/dispatch/connect class Child extends Component { handleSomething(data) { // handle anything with props this.props.onSomethingChange(data); } render() { return ( // just markup & style <input onChange={handleSomething} /> ) } }
圖示箭頭表明各概念之間的相互關係,不表明數據流。( 能理解下面這張圖,這篇文章就沒白看了 -。- )