A. Division
time limit per test1 second
memory limit per test512 megabytes
inputstandard input
outputstandard output
Oleg's favorite subjects are History and Math, and his favorite branch of mathematics is division.c++
To improve his division skills, Oleg came up with \(t\) pairs of integers \(p_i\) and \(q_i\) and for each pair decided to find the greatest integer \(x_i\), such that:git
\(p_i\) is divisible by \(x_i\);
\(x_i\) is not divisible by \(q_i\).
Oleg is really good at division and managed to find all the answers quickly, how about you?
The first line contains an integer \(t\) \((1\leq t\leq 50)\) — the number of pairs.ide
Each of the following \(t\) lines contains two integers \(p_i\) and \(q_i\) (\(1≤p_i≤10^18\); \(2≤q_i≤10^9\)) — the \(i-th\) pair of integers.ui
Print \(t\) integers: the \(i-th\) integer is the largest \(x_i\) such that \(p_i\) is divisible by \(x_i\), but xi is not divisible by \(q_i\).spa
One can show that there is always at least one value of xi satisfying the divisibility conditions for the given constraints.code
10 4
12 6
179 822
首先咱們發現,咱們先把p, q質因數分解,有以下結果:input
\(p=a_1^{p_1}\times a_2^{p_2}\times ... \times a_m^{p_m} \times ... a_n^{p_n}\)
\(q=a_1^{q_1}\times a_2^{q_2}\times ... \times a_m^{q_m}\)
其中, \(m<n\)數學
注意,當\(pmodq\ne 0\), 答案就是\(p\)
就是任意小於\(m\)的數\(i\),\(q_i <= p_i\)
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; #define rep(i,a,b) for(int i=a;i<=b;i++) #define _(d) while(d(isdigit(ch=getchar()))) template <class T> void g(T&t){T x,f=1;char ch;_(!)ch=='-'?f=-1:f;x=ch-48;_()x=x*10+ch-48;t=f*x;} typedef unsigned long long ll; const int N = 1e5+4; int pri[N], tot, vis[N]; ll p,q,ans; void pre(){ int End = sqrt(1e9)+1; for(int i=2; i <= End; i++){ if(!vis[i]) pri[++tot]=i; for(int j=1; j <= tot; j++){ if( i*pri[j] > End ) break; vis[i*pri[j]] = 1; if( i%pri[j] == 0 ) break; } } } int st[N], tp, num1[N], num2[N]; ll s1[N], s2[N]; int main(){ int T; g(T); pre(); // rep(i,1,10) cout<<pri[i]<<endl; while(T--){ g(p), g(q); if( p%q ) ans = p; else{ tp = 0; ll nowq = q; ans = 0; for( int i=1; pri[i]*pri[i] <= nowq && i<=tot; i++ ){ if( nowq % pri[i] == 0 ){ st[++tp] = pri[i]; s1[tp] = 1; while( nowq % pri[i] == 0 ){ // puts("orz"); nowq /= pri[i]; s1[tp] *= pri[i]; } } } if( nowq >1 ) st[++tp] = nowq, s1[tp] = nowq; ll nowp = p; for( int i=1; i <= tp; i++ ){ ll tmp = nowp / s1[i]; s2[i] = s1[i]; while( tmp % st[i] == 0 ){ // puts("orz"); s2[i] *= st[i]; tmp /= st[i]; } nowp = tmp; } ll mn = 1e18; for( int i=1; i <= tp; i++ ){ // cerr<<s1[i]<<endl; s2[i] = s2[i]/s1[i]*st[i]; mn = min( mn, s2[i] ); } ans = p/mn; } printf("%llu\n",ans); } return 0; }