當在Debian / Ubuntu的發行版上用 ceph-deploy 部署Ceph的墨魚之外,你可能會開始和中止Ceph的守護進程在Ceph的節點採用基於事件的Upstart。Upstart不須要您定義守護進程實例,在CEPH配置文件中。html
sudo initctl list | grep ceph
額外細節,見 initctl 部分.ubuntu
sudo start ceph-all
sudo stop ceph-all
sudo start ceph-osd-all sudo start ceph-mon-all sudo start ceph-mds-all
sudo stop ceph-osd-all sudo stop ceph-mon-all sudo stop ceph-mds-all
sudo start ceph-osd id={id} sudo start ceph-mon id={hostname} sudo start ceph-mds id={hostname}
sudo start ceph-osd id=1 sudo start ceph-mon id=ceph-server sudo start ceph-mds id=ceph-server
sudo stop ceph-osd id={id} sudo stop ceph-mon id={hostname} sudo stop ceph-mds id={hostname}
sudo stop ceph-osd id=1 sudo start ceph-mon id=ceph-server sudo start ceph-mds id=ceph-server
每次您啓動,從新啓動,並 中止 Ceph的守護進程(或整個集羣),你必須至少指定一個選項,一個命令。你也能夠指定一個的守護類型或一個守護進程實例。
{commandline} [options] [commands] [daemons]
The ceph options include:
Option | Shortcut | Description |
--verbose | -v | 使用詳細的日誌記錄 |
--valgrind | N/A | (Dev and QA only) 使用Valgrind的調試 |
--allhosts | -a | 用ceph.conf上執行全部節點,不然它只本地執行 |
--restart | N/A | 若是核心轉儲,自動啓動deamon |
--norestart | N/A | 若是核心轉儲,不要從新啓動守護進程 |
--conf | -c | 使用備用配置文件 |
The ceph commands include:
Command | Description |
start | 啓動守護進程 |
stop | 中止守護進程 |
forcestop | 強制中止全部守護進程,用-9殺死全部 |
killall | 殺手全部特定類型的守護進程 |
cleanlogs | 清除日誌記錄. |
cleanalllogs | 清除日誌記錄中的一切. |
在紅帽,Fedora和CentOS上使用傳統的sysvinit是運行Ceph推薦的方式,您也能夠使用Debian / Ubuntu的較老的版本。
To start your Ceph cluster, execute ceph with the start command. Use the following syntax:
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph [options] [start|restart] [daemonType|daemonID]
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a start
一旦你執行的 -a(即全部節點上執行),Ceph的應該開始工做。
To stop your Ceph cluster, execute ceph with the stop command. Use the following syntax:
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph [options] stop [daemonType|daemonID]
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a stop
Once you execute with -a (i.e., execute on all nodes), Ceph should stop operating.
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph start {daemon-type} sudo /etc/init.d/ceph start osd
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a start {daemon-type} sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a start osd
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph stop {daemon-type} sudo /etc/init.d/ceph stop osd
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a stop {daemon-type} sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a stop osd
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph start {daemon-type}.{instance} sudo /etc/init.d/ceph start osd.0
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a start {daemon-type}.{instance} sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a start osd.0
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph stop {daemon-type}.{instance} sudo /etc/init.d/ceph stop osd.0
sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a stop {daemon-type}.{instance} sudo /etc/init.d/ceph -a stop osd.0
當你用mkcephfsb部署 Argonaut or Bobtail .
To start your Ceph cluster, execute ceph with the start command. Use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph [options] [start|restart] [daemonType|daemonID]
The following examples illustrates a typical use case:
sudo service ceph -a start
Once you execute with -a (i.e., execute on all nodes), Ceph should begin operating.
To stop your Ceph cluster, execute ceph with the stop command. Use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph [options] stop [daemonType|daemonID]
For example:
sudo service ceph -a stop
Once you execute with -a (i.e., execute on all nodes), Ceph should shut down.
To start all Ceph daemons of a particular type on the local Ceph Node, use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph start {daemon-type} sudo service ceph start osd
To start all Ceph daemons of a particular type on all nodes, use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph -a start {daemon-type} sudo service ceph -a start osd
To stop all Ceph daemons of a particular type on the local Ceph Node, use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph stop {daemon-type} sudo service ceph stop osd
To stop all Ceph daemons of a particular type on all nodes, use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph -a stop {daemon-type} sudo service ceph -a stop osd
To start a Ceph daemon on the local Ceph Node, use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph start {daemon-type}.{instance} sudo service ceph start osd.0
To start a Ceph daemon on another node, use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph -a start {daemon-type}.{instance} sudo service ceph -a start osd.0
To stop a Ceph daemon on the local Ceph Node, use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph stop {daemon-type}.{instance} sudo service ceph stop osd.0
To stop a Ceph daemon on another node, use the following syntax:
sudo service ceph -a stop {daemon-type}.{instance} sudo service ceph -a stop osd.0