一、下載 JIRA 3.12.3 Enterprise - Standalone(或是其餘版本) csdn上有javascript
二、建立數據庫:Create database jiradb character set utf8 php
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
This file configures the OFBiz Entity Engine which JIRA uses to store persist data in a datasource.linux
For detailed configuration help see:web
Or our server specific setup guides (these take you through the setup process for each server):sql
Normally, you will only need to edit the 'field-type-name' attribute of the <datasource> tag, near the bottom of this
Less commonly, you may wish to change then JNDI lookup paths for:
- the Transaction Manager (<transaction-factory> element)
- Database connection (<jndi-jdbc> element).
If you not using the 12 preconfigured DBs, you may also need to add your own field type definition
<resource-loader name="maincp" class="org.ofbiz.core.config.ClasspathLoader"/>
<!-- TRANSACTION FACTORY - This configures how JIRA finds the application server's transaction management.
The default ('java:comp/UserTransaction') is fine except for Tomcat 5.5 ('java:comp/env/UserTransaction'), JBoss and
- see:
<transaction-factory class="org.ofbiz.core.entity.transaction.JNDIFactory">
<user-transaction-jndi jndi-server-name="default" jndi-name="java:comp/env/UserTransaction"/>
<transaction-manager-jndi jndi-server-name="default" jndi-name="java:comp/env/UserTransaction"/>
<delegator name="default" entity-model-reader="main" entity-group-reader="main">
<group-map group-name="default" datasource-name="defaultDS"/>
<entity-model-reader name="main">
<resource loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/entitymodel.xml"/>
<entity-group-reader name="main" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/entitygroup.xml"/>
<field-type name="cloudscape" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-cloudscape.xml"/>
<field-type name="firebird" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-firebird.xml"/>
<field-type name="hsql" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-hsql18.xml"/>
<field-type name="mckoidb" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-mckoidb.xml"/>
<field-type name="mysql" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-mysql.xml"/>
<field-type name="mssql" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-mssql.xml"/>
This field type is deprecated, and should ONLY be used with Oracle 8i.
If you are using Oracle 9i or 10g please use Oracle 10g JDBC drivers and the 'oracle10g' field type, which is specified below
<field-type name="oracle" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-oracle.xml"/>
Please use this field type for Oracle 9i and 10g. Please ensure that you are using Oracle 10g JDBC drivers which are compatible with Oracle 9i.
The 10g JDBC drivers can be downloaded from here: http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html
<field-type name="oracle10g" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-oracle10g.xml"/>
<field-type name="postgres" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-postgres.xml"/>
<field-type name="postgres72" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-postgres72.xml"/> <!-- use for postgres 7.2 and above -->
<field-type name="sapdb" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-sapdb.xml"/>
<field-type name="sybase" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-sybase.xml"/>
<field-type name="db2" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-db2.xml"/>
JRA-4202: FrontBase has 'type' and 'position' as reserved words so make the following changes the entitymodel.xml
<field name="type" type="short-varchar"/> to <field name="type" col-name="TYPE_" type="short-varchar"/>
<field name="type" type="long-varchar"/> to <field name="type" col-name="TYPE_" type="long-varchar"/>
<field name="position" type="integer"/> to <field name="position" col-name="POSITION_" type="integer"/>
<field-type name="frontbase" loader="maincp" location="entitydefs/fieldtype-frontbase.xml"/>
<!-- DATASOURCE - You will need to update this tag for your installation.
1. Update field-type-name attribute to match your database.
Possible values include: cloudscape, db2, firebird, frontbase, hsql, mckoidb, mysql, mssql, oracle10g, oracle, postgres, postgres72, sapdb, sybase
2. If using Orion or JBoss you will need to customize the <jndi-jdbc> tag.
See http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/latest/servers/
3. If using Postgres 7.3+ (schema-aware), use:
in the datasource attribute list below.
4. If using DB2, add:
to the datasource attribute list below, and an appropriate schema-name attribute, eg:
5. If not using HSQLDB remove:
PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE the datasource name from
defaultDS unless instructed to by Atlassian Support.
PLEASE DO NOT set the use-foreign-key* values to "true" as JIRA does not currently support this.
<datasource name="defaultDS" field-type-name="mysql"
<jndi-jdbc jndi-server-name="default" jndi-name="java:comp/env/jdbc/JiraDS"/>
<!-- Orion format: <jndi-jdbc jndi-server-name="default" jndi-name="jdbc/JiraDS"/> -->
<!-- JBoss format: <jndi-jdbc jndi-server-name="default" jndi-name="java:/JiraDS"/> -->
<!-- Weblogic format: <jndi-jdbc jndi-server-name="default" jndi-name="JiraDS"/> -->
# The jira.home property must be set before you start JIRA. It specifies the directory in which JIRA will store its data files.
# This must be set to an absolute path. Relative paths are not allowed.
# Ensure that only one JIRA instance uses the specified JIRA Home.
# NOTE: If you are using Windows, you will need to use double \ characters, for example c:\jira\home should be written
# as c:\\jira\\home
# You can also use Unix-like paths which Java/JIRA can handle, eg c:/jira/home
# This property controls whether XSRF security token protection is enabled in JIRA
# (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery for more general information about this type of web attack vector.)
# This setting is ON by default in JIRA and is only shown here as an example. We recommend that you NEVER set this to 'false'.
# This property controls whether to show the 'Remember my login on this computer' checkbox on login.
# Storing cookies is conceivably a security risk if users frequently share computers.
# Emulation of Internet Explorer MIME sniffing:
# JIRA accepts attachments from users and as such, when showing those attachments to other users, risks a form of
# security breach known as a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attack. Hostile users (or their compromised accounts) who can
# upload an attachment could be able to acquire access to JIRA on behalf of another user (such as an administrator)
# with a specially crafted attachment. Internet Explorer ignores the Content-Type header sent by a server
# to indicate whether or not a file is text/html (and can contain a script) and will execute script code deviously
# embedded in other file types. The default behaviour as of JIRA 3.12 is to detect when IE would do this and in those
# cases force IE to download the file (or at least to prompt the user). Firefox and Safari users are unaffected by this
# since those browsers comply with the standard regarding Content-Type headers sent by the server.
# Three options for attachment downloading policy are available: 'secure', 'workaround', 'insecure'
# 'workaround' (default) is a reasonably safe option which forces Internet Explorer to download attachments that its
# "mime sniffing" would mistakenly detect it to be an html file. In addition, actual declared html attachments are
# never displayed inline for any browser.
# 'secure' is a more paranoid mode which forces all attachments to be downloaded rather than displayed inline. This
# option is designed for high security requirements. Note that users who are prompted may still choose to let IE handle
# the file and may still be prey to an XSS attack.
# 'insecure' is an open mode which allows all attachments to be shown inline. If a user decides to add javascript to an
# attachment, this will run in the context of the application and any user who views the attachment is at risk of the
# javascript code being run in their session on their behalf. Only use this option if you know what you are doing and
# have done your own research to determine that this does not undermine your security expectations.
# Trusted Applications
# Default URL matches (the URLs that TrustedApplications are allowed to access must START WITH the urls in the URL Match)
# Note: use '\n' as a delimiter between multiple urls so they appear on different lines
# Default Timeout. The TrustedApplication sends an encrypted timestamp in the request. Do not allow if the timestamp is
# greater than the timeout (in milliseconds) ago.
# The UserNameTransformer class name. This is useful if the external clients return user-names in mixed case
# and the JIRA internal database is all lower-case by default. This setting should only be changed under instruction
# from Atlassian support.
# For further info please see JRA-14414
# This defaults to com.atlassian.jira.security.auth.trustedapps.UserNameTransformer.LowerCase if empty or missing
# Possible values:
# empty (LowerCase - default)
# com.atlassian.jira.security.auth.trustedapps.UserNameTransformer.LowerCase
# com.atlassian.jira.security.auth.trustedapps.UserNameTransformer.NoOp
# The NoOp version will simply pass through the supplied username in whatever case it retrieves it.
# NOTE: Many of these properties can also be changed via the Administration interface.
# See the 'JIRA ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE' for details.
# This property specifies an 'Announcement Banner' to display at the top of all pages. It can contain HTML tags.
# jira.alertheader =
# This property sets the visibility of the Announcement Banner.
# Values are: 'public' (show to anyone) or 'private' (show to logged-in users only)
# This property specifies the name that will be displayed on the JIRA login page and the dashboard.
jira.title = JIRA
# These properties control the global 'Logo' image which is displayed on every page in JIRA:
jira.lf.logo.url = /images/jira111x30.png
jira.lf.logo.width = 111
jira.lf.logo.height = 30
# This property applies to project logos ('Avatars').
# It specifies the maximum size of images that the Avatar Picker can handle,
# in MegaPixels (where one megapixel is one million pixels)
# JIRA displays error messages about unsupported browsers.
# If you want to suppress these warnings set the value to true
# This id is used to scope CSS selectors for javascript controls:
jira.lf.application.id = jira
# Colors
# These are the background and foreground colors of the top half of the header banner:
jira.lf.top.bgcolour = #114070
jira.lf.top.textcolour = #ffffff
# These are the background and foreground highlight colors of the top half of the header banner:
jira.lf.top.hilightcolour = #325c82
jira.lf.top.texthilightcolour = #f0f0f0
# This is the color of the menu separator, a small line between the top and bottom sections of the header banner:
jira.lf.top.separator.bgcolor = #114070
# These are the background and foreground colors of the bottom half of the header banner (eg the menu section):
jira.lf.menu.bgcolour = #3c78b5
jira.lf.menu.textcolour = #ffffff
jira.lf.menu.separator = #f0f0f0
# These are the colors of hyperlinks in JIRA:
jira.lf.text.linkcolour = #3c78b5
jira.lf.text.activelinkcolour = #3c78b5
# This is the color of JIRA page headings:
jira.lf.text.headingcolour = #3c78b5
# These colors control the default values of the gadget chromes on the dashboard:
# Gadgets
# This property limits the number of gadgets that may be added to a dashboard in JIRA.
# If this property is omitted, it will default to 20.
# If this property is set to true, the 'Login' gadget will not be added to the dashboard for logged-out users.
# If you would like to force https only for the login screen but nowhere else in JIRA, set this property to true.
# See JRA-17727
jira.disable.login.gadget = false
# The default columns for the 'Voted' gadget
jira.table.cols.voted = issuetype, issuekey, summary, priority, status
# The default columns for the 'Watched' gadget
jira.table.cols.watched = issuetype, issuekey, summary, priority, status
# The maximum number of rows a user can display in a table gadget. A higher number my result in performance issues
jira.table.gadget.max.rows = 50
# The columns to view when viewing issues on the dashboard.
# The values that you can put here are valid values from IssueFieldConstants.
jira.table.cols.dashboard = issuetype, issuekey, summary, priority
# Charts
# These properties specify the maximum number of 'Days Previous' for which a chart can be generated for a certain time period.
# Generally this should be limited such that you can only generate about 250 datapoints. This means that the generated chart
# will have 1-2 pixel wide bars if the maxium data range is generated for a period.
# Please note that increasing these values can have a very large impact on performance, and will generally produce charts
# that don't show useful information.
# Valid periods as defined by com.atlassian.jira.charts.ChartFactory.PeriodName are:
# hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly
# If no mapping can be found, the default value of 1000 days will be used.
# Project 'Summary' screen
# The number of issues shown on the 'Summary' tab when browsing a project.
# Project Release Notes
# These list the templates that can be used for generating Release Notes (ie. changelogs).
# For each template, there needs to a corresponding entry in *both* of the following properties:
jira.releasenotes.templatenames = Html, Text
jira.releasenotes.templates = releasenotes-html.vm, releasenotes-text.vm
# The default format for Release Notes:
jira.releasenotes.default = Html
# 'View Issue' screen
# The default order of actions (tab items like 'Comments', 'Change History' etc) on the 'View Issue' screen, by date, from top to bottom
# Possible values are: asc desc
# Specifies the sort order of the issue links on the 'View Issue' screen.
# The value is a comma-separated list which can contain 'key', 'type', 'status', 'priority' or 'resolution'
jira.view.issue.links.sort.order = type, status, priority
# The width of field labels on the 'View Issue' screen. This must be a number and is converted into 'm'-widths on the page.
# Uncommenting the following property (and leaving it set to true) will prevent the 'Operations' bar on the 'View Issue' page
# from tracking down the page with the user.
# This is the default group size for the 'Operations' bar (before adding a drop-down)
#ops.bar.group.size = 2
# This is the size of the 'Actions' group in the 'Operations' bar:
#ops.bar.group.size.opsbar-operations = 2
# This is the size of the 'Workflow' group in the 'Operations' bar:
#ops.bar.group.size.opsbar-transitions = 2
# The columns to show when viewing issues in a table (eg. the 'Linked Issues' section on the 'View Issue' page).
# The values that you can put here are valid values from IssueFieldConstants.
jira.table.cols.linkedissue = issuetype, issuekey, summary, status, priority
# Sub-Tasks
# The columns to show when viewing sub-task issues in a table (ie. the 'Sub-Tasks' section on the 'View Issue' page).
# The values that you can put here are valid values from IssueFieldConstants.
# Note that the 'Summary' field is put in by default, as it uses a different summary field to normal.
jira.table.cols.subtasks = issuetype, status, assignee, progress
# This property controls whether to show the 'Subtask quick creation form' on the 'View Issue' page for issues that have no sub-tasks yet.
# This template formats the 'Subtask quick creation form' that appears on the 'View Issue' page.
# Horizontal and vertical forms are provided (vertical works better if fields need labels or use textareas)
jira.subtask.quickcreateform.template = templates/jira/issue/subtask/quickcreationform-vertical.vm
#jira.subtask.quickcreateform.template = templates/jira/issue/subtask/quickcreationform-horizontal.vm
# The fields to show on the 'Subtask quick creation form' that appears on the 'View Issue' page.
# The values must be valid issue field ids (see IssueFieldConstants class) and can contain custom fields
# The issue field id may be followed by the label text or an i18n message key for the label, separated by colon (':').
# This will be used to display the label for this field if horizontal template is selected.
# The format of the custom field is 'customfield_<id>' where <id> is the numeric id of the field in the database
# Field values may be preset, eg. 'summary,issuetype=7,assignee=-1' where only 'summary' would show.
jira.subtask.quickcreateform.fields = summary,issuetype,assignee,timetracking
# Autocomplete
# Specifies the number of results to display in the AJAX autocomplete pickers
# Specifies Whether or not the AJAX issue-picker is enabled
jira.ajax.autocomplete.issuepicker.enabled = true
# Specifies the maximum number of users that can be used with the AJAX user-picker
jira.ajax.autocomplete.userpicker.limit = 5000
# Specifies the maximum number of suggestions to show for labels. Setting this property to 0 will not impose a limit on
# suggestions at all. This may be quite slow, however.
jira.ajax.autocomplete.labelsuggestion.limit = 20
# Links
# These two settings control whether Trackback is enabled in JIRA.
# (Trackback is a means of telling websites that a page has been linked to.)
# By default, JIRA will receive trackbacks but not send them.
jira.option.trackback.send = false
jira.option.trackback.receive = true
# The prefix added to the Summary field of cloned issues:
jira.clone.prefix = CLONE -
# The type of link to create between a cloned issue and the issue from which it was cloned:
jira.clone.linktype.name = Cloners
# A prefix for the custom field that links to the old issue for imported issues (eg from Mantis/Bugzilla).
# Bugzilla example:
# jira.importid.prefix = http://localhost/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=
# Mantis example:
# jira.importid.prefix = http://localhost/mantis/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=
# Commenting out this property will render the ID non-linked.
# Special (default) value 'unconfigured' notifies the admin that the property needs configuring
jira.importid.prefix = unconfigured
# Option specifying the CVS root type to pass when accessing ViewCVS
# Example ViewCVS URL: http://viewcvspath/viewcvs.cgi/path?<CVS ROOT _TYPE>=cvs_root
# Valid CVS root types are:
# 1. cvsroot
# 2. root
# Specifies the default number of issues per Issue Navigator page. (Individual users can change this.)
# Specifies whether to notify users about their own changes on watched issues. (Individual users can change this.)
# Specifies whether filters and dashboards are shared with everyone by default. (Individual users can change this.)
# Specifies the default value for notification mimetype preference (ie. html or text emails) in User Preferences:
# Specifies whether to show 'Actions' and 'Operations' in the Issue Navigator
# Whether the keyboard shortcuts are enabled or not
# Specifies the maximum number of 'Issue History' records to keep for each user:
jira.max.Issue.history.items = 50
# Specifies the maximum number of issue entries to show in the 'Issue History' drop-down. This is actually one more than shown.
jira.max.issue.history.dropdown.items = 6
# Specifies the maximum number of filter entries to show in the 'Issue Filter' drop-down.
jira.max.issue.filter.dropdown.items = 10
# Specifies the default maximum number of history records to keep for a user.
# This is used for items we tore history for but don't specify an explicit key for in the form - jira.max.<type>.history.items
jira.max.history.items = 10
# Specifies the default maximum number of JQL queries in the history.
jira.max.JQLQuery.history.items = 10
# Specifies the default maximum number of Admin Pages in the history.
jira.max.AdminPage.history.items = 5
# Controls whether JIRA will prompt users for logout confirmation.
# Valid values are 'never' (default), 'cookie' (ie. prompt only if the user was logged in via a cookie), 'always'.
jira.option.logoutconfirm = never
# If this option is set to false, users avatars will no longer be shown anywhere in the UI. This will also disable
# the user hover.
# Controls the maximum number of users that will be displayed for a group when managing group membership in bulk.
jira.usermanagement.maxdisplaymembers = 200
# This setting applies to comment visibility. It determines whether the 'Viewable by' drop-down includes groups or only project roles.
# true = Both Groups and Project Roles are included
# false = Groups are not included
# This setting applies to 'Scheme Tools', which are used for migrating users from groups to project roles.
# It determines how many schemes you can run a comparison against at one time.
# This should stay at or around 5 as the tool presents far too much information as the number goes up.
# Project Key Pattern
# Specify the perl5 regexp for defining the project key - this regex will be prepended with "^" and closed with "$" for an exact matching rule.
# Note that the project key must only be allowed to contain ASCII characters, as it is used in HTTP GET requests. This means that
# you should not allow slashes (/) in your project keys, as they will make it impossible for JIRA to distinguish between
# project keys and unrelated URL parts. See http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-12819.
# Hyphens should also be excluded. See http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-13910 for more information.
# Also specify the warning and description that will be displayed to inform the user how the project key should be formed.
# If you wish to have alphaNumeric project keys, use the pattern: ([A-Z][A-Z0-9]+)
jira.projectkey.pattern = ([A-Z][A-Z]+)
# The 2 properties below use the i18n packages to obtain the project key warning and description
# However it is still possible change the text here. For example, the below will still work:
# jira.projectkey.warning = This is a test warning!
jira.projectkey.warning = admin.errors.must.specify.unique.project.key
jira.projectkey.description = admin.projects.key.description
# A space/comma separated list of reserved words that cannot be used as keywords.
# Please see JRA-8051 for more information. Generally this is a list of keywords
# that are reserved, and cannot be used for creating directories on the filesystem.
jira.projectkey.reservedwords.list = PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, CON, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, LPT9
# Specifies whether a string containing URLs with a JIRA Key on the end should be considered to contain a JIRA Key.
# Set to true to ignore keys on the ends of URLs
# Set to false to include keys on the ends of URLs
# Uncomment the following option if you'd like to revert back to the old issue key detection behaviour.
# For more info see http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-12354
jira.lf.date.time = h:mm a
jira.lf.date.day = EEEE h:mm a
# These are in Java format (see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html).
# If you specify yyyy in the format for a SimpleDateFormatter then '08' becomes '0008'. If you specify yy then '08' becomes '2008'.
# Read the SimpleDateFormat documentation for more details before changing the year field.
jira.lf.date.complete = dd/MMM/yy h:mm a
jira.lf.date.dmy = dd/MMM/yy
# This property controls whether to display dates relative to now (eg.'Today, 2:12pm'):
jira.lf.date.relativize = true
# These two properties need to match for the date-picker to perform correctly.
# The first date is in Java format (see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html).
# The second is in Unix format (see the FORMAT section of http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?date)
# Please note that the following options are not recognised: %c %D %E, %F, %G, %g, %h %r %R %T %x %X %z %Z - _ ^ #
# After editing, ensure the date-picker creates valid dates.
# We also recommend you make this format the same as Day/Month/Year Format in the JIRA administration interface.
# If you specify yyyy in the format for a SimpleDateFormatter then '08' becomes '0008'. If you specify yy then '08' becomes '2008'.
# Read the SimpleDateFormat documentation for more details before changing the year field.
jira.date.picker.java.format = d/MMM/yy
jira.date.picker.javascript.format = %e/%b/%y
# These two properties need to match for the date-time-picker to perform correctly.
# The first date is in Java format (see http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html).
# The second in Unix format (see the FORMAT section of http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?date)
# Please note that the following options are not recognised: %c %D %E, %F, %G, %g, %h %r %R %T %x %X %z %Z - _ ^ #
# After editing, ensure the date-time custom field picker creates valid dates.
# If you specify yyyy in the format for a SimpleDateFormatter then '08' becomes '0008'. If you specify yy then '08' becomes '2008'.
# Read the SimpleDateFormat documentation for more details before changing the year field.
jira.date.time.picker.java.format = dd/MMM/yy h:mm a
jira.date.time.picker.javascript.format = %e/%b/%y %I:%M %p
# This property controls whether ISO8601 standard is used to render calendar days/weeks
# (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 for more details)
jira.date.time.picker.use.iso8061 = false
# These properties define your organization's number of working hours per day and working days per week.
# You can use a decimal point if you wish.
# Valid values for format are 'pretty', 'hours', 'days':
# Since JIRA 4.2, Logging Work can now be done on transitions by adding the Log Work field to the transition's screen.
# However, only one input for the comment of the transition and the work description is displayed.
# If this flag is set to true, the value of that input will be used for both the transition comment (and security level)
# and the work description (and worklog security level).
# If this flag is set to false, the value of the input will only be used for the transition comment (and security level);
# the work description will contain no comment and will be visible to all.
# Prior to JIRA 4.2, the 'Original Estimate' and 'Remaining Estimate' could not be edited independently and
# would synchronize values when work had not been logged.
# Since 4.2 the values can be independently edited and are not tied to each other in any way.
# This property allows you to change back to the legacy behavior:
# Specifies whether to show thumbnails of images attached to issues (default is 'true').
# Thumbnail width and height params for creating thumbnails
# If you change this value, then you need to delete the thumbnails ('*_thumb_*') currently stored on disk.
# Defines the number of zip entries to show on the view issue screen
# JIRA can interpret ZIP files and also download all attachments as ZIP files. This may be expensive
# when it involves very large attachments or large files that do not compress well.
# If you would like to disable the 'Screenshot' applet, set this property to false:
# If you would like to enable the screenshot applet for linux set this property to true. Linux sceenshot support is known to be flakey.
# Defines a comma-separated list of the file extensions that JIRA won't expand as a ZIP in the view issue screen.
# By default, it includes the MS Office OpenXml extensions and OpenOffice OpenDocument extensions.
jira.attachment.do.not.expand.as.zip.extensions.list=docx, docm, dotx, dotm, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm, xlsb, xlam, pptx, \
pptm, potx, potm, ppam, ppsx, ppsm, sldx, sldm, thmx, \
odt, odp, ods, odg, odb, odf, ott, otp, ots, otg, odm, sxw, stw, sxc, stc, sxi, sti, sxd, std, sxg
# Specifies the 'From:' header format in notification emails. Default is of the form "John Doe (JIRA) <jira@company.com>".
# Available variables are ${fullname}, ${email} and ${email.hostname}
# If commented out, format is just 'jira@company.com'.
jira.email.fromheader.format = ${fullname} (JIRA)
# Specifies the maximum number of issues that can be sent in an individual e-mail subscription.
# A value of -1 can be used to indicate there is no limit.
# WARNING: Setting to -1 can cause JIRA to run out of memory if there is a subscription with a large number of issues.
# Specifies the encoding to use in outgoing emails
# jira.i18n.email.encoding = UTF-8
# JIRA will send notification emails to both the previous assignee and the current assignee, whenever the 'Assignee' field changes.
# However, past versions of JIRA only sent a notification email to the previous assignee IF the operation that changed the event
# was the 'Assign Issue' operation. It did not send a notification if the issue was edited in some other way.
# This property allows the old behaviour to be re-instated, for those customers who liked the old behaviour.
# See http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-6344 for more details
# Specifies the number of recipients to send to in each email when using the 'Send Bulk Email' function in JIRA.
# Specifies how user email addresses are displayed on the 'Profile' page. The options are:
# 'show' - email addresses are visible to all users.
# 'mask' - email addresses are masked (e.g. 'user@example.com' is displayed as 'user at example dot com').
# 'hide' - email addresses are hidden from all users.
# 'logged-in' - only users logged in to JIRA can view the email addresses.
jira.option.emailvisible = show
# Set this property to 'true' if you create issues via email and don't want to save attached email messages
# to the created JIRA issue (see JRA-15133).
# If this property is set to 'true', JIRA will remove invalid characters during an import.
# WARNING: Don't enable under Tomcat in 3.0-beta, as it breaks things
jira.exportimport.cleanxml = true
# Thie property specifies whether whether automatic export (backup) of your JIRA issue data occurs on upgrade.
# The maximum number of results the Issue Navigator will request from a query
# - set this to zero or negative to be unrestricted (note that the server may forbid this, see below)
jira.search.views.default.max = 1000
# Whether search results are capped to a hard limit, otherwise return a 403 (Forbidden) to the client.
# Set this to negative (-1) or empty for unlimited results.
# NOTE: this must be EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN jira.search.views.default.max above, otherwise all Issue Navigator links will fail with a 403
#jira.search.views.max.limit =
# Regardless of the above, users in this group will be able to request search requests that are unlimited.
# This MUST be a valid group or empty.
#jira.search.views.max.unlimited.group =
# Option to control the maximum number of issue records that will be retrieved in one database 'OR' query
# A larger value should lead to better performance, but will consume more database resources
# Please ensure the database has enough resources to handle large 'OR' queries if you are increasing this value
jira.databasequery.batch.size = 100
# Option to set how many issues to fetch at once for re-indexing.
# This number of issues is fetched at once from the database & re-indexed.
# This option limits the amount of memory used by JIRA whilst re-indexing
jira.issueindex.fetch.size = 200
# The maximum clause limit in Lucene.
# Set this to higher than your expected number of issues, to ensure that date-range searches across all issues will work (see JRA-3127).
# Whether to include pagebreaks between issues in the full content view.
# (Setting to 'true' may break old Mozilla-based browsers - see JRA-4226)
jira.search.fullcontentview.pagebreaks = true
# If you want to override your jvm locale, uncomment the following line:
# jira.i18n.default.locale = en_US
# The following property specifies the locale used when sorting database results.
# Defaults to 'jira.i18n.default.locale' if not specified.
# There are times when JIRA has to sort database results itself instead of using the database. This setting
# controls the JIRA-side sorting. This setting should be as close as possible to the sorting locale that
# the database is using.
# We don't expect you to set this property unless directed to by JIRA Support.
# jira.i18n.sql.locale = en_US
# This property controls the java.text.Collator that is used when JIRA does database result search itself.
# These string values are derived from the constants that apply to the java.text.Collator.setStrength() method. You can
# read more information about these values here at : http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/text/Collator.html
# We don't expect you to set this property unless directed to by JIRA support.
#jira.i18n.sql.collator.strength = PRIMARY
#jira.i18n.sql.collator.strength = SECONDARY
#jira.i18n.sql.collator.strength = TERTIARY
#jira.i18n.sql.collator.strength = IDENTICAL
# Specified the 'wait time' for a file lock in the Lucene IssueIndexManager (in milliseconds)
# This value should only be modified if you are seeing a jira.issue.index.DefaultIndexManager 'Giving up reindex' ERROR
# in your log files or requested to do so by Atlassian support.
# Number of issue index updates before automatic index optimization is triggered.
# A value of 0 indicates never trigger.
# Number of issue indexes performed in bulk that will trigger index optimization.
# A value of 0 indicates never trigger.
# Limits the number of issues that may be edited via a bulk operation in one go.
# This may be useful if you are experiencing performance issues due to a large number of concurrent edits of
# large number of issues. Please note that this should NOT be used to disable bulk edit operations. Use the
# Global 'Bulk Change' permission accessible via the Admin interface in JIRA to do this.
# If a user tries to edit more than the provided number of issues here, an error will be displayed.
# Set the count to a negative number (-1) or simply comment out this property for unlimited number of issues.
jira.bulk.edit.limit.issue.count = 1000
# Lucene IndexWriter settings
# Maximum number of Terms (words) that will be indexed for each field (eg. Issue Description or Environment).
jira.index.maxfieldlength = 10000
# Note: cannot set maxmergedocs any higher than 2147483647 as that is the MAXIMUM value for an integer
# Batch mode:
jira.index.batch.mergefactor = 50
jira.index.batch.maxmergedocs = 2147483647
jira.index.batch.maxbuffereddocs = 300
# Interactive mode:
jira.index.interactive.mergefactor = 4
jira.index.interactive.maxmergedocs = 2147483647
jira.index.interactive.maxbuffereddocs = 300
# This property is a workaround for http://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-13791. If this property is set to true,
# JIRA will only try to handle multipart POSTs. Multipart GETs will be ignored by the mulipart request handler.
# If the property is commented out or set to false, JIRA will also try to handle multipart GETs however,
# this may lead to a problem due to a bug in Safari, where a GET may be submitted with the multipart content-type
# header even though it isn't needed.
# A counter that signifies the last time that static web resources were flushed
# A counter that can be used to flush superbatched web-resources
# The values in this file are not automatically handed to the application.
# The special call ApplicationProperties().getDefaultBackedString()
# will return the values in this file if they are not found in the database
# The keys must match up with the keys found in APKeys.java
3.3 server.xml以下
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Atlassian JIRA Standalone Edition Tomcat Configuration.
See the following for more information
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
<!--APR library loader. Documentation at /docs/apr.html -->
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" SSLEngine="on"/>
<!--Initialize Jasper prior to webapps are loaded. Documentation at /docs/jasper-howto.html -->
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener"/>
<!-- JMX Support for the Tomcat server. Documentation at /docs/non-existent.html -->
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener"/>
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"/>
<!-- Global JNDI resources
Documentation at /docs/jndi-resources-howto.html
<!-- A "Service" is a collection of one or more "Connectors" that share
a single "Container" Note: A "Service" is not itself a "Container",
so you may not define subcomponents such as "Valves" at this level.
Documentation at /docs/config/service.html
<Service name="Catalina">
<Connector port="8080"
To run JIRA via HTTPS:
* Uncomment the Connector below
* Execute:
%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA (Windows)
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA (Unix)
with a password value of "changeit" for both the certificate and the keystore itself.
* If you are on JDK1.3 or earlier, download and install JSSE 1.0.2 or later, and put the JAR files into
* Restart and visit https://localhost:8443/
For more info, see :
<Connector port="8443" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" SSLEnabled="true"
maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
enableLookups="false" disableUploadTimeout="true"
acceptCount="100" scheme="https" secure="true"
clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" useBodyEncodingForURI="true"/>
If you have Apache AJP Connector (mod_ajp) as a proxy in front of JIRA you should uncomment the following connector configuration line
See the following for more information :
<Connector port="8009" redirectPort="8443" enableLookups="false" protocol="AJP/1.3" URIEncoding="UTF-8"/>
<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost">
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true">
<Context path="" docBase="${catalina.home}/atlassian-jira" reloadable="true">
Configure your database driver and connection parameters here
<Resource name="jdbc/JiraDS" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
When a database server reboots or there is a network failure all the connections in the
connection pool are broken and normally this requires a Application Server reboot.
If you include the parameter validationQuery="{QUERY FOR YOUR DB HERE}" in the resource tag above,
a new connection is created to replace it. (eg for MySQL: validationQuery="Select 1")
For more information see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/JIRA/Surviving+Connection+Closures.
This is extremely important for MySQL because it has a default connection timeout of 8 hours.
Once you move off hsqldb onto a production DB server:
* delete or change the minEvictableIdleTimeMillis and timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis attributes
* change the database type in atlassian-jira/WEB-INF/classes/entityengine.xml
<Resource name="UserTransaction" auth="Container" type="javax.transaction.UserTransaction"
factory="org.objectweb.jotm.UserTransactionFactory" jotm.timeout="60"/>
<Manager pathname="" className="org.apache.catalina.session.PersistentManager" saveOnRestart="false"/>
Access Logging.
This should produce access_log.<date> files in the 'logs' directory.
The output access log lies has the following fields :
IP Request_Id User Timestamp "HTTP_Method URL Protocol_Version" HTTP_Status_Code ResponseSize_in_Bytes RequestTime_In_Millis Referer User_Agent ASESSIONID
eg : 1243466536012x12x1 admin [28/May/2009:09:22:17 +1000] "GET /jira/secure/admin/jira/IndexProgress.jspa?taskId=1 HTTP/1.1" 200 24267 1070 "http://carltondraught.sydney.atlassian.com:8090/jira/secure/admin/jira/IndexAdmin.jspa" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042523 Ubuntu/9.04 (jaunty) Firefox/3.0.10" "C2C99B632EE0F41E90F8EF7A201F6A78"
The RequestId is a millis_since_epoch plus request number plus number of concurrent users
The Request time is in milliseconds
The ASESSIONID is an hash of the JSESSIONID and hence is safe to publish within logs. A session cannot be reconstructed from it.
See http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/config/valve.html for more information on Tomcat Access Log Valves
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" resolveHosts="false"
pattern="%a %{jira.request.id}r %{jira.request.username}r %t "%m %U%q %H" %s %b %D "%{Referer}i" "%{User-Agent}i" "%{jira.request.assession.id}r""/>
package com.jira.demo;
import java.io.*;
import java.security.KeyFactory;
import java.security.Signature;
import java.security.spec.PKCS8EncodedKeySpec;
import com.atlassian.license.LicensePair;
public class keygen {
public keygen() {
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
try {
long l = 267L;
long l1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
long l2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
String s = "";
System.out.println("Keygen for JIRA Enterprise Edition.");
System.out.print("created by mydaj[ROR].");
do {
System.out.print("\nEnter your organization name: ");
for (int i = System.in.read(); i != 10 && i != 13; i = System.in
s = s + (char) i;
} while (s == "");
try {
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec pkcs8encodedkeyspec = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(
KeyFactory keyfactory = KeyFactory.getInstance("DSA", "SUN");
java.security.PrivateKey privatekey = keyfactory
String s1 = Long.toString(l, 10);
s1 = s1 + "^^";
s1 = s1 + Long.toString(l1, 10);
s1 = s1 + "^^";
s1 = s1 + Long.toString(l2, 10);
s1 = s1 + "^^";
s1 = s1 + s;
byte abyte0[] = s1.getBytes();
Signature signature = Signature.getInstance("SHA1withDSA");
byte abyte1[] = signature.sign();
LicensePair licensepair = null;
try {
licensepair = new LicensePair(abyte0, abyte1);
} catch (Exception exception1) {
System.out.println("Your license key is: ");
} catch (Exception exception) {
} catch (IOException ioexception) {
static byte EncodedPrvKey[] = { 48, -126, 1, 75, 2, 1, 0, 48, -126, 1, 44,
6, 7, 42, -122, 72, -50, 56, 4, 1, 48, -126, 1, 31, 2, -127, -127,
0, -3, 127, 83, -127, 29, 117, 18, 41, 82, -33, 74, -100, 46, -20,
-28, -25, -10, 17, -73, 82, 60, -17, 68, 0, -61, 30, 63, -128, -74,
81, 38, 105, 69, 93, 64, 34, 81, -5, 89, 61, -115, 88, -6, -65,
-59, -11, -70, 48, -10, -53, -101, 85, 108, -41, -127, 59, -128,
29, 52, 111, -14, 102, 96, -73, 107, -103, 80, -91, -92, -97, -97,
-24, 4, 123, 16, 34, -62, 79, -69, -87, -41, -2, -73, -58, 27, -8,
59, 87, -25, -58, -88, -90, 21, 15, 4, -5, -125, -10, -45, -59, 30,
-61, 2, 53, 84, 19, 90, 22, -111, 50, -10, 117, -13, -82, 43, 97,
-41, 42, -17, -14, 34, 3, 25, -99, -47, 72, 1, -57, 2, 21, 0, -105,
96, 80, -113, 21, 35, 11, -52, -78, -110, -71, -126, -94, -21,
-124, 11, -16, 88, 28, -11, 2, -127, -127, 0, -9, -31, -96, -123,
-42, -101, 61, -34, -53, -68, -85, 92, 54, -72, 87, -71, 121, -108,
-81, -69, -6, 58, -22, -126, -7, 87, 76, 11, 61, 7, -126, 103, 81,
89, 87, -114, -70, -44, 89, 79, -26, 113, 7, 16, -127, -128, -76,
73, 22, 113, 35, -24, 76, 40, 22, 19, -73, -49, 9, 50, -116, -56,
-90, -31, 60, 22, 122, -117, 84, 124, -115, 40, -32, -93, -82, 30,
43, -77, -90, 117, -111, 110, -93, 127, 11, -6, 33, 53, 98, -15,
-5, 98, 122, 1, 36, 59, -52, -92, -15, -66, -88, 81, -112, -119,
-88, -125, -33, -31, 90, -27, -97, 6, -110, -117, 102, 94, -128,
123, 85, 37, 100, 1, 76, 59, -2, -49, 73, 42, 4, 22, 2, 20, 42, 50,
-88, 30, 125, -37, 118, -50, 20, -82, -63, 0, 8, -36, 106, -9,
-110, 124, 107, 68 };
啓動Tomcat 找到Tomcat,如:D:\atlassian-jira-enterprise-3.13.2-standalone\bin;