博客的標題是《JavaScript中的this陷阱的最全收集--沒有之一》,很顯然這篇博客闡述的是this。相信作過JavaScript開發的人都遇到過很多this的陷阱,我本身自己也遇到過很多坑,可是若是非要給出一個系統的總結的話,尚未足夠的底蘊。很是幸運的是,今天早上起來看《Hacker News》的時候,恰巧看到了一篇有關於JavaScript this的解析:all this。因而,本着學習和共享的精神,決定將它翻譯成中文。翻譯的目的絕對不是爲了當大天然的搬運工,在這個過程當中會徹底弄明白別人的著做,加深認識,同時將好東西分享給別人,才能讓更多的學習者站在巨人的肩膀上前進。按照我本身的習慣,會翻譯的過程當中加上一些本身解釋(引用部分),畢竟中西方人的思考方式是有差別的。固然文章標題所述的最全也不是吹的,文章很是長。java
(目前最快JavaScript引擎、Google生產)、JavaScript core
- 一套與宿主環境相聯繫的規則;
- JavaScript引擎內核(基本語法規範、邏輯、命令和算法);
- 一組內置對象和API;
- 其餘約定。
Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications編程
1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 console.log(this === window); //true 3 </script>
1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 var foo = "bar"; 3 console.log(this.foo); //logs "bar" 4 console.log(window.foo); //logs "bar" 5 </script>
1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 foo = "bar"; 3 4 function testThis() { 5 foo = "foo"; 6 } 7 8 console.log(this.foo); //logs "bar" 9 testThis(); 10 console.log(this.foo); //logs "foo" 11 </script>
> this { ArrayBuffer: [Function: ArrayBuffer], Int8Array: { [Function: Int8Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1 }, Uint8Array: { [Function: Uint8Array] BYTES_PER_ELEMENT: 1 }, ... > global === this true
1 test.js腳本內容: 2 3 console.log(this); 4 console.log(this === global); 5 6 REPL運行腳本: 7 8 $ node test.js 9 {} 10 false
1 test.js: 2 3 var foo = "bar"; 4 console.log(this.foo); 5 6 $ node test.js 7 undefined
1 > var foo = "bar"; 2 > this.foo 3 bar 4 > global.foo 5 bar
1 test.js 2 3 foo = "bar"; 4 console.log(this.foo); 5 console.log(global.foo); 6 7 $ node test.js 8 undefined 9 bar
1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 foo = "bar"; 3 4 function testThis() { 5 this.foo = "foo"; 6 } 7 8 console.log(this.foo); //logs "bar" 9 testThis(); 10 console.log(this.foo); //logs "foo" 11 </script>
test.js foo = "bar"; function testThis () { this.foo = "foo"; } console.log(global.foo); testThis(); console.log(global.foo); $ node test.js bar foo
1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 foo = "bar"; 3 4 function testThis() { 5 "use strict"; 6 this.foo = "foo"; 7 } 8 9 console.log(this.foo); //logs "bar" 10 testThis(); //Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'foo' of undefined 11 </script>
1 <script type="text/javascript"> 2 foo = "bar"; 3 4 function testThis() { 5 this.foo = "foo"; 6 } 7 8 console.log(this.foo); //logs "bar" 9 new testThis(); 10 console.log(this.foo); //logs "bar" 11 12 console.log(new testThis().foo); //logs "foo" 13 </script>
函數裏面的this其實相對比較好理解,若是咱們在一個函數裏面使用this,須要注意的就是咱們調用函數的方式,若是是正常的方式調用函數,this指代全局的this,若是咱們加一個new,這個函數就變成了一個構造函數,咱們就建立了一個實例,this指代這個實例,這個和其餘面向對象的語言很像。另外,寫JavaScript很常作的一件事就是綁定事件處理程序,也就是諸如button.addEventListener(‘click’, fn, false)之類的,若是在fn裏面須要使用this,this指代事件處理程序對應的對象,也就是button。閉包
1 function Thing() { 2 console.log(this.foo); 3 } 4 5 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 6 7 var thing = new Thing(); //logs "bar" 8 console.log(thing.foo); //logs "bar"
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 console.log(this.foo); 6 } 7 Thing.prototype.setFoo = function (newFoo) { 8 this.foo = newFoo; 9 } 10 11 var thing1 = new Thing(); 12 var thing2 = new Thing(); 13 14 thing1.logFoo(); //logs "bar" 15 thing2.logFoo(); //logs "bar" 16 17 thing1.setFoo("foo"); 18 thing1.logFoo(); //logs "foo"; 19 thing2.logFoo(); //logs "bar"; 20 21 thing2.foo = "foobar"; 22 thing1.logFoo(); //logs "foo"; 23 thing2.logFoo(); //logs "foobar";
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 console.log(this.foo); 6 } 7 Thing.prototype.setFoo = function (newFoo) { 8 this.foo = newFoo; 9 } 10 Thing.prototype.deleteFoo = function () { 11 delete this.foo; 12 } 13 var thing = new Thing(); 14 thing.setFoo("foo"); 15 thing.logFoo(); //logs "foo"; 16 thing.deleteFoo(); 17 thing.logFoo(); //logs "bar"; 18 thing.foo = "foobar"; 19 thing.logFoo(); //logs "foobar"; 20 delete thing.foo; 21 thing.logFoo(); //logs "bar";
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 console.log(this.foo, Thing.prototype.foo); 6 } 7 8 var thing = new Thing(); 9 thing.foo = "foo"; 10 thing.logFoo(); //logs "foo bar";
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.things = []; 4 5 6 var thing1 = new Thing(); 7 var thing2 = new Thing(); 8 thing1.things.push("foo"); 9 console.log(thing2.things); //logs ["foo"]
1 function Thing() { 2 this.things = []; 3 } 4 5 6 var thing1 = new Thing(); 7 var thing2 = new Thing(); 8 thing1.things.push("foo"); 9 console.log(thing1.things); //logs ["foo"] 10 console.log(thing2.things); //logs []
1 function Thing1() { 2 } 3 Thing1.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 5 function Thing2() { 6 } 7 Thing2.prototype = new Thing1(); 8 9 10 var thing = new Thing2(); 11 console.log(thing.foo); //logs "bar"
1 function Thing1() { 2 } 3 Thing1.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 5 function Thing2() { 6 this.foo = "foo"; 7 } 8 Thing2.prototype = new Thing1(); 9 10 function Thing3() { 11 } 12 Thing3.prototype = new Thing2(); 13 14 15 var thing = new Thing3(); 16 console.log(thing.foo); //logs "foo"
1 function Thing1() { 2 } 3 Thing1.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing1.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 console.log(this.foo); 6 } 7 8 function Thing2() { 9 this.foo = "foo"; 10 } 11 Thing2.prototype = new Thing1(); 12 13 14 var thing = new Thing2(); 15 thing.logFoo(); //logs "foo";
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 var info = "attempting to log this.foo:"; 6 function doIt() { 7 console.log(info, this.foo); 8 } 9 doIt(); 10 } 11 12 13 var thing = new Thing(); 14 thing.logFoo(); //logs "attempting to log this.foo: undefined"
在doIt裏面的this是global對象或者在嚴格模式下面是undefined。這是形成不少不熟悉JavaScript的人深陷 this陷阱的根源。在這種狀況下事情變得很是糟糕,就像你把一個實例的方法看成一個值,把這個值看成函數參數傳遞給另一個函數可是卻不把這個實例傳遞給這個函數同樣。在這種狀況下,一個方法裏面的環境變成了全局範圍,或者在嚴格模式下面的undefined。
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 console.log(this.foo); 6 } 7 8 function doIt(method) { 9 method(); 10 } 11 12 13 var thing = new Thing(); 14 thing.logFoo(); //logs "bar" 15 doIt(thing.logFoo); //logs undefined
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 var self = this; 6 var info = "attempting to log this.foo:"; 7 function doIt() { 8 console.log(info, self.foo); 9 } 10 doIt(); 11 } 12 13 14 var thing = new Thing(); 15 thing.logFoo(); //logs "attempting to log this.foo: bar"
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 var self = this; 6 function doIt() { 7 console.log(self.foo); 8 } 9 doIt(); 10 } 11 12 function doItIndirectly(method) { 13 method(); 14 } 15 16 17 var thing = new Thing(); 18 thing.logFoo(); //logs "bar" 19 doItIndirectly(thing.logFoo); //logs undefined
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 console.log(this.foo); 6 } 7 8 function doIt(method) { 9 method(); 10 } 11 12 13 var thing = new Thing(); 14 doIt(thing.logFoo.bind(thing)); //logs bar
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 function doIt() { 6 console.log(this.foo); 7 } 8 doIt.apply(this); 9 } 10 11 function doItIndirectly(method) { 12 method(); 13 } 14 15 16 var thing = new Thing(); 17 doItIndirectly(thing.logFoo.bind(thing)); //logs bar
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 5 6 function logFoo(aStr) { 7 console.log(aStr, this.foo); 8 } 9 10 11 var thing = new Thing(); 12 logFoo.bind(thing)("using bind"); //logs "using bind bar" 13 logFoo.apply(thing, ["using apply"]); //logs "using apply bar" 14 logFoo.call(thing, "using call"); //logs "using call bar" 15 logFoo("using nothing"); //logs "using nothing undefined"
1 function Thing() { 2 return {}; 3 } 4 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 5 6 7 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 8 console.log(this.foo); 9 } 10 11 12 var thing = new Thing(); 13 thing.logFoo(); //Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
1 function Thing() { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 5 6 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 7 console.log(this.foo); 8 } 9 10 11 var thing = Object.create(Thing.prototype); 12 thing.logFoo(); //logs "bar"
1 function Thing() { 2 this.foo = "foo"; 3 } 4 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 5 6 7 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 8 console.log(this.foo); 9 } 10 11 12 var thing = Object.create(Thing.prototype); 13 thing.logFoo(); //logs "bar"
1 function Thing1() { 2 this.foo = "foo"; 3 } 4 Thing1.prototype.foo = "bar"; 5 6 function Thing2() { 7 this.logFoo(); //logs "bar" 8 Thing1.apply(this); 9 this.logFoo(); //logs "foo" 10 } 11 Thing2.prototype = Object.create(Thing1.prototype); 12 Thing2.prototype.logFoo = function () { 13 console.log(this.foo); 14 } 15 16 var thing = new Thing2();
1 var obj = { 2 foo: "bar", 3 logFoo: function () { 4 console.log(this.foo); 5 } 6 }; 7 8 obj.logFoo(); //logs "bar"
1 var obj = { 2 foo: "bar" 3 }; 4 5 function logFoo() { 6 console.log(this.foo); 7 } 8 9 logFoo.apply(obj); //logs "bar"
1 var obj = { 2 foo: "bar", 3 deeper: { 4 logFoo: function () { 5 console.log(this.foo); 6 } 7 } 8 }; 9 10 obj.deeper.logFoo(); //logs undefined
var obj = { foo: "bar", deeper: { logFoo: function () { console.log(obj.foo); } } }; obj.deeper.logFoo(); //logs "bar"
1 function Listener() { 2 document.getElementById("foo").addEventListener("click", 3 this.handleClick); 4 } 5 Listener.prototype.handleClick = function (event) { 6 console.log(this); //logs "<div id="foo"></div>" 7 } 8 9 var listener = new Listener(); 10 document.getElementById("foo").click();
1 function Listener() { 2 document.getElementById("foo").addEventListener("click", 3 this.handleClick.bind(this)); 4 } 5 Listener.prototype.handleClick = function (event) { 6 console.log(this); //logs Listener {handleClick: function} 7 } 8 9 var listener = new Listener(); 10 document.getElementById("foo").click();
1 <div id="foo" onclick="console.log(this);"></div> 2 <script type="text/javascript"> 3 document.getElementById("foo").click(); //logs <div id="foo"... 4 </script>
1 function test () { 2 var this = {}; // Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token this 3 } eval this
function Thing () { } Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { eval("console.log(this.foo)"); //logs "bar" } var thing = new Thing(); thing.logFoo();
function Thing () { } Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; Thing.prototype.logFoo = new Function("console.log(this.foo);"); var thing = new Thing(); thing.logFoo(); //logs "bar"
1 function Thing () { 2 } 3 Thing.prototype.foo = "bar"; 4 Thing.prototype.logFoo = function () { 5 with (this) { 6 console.log(foo); 7 foo = "foo"; 8 } 9 } 10 11 var thing = new Thing(); 12 thing.logFoo(); // logs "bar" 13 console.log(thing.foo); // logs "foo"
1 <div class="foo bar1"></div> 2 <div class="foo bar2"></div> 3 <script type="text/javascript"> 4 $(".foo").each(function () { 5 console.log(this); //logs <div class="foo... 6 }); 7 $(".foo").on("click", function () { 8 console.log(this); //logs <div class="foo... 9 }); 10 $(".foo").each(function () { 11 this.click(); 12 }); 13 </script>
若是你用過underscore.js 或者 lo-dash 你可能知道許多類庫的方法能夠經過一個叫作thisArg 的函數參數來傳遞實例,這個函數參數會做爲this的上下文。舉個例子,這適用於_.each。原生的JavaScript在ECMAScript 5的時候也容許函數傳遞一個thisArg參數了,好比forEach。事實上,以前闡述的bind,apply和call的使用已經給你創造了傳遞thisArg參數給函數的機會。這個參數將this綁定爲你所傳遞的對象。
1 function Thing(type) { 2 this.type = type; 3 } 4 Thing.prototype.log = function (thing) { 5 console.log(this.type, thing); 6 } 7 Thing.prototype.logThings = function (arr) { 8 arr.forEach(this.log, this); // logs "fruit apples..." 9 _.each(arr, this.log, this); //logs "fruit apples..." 10 } 11 12 var thing = new Thing("fruit"); 13 thing.logThings(["apples", "oranges", "strawberries", "bananas"]);