Solver類用於網絡參數的更新,而SGDSolver類實現了優化方法中的隨機梯度降低法(stochastic gradient descent),此外還具有縮放、正則化梯度等功能。caffe中其餘的優化方法都是SGDSolver類的派生類,重載了基類的ComputeUpdateValue()
// Return the current learning rate. The currently implemented learning rate // policies are as follows: // - fixed: always return base_lr. // - step: return base_lr * gamma ^ (floor(iter / step)) // - exp: return base_lr * gamma ^ iter // - inv: return base_lr * (1 + gamma * iter) ^ (- power) // - multistep: similar to step but it allows non uniform steps defined by // stepvalue // - poly: the effective learning rate follows a polynomial decay, to be // zero by the max_iter. return base_lr (1 - iter/max_iter) ^ (power) // - sigmoid: the effective learning rate follows a sigmod decay // return base_lr ( 1/(1 + exp(-gamma * (iter - stepsize)))) // // where base_lr, max_iter, gamma, step, stepvalue and power are defined // in the solver parameter protocol buffer, and iter is the current iteration. template <typename Dtype> Dtype SGDSolver<Dtype>::GetLearningRate() { //根據當前的迭代次數和學習率的更新策略計算並返回當前的學習率 Dtype rate; const string& lr_policy = this->param_.lr_policy(); //獲取學習率的更新策略 if (lr_policy == "fixed") { //每次迭代的學習率爲固定值 rate = this->param_.base_lr(); } else if (lr_policy == "step") { //每隔stepsize_次,當前的學習率乘上係數gamma_ CHECK_GT(this->param_.stepsize(), 0); this->current_step_ = this->iter_ / this->param_.stepsize(); //current_step_爲int類型,爲當前階數 CHECK_GE(this->param_.gamma(), 0); rate = this->param_.base_lr() * pow(this->param_.gamma(), this->current_step_); //lr = base_lr_ * (gamma_ ^ current_step_) } else if (lr_policy == "exp") { //每次迭代,當前的學習率乘上係數gamma_ CHECK_GE(this->param_.gamma(), 0); rate = this->param_.base_lr() * pow(this->param_.gamma(), this->iter_); //lr = base_lr_ * (gamma_ ^ iter_) } else if (lr_policy == "inv") { //計算公式: lr = base_lr_ * (1 + gamma_ * iter_) ^ (-power_) CHECK_GE(this->param_.gamma(), 0); rate = this->param_.base_lr() * pow(Dtype(1) + this->param_.gamma() * this->iter_, - this->param_.power()); } else if (lr_policy == "multistep") { //stepvalue_中保存了每一個階段須要的迭代次數,stepvalue_[0] stepvalue_[1] stepvalue_[2] ... //當前迭代次數每遞增到一個新的stepvalue_[n]時,當前的學習率乘上係數gamma_ if (this->current_step_ < this->param_.stepvalue_size() && this->iter_ >= this->param_.stepvalue(this->current_step_)) { //迭代次數遞增到stepvalue_[n] this->current_step_++; //進入下一階段 LOG(INFO) << "MultiStep Status: Iteration " << this->iter_ << ", step = " << this->current_step_; } CHECK_GE(this->param_.gamma(), 0); rate = this->param_.base_lr() * pow(this->param_.gamma(), this->current_step_); } else if (lr_policy == "poly") { //計算公式: lr = base_lr_ * (1 - iter_ / max_iter_) ^ power_ rate = this->param_.base_lr() * pow(Dtype(1.) - (Dtype(this->iter_) / Dtype(this->param_.max_iter())), this->param_.power()); } else if (lr_policy == "sigmoid") { //計算公式: lr = base_lr_ * (1 / (1 + exp(-gamma_ * (iter_ - stepsize_)))) CHECK_GE(this->param_.gamma(), 0); //檢查參數的範圍, gamma_ >= 0, stepsize_ > 0 CHECK_GT(this->param_.stepsize(), 0); rate = this->param_.base_lr() * (Dtype(1.) / (Dtype(1.) + exp(-this->param_.gamma() * (Dtype(this->iter_) - Dtype(this->param_.stepsize()))))); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown learning rate policy: " << lr_policy; } return rate; } //求解器求解以前的預處理操做,清空求解器內部數據,並根據網絡的各個可學習參數blob的大小建立新的空blob template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::PreSolve() { // Initialize the history const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& net_params = this->net_->learnable_params(); //網絡中全部可學習參數 history_.clear(); //清空歷史梯度數據,更新數據,臨時數據 update_.clear(); //三個數據的形狀均與參數blob的形狀一致 temp_.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < net_params.size(); ++i) { const vector<int>& shape = net_params[i]->shape(); //第i個可學習參數blob的形狀 history_.push_back(shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> >(new Blob<Dtype>(shape))); //使用該形狀建立空blob,保存指針 update_.push_back(shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> >(new Blob<Dtype>(shape))); temp_.push_back(shared_ptr<Blob<Dtype> >(new Blob<Dtype>(shape))); } } //裁剪梯度,參數的梯度數據的l2範數值不能超過設定值clip_gradients,不然會縮放梯度數據 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::ClipGradients() { const Dtype clip_gradients = this->param_.clip_gradients(); //設定的裁剪的閾值 if (clip_gradients < 0) { return; } //設定值大於0纔有效,默認-1 const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& net_params = this->net_->learnable_params(); //網絡中全部可學習參數 Dtype sumsq_diff = 0; for (int i = 0; i < net_params.size(); ++i) { sumsq_diff += net_params[i]->sumsq_diff(); //累加全部參數blob的梯度數據diff_的平方和 } const Dtype l2norm_diff = std::sqrt(sumsq_diff); //參數梯度的l2範數 if (l2norm_diff > clip_gradients) { //大於設定值 Dtype scale_factor = clip_gradients / l2norm_diff; //縮放係數 LOG(INFO) << "Gradient clipping: scaling down gradients (L2 norm " << l2norm_diff << " > " << clip_gradients << ") " << "by scale factor " << scale_factor; //打印信息 for (int i = 0; i < net_params.size(); ++i) { net_params[i]->scale_diff(scale_factor); //縮放全部參數blob的梯度數據 } } } //根據參數的梯度,網絡的學習率和權重衰減等計算實際更新時的梯度,並更新網絡中的全部可學習參數 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::ApplyUpdate() { Dtype rate = GetLearningRate(); //獲取當前的學習率 if (this->param_.display() && this->iter_ % this->param_.display() == 0) { //設置了打印,而且當前迭代次數須要顯示打印信息 LOG_IF(INFO, Caffe::root_solver()) << "Iteration " << this->iter_ << ", lr = " << rate; } ClipGradients(); //裁剪梯度,縮放網絡中全部可學習參數的梯度 for (int param_id = 0; param_id < this->net_->learnable_params().size(); ++param_id) { Normalize(param_id); //將參數的梯度縮小iter_size倍,獲得單次迭代時可學習參數的平均梯度 Regularize(param_id); //施加l1或l2正則化,衰減參數的梯度 //其餘梯度更新的方法都繼承於SGDSolver類,都實現了各自的ComputeUpdateValue()函數,肯定了用於參數更新的梯度值 ComputeUpdateValue(param_id, rate); //根據衝量,學習率參數和歷史梯度值更新當前的梯度值 } this->net_->Update(); //使用計算後的梯度值更新網絡中的全部可學習參數, data_ = Dtype(-1) * diff_ + data_ // Increment the internal iter_ counter -- its value should always indicate // the number of times the weights have been updated. ++this->iter_; } //將net中的第param_id個可學習參數的梯度數據縮小 1/iter_size 倍 //單次迭代會執行iter_size次的前向和反向過程,每次反向過程都會累加梯度,因此須要先縮小 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::Normalize(int param_id) { if (this->param_.iter_size() == 1) { return; } //iter_size=1就不用此操做了 // Scale gradient to counterbalance accumulation. const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& net_params = this->net_->learnable_params(); //全部可學習參數 const Dtype accum_normalization = Dtype(1.) / this->param_.iter_size(); // 1/iter_size switch (Caffe::mode()) { case Caffe::CPU: { //cpu模式下,net_params[param_id]的diff_數據所有乘上係數 1/iter_size caffe_scal(net_params[param_id]->count(), accum_normalization, net_params[param_id]->mutable_cpu_diff()); break; } case Caffe::GPU: { //同理,gpu模式下全部參數的diff_也都乘上係數 #ifndef CPU_ONLY caffe_gpu_scal(net_params[param_id]->count(), accum_normalization, net_params[param_id]->mutable_gpu_diff()); #else NO_GPU; #endif break; } default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown caffe mode: " << Caffe::mode(); } } //將網絡中的第param_id個參數blob進行l1或l2正則化 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::Regularize(int param_id) { const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& net_params = this->net_->learnable_params(); //全部可學習參數 const vector<float>& net_params_weight_decay = this->net_->params_weight_decay(); //全部可學習參數對應的權重衰減係數 Dtype weight_decay = this->param_.weight_decay(); //求解器參數中設置的基礎權重衰減值 string regularization_type = this->param_.regularization_type(); //求解器參數中設置的正則化類型 Dtype local_decay = weight_decay * net_params_weight_decay[param_id]; //該參數對應的權重衰減值 switch (Caffe::mode()) { case Caffe::CPU: { if (local_decay) { //非0 if (regularization_type == "L2") { //l2正則化 // add weight decay //L2正則化會在損失函數中增長項 1/2 * λ * θ^2, 所以計算參數的梯度時,每一個參數的梯度會增長項 λ * θ //θ對應參數的data_數據, λ對應參數的權重衰減值local_decay caffe_axpy(net_params[param_id]->count(), local_decay, net_params[param_id]->cpu_data(), net_params[param_id]->mutable_cpu_diff()); //公式 diff_ += local_decay * data_ } else if (regularization_type == "L1") { //l1正則化會在損失函數中增長 λ * |θ|, 對應參數的梯度增長 λ * sign(θ). sign(θ)表示參數θ的符號,正(1),負(-1) caffe_cpu_sign(net_params[param_id]->count(), net_params[param_id]->cpu_data(), temp_[param_id]->mutable_cpu_data()); //判斷data_中數據的符號,結果存在臨時變量temp_的data_中 caffe_axpy(net_params[param_id]->count(), local_decay, temp_[param_id]->cpu_data(), net_params[param_id]->mutable_cpu_diff()); //公式 diff_ += local_decay * sign(data_) } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown regularization type: " << regularization_type; } } break; } case Caffe::GPU: { //如下操做同理,在gpu上實現 #ifndef CPU_ONLY if (local_decay) { if (regularization_type == "L2") { // add weight decay caffe_gpu_axpy(net_params[param_id]->count(), local_decay, net_params[param_id]->gpu_data(), net_params[param_id]->mutable_gpu_diff()); // diff_ += local_decay * data_ } else if (regularization_type == "L1") { caffe_gpu_sign(net_params[param_id]->count(), net_params[param_id]->gpu_data(), temp_[param_id]->mutable_gpu_data()); //temp_data_ = sign(data_) caffe_gpu_axpy(net_params[param_id]->count(), local_decay, temp_[param_id]->gpu_data(), net_params[param_id]->mutable_gpu_diff()); //diff_ += local_decay * sign(data_) } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown regularization type: " << regularization_type; } } #else NO_GPU; #endif break; } default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown caffe mode: " << Caffe::mode(); } } #ifndef CPU_ONLY template <typename Dtype> void sgd_update_gpu(int N, Dtype* g, Dtype* h, Dtype momentum, Dtype local_rate); //該函數定義在 文件中 #endif //根據衝量參數,學習率參數和歷史梯度數據,更新當前的梯度值 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::ComputeUpdateValue(int param_id, Dtype rate) { const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& net_params = this->net_->learnable_params(); //網絡中全部參數blob const vector<float>& net_params_lr = this->net_->params_lr(); //每一個參數對應的學習率係數 Dtype momentum = this->param_.momentum(); //求解器參數中設置的衝量 Dtype local_rate = rate * net_params_lr[param_id]; //乘上係數,獲得當前參數的學習率 // Compute the update to history, then copy it to the parameter diff. switch (Caffe::mode()) { case Caffe::CPU: { //計算帶衝量的梯度值,並將梯度保存在history_中,供下次迭代使用 caffe_cpu_axpby(net_params[param_id]->count(), local_rate, net_params[param_id]->cpu_diff(), momentum, history_[param_id]->mutable_cpu_data()); //history_data = local_rate * param_diff + momentum * history_data caffe_copy(net_params[param_id]->count(), history_[param_id]->cpu_data(), net_params[param_id]->mutable_cpu_diff()); //param_diff = history_data break; } case Caffe::GPU: { #ifndef CPU_ONLY //與cpu操做相似,該函數先是 history_data = local_rate * param_diff + momentum * history_data, //再是 param_diff = history_data sgd_update_gpu(net_params[param_id]->count(), net_params[param_id]->mutable_gpu_diff(), history_[param_id]->mutable_gpu_data(), momentum, local_rate); #else NO_GPU; #endif break; } default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unknown caffe mode: " << Caffe::mode(); } } //model_filename爲網絡的快照的文件名,將求解器的狀態保存在快照文件中 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::SnapshotSolverState(const string& model_filename) { switch (this->param_.snapshot_format()) { //快照的格式,二進制proto類型仍是hdf5類型 case caffe::SolverParameter_SnapshotFormat_BINARYPROTO: SnapshotSolverStateToBinaryProto(model_filename); //將求解器的狀態存爲二進制proto類型文件 break; case caffe::SolverParameter_SnapshotFormat_HDF5: SnapshotSolverStateToHDF5(model_filename); //將求解器的狀態存爲hdf5類型文件 break; default: LOG(FATAL) << "Unsupported snapshot format."; } } //將SGDSolver的狀態存入SolverState消息中,並存爲文件 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::SnapshotSolverStateToBinaryProto(const string& model_filename) { SolverState state; state.set_iter(this->iter_); //將當前的迭代次數存入SolverState消息中 state.set_learned_net(model_filename); //將網絡的快照文件名存入 state.set_current_step(this->current_step_); //存入迭代的階段 state.clear_history(); //清空歷史數據,SolverState消息中的各個參數的歷史數據均爲BlobProto類型的消息 for (int i = 0; i < history_.size(); ++i) { // Add history BlobProto* history_blob = state.add_history(); //增長參數的歷史梯度信息 history_[i]->ToProto(history_blob); //並將求解器中blob類型history_的數據寫入其中 } string snapshot_filename = Solver<Dtype>::SnapshotFilename(".solverstate"); //生成".solverstate"擴展名的快照狀態文件名 LOG(INFO) << "Snapshotting solver state to binary proto file " << snapshot_filename; //打印 WriteProtoToBinaryFile(state, snapshot_filename.c_str()); //將SolverState消息寫入二進制的proto類型文件中 } //將SGDSolver的iter_/model_filename/current_step_/history_寫入到hdf5文件中 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::SnapshotSolverStateToHDF5(const string& model_filename) { // This code is taken from #ifdef USE_HDF5 string snapshot_filename = Solver<Dtype>::SnapshotFilename(".solverstate.h5"); //先生成文件名 LOG(INFO) << "Snapshotting solver state to HDF5 file " << snapshot_filename; hid_t file_hid = H5Fcreate(snapshot_filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); //建立hdf5文件 CHECK_GE(file_hid, 0) << "Couldn't open " << snapshot_filename << " to save solver state."; //檢查是否建立成功 hdf5_save_int(file_hid, "iter", this->iter_); //在file_hid中建立名爲"iter"的整形數據集,並將iter_值寫入其中 hdf5_save_string(file_hid, "learned_net", model_filename); //建立"learned_net", 並將model_filename寫入其中 hdf5_save_int(file_hid, "current_step", this->current_step_); //建立"current_step", 並寫入 hid_t history_hid = H5Gcreate2(file_hid, "history", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT); //建立"history"組 CHECK_GE(history_hid, 0) << "Error saving solver state to " << snapshot_filename << "."; for (int i = 0; i < history_.size(); ++i) { ostringstream oss; oss << i; hdf5_save_nd_dataset<Dtype>(history_hid, oss.str(), *history_[i]); //建立Dtype類型的數據集,並將blob中的數據寫入其中 } H5Gclose(history_hid); H5Fclose(file_hid); // This code is taken from #else LOG(FATAL) << "SnapshotSolverStateToHDF5 requires hdf5;" << " compile with USE_HDF5."; #endif // USE_HDF5 } //從二進制proto文件state_file中讀取求解器的狀態,並存入當前求解器中.若是求解器狀態中還設置了模型參數文件,則還會加載模型參數 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::RestoreSolverStateFromBinaryProto( const string& state_file) { SolverState state; ReadProtoFromBinaryFile(state_file, &state); //從state_file文件中讀取消息到state中 this->iter_ = state.iter(); //使用state中的值設置當前的求解器 if (state.has_learned_net()) { //若是設置了模型參數文件的路徑 NetParameter net_param; ReadNetParamsFromBinaryFileOrDie(state.learned_net().c_str(), &net_param); //從文件中讀取網絡參數 this->net_->CopyTrainedLayersFrom(net_param); //數據拷貝至當前網絡中 } this->current_step_ = state.current_step(); //設置 CHECK_EQ(state.history_size(), history_.size()) << "Incorrect length of history blobs."; //檢查state中歷史數據的個數與當前求解器中歷史數據的個數是否匹配 LOG(INFO) << "SGDSolver: restoring history"; for (int i = 0; i < history_.size(); ++i) { history_[i]->FromProto(state.history(i)); //從state中拷貝歷史梯度數據至當前求解器中 } } //從hdf5文件state_file中讀取求解器的狀態,並存入當前求解器中.若是求解器狀態中還設置了模型參數文件,則還會加載模型參數 template <typename Dtype> void SGDSolver<Dtype>::RestoreSolverStateFromHDF5(const string& state_file) { #ifdef USE_HDF5 hid_t file_hid = H5Fopen(state_file.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT); //打開文件 CHECK_GE(file_hid, 0) << "Couldn't open solver state file " << state_file; //檢查操做是否成功 this->iter_ = hdf5_load_int(file_hid, "iter"); //從file_hid中讀取"iter"數據集中的整數,存入iter_中 if (H5LTfind_dataset(file_hid, "learned_net")) { //判斷file_hid中是否存在名爲"learned_net"的數據集 //讀取該數據集中的字符串,"learned_net"中存放的是網絡模型參數文件的文件名(**.caffemodel.h5) string learned_net = hdf5_load_string(file_hid, "learned_net"); this->net_->CopyTrainedLayersFrom(learned_net); //讀取模型參數文件,加載網絡參數 } this->current_step_ = hdf5_load_int(file_hid, "current_step"); //讀取"current_step"中的值 hid_t history_hid = H5Gopen2(file_hid, "history", H5P_DEFAULT); //打開"history"數據集 CHECK_GE(history_hid, 0) << "Error reading history from " << state_file; int state_history_size = hdf5_get_num_links(history_hid); //獲取其中links(元素)的個數 CHECK_EQ(state_history_size, history_.size()) << "Incorrect length of history blobs."; //一樣檢查是否與當前求解器中的history_匹配 for (int i = 0; i < history_.size(); ++i) { ostringstream oss; oss << i; hdf5_load_nd_dataset<Dtype>(history_hid, oss.str().c_str(), 0, kMaxBlobAxes, history_[i].get()); //從history_hid中讀取數據,存入history_[i]中 } H5Gclose(history_hid); H5Fclose(file_hid); #else LOG(FATAL) << "RestoreSolverStateFromHDF5 requires hdf5;" << " compile with USE_HDF5."; #endif // USE_HDF5 }
# 參照代碼中的GetLearningRate()函數,用Python簡單實現了下不一樣學習率策略的效果,方便有個直觀的瞭解 import numpy as np from math import exp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt base_lr = 0.01 max_iter = np.arange(3000) def fixed(iter): return base_lr def step(iter): step_size = 500 gamma = 0.7 current_step = int(iter / step_size) return base_lr * pow(gamma, current_step) def exp_policy(iter): gamma = 0.99 return base_lr * pow(gamma, iter) def inv(iter): gamma = 0.001 power = 0.75 return base_lr * pow(1 + gamma * iter, -power) class multistep(object): gamma = 0.7 stepvalue = np.array([200, 800, 1500, 2300]) multistep_current_step = 0 def rate(self, iter): if (self.multistep_current_step < self.stepvalue.shape[0] and iter >= self.stepvalue[self.multistep_current_step]): self.multistep_current_step += 1 return base_lr * pow(self.gamma, self.multistep_current_step) def poly(iter): power = 2 return base_lr * pow(1 - iter / max_iter.shape[0], power) def sigmoid(iter): gamma = -0.01 step_size = 1500 return base_lr * (1 / (1 + exp(-gamma * (iter - step_size)))) rate_fixed = np.array([fixed(iter) for iter in max_iter]) rate_step = np.array([step(iter) for iter in max_iter]) rate_exp_policy = np.array([exp_policy(iter) for iter in max_iter]) rate_inv = np.array([inv(iter) for iter in max_iter]) mltstp = multistep() rate_multistep = np.array([mltstp.rate(iter) for iter in max_iter]) rate_poly = np.array([poly(iter) for iter in max_iter]) rate_sigmoid = np.array([sigmoid(iter) for iter in max_iter]) plt.figure(1) ax1 = plt.subplot(3, 3, 1) ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 3, 2) ax3 = plt.subplot(3, 3, 3) ax4 = plt.subplot(3, 3, 4) ax5 = plt.subplot(3, 3, 5) ax6 = plt.subplot(3, 3, 6) ax7 = plt.subplot(3, 3, 7) ax1.set_title('fixed') plt.plot(max_iter, rate_fixed) ax2.set_title('step') plt.plot(max_iter, rate_step) ax3.set_title('exp') plt.plot(max_iter, rate_exp_policy) ax4.set_title('inv') plt.plot(max_iter, rate_inv) ax5.set_title('multistep') plt.plot(max_iter, rate_multistep) ax6.set_title('poly') plt.plot(max_iter, rate_poly) ax7.set_title('sigmoid') plt.plot(max_iter, rate_sigmoid)