Part 3: Large Coding Question
[P3 Q1] Quack from afar
[P3Q2] Quack Family - Siblings
[P3 Q3] Chucky's Chicken App
1) Read in Menu From File
2) Order Items
3) Calculate Prices
4) Charge the User
[P3 Q1] Quack from afar
The Problem
Unfortunately, the duck population has seen an outbreak of QUACK19, and the Duck government
has placed social distancing restrictions on all pond activities. However, the Duck government is
constantly changing their distancing requirements, so it is up to you to determine which ducks are
allowed to swim in the pond.
You are provided with a file which contains a list of coordinates of where ducks will land in a
pond. Ducks will land in the pond one after the other. The order that coordinates appear in the
file corresponds to the order they will land in the pond.
When a duck attempts to land in the pond, it must first determine if the position it wants to land
is far enough away from any of the current ducks in the pond. Using the distance that the Duck
Government has given you, we can calculate whether the new duck will encroach on existing
ducks in the pond. If their landing spot is too close to other ducks, they will keep flying and find
another pond somewhere (we do not care about the other pond).
After all the ducks in violation of social distancing have moved on, you should write to a file the
coordinates of all the ducks which are currently in the pond. The order these ducks appear in the
file should preserve the order in which they arrived in the pond.
Your program should the write to a file with the same name as the filename parameter,
although prefixed with filtered- .
For example, if my filename is ducks.txt , I would write the filtered duck coordinates to
filtered-ducks.txt . Another example, if my filename was pond.ducks , I would write the
filtered duck coordinates to filtered-pond.ducks .
The Task
Write a function distance_ducks(filename, distance) . The function will read a file from the
given filename which contains the coordinates of duck landing zones in a pond. The
function will then filter the file so that only ducks adhering to social distancing rules can stay in
the pond. The function will then write to a file containing the coordinates of ducks which are not
in violation of social distancing.
If the file cannot be opened because it does not exist, you must catch the FileNotFoundError
object and throw a new exception FileNotFoundError with the contents of the exception being
the filename. Any other exception for failure to open a file is not caught.
If the parameter filename is not a string type, then a TypeError exception is thrown with the
contents of the exception being a string "parameter filename is not a string" .
If the parameter distance is not a float or int type, then a TypeError exception is thrown with
the contents of the exception being a string "parameter distance is not a numeric type" .
The file
Each line in the file will consist of two floating point values separated by a comma. Each new line
of the file represents the position that a new duck will attempt to land in the pond.
An example of the file contents is shown below:
You can find sample input and output files in the testing folder in your workspace.
The directory names in outputs specify the distance value used, e.g. 1-5 indicates 1.5m of
distance between ducks.
You do not have to write your own tests / test driver for this task (although you can if you'd like).
The contents of the testing directory are sample outputs for you to check if your program is
working. This is optional.
The directory structure for the testing folder is to let you know the distance value that was used
when the sample outputs were generated, so that you can test your function with the same
arguments (to hopefully get the same output). Check the README file, You can use the diff
command to check if your output file matches the sample.
Your program does not have to mimic this directory structure. You can assume that python will
output the file in the same directory as the input file (I recommend you put your input files in the
current working directory).
Disclaimer: you are not guaranteed to be provided sample tests in the exam
Calculating Distance
You can use Euclidean distance to calculate the distance between any two ducks:
Consider two ducks and with associated coordinates and .
The distance between the ducks can be found with the following formula:
Due to floating points having some precision issues, you are allowed to correct for errors less
than 0.0001.
That means, 1.500000005135 would be considered as 1.5 in regards to the distance calculation.
[P3Q2] Quack Family - Siblings
The Problem
A duck can usually raise 12 ducklings, which is quite a lot. In the Kingdom of Mallard, there is a
culture of recording their own family tree. Some family trees can trace back hundreds of years of
lineage, while others have records of only the latest generation.
You have found some family trees online. While you were learning about their history, you had an
idea to present the family tree interactively. Specifically, you would like to interactively count and
identify the siblings and step-siblings of a given duck of interest.
The provided data files present the details of each duck in a separate row in the following format:
<name>, <gender>, <year of birth>, <father>, <mother>
Each data field is separated by commas. An example of the file contents is shown below:
The Task
Write a function count_siblings(filename, name) . The function will read a file from the given
filename which contains the family tree of the duck of interest. It will then determine the siblings
(same father and mother) and step-siblings (same father, different mother or same mother,
different father) of the duck. The function will return a string in the following format:
<name> has <number> siblings: <list of siblings>, <list of step-siblings>
Siblings will be listed first, followed by step-siblings. Step-siblings will also be identified with the
string (step) following their names. Regular English punctuation will need to be applied. For
example, from the data of the sample file shown above:
If the parameter filename is not a string type, then a TypeError exception is thrown with the
contents of the exception being a string "parameter filename is not a string" .
If the parameter name is not a string type, then a TypeError exception is thrown with the
contents of the exception being a string "parameter name is not a string" .
Theo, m, 1958, ,
Ray, m, 1952, ,
Stephen, m, 1979, Theo, Mary
Daffy, m, 1976, Ray, Mary
Annabelle, F, 1975, John, Olivia
Ryan, m, 1981, Ray, Penelope
Chris, m, 1981, Theo, Mary
Deborah, F, 1996, Stephen, Annabelle
Dominic, m, 1997, Ryan, May
Brian, M, 2007, Ray, Penelope
Melvin, m, 1981, Ray, Penelope
print(count_siblings("family.dcf", "Brian"))python
count_siblings("family.dcf", "Daffy")git
If the parameter name is not found in the file, then a ValueError exception is thrown with the
contents of the exception being a string "name parameter not found in file" .
If the file cannot be opened because it does not exist, you must catch the FileNotFoundError
object and throw a new exception FileNotFoundError with the contents of the exception being
the filename . Any other exception for failure to open a file is not caught.
[P3 Q3] Chucky's Chicken App
Complete this program that is designed to assist in Chucky's Chicken restaurant's operation. The
program should allow customers to order online, choose delivery or pickup, and pay for their
food using card or cash.
1) Read in Menu From File
Write a function read_menu() that takes one parameter (string datatype), the filename of the
menu. The function will return a list of the items and their prices. You can assume the contents of
the file are valid.
Example file:
Example result: [["1 piece of chicken", 3], ["6 pieces of chicken", 14.95], ["21
pieces of chicken", 34.95], ["Popcorn chicken", 5.95], ["3 wicked wings", 3.95], ["5
original tenders", 9.95], ["6 nuggets", 5.95], ["Original recipe burger", 5.95]]
2) Order Items
Write a function order_items() that takes one parameter (the list of menu items), displays the
menu items with the price, and continuously prompts the user to enter their choice. The function
then returns the a list of lists containing the items user chose ( [[<item name>, <item price>],
[<item name>, <item price>], ...] ) . Assume the user will only enter integers.
Make sure the function performs in the following order:app