關於使用weex開發app上線App Store問題

上線App Store是一個很須要耐心的工做,對於App Store的審覈不少時候它們給的拒絕並不會準確的告訴你須要做出什麼樣的修改,可是不要慌只要你耐心點按照流程一步步來上線App Store也是能夠很簡單的,下面我說一下我經歷過的審覈被拒絕的條款以及解決辦法。web

Guideline 2.1 - Information Neededapp

This type of app has been identified as one that may violate one or more of the following App Store Review Guidelines. Specifically, these types of apps often:ide

1.1.6 - Include false information, features, or misleading metadata. 2.3.0 - Undergo significant concept changes after approval 2.3.1 - Have hidden or undocumented features, including hidden "switches" that redirect to a gambling or lottery website 3.1.1 - Use payment mechanisms other than in-app purchase to unlock features or functionality in the app 4.3.0 - Are a duplicate of another app or are conspicuously similar to another app 5.2.1 - Were not submitted by the legal entity that owns and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app 5.3.4 - Do not have the necessary licensing and permissions for all the locations where the app is usedui


處理辦法:2.1審覈的處理辦法就相對很簡單了,若是你以爲你的APP存在這樣的問題就要當心了,儘可能先解決了問題再從新提交審覈,若是沒有這些問題你只須要在App Store解決方案中心下回複審核小組通常都能正常經過。回覆模板以下spa

Guideline 4.3 - Design3d

This app duplicates the content and functionality of other apps submitted by you or another developer to the App Store, which is considered a form of spam.orm

Apps that simply duplicate content or functionality create clutter, diminish the overall experience for the end user, and reduce the ability of developers to market their apps.cdn

The next submission of this app may require a longer review time, and this app will not be eligible for an expedited review until this issue is resolved.blog


解決辦法:面對這個問題甚至其餘審覈問題,咱們要作的是在若是咱們不知道由於什麼問題觸犯了這個條款的時候,利用好App Store解決方案中心這個功能,通常經過App Store解決方案中心回覆詢問咱們具體在哪裏須要修改,審覈小組都會給予回覆,而後根據回覆針對性修改並從新提交審覈。

結語:在面對App Store審覈的時候須要注意一些東西,首先必定要用好解決方案中的回覆,其次使用App Store聯繫咱們,提交加速審覈能夠加快審覈進度,最後說一點,遇到審覈4.3條款必定要慎重,不要在沒有解決問題以前輕易再次提交審覈,這樣有可能你的審覈會被delay,一旦你的審覈被delay,你經過App Store審覈上線的時間就會大大增長
