/** * 全部業務異常的枚舉 */ public enum BizExceptionEnum { /** * 字典 */ DICT_EXISTED(400,"字典已經存在"), ERROR_CREATE_DICT(500,"建立字典失敗"), ERROR_WRAPPER_FIELD(500,"包裝字典屬性失敗"), /** * 文件上傳 */ FILE_READING_ERROR(400,"FILE_READING_ERROR!"), FILE_NOT_FOUND(400,"FILE_NOT_FOUND!"), UPLOAD_ERROR(500,"上傳圖片出錯"), /** * 權限和數據問題 */ DB_RESOURCE_NULL(400,"數據庫中沒有該資源"), NO_PERMITION(405, "權限異常"), REQUEST_INVALIDATE(400,"請求數據格式不正確"), INVALID_KAPTCHA(400,"驗證碼不正確"), CANT_DELETE_ADMIN(600,"不能刪除超級管理員"), CANT_FREEZE_ADMIN(600,"不能凍結超級管理員"), CANT_CHANGE_ADMIN(600,"不能修改超級管理員角色"), /** * 帳戶問題 */ USER_ALREADY_REG(401,"該用戶已經註冊"), NO_THIS_USER(400,"沒有此用戶"), USER_NOT_EXISTED(400, "沒有此用戶"), ACCOUNT_FREEZED(401, "帳號被凍結"), OLD_PWD_NOT_RIGHT(402, "原密碼不正確"), TWO_PWD_NOT_MATCH(405, "兩次輸入密碼不一致"), /** * 錯誤的請求 */ MENU_PCODE_COINCIDENCE(400,"菜單編號和副編號不能一致"), EXISTED_THE_MENU(400,"菜單編號重複,不能添加"), DICT_MUST_BE_NUMBER(400,"字典的值必須爲數字"), REQUEST_NULL(400, "請求有錯誤"), SESSION_TIMEOUT(400, "會話超時"), SERVER_ERROR(500, "服務器異常"); BizExceptionEnum(int code, String message) { this.friendlyCode = code; this.friendlyMsg = message; } private int friendlyCode; private String friendlyMsg; private String urlPath; //Setter,Getter,Constractor略 BizExceptionEnum(int code, String message) { this.friendlyCode = code; this.friendlyMsg = message; } }
/** * 業務異常的封裝 */ public class BussinessException extends RuntimeException { //友好提示的code碼 private int friendlyCode; //友好提示 private String friendlyMsg; //業務異常調整頁面 private String urlPath; public BussinessException(BizExceptionEnum bizExceptionEnum) { this.friendlyCode = bizExceptionEnum.getCode(); this.friendlyMsg = bizExceptionEnum.getMessage(); this.urlPath = bizExceptionEnum.getUrlPath(); } }
/** * 工具類初始化 */ public class ToolBoxException extends RuntimeException { //serialVersionUID 是 Java 爲每一個序列化類產生的版本標識,可用來保證在反序列時,發送方發送的和接受方接收的是可兼容的對象。 // 若是接收方接收的類的 serialVersionUID 與發送方發送的 serialVersionUID 不一致,進行反序列時會拋出 InvalidClassException。序列化的類可顯式聲明 serialVersionUID 的值, private static final long serialVersionUID = 8247610319171014183L; public ToolBoxException(Throwable e) { super(e.getMessage(),e); } public ToolBoxException(String message) { super(message); } public ToolBoxException(String message, Throwable throwable) { super(message,throwable); } public ToolBoxException(String messageTemplate, Object...params) { super(StrKit.format(messageTemplate,params)); } } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 驗證碼錯誤異常 * * @Author guo //這個模板不錯 * @Date 2018-03-04 12:04. */ public class InvalidKaptchaException extends RuntimeException { }
/** * 權限註解,用於檢查權限 規定訪問權限 */ @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) //運行時有效 @Target({ElementType.METHOD}) //方法範圍 public @interface Permission { String[] value() default {}; } ------------------------------------------------------- /** * 多數據源標識 */ @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ ElementType.METHOD }) public @interface DataSource { } --------------------------------------------------------- /** * 標記須要作業務日誌的方法 */ @Inherited @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target({ElementType.METHOD}) public @interface BussinessLog { /** * 業務的名稱,例如:"修改菜單" */ String value() default ""; /** * 被修改的實體的惟一標識,例如:菜單實體的惟一標識爲"id" */ String key() default "id"; /** * 字典(用於查找key的中文名稱和字段的中文名稱) */ String dict() default "SystemDict"; }
ZTree is an advanced jQuery 'tree plug-in'. The performance is excellent, it is easy to configurw (with a full set of options), and has many advanced features (that usually only come with paid software).
zTree is open source and uses the MIT license.
The most important is the official document to the very full(English is very important, important and important.)
/** * jquery ztree 插件的節點 */ public class ZTreeNode { /** * 節點id */ private Integer id; /** * 父節點id */ private Integer pId; /** * 節點名稱 */ private String name; /** * 是否打開節點 */ private Boolean open; /** * 是否被選中 */ private Boolean checked; //Setter、Getter、Constructor、toString忽略 }
@Override public int compareTo(Object o) { MenuNode menuNode = (MenuNode) o; Integer num = menuNode.getNum(); if (num == null) { num = 0; } return this.num.compareTo(num); }
/** * * 菜單的節點 */ public class MenuNode implements Comparable { /** * 節點id */ private Integer id; /** * 父節點 */ private Integer parentId; /** * 節點名稱 */ private String name; /** * 按鈕級別 */ private Integer levels; /** * 按鈕級別 */ private Integer ismenu; /** * 按鈕的排序 */ private Integer num; /** * 節點的url */ private String url; /** * 節點圖標 */ private String icon; /** * 子節點的集合 */ private List<MenuNode> children; /** * 查詢子節點時候的臨時集合 */ private List<MenuNode> linkedList = new ArrayList<MenuNode>(); }
/** * 構建整個菜單樹 */ public void buildNodeTree(List<MenuNode> nodeList) { for (MenuNode treeNode : nodeList) { List<MenuNode> linkedList = treeNode.findChildNodes(nodeList, treeNode.getId()); if (linkedList.size() > 0) { treeNode.setChildren(linkedList); } } } /** * 查詢子節點的集合 */ public List<MenuNode> findChildNodes(List<MenuNode> nodeList, Integer parentId) { if (nodeList == null && parentId == null) return null; for (Iterator<MenuNode> iterator = nodeList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { MenuNode node = (MenuNode) iterator.next(); // 根據傳入的某個父節點ID,遍歷該父節點的全部子節點 if (node.getParentId() != 0 && parentId.equals(node.getParentId())) { recursionFn(nodeList, node, parentId); } } return linkedList; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 遍歷一個節點的子節點 */ public void recursionFn(List<MenuNode> nodeList, MenuNode node, Integer pId) { List<MenuNode> childList = getChildList(nodeList, node);// 獲得子節點列表 if (childList.size() > 0) {// 判斷是否有子節點 if (node.getParentId().equals(pId)) { linkedList.add(node); } Iterator<MenuNode> it = childList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MenuNode n = (MenuNode) it.next(); recursionFn(nodeList, n, pId); } } else { if (node.getParentId().equals(pId)) { linkedList.add(node); } } } /** * 獲得子節點列表 */ private List<MenuNode> getChildList(List<MenuNode> list, MenuNode node) { List<MenuNode> nodeList = new ArrayList<MenuNode>(); Iterator<MenuNode> it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MenuNode n = (MenuNode) it.next(); if (n.getParentId().equals(node.getId())) { nodeList.add(n); } } return nodeList; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 清除掉按鈕級別的資源 * * @param nodes * @return */ public static List<MenuNode> clearBtn(List<MenuNode> nodes) { ArrayList<MenuNode> noBtns = new ArrayList<MenuNode>(); for (MenuNode node : nodes) { if(node.getIsmenu() == IsMenu.YES.getCode()){ noBtns.add(node); } } return noBtns; } /** * 清除全部二級菜單 * * @param nodes * @return */ public static List<MenuNode> clearLevelTwo(List<MenuNode> nodes) { ArrayList<MenuNode> results = new ArrayList<MenuNode>(); for (MenuNode node : nodes) { Integer levels = node.getLevels(); if (levels.equals(1)) { results.add(node); } } return results; } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * 構建菜單列表 */ public static List<MenuNode> buildTitle(List<MenuNode> nodes) { List<MenuNode> clearBtn = clearBtn(nodes); new MenuNode().buildNodeTree(clearBtn); List<MenuNode> menuNodes = clearLevelTwo(clearBtn); //對菜單排序 Collections.sort(menuNodes); //對菜單的子菜單進行排序 for (MenuNode menuNode : menuNodes) { if (menuNode.getChildren() != null && menuNode.getChildren().size() > 0) { Collections.sort(menuNode.getChildren()); } } //若是關閉了接口文檔,則不顯示接口文檔菜單 GunsProperties gunsProperties = SpringContextHolder.getBean(GunsProperties.class); if (!gunsProperties.getSwaggerOpen()) { List<MenuNode> menuNodesCopy = new ArrayList<>(); for (MenuNode menuNode : menuNodes) { if (Const.API_MENU_NAME.equals(menuNode.getName())) { continue; } else { menuNodesCopy.add(menuNode); } } menuNodes = menuNodesCopy; } return menuNodes; }
// 經過id號來獲取這個樹 var treeObj2 = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("treeDemo"); // 獲取全部已經選擇了的節點,得到一個node列表 var nodes2 = treeObj2.getCheckedNodes(true); // 若是是葉子節點就把id拿出來 var idlist = []; $.each(nodes2, function (i, item) { if (!item.isParent) { //alert(item.id + "," + item.name); idlist.push(item.id); } }); console.log(idlist);
package com.guo.guns.common.page; import com.github.pagehelper.Page; import java.util.List; /** * 分頁結果的封裝(for Bootstrap Table) * * @Author guo * @Date 2018-03-04 13:47 */ public class PageInfoBT<T> { /** * 結果集 */ private List<T> rows; /** * 總數 */ private long total; public PageInfoBT(List<T> page) { this.rows = page; if (page instanceof Page) { this.total = ((Page) page).getTotal(); } else { this.total = page.size(); } } //Setter、Getter略 }
PageHelper.offsetPage(0, 5);
PageInfo pageInfo = new PageInfo<>(cs); System.out.println("總數:"+pageInfo.getTotal()); System.out.println(pageInfo);