QMQ有關actor的一篇文章闡述了actor的應用場景。即client消費消息的請求會先進入一個RequestQueue,在client消費消息時,每每存在多個主題、多個消費組共享一個RequestQueue消費消息。在這個Queue中,存在不一樣主題的有不一樣消費組數量,以及不一樣消費組有不一樣consumer數量,那麼就會存在搶佔資源的狀況。舉個文章中的例子,一個主題下有兩個消費組A和B,A有100個consumer,B有200個consumer,那麼在RequestQueue中來自B的請求可能會多於A,這個時候就存在消費unfair的狀況,因此須要隔離不一樣主題不一樣消費組以保證fair。除此以外,當consumer消費能力不足,形成broker消息堆積,這個時候就會致使consumer所在消費組總在消費"老消息",影響全局總體的一個消費能力。由於"老消息"不會存在page cache中,這個時候極可能就會從磁盤load,那麼表現是RequestQueue中來自消費"老消息"消費組的請求處理時間過長,影響到其餘主題消費組的消費,所以這個時候也須要作策略來避免不一樣消費組的相互影響。因此QMQ就有了actor機制,以消除各個消費組之間因消費能力不一樣、consumer數量不一樣而形成的相互影響各自的消費能力。java
class PullMessageWorker implements ActorSystem.Processor<PullMessageProcessor.PullEntry> {
// 消息存儲層
private final MessageStoreWrapper store;
// actor
private final ActorSystem actorSystem;
private final ConcurrentMap<String, ConcurrentMap<String, Object>> subscribers;
PullMessageWorker(MessageStoreWrapper store, ActorSystem actorSystem) {
this.store = store;
this.actorSystem = actorSystem;
this.subscribers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
void pull(PullMessageProcessor.PullEntry pullEntry) {
// subject+group做actor調度粒度
final String actorPath = ConsumerGroupUtils.buildConsumerGroupKey(pullEntry.subject, pullEntry.group);
// actor調度
actorSystem.dispatch(actorPath, pullEntry, this);
public boolean process(PullMessageProcessor.PullEntry entry , ActorSystem.Actor<PullMessageProcessor.PullEntry> self) {
QMon.pullQueueTime(entry.subject, entry.group, entry.pullBegin);
// deadline機制,若是QMQ認爲這個消費請求來不及處理,那麼就直接返回,避免雪崩
if (entry.expired()) {
QMon.pullExpiredCountInc(entry.subject, entry.group);
return true;
if (entry.isInValid()) {
QMon.pullInValidCountInc(entry.subject, entry.group);
return true;
// 存儲層find消息
final PullMessageResult pullMessageResult = store.findMessages(entry.pullRequest);
if (pullMessageResult == PullMessageResult.FILTER_EMPTY ||
pullMessageResult.getMessageNum() > 0
|| entry.isPullOnce()
|| entry.isTimeout()) {
return true;
// 沒有拉取到消息,那麼掛起該actor
// timer task,在超時前喚醒actor
if (entry.setTimerOnDemand()) {
QMon.suspendRequestCountInc(entry.subject, entry.group);
// 訂閱消息,一有消息來就喚醒該actor
subscribe(entry.subject, entry.group);
return false;
// 已經超時,那麼即刻喚醒調度
return true;
// 訂閱
private void subscribe(String subject, String group) {
ConcurrentMap<String, Object> map = subscribers.get(subject);
if (map == null) {
map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
map = ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(subscribers.putIfAbsent(subject, map), map);
map.putIfAbsent(group, HOLDER);
// 有消息來就喚醒訂閱的subscriber
void remindNewMessages(final String subject) {
final ConcurrentMap<String, Object> map = this.subscribers.get(subject);
if (map == null) return;
for (String group : map.keySet()) {
this.actorSystem.resume(ConsumerGroupUtils.buildConsumerGroupKey(subject, group));
QMon.resumeActorCountInc(subject, group);
// ActorSystem內定義的處理接口
public interface ActorSystem.Processor<T> {
boolean process(T message, Actor<T> self);
能看出在這裏起做用的是這個actorSystem。PullMessageWorker繼承了ActorSystem.Processor,因此真正處理拉取請求的是這個接口裏的process方法。請求到達pullMessageWorker,worker將該次請求交給actorSystem調度,調度到此次請求時,worker還有個根據拉取結果作反應的策略,即若是暫時沒有消息,那麼suspend,以一個timer task定時resume;若是在timer task執行以前有消息進來,那麼也會即時resume。git
public class ActorSystem {
// 內部維護的是一個ConcurrentMap,key即PullMessageWorker裏的subject+group
private final ConcurrentMap<String, Actor> actors;
// 執行actor的executor
private final ThreadPoolExecutor executor;
private final AtomicInteger actorsCount;
private final String name;
public ActorSystem(String name) {
this(name, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4, true);
public ActorSystem(String name, int threads, boolean fair) {
this.name = name;
this.actorsCount = new AtomicInteger();
// 這裏根據fair參數初始化一個優先級隊列做爲executor的參數,處理關於前言裏說的"老消息"的狀況
BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = fair ? new PriorityBlockingQueue<>() : new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
this.executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threads, threads, 60, TimeUnit.MINUTES, queue, new NamedThreadFactory("actor-sys-" + name));
this.actors = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
QMon.dispatchersGauge(name, actorsCount::doubleValue);
QMon.actorSystemQueueGauge(name, () -> (double) executor.getQueue().size());
// PullMessageWorker調用的就是這個方法
public <E> void dispatch(String actorPath, E msg, Processor<E> processor) {
// 取得actor
Actor<E> actor = createOrGet(actorPath, processor);
// 在後文Actor定義裏能看到,actor內部維護一個queue,這裏actor僅僅是offer(msg)
// 執行調度
schedule(actor, true);
// 無消息時,則會掛起
public void suspend(String actorPath) {
Actor actor = actors.get(actorPath);
if (actor == null) return;
// 有消息則恢復,能夠理解成線程的"就緒狀態"
public void resume(String actorPath) {
Actor actor = actors.get(actorPath);
if (actor == null) return;
// 當即調度,能夠留意一下那個false
// 當actor是"可調度狀態"時,這個actor是否能調度是取決於actor的queue是否有消息
schedule(actor, false);
private <E> Actor<E> createOrGet(String actorPath, Processor<E> processor) {
Actor<E> actor = actors.get(actorPath);
if (actor != null) return actor;
Actor<E> add = new Actor<>(this.name, actorPath, this, processor, DEFAULT_QUEUE_SIZE);
Actor<E> old = actors.putIfAbsent(actorPath, add);
if (old == null) {
LOG.info("create actorSystem: {}", actorPath);
return add;
return old;
// 將actor入隊的地方
private <E> boolean schedule(Actor<E> actor, boolean hasMessageHint) {
// 若是actor不能調度,則ret false
if (!actor.canBeSchedule(hasMessageHint)) return false;
// 設置actor爲"可調度狀態"
if (actor.setAsScheduled()) {
// 提交時間,和actor執行總耗時共同決定在隊列裏的優先級
actor.submitTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
// 入隊,入的是線程池裏的優先級隊列
return true;
// actor.setAsScheduled()裏,這裏是actor已是可調度狀態,那麼不必再次入隊
return false;
public static class Actor<E> implements Runnable, Comparable<Actor> {
// 初始狀態
private static final int Open = 0;
// 可調度狀態
private static final int Scheduled = 2;
// 掩碼,二進制表示:11 與Open和Scheduled做&運算
// shouldScheduleMask¤tStatus != Open 則爲不可置爲調度狀態(當currentStatus爲掛起狀態或調度狀態)
private static final int shouldScheduleMask = 3;
private static final int shouldNotProcessMask = ~2;
// 掛起狀態
private static final int suspendUnit = 4;
private static final int QUOTA = 5;
// status屬性內存偏移量,用Unsafe操做
private static long statusOffset;
static {
try {
statusOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(Actor.class.getDeclaredField("status"));
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(t);
final String systemName;
final ActorSystem actorSystem;
// actor內部維護的queue,後文簡單分析下
final BoundedNodeQueue<E> queue;
// ActorSystem內部定義接口,PullMessageWorker實現的就是這個接口,用於真正業務邏輯處理的地方
final Processor<E> processor;
private final String name;
// 一個actor執行總耗時
private long total;
// actor執行提交時間,即actor入隊時間
private volatile long submitTs;
private volatile int status;
Actor(String systemName, String name, ActorSystem actorSystem, Processor<E> processor, final int queueSize) {
this.systemName = systemName;
this.name = name;
this.actorSystem = actorSystem;
this.processor = processor;
this.queue = new BoundedNodeQueue<>(queueSize);
QMon.actorQueueGauge(systemName, name, () -> (double) queue.count());
// 入隊,是actor內部的隊列
boolean dispatch(E message) {
return queue.add(message);
// actor執行的地方
public void run() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
String old = Thread.currentThread().getName();
try {
Thread.currentThread().setName(systemName + "-" + name);
if (shouldProcessMessage()) {
} finally {
long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
// 每次actor執行的耗時累加到total
total += duration;
QMon.actorProcessTime(name, duration);
// 設置爲"空閒狀態",即初始狀態 (currentStatus & ~Scheduled)
// 進行下一次調度
this.actorSystem.schedule(this, false);
void processMessages() {
long deadline = System.currentTimeMillis() + QUOTA;
while (true) {
E message = queue.peek();
if (message == null) return;
// 處理業務邏輯
boolean process = processor.process(message, this);
// 失敗,該message不會出隊,等待下一次調度
// 如pullMessageWorker中沒有消息時將actor掛起
if (!process) return;
// 出隊
// 每一個actor只有QUOTA個時間片的執行時間
if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= deadline) return;
final boolean shouldProcessMessage() {
// 可以真正執行業務邏輯的判斷
// 一種場景是,針對掛起狀態,因爲沒有拉取到消息該actor置爲掛起狀態
// 天然就沒有搶佔時間片的必要了
return (currentStatus() & shouldNotProcessMask) == 0;
// 可否調度
private boolean canBeSchedule(boolean hasMessageHint) {
int s = currentStatus();
if (s == Open || s == Scheduled) return hasMessageHint || !queue.isEmpty();
return false;
public final boolean resume() {
while (true) {
int s = currentStatus();
int next = s < suspendUnit ? s : s - suspendUnit;
if (updateStatus(s, next)) return next < suspendUnit;
public final void suspend() {
while (true) {
int s = currentStatus();
if (updateStatus(s, s + suspendUnit)) return;
final boolean setAsScheduled() {
while (true) {
int s = currentStatus();
// currentStatus爲非Open狀態,則ret false
if ((s & shouldScheduleMask) != Open) return false;
// 更新actor狀態爲調度狀態
if (updateStatus(s, s | Scheduled)) return true;
final void setAsIdle() {
while (true) {
int s = currentStatus();
// 更新actor狀態位不可調度狀態,(這裏能夠理解爲更新爲初始狀態Open)
if (updateStatus(s, s & ~Scheduled)) return;
final int currentStatus() {
// 根據status在內存中的偏移量取得status
return Unsafe.instance.getIntVolatile(this, statusOffset);
private boolean updateStatus(int oldStatus, int newStatus) {
// Unsafe 原子操做,處理status的輪轉變動
return Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapInt(this, statusOffset, oldStatus, newStatus);
// 決定actor在優先級隊列裏的優先級的地方
// 先看總耗時,以達到動態限速,保證執行"慢"的請求(已經堆積的消息拉取請求)在後執行
// 其次看提交時間,先提交的actor先執行
public int compareTo(Actor o) {
int result = Long.compare(total, o.total);
return result == 0 ? Long.compare(submitTs, o.submitTs) : result;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Actor<?> actor = (Actor<?>) o;
return Objects.equals(systemName, actor.systemName) &&
Objects.equals(name, actor.name);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(systemName, name);
Actor內部維護一個Queue,這個Queue是自定義的,是一個Lock-free bounded non-blocking multiple-producer single-consumer queue。JDK裏的QUEUE多數都是用鎖控制,不用鎖,猜想也應該是用Unsafe 原子操做實現。那麼來看看吧:this
private static class BoundedNodeQueue<T> {
// 頭結點、尾節點在內存中的偏移量
private final static long enqOffset, deqOffset;
static {
try {
enqOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(BoundedNodeQueue.class.getDeclaredField("_enqDoNotCallMeDirectly"));
deqOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(BoundedNodeQueue.class.getDeclaredField("_deqDoNotCallMeDirectly"));
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(t);
private final int capacity;
// 尾節點,經過enqOffset操做
private volatile Node<T> _enqDoNotCallMeDirectly;
// 頭結點,經過deqOffset操做
private volatile Node<T> _deqDoNotCallMeDirectly;
protected BoundedNodeQueue(final int capacity) {
if (capacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("AbstractBoundedNodeQueue.capacity must be >= 0");
this.capacity = capacity;
final Node<T> n = new Node<T>();
// 獲取尾節點
private Node<T> getEnq() {
// getObjectVolatile這種方式保證拿到的都是最新數據
return (Node<T>) Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, enqOffset);
// 設置尾節點,僅在初始化時用
private void setEnq(Node<T> n) {
Unsafe.instance.putObjectVolatile(this, enqOffset, n);
private boolean casEnq(Node<T> old, Node<T> nju) {
// cas,循環設置,直到成功
return Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, enqOffset, old, nju);
// 獲取頭結點
private Node<T> getDeq() {
return (Node<T>) Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, deqOffset);
// 僅在初始化時用
private void setDeq(Node<T> n) {
Unsafe.instance.putObjectVolatile(this, deqOffset, n);
// cas設置頭結點
private boolean casDeq(Node<T> old, Node<T> nju) {
return Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, deqOffset, old, nju);
// 與其叫count,不如喚做index,可是是否應該考慮溢出的狀況?
public final int count() {
final Node<T> lastNode = getEnq();
final int lastNodeCount = lastNode.count;
return lastNodeCount - getDeq().count;
/** * @return the maximum capacity of this queue */
public final int capacity() {
return capacity;
public final boolean add(final T value) {
for (Node<T> n = null; ; ) {
final Node<T> lastNode = getEnq();
final int lastNodeCount = lastNode.count;
if (lastNodeCount - getDeq().count < capacity) {
// Trade a branch for avoiding to create a new node if full,
// and to avoid creating multiple nodes on write conflict á la Be Kind to Your GC
if (n == null) {
n = new Node<T>();
n.value = value;
n.count = lastNodeCount + 1; // Piggyback on the HB-edge between getEnq() and casEnq()
// Try to putPullLogs the node to the end, if we fail we continue loopin'
// 至關於
// enq -> next = new Node(value); enq = neq -> next;
if (casEnq(lastNode, n)) {
// 注意一下這個Node.setNext方法
return true;
} else return false; // Over capacity—couldn't add the node
public final boolean isEmpty() {
// enq == deq 即爲empty
return getEnq() == getDeq();
/** * Removes the first element of this queue if any * * @return the value of the first element of the queue, null if empty */
public final T poll() {
final Node<T> n = pollNode();
return (n != null) ? n.value : null;
public final T peek() {
Node<T> n = peekNode();
return (n != null) ? n.value : null;
protected final Node<T> peekNode() {
for (; ; ) {
final Node<T> deq = getDeq();
final Node<T> next = deq.next();
if (next != null || getEnq() == deq)
return next;
/** * Removes the first element of this queue if any * * @return the `Node` of the first element of the queue, null if empty */
public final Node<T> pollNode() {
for (; ; ) {
final Node<T> deq = getDeq();
final Node<T> next = deq.next();
if (next != null) {
if (casDeq(deq, next)) {
deq.value = next.value;
next.value = null;
return deq;
} // else we retry (concurrent consumers)
// 比較套路的cas操做,就很少說了
} else if (getEnq() == deq) return null; // If we got a null and head meets tail, we are empty
public static class Node<T> {
private final static long nextOffset;
static {
try {
nextOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(Node.class.getDeclaredField("_nextDoNotCallMeDirectly"));
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(t);
protected T value;
protected int count;
// 也是利用偏移量操做
private volatile Node<T> _nextDoNotCallMeDirectly;
public final Node<T> next() {
return (Node<T>) Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, nextOffset);
protected final void setNext(final Node<T> newNext) {
// 這裏有點講究,下面分析下
Unsafe.instance.putOrderedObject(this, nextOffset, newNext);
如上代碼,是經過屬性在內存的偏移量,結合cas原子操做來進行更新賦值等操做,以此來實現lock-free,這是比較常規的套路。值得一說的是Node裏的setNext方法,這個方法的調用是在cas節點後,對"上一位置"的next節點進行賦值。而這個方法使用的是Unsafe.instance.putOrderedObject,要說這個putOrderedObject,就不得不說MESI,緩存一致性協議。如volatile,當進行寫操做時,它是依靠storeload barrier來實現其餘線程對此的可見性。而putOrderedObject也是依靠內存屏障,只不過是storestore barrier。storestore是比storeload快速的一種內存屏障。在硬件層面,內存屏障分兩種:Load-Barrier和Store-Barrier。Load-Barrier是讓高速緩存中的數據失效,強制從新從主內存加載數據;Store-Barrier是讓寫入高速緩存的數據更新寫入主內存,對其餘線程可見。而java層面的四種內存屏障無非是硬件層面的兩種內存屏障的組合而已。那麼可見,storestore barrier天然比storeload barrier快速。那麼有一個問題,咱們可不能夠在這裏也用cas操做呢?答案是能夠,但不必。你能夠想一想這裏爲何不必。