基於Modelsim的仿真。書讀百遍,其意自現。 2020-03-09 22:16:07緩存
位寬度爲DW。那麼待統計的像素總數爲PixelTotal = IW * IH,像素灰度值的理論最大值爲PixelMax=2DW-1。設計
雙口RAM的統計地址輸入端爲輸入像素值,很明顯,這個數據範圍爲0~2DW-1,所以RAM的地址位寬最少爲DW,即 AWDPRAM ≥ DW。
雙口RAM的數據輸出端爲輸入統計值,很明顯,這個數據範圍爲0~PixelTotal,所以RAM的地址位寬最少爲log2(PixelTotal)。即DWDPRAM ≥ log2(PixelTotal)。
例如要對圖像分辨率爲640 x 512位寬爲8位的圖像進行直方圖統計,則有
DWDPRAM ≥ log2(PixelTotal) = log2(640x512) ≈19。
一般狀況下會將兩個參數取爲2的整次冪,即AWDPRAM = 8, DWDPRAM =32。
(2)CNT: 相同像素計數器。負責對連續相同灰度值的像素進行計數,復位值爲1。
(4)B_ADDR MUX: B口地址mux,很明顯,B口在統計階段須要完成讀出前一個統計值和清零的分時操做。所以須要一個mux對讀出地址和清零地址進行選通。
代碼的部分參照書中的代碼實現,並與前面灰度圖像生成代碼進行整合編譯仿真。惟一須要特別注意的是在實例化DPRAM IP核時,輸出端口切記不要緩存(添加寄存器輸出)。相應整理後的代碼以下:
`timescale 1ps/1ps //==============================================================================// //FileName: histogram_2d.v //Date: 2020-02-29 //==============================================================================// module histogram_2d( rst_n, clk, din_valid, //輸入有效 din, //輸入待統計的數據 dout, //統計輸出 vsync, //輸入場同步 dout_valid, //輸出有效 int_flag, //中斷輸出 rdyOutput, //數據讀出請求 dout_clk //數據輸出時鐘 ); //模塊入口參數 parameter DW = 14; //數據位寬 parameter IH = 512; //圖像高度 parameter IW = 640; //圖像寬度 parameter TW = 32; //直方圖統計數據位寬 localparam TOTAL_CNT = IW * IH; //像素總數 localparam HALF_WIDTH = (TW >> 1); //將32位的數據位寬拆分爲高低16位 //輸入輸出聲明 input rst_n; input clk; input din_valid; input [DW-1:0] din; input rdyOutput; //output wire [HALF_WIDTH:0] dout; output wire [TW-1:0] dout; input vsync; output reg dout_valid; output reg int_flag; output dout_clk; //變量聲明 reg vsync_r; reg dvalid_r; reg dvalid_r2; reg [DW-1:0] din_r; reg [DW-1:0] din_r2; wire hsync_fall; wire hsync_rise; reg [9:0] hsync_count; reg count_en; wire [DW-1:0] mux_addr_b; wire [DW-1:0] mux_addr_b2; wire [TW-1:0] q_a; wire [TW-1:0] q_b; reg [TW-1:0] counter; wire [TW-1:0] count_value; wire rst_cnt; //統計計數器復位信號 wire inc_en; //遞增使能信號 //DPRAM 信號 wire we_a; wire we_b; wire we_b_l; reg we_b_h; wire [DW-1:0] addr_a; //中斷寄存器 reg int_r; wire [DW-1:0] clr_addr; //清零地址 reg [DW-1:0] clr_addr_r; reg [DW:0] out_pixel; //輸出計數 reg count_all; //統計完成信號 //reg count_en_r; reg count_en_r; reg [TW-1:0] hist_cnt; //直方圖統計累加寄存器 wire rstOutput; //讀出電路復位信號 wire [TW-1:0] dataTmp2; wire clr_flag; //全局清零 //將輸入數據打兩拍 always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(((~(rst_n))) == 1'b1) begin vsync_r <= #1 1'b0; dvalid_r <= #1 1'b0; dvalid_r2 <= #1 1'b0; din_r <= #1 {DW{1'b0}}; din_r2 <= #1 {DW{1'b0}}; end else begin vsync_r <= #1 vsync; dvalid_r <= #1 din_valid; dvalid_r2 <= #1 dvalid_r; din_r <= #1 din; din_r2 <= #1 din_r; end end //輸入行同步計數,肯定統計的開始和結束時刻 assign #1 hsync_fall = dvalid_r & (~(din_valid)); assign #1 hsync_rise = (~(dvalid_r)) & din_valid; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(((~(rst_n))) == 1'b1) hsync_count <= #1 {10{1'b0}}; else begin if(vsync_r == 1'b1) hsync_count <= #1 {10{1'b0}}; else if(hsync_fall == 1'b1) hsync_count <= hsync_count + 10'b1; end end //一幀圖像結束後中止統計 下一幀圖像到來時開始計數 always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(((~(rst_n))) == 1'b1) count_en <= #1 1'b0; else begin if(hsync_count >= IH) count_en <= #1 1'b0; else if(hsync_rise == 1'b1) count_en <= #1 1'b1; else count_en <= #1 count_en; end end assign mux_addr_b = ((count_en == 1'b1)) ? din_r : clr_addr; assign mux_addr_b2 = ((count_en == 1'b1)) ? din_r : clr_addr_r; //統計遞增計數器 always@(posedge clk)begin if(rst_cnt == 1'b1) counter <= #1 {{TW-1{1'b0}},1'b1}; //復位值爲1 else if(inc_en == 1'b1) counter <= #1 counter + {{TW-1{1'b0}},1'b1}; else counter <= #1 counter; end assign #1 rst_cnt = ((din_r != din_r2) | ((dvalid_r2 == 1'b1) & (dvalid_r == 1'b0))) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign #1 inc_en = (((din_r == din_r2) & (dvalid_r2 == 1'b1))) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign #1 we_a = ((((din_r != din_r2) & (dvalid_r2 == 1'b1)) |((dvalid_r2 == 1'b1) & (dvalid_r == 1'b0)))) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign #1 count_value = ((count_en == 1'b1)) ? counter+q_b : {TW{1'b0}}; assign #1 addr_a = din_r2; //直方圖存儲器 分高16位和低16位分別存儲 hist_buffer dpram_bin_l( .address_a(addr_a), //輸入地址爲像素灰度值 .address_b(mux_addr_b), //讀出和清零地址 .clock(clk), //同步時鐘 .data_a(count_value[HALF_WIDTH-1:0]), //當前計數值 .data_b({HALF_WIDTH{1'b0}}), //清零數據 .wren_a(we_a), .wren_b(we_b_l), .q_a(q_a[HALF_WIDTH-1:0]), .q_b(q_b[HALF_WIDTH-1:0]) ); hist_buffer dpram_bin_h( .address_a(addr_a), .address_b(mux_addr_b2), .clock(clk), .data_a(count_value[TW-1:HALF_WIDTH]), .data_b({HALF_WIDTH{1'b0}}), .wren_a(we_a), .wren_b(we_b_h), .q_a(q_a[TW-1:HALF_WIDTH]), .q_b(q_b[TW-1:HALF_WIDTH]) ); always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if(((~(rst_n))) == 1'b1) count_en_r <= #1 1'b0; else count_en_r <= #1 count_en; end //讀出電路邏輯,計數時不能輸出,讀出請求時才輸出 assign rstOutput = count_en_r | (~(rdyOutput)); //輸出像素計數 always@(posedge clk)begin if(rstOutput == 1'b1) out_pixel <= {DW+1{1'b0}}; else begin if((~count_all) == 1'b1) begin if(out_pixel == (((2 ** (DW + 1)) - 1))) out_pixel <= #1 {DW+1{1'b0}}; //輸出完畢 else out_pixel <= #1 out_pixel + 1'b1; end end end //統計結束信號 always@(posedge clk)begin //count_all_r <= (~rstOutput); we_b_h <= we_b_l; clr_addr_r <= clr_addr; if(out_pixel == (((2 ** (DW + 1)) - 1))) count_all <= #1 1'b1; else if(count_en == 1'b1) count_all <= #1 1'b0; end //全局清零信號 assign clr_flag = vsync; //中斷輸出 信號讀出操做完成 always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if((~(rst_n)) == 1'b1) begin int_flag <= 1'b1; int_r <= 1'b1; end else begin int_flag <= #1 int_r; if(clr_flag == 1'b1) int_r <= #1 1'b1; else if(out_pixel >= (((2 ** (DW + 1)) - 1))) int_r <= #1 1'b0; end end assign we_b_l = (((out_pixel[0] == 1'b1) & (count_all == 1'b0))) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; //清零地址,與讀出地址反相 assign clr_addr = out_pixel[DW:1]; wire dout_valid_temp; wire [HALF_WIDTH-1:0] dout_temp; always@(posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if((~(rst_n)) == 1'b1) begin //dout <= {HALF_WIDTH{1'b0}}; dout_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin //dout <= #1 dout_temp; dout_valid <= #1 dout_valid_temp; end end assign dout_temp = (we_b_l == 1'b1) ? q_b[HALF_WIDTH-1:0] : q_b[TW-1:HALF_WIDTH]; assign dout_valid_temp = we_b_h | we_b_l; //輸出使能 assign dout_clk = (dout_valid) ? we_b_h : 1'b0; assign dout = q_b; endmodule
1 `timescale 1ps/1ps 2 3 //===========================================================================================// 4 //FileName: histogram.v 5 //Date: 2020-03-02 6 //===========================================================================================// 7 8 9 module histogram( 10 RSTn, //全局復位 11 CLOCK, //系統時鐘 12 13 IMG_CLK, //像素時鐘 14 IMG_DVD, //像素值 15 IMG_DVSYN, //輸入場信號 16 IMG_DHSYN, //輸入數據有效信號 17 HIST_DAT, //輸出直方圖統計數據 18 HIST_VALID, //輸出直方圖統計有效 19 HIST_RDY, //數據讀出請求 20 HIST_INT, //數據中斷輸出 21 HIST_CLK //數據輸出時鐘 22 23 ); 24 25 /*image parameter*/ 26 parameter iw = 640; //image width 27 parameter ih = 512; //image height 28 parameter trig_value = 400; //250 29 parameter tw = 32; //直方圖統計數據位寬 30 31 localparam half_width = (tw >> 1); //將32位的數據位寬拆分爲高低16位 32 33 /*data width*/ 34 parameter dvd_dw = 8; //image source data width 35 parameter dvd_chn = 3; //channel of the dvd data: when 3 it's rgb or 4:4:YCbCr 36 parameter local_dw = dvd_dw * dvd_chn; //local algorithem process data width 37 parameter cmd_dw = dvd_dw * dvd_chn; //local algorithem process data width 38 39 //Port Declared 40 input RSTn; 41 input CLOCK; 42 input IMG_CLK; 43 input [dvd_dw-1:0] IMG_DVD; 44 input IMG_DVSYN; 45 input IMG_DHSYN; 46 output [tw-1:0] HIST_DAT; 47 output HIST_VALID; 48 input HIST_RDY; 49 output HIST_INT; 50 output HIST_CLK; 51 52 //Variable Declared 53 wire GRAY_CLK; 54 wire GRAY_VSYNC; 55 wire GRAY_DVALID; 56 wire [dvd_dw-1:0] Y_DAT; 57 wire [dvd_dw-1:0] Cb_DAT; 58 wire [dvd_dw-1:0] Cr_DAT; 59 60 wire [local_dw-1:0] RGB_DAT; 61 wire RGB_DVALID; 62 wire RGB_VSYNC; 63 64 video_cap video_cap_inst( 65 .reset_l(RSTn), //異步復位信號 66 .DVD(IMG_DVD), //輸入視頻流 67 .DVSYN(IMG_DVSYN), //輸入場同步信號 68 .DHSYN(IMG_DHSYN), //輸入行同步 69 .DVCLK(IMG_CLK), //輸入DV時鐘 70 .cap_dat(RGB_DAT), //輸出RGB通道像素流,24位 71 .cap_dvalid(RGB_DVALID), //輸出數據有效 72 .cap_vsync(RGB_VSYNC), //輸出場同步 73 .cap_clk(CLOCK), //本地邏輯時鐘 74 .img_en(), 75 .cmd_rdy(), //命令行準備好,表明能夠讀取 76 .cmd_rdat(), //命令行數據輸出 77 .cmd_rdreq() //命令行讀取請求 78 ); 79 80 defparam video_cap_inst.DW_DVD = dvd_dw; 81 defparam video_cap_inst.DW_LOCAL = local_dw; 82 defparam video_cap_inst.DW_CMD = cmd_dw; 83 defparam video_cap_inst.DVD_CHN = dvd_chn; 84 defparam video_cap_inst.TRIG_VALUE = trig_value; 85 defparam video_cap_inst.IW = iw; 86 defparam video_cap_inst.IH = ih; 87 88 RGB2YCrCb RGB2YCrCb_Inst( 89 .RESET(RSTn), //異步復位信號 90 91 .RGB_CLK(CLOCK), //輸入像素時鐘 92 .RGB_VSYNC(RGB_VSYNC), //輸入場同步信號 93 .RGB_DVALID(RGB_DVALID), //輸入數據有信號 94 .RGB_DAT(RGB_DAT), //輸入RGB通道像素流,24位 95 96 .YCbCr_CLK(GRAY_CLK), //輸出像素時鐘 97 .YCbCr_VSYNC(GRAY_VSYNC), //輸出場同步信號 98 .YCbCr_DVALID(GRAY_DVALID), //輸出數據有效信號 99 .Y_DAT(Y_DAT), //輸出Y份量 100 .Cb_DAT(Cb_DAT), //輸出Cb份量 101 .Cr_DAT(Cr_DAT) //輸出Cr份量 102 ); 103 104 defparam RGB2YCrCb_Inst.RGB_DW = local_dw; 105 defparam RGB2YCrCb_Inst.YCbCr_DW = dvd_dw; 106 107 histogram_2d histogram_2d_inst( 108 .rst_n(RSTn), 109 .clk(GRAY_CLK), 110 .din_valid(GRAY_DVALID), //輸入有效 111 .din(Y_DAT), //輸入待統計的數據 112 .dout(HIST_DAT), //統計輸出 113 .vsync(GRAY_VSYNC), //輸入場同步 114 .dout_valid(HIST_VALID), //輸出有效 115 .int_flag(HIST_INT), //中斷輸出 116 .rdyOutput(HIST_RDY), //數據讀出請求 117 .dout_clk(HIST_CLK) 118 ); 119 120 defparam histogram_2d_inst.DW = dvd_dw; 121 defparam histogram_2d_inst.IH = ih; 122 defparam histogram_2d_inst.IW = iw; 123 defparam histogram_2d_inst.TW = tw; 124 125 endmodule
1 `timescale 1ps/1ps 2 3 module histogram_tb; 4 5 6 /*image para*/ 7 parameter iw = 640; //image width 8 parameter ih = 512; //image height 9 parameter trig_value = 400; //250 10 11 /*video parameter*/ 12 parameter h_total = 2000; 13 parameter v_total = 600; 14 parameter sync_b = 5; 15 parameter sync_e = 55; 16 parameter vld_b = 65; 17 18 parameter clk_freq = 72; 19 20 /*data width*/ 21 parameter dvd_dw = 8; //image source data width 22 parameter dvd_chn = 3; //channel of the dvd data: when 3 it's rgb or 4:4:YCbCr 23 parameter local_dw = dvd_dw * dvd_chn; //local algorithem process data width 24 parameter cmd_dw = dvd_dw * dvd_chn; //local algorithem process data width 25 26 27 parameter hist_dw = 32 >> 1; 28 29 /*test module enable*/ 30 parameter cap_en = 1; 31 32 /*signal group*/ 33 reg pixel_clk = 1'b0; 34 reg reset_l; 35 reg [3:0] src_sel; 36 37 38 /*input dv group*/ 39 wire dv_clk; 40 wire dvsyn; 41 wire dhsyn; 42 wire [dvd_dw-1:0] dvd; 43 44 wire [31:0] HIST_DAT; 45 wire HIST_VALID; 46 wire HIST_INT; 47 wire HIST_CLK; 48 49 /*dvd source data generated for simulation*/ 50 image_src //#(iw*dvd_chn, ih+1, dvd_dw, h_total, v_total, sync_b, sync_e, vld_b) 51 u1( 52 .clk(pixel_clk), 53 .reset_l(reset_l), 54 .src_sel(src_sel), 55 .test_data(dvd), 56 .test_dvalid(dhsyn), 57 .test_vsync(dvsyn), 58 .clk_out(dv_clk) 59 ); 60 61 defparam u1.iw = iw*dvd_chn; 62 defparam u1.ih = ih + 1; 63 defparam u1.dw = dvd_dw; 64 defparam u1.h_total = h_total; 65 defparam u1.v_total = v_total; 66 defparam u1.sync_b = sync_b; 67 defparam u1.sync_e = sync_e; 68 defparam u1.vld_b = vld_b; 69 70 71 /*local clk: also clk of all local modules*/ 72 reg cap_clk = 1'b0; 73 74 /*video capture: capture image src and transfer it into local timing*/ 75 histogram histogram_inst( 76 .RSTn(reset_l), //全局復位 77 .CLOCK(cap_clk), //系統時鐘 78 79 .IMG_CLK(pixel_clk), //像素時鐘 80 .IMG_DVD(dvd), //像素值 81 .IMG_DVSYN(dvsyn), //輸入場信號 82 .IMG_DHSYN(dhsyn), //輸入數據有效信號 83 .HIST_DAT(HIST_DAT), //輸出直方圖統計數據 84 .HIST_VALID(HIST_VALID), //輸出直方圖統計有效 85 .HIST_RDY(1'b1), //數據讀出請求 86 .HIST_INT(HIST_INT), //數據中斷輸出 87 .HIST_CLK(HIST_CLK) //數據輸出時鐘 88 ); 89 90 initial 91 begin: init 92 reset_l <= 1'b1; 93 src_sel <= 4'b0000; 94 #(100); //reset the system 95 reset_l <= 1'b0; 96 #(100); 97 reset_l <= 1'b1; 98 end 99 100 //dv_clk generate 101 always@(reset_l or pixel_clk)begin 102 if((~(reset_l)) == 1'b1) 103 pixel_clk <= 1'b0; 104 else 105 begin 106 if(clk_freq == 48) //48MHz 107 pixel_clk <= #10417 (~(pixel_clk)); 108 109 else if(clk_freq == 51.84) //51.84MHz 110 pixel_clk <= #9645 (~(pixel_clk)); 111 112 else if(clk_freq == 72) //72MHz 113 pixel_clk <= #6944 (~(pixel_clk)); 114 end 115 end 116 117 //cap_clk generate: 25MHz 118 always@(reset_l or cap_clk)begin 119 if((~(reset_l)) == 1'b1) 120 cap_clk <= 1'b0; 121 else 122 cap_clk <= #20000 (~(cap_clk)); 123 end 124 125 wire clk; 126 assign clk = ~cap_clk; 127 128 generate 129 if(cap_en != 0) begin :capture_operation 130 integer fid, cnt_cap=0; 131 132 always@(posedge clk or negedge reset_l)begin 133 if(((~(reset_l))) == 1'b1) 134 cnt_cap = 0; 135 else 136 begin 137 if(HIST_VALID == 1'b1 && HIST_CLK == 1'b0) 138 begin 139 fid = $fopen("E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/sim/hist_result.txt","r+"); 140 $fseek(fid,cnt_cap,0); 141 $fdisplay(fid,"%8x",HIST_DAT); 142 $fclose(fid); 143 cnt_cap<=cnt_cap+10; 144 end 145 end 146 end 147 end 148 endgenerate 149 150 endmodule 151
1 #切換至工程目錄 2 cd E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/sim 3 4 #打開工程 5 project open E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/sim/histogram_2d 6 7 #添加指定設計文件 8 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/sim/histogram_tb.v 9 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/cross_clock_fifo.v 10 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/hist_buffer.v 11 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/histogram.v 12 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/histogram_2d.v 13 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/image_src.v 14 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/line_buffer_new.v 15 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/rgb2gray.v 16 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/RGB2YCbCr.v 17 project addfile E:/Modelsim/histogram_2d/src/video_cap.v 18 19 #編譯工程內的全部文件 20 project compileall 21 22 #仿真work庫下面的histogram_tb實例,同時調用altera_lib庫,不進行任何優化 23 vsim -t 1ps -novopt -L altera_lib work.histogram_tb 24 25 #添加輸入灰度圖像信號 26 add wave -divider GRAYImg 27 28 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/clk 29 30 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/vsync 31 32 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/din_valid 33 34 add wave -radix hex -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/din 35 36 #輸入信號緩存 37 add wave -divider Data_Cache 38 39 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/vsync_r 40 41 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/dvalid_r 42 43 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/dvalid_r2 44 45 add wave -radix hex -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/din_r 46 47 add wave -radix hex -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/din_r2 48 49 #統計開始、結束;統計使能 50 add wave -divider Statistics_Signal 51 52 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/hsync_rise 53 54 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/hsync_fall 55 56 add wave -radix unsigned -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/hsync_count 57 58 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/hsync_fall 59 60 #添加雙口RAM讀寫控制時序 61 add wave -divider HIST_BUFFER_WR 62 63 add wave -radix unsigned -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/rst_cnt 64 65 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/inc_en 66 67 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/we_a 68 69 add wave -radix unsigned -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/count_value 70 71 add wave -radix unsigned -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/addr_a 72 73 #Buff數據讀出控制時序 74 add wave -divider HIST_BUFFER_RD 75 76 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/rstOutput 77 78 add wave -radix unsigned -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/out_pixel 79 80 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/count_all 81 82 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/clr_flag 83 84 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/int_flag 85 86 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/int_r 87 88 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/we_b_l 89 90 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/we_b_h 91 92 add wave -radix unsigned -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/mux_addr_b 93 94 add wave -radix unsigned -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/mux_addr_b2 95 96 #添加統計輸出信號 97 add wave -divider Statistics_Out 98 99 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/dout_valid 100 101 add wave -radix binary -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/dout_clk 102 103 add wave -radix unsigned -position insertpoint sim:/histogram_tb/histogram_inst/histogram_2d_inst/dout 104 105 #復位 106 restart 107 108 #取消警告 109 set StdArithNoWarnings 1 110 111 #開始 112 run 16.1ms
1 clc; 2 clear; 3 4 fid1 = fopen('hist_result.txt','r'); %FPGA轉換灰度圖像 5 data1 = fscanf(fid1,'%8x'); 6 fclose(fid1); 7 8 RGBImg = imread('lena_512x512.jpg'); %rgb原始圖像 9 RGBImg = imresize(RGBImg,[512 640]); 10 11 GRAYImg = rgb2gray(RGBImg); %Matlab變換灰度圖像 12 13 fid2 = fopen('gray_image.txt','r'); %FPGA轉換灰度圖像 14 data2 = fscanf(fid2,'%2x'); 15 data2 = uint8(data2); 16 gray_data = reshape(data2,640,512); 17 gray_data = gray_data'; 18 fclose(fid2); 19 20 figure(1); 21 subplot(2,2,1); 22 imshow(GRAYImg); 23 title('Matlab變換灰度圖像'); 24 subplot(2,2,2); 25 imhist(GRAYImg); 26 title('Matlab統計直方圖'); 27 subplot(2,2,3); 28 imshow(gray_data); 29 title('FPGA變換灰度圖像'); 30 subplot(2,2,4); 31 bar(data1); 32 title('FPGA統計直方圖');