DataGridView控件 ios
DataGridView是用於Windows Froms 2.0的新網格控件。它能夠取代先前版本中DataGrid控件,它易於使用並高度可定製,支持不少咱們的用戶須要的特性。 數據庫
關於本文檔: 編程
本文檔不許備面面俱到地介紹DataGridView,而是着眼於深刻地介紹一些技術點的高級特性。 數組
本文檔按邏輯分爲5個章節,首先是結構和特性的概覽,其次是內置的列/單元格類型的介紹,再次是數據操做相關的內容,而後是主要特性的綜述,最後是最佳實踐。 緩存
大部分章節含有一個「Q & A」部分,來回答該章節相關的一些常見問題。注意,某些問題會因爲知識點的關聯性重複出如今多個章節。這些問題、答案及其附帶的示例代碼都包含在本文檔的附錄部分。 網絡
內容 app
1 何爲DataGridView.. 4 less
1.1 DataGridView和DataGrid 之間的區別... 4 ide
1.2 DataGridView的亮點... 5 函數
2 DataGridView的結構... 6
2.1 結構元素... 6
2.2 單元格和組... 6
2.3 DataGridView的單元格... 6
2.3.1 DataGridViewCell的工做機制... 7
2.4 DataGridView的列... 9
2.5 DataGridView的編輯控件... 9
2.6 DataGridView的行... 10
3 列/單元格類型揭密... 11
3.1 DataGridViewTextBoxColumn. 11
3.2 DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn. 12
3.3 DataGridViewImageColumn. 12
3.4 DataGridViewButtonColumn. 13
3.5 DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. 13
3.5.1 DataError與ComboBox列... 13
3.6 DataGridViewLinkColumn. 14
4 操做數據... 15
4.1 數據輸入和驗證的相關事件... 15
4.1.1 數據驗證相關事件的順序... 15
4.1.2 驗證數據... 15
4.1.3 在新行中的數據輸入... 16
4.2 關於Null值... 19
4.2.1 NullValue屬性... 19
4.2.2 DataSourceNullValue屬性... 19
4.3 DataError事件... 20
4.4 數據綁定模式... 21
4.4.1 非綁定模式... 21
4.4.2 綁定模式... 21
4.4.3 虛擬模式... 22
4.4.4 混合模式... 22
5 Overview of features. 24
5.1 Styling. 24
5.1.1 The DataGridViewCellStyle Class. 24
5.1.2 Using DataGridViewCellStyle Objects. 24
5.1.3 Style Inheritance. 25
5.1.4 Setting Styles Dynamically. 28
5.2 Custom painting. 28
5.2.1 Paint Parts. 28
5.2.2 Row Pre Paint and Post Paint 29
5.3 Autosizing. 30
5.3.1 Sizing Options in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control 30
5.3.2 Resizing with the Mouse. 31
5.3.3 Automatic Sizing. 32
5.3.4 Programmatic Resizing. 33
5.3.5 Customizing Content-based Sizing Behavior. 34
5.3.6 Content-based Sizing Options. 34
5.4 Selection modes. 34
5.4.1 Programmatic Selection. 35
5.5 Scrolling. 35
5.5.1 Scroll event 35
5.5.2 Scroll bars. 35
5.5.3 Scrolling Properties. 36
5.6 Sorting. 36
5.6.1 Programmatic Sorting. 37
5.6.2 Custom Sorting. 38
5.7 Border styles. 39
5.7.1 Standard Border Styles. 39
5.7.2 Advanced Border Styles. 39
5.8 Enter-Edit modes. 40
5.9 Clipboard copy modes. 40
5.10 Frozen columns/rows. 41
5.11 Implementing Custom cells and editing controls/cells. 41
5.11.1 IDataGridViewEditingControl 42
5.11.2 IDataGridViewEditingCell 42
5.12 Virtual mode. 42
5.12.1 Bound Mode and Virtual Mode. 42
5.12.2 Supplementing Bound Mode. 42
5.12.3 Replacing Bound Mode. 43
5.12.4 Virtual-Mode Events. 43
5.12.5 Best Practices in Virtual Mode. 44
5.13 Capacity. 44
6 Best Practices. 45
6.1 Using Cell Styles Efficiently. 45
6.2 Using Shortcut Menus Efficiently. 45
6.3 Using Automatic Resizing Efficiently. 45
6.4 Using the Selected Cells, Rows, and Columns Collections Efficiently. 46
6.5 Using Shared Rows. 46
6.6 Preventing Rows from Becoming Unshared. 47
附錄 A – 常見問題:... 49
1. 如何使指定的單元格不可編輯?. 49
2. 如何讓一個單元格不可用?. 49
3. 如何避免用戶將焦點設置到指定的單元格?... 51
4. 如何使全部單元格老是顯示控件(不論它是否處於編輯狀態)?. 51
5. Why does the cell text show up with 「square」 characters where they should be new lines?. 51
6. 如何在單元格內同時顯示圖標和文本?... 51
7. 如何隱藏一列?... 53
8. 如何避免用戶對列排序?... 53
9. 如何針對多個列排序?. 54
10. 如何爲編輯控件添加事件處理函數?. 58
11. 應在什麼時候移除編輯控件的事件處理函數?. 58
12. 如何處理ComboBox列中ComboBox控件的SelectIndexChanged事件?. 58
13. 如何經過拖放調整行的順序?... 59
14. 如何調整最後一列的寬度使其佔據網格的剩餘客戶區?... 60
15. 如何讓TextBox類型的單元格支持換行?. 60
16. 如何使Image列不顯示任何圖像(字段值爲null時)?. 61
17. 如何可以在ComboBox類型的單元格中輸入數據?. 61
18. How do I have a combo box column display a sub set of data based upon the value of a different combo box column? 61
19. 如何在用戶編輯控件的時候(而不是在驗證時)就顯示錯誤圖標?. 62
20. 如何同時顯示綁定數據和非綁定數據?... 65
21. How do I show data that comes from two tables?. 66
22. 如何顯示主從表?... 66
23. 如何在同一DataGridView中顯示主從表?... 68
24. 如何避免用戶對列排序?. 68
25. 如何在點擊工具欄按鈕的時候將數據提交到數據庫?... 68
26. 如何在用戶刪除記錄時顯示確認對話框?... 68
DataGridView 用來替換先前版本中的DataGrid,擁有較DataGrid更多的功能;但DataGrid仍然獲得保留,以備向後兼容和未來使用。若是你要在二者中選擇,能夠參考下面給出的DataGrid 和DataGridView之間區別的細節信息。
DataGridView提供了大量的DataGrid所不具有的基本功能和高級功能。此外,DataGridView 的結構使得它較之DataGrid控件更容易擴展和自定義。
DataGridView功能 |
描述 |
多種列類型 |
與DataGrid相比,DataGridView 提供了更多的內置列類型。這些列類型可以知足大部分常見須要,並且比DataGrid中的列類型易於擴展或替換。 |
多種數據顯示方式 |
DataGrid僅限於顯示外部數據源的數據。而DataGridView則可以顯示非綁定的數據,綁定的數據源,或者同時顯示綁定和非綁定的數據。你也能夠在DataGridView中實現virtual mode,實現自定義的數據管理。 |
用於自定義數據顯示的多種方式 |
DataGridView提供了不少屬性和事件,用於數據的格式化和顯示。好比,你能夠根據單元格、行和列的內容改變其外觀,或者使用一種類型的數據替代另外一種類型的數據。 |
用於更改單元格、行、列、表頭外觀和行爲的多個選項 |
DataGridView使你可以以多種方式操做單個網格組件。好比,你能夠凍結行和列,避免它們因滾動而不可見;隱藏行、列、表頭;改變行、列、表頭尺寸的調整方式;爲單個的單元格、行和列提供工具提示(ToolTip)和快捷菜單。 |
DataGridView控件特性 |
描述 |
多種列類型 |
DataGridView提供有TextBox、CheckBox、Image、Button、ComboBox和Link類型的列及相應的單元格類型。 |
多種數據顯示方式 |
DataGrid僅限於顯示外部數據源的數據。而DataGridView則可以顯示非綁定的數據,綁定的數據源,或者同時顯示綁定和非綁定的數據。你也能夠在DataGridView中實現virtual mode,實現自定義的數據管理。 |
自定義數據的顯示和操做的多種方式 |
DataGridView提供了不少屬性和事件,用於數據的格式化和顯示。 此外,DataGridView提供了操做數據的多種方式,好比,你能夠:
用於更改單元格、行、列、表頭外觀和行爲的多個選項 |
提供豐富的可擴展性的支持 |
DataGridView由兩種基本的對象組成:單元格(cell)和組(band)。全部的單元格都繼承自DataGridViewCell基類。 兩種類型的組(或稱集合)DataGridViewColumn和DataGridViewRow都繼承自DataGridViewBand 基類,表示一組結合在一塊兒的單元格。
DataGridView會與一些類進行互操做,但最常打交道的則是以下三個:DataGridViewCell, DataGridViewColumn,DataGridViewRow。
單元格(cell)是操做DataGridView的基本單位。Display is centered on cells, and data entry is often performed through cells。能夠經過DataGridViewRow 類的Cells 集合屬性訪問一行包含的單元格,經過DataGridView的SelectedCells集合屬性訪問當前選中的單元格,經過DataGridView的CurrentCell屬性訪問當前的單元格。
DataGridViewCell 類圖 |
Cell 相關類和屬性 |
DataGridViewCell是一個抽象基類,全部的單元格類型都繼承於此。DataGridViewCell及其繼承類型並非Windows Forms控件,但其中一些宿主於Windows Forms控件。單元格支持的編輯功能一般都由其宿主控件來處理。
DataGridViewCell對象不會像Windows Forms控件那樣控制本身的外觀和繪製(painting)特徵,相反的,DataGridView會負責其包含的單元格的外觀。經過DataGridView 控件的屬性和事件,你能夠深入地影響單元格的外觀和行爲。若是你對單元格定製有特殊要求,超出了DataGridView提供的功能,能夠繼承DataGridViewCell或者它的某個子類來知足這些要求。
單元格的值(A Cell’s Value)
單元格的值是其根本所在。若是單元格所在列不是綁定列,而且所在的DataGridView也不是Virtual Mode,那麼它的值就由它自己所持有並維護。對於那些由綁定產生的單元格,它們壓根兒就不「知道」該持有什麼值,固然也就不會去維護了;當DataGridView須要單元格的值的時候,它會到數據源中查詢該單元格應當顯示的值。在Virtual Mode下,除了會觸發CellValueNeeded事件以獲取相應單元格的值外,與數據綁定方式很是類似。在單元格級,全部這些由DataGridViewCell.GetValue() 方法來控制。
格式化顯示(Formatting for Display)
注意:當DataGridView須要瞭解「如何顯示這個單元格」時,它須要的是單元格的FormattedValue ,而不是Value。這是一個複雜的過程,由於格式化屏幕上的一些內容一般須要將它轉換爲字符串。例如,儘管你將單元格的值(Value)設置爲整型值155,在顯示它的時候仍須要將其格式化。單元格和其所在的列的FormattedValueType 屬性決定了顯示它時所用的類型。多數列使用字符串類型,而Image和CheckBox類型的單元格/列則使用其它類型。Image類型的單元格和列使用Image做爲默認的FormattedValueType,它的內置實現瞭解如何去顯示一個Image。CheckBox類型的單元格/列的FormattedValueType屬性則取決於屬性ThreeState的值。在單元格級,全部這些由DataGridViewCell.GetFormattedValue()控制。
繪製單元格的顯示(Painting the Display)
在得到FormattedValue 後,單元格將負責繪製它的內容。單元格決定了繪製過程所使用的正確樣式(參見本文檔第五章的樣式部分)並進行繪製。記住:若是單元格不去繪製本身,那麼該單元格將不會有任何內容獲得繪製(即單元格的繪製只由它本身負責),行、列不會負責繪製任何內容,所以要確保至少要繪製單元格的背景(background),不然單元格所在的矩形區域仍然是無效的(即未經繪製)。
解析單元格的顯示(Parsing the Display)
用戶開始與單元格交互後,可能會編輯單元格的值。有一件事要記住,用戶編輯的其實是單元格的FormattedValue。用戶提交所編輯的值時,FormattedValue須要轉換回單元格的值(Value),這個過程稱爲解析(parsing)。在單元格級上,全部這些工做由單元格的DataGridViewCell.ParseFormattedValue(int rowIndex)方法控制。
4) 如何使全部單元格老是顯示控件(不論它們是否處於編輯狀態)?
5) Why does the cell text show up with 「square」 characters where they should be new lines?
DataGridView所附帶的數據(這些數據能夠經過綁定或非綁定方式附加到控件)的結構表現爲DataGridView的列。你可使用DataGridView的Columns集合屬性訪問DataGridView所包含的列,使用SelectedColumns 集合屬性訪問當前選中的列。
DataGridViewColumn 類圖 |
Column 相關類和屬性 |
1) 如何隱藏一列?
2) 如何避免用戶對列排序?
3) 如何針對多個列排序?
支持高級編輯功能的單元格通常都使用一個繼承自Windows Forms控件的宿主控件,這些控件同時也實現了IDataGridViewEditingControl接口。
DataGridView Editing Control Class diagram |
Classes that implement Editing Controls |
單元格類型 |
宿主控件 |
列類型 |
DataGridViewButtonCell |
n/a |
DataGridViewButtonColumn |
DataGridViewCheckBoxCell |
n/a |
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn |
DataGridViewComboBoxCell |
DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl |
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn |
DataGridViewImageCell |
n/a |
DataGridViewImageColumn |
DataGridViewLinkCell |
n/a |
DataGridViewLinkColumn |
DataGridViewTextBoxCell |
DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl |
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
3) 如何處理ComboBox列中Combox控件的SelectIndexChanged事件?
4) 如何使全部單元格老是顯示控件(不論它是否處於編輯狀態)?
DataGridViewRow類圖 |
Row相關的類和屬性 |
你能夠繼承DataGridViewRow類來實現本身的行類型,雖然多數狀況下這並沒必要要。DataGridView 有幾個行相關的事件和屬性,用以自定義其包含的DataGridViewRow對象的行爲。
下表描述了DataGridView 的各類列對應的類:
列類型 |
描述 |
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn |
用於基於文本的值。綁定到數字和字符串值時會自動生成這種類型的列。 |
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn |
用於顯示Boolean和CheckState類型的值,綁定到上述類型值時會自動生成這種類型的列。 |
DataGridViewImageColumn |
用於顯示圖像。綁定到byte數組,Image對象,圖標對象時會自動生成這種類型的列。 |
DataGridViewButtonColumn |
用於在單元格內顯示按鈕。在綁定時不會自動生成,通常用於非綁定列。 |
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn |
用於在單元格內顯示下拉列表。在綁定時不會自動生成,通常地須要手工綁定。 |
DataGridViewLinkColumn |
用於在單元格內顯示連接。在綁定時不會自動生成,通常地須要手工綁定。 |
自定義列類型 |
經過繼承DataGridViewColumn 類或其子類,你能夠建立本身的列類型,以提供自定義的外觀、行爲和宿主控件。 |
1) 如何隱藏一列?
2) Why does the cell text show up with 「square」 characters where they should be new lines?
DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn用於顯示Boolean或CheckState類型的值。Boolean 值顯示爲二元(two-state)或三元 (three-state) 的CheckBox,而這取決於該列的ThreeState 屬性的值。若是該類型的列綁定到CheckState類型的值,ThreeState屬性的默認值爲true。
DataGridViewImageColumn 類型的列用於顯示圖像。這種類型的列有三種方法生成:綁定到數據源時自動生成;爲非綁定列手動生成;在CellFormatting事件處理函數(該事件發生在單元格顯示前)中動態生成。
1) 如何使Image列不顯示任何圖像(字段值爲null時)?
使用DataGridViewButtonColumn 列,能夠在單元格內顯示按鈕。若是你要爲用戶操做特定行提供一種簡單的方式,Button列會頗有用,好比排序或在另外一個窗體中顯示子表記錄。
在DataGridViewComboBoxColumn類型的列中,你能夠顯示包含下拉列表的單元格。這在僅容許用戶輸入一些特定值的時候顯得頗有用,好比在SQL Server示例數據庫Northwind中Products表的Category列,它表示產品的種類,這個應只容許選擇現有的產品種類,此時就可使用ComboBox列。
若是你瞭解如何爲ComboBox控件生成下拉列表,就能夠用相同的方式爲ComboBox列中的全部單元格生成下拉列表。要麼經過列的Items集合手動添加,要麼經過DataSource,DisplayMember 和ValueMember屬性綁定到一個數據源。要了解其中的更多信息,能夠參考WinForms中ComboBox空間的用法。
在使用DataGridViewComboBoxColumn 時,有時會修改單元格的值或啓動ComboBox控件的Items集合,這樣可能會引起DataError事件。這是ComboBox列的設計使然,ComboBox列的單元格會進行數據驗證。在ComboBox列的單元格嘗試繪製包含的內容時,它須要將包含的值進行格式化(見第二章第三節),在此轉換過程當中,它會在ComboBox的Items集合中查找對應的值,若是查找失敗,就會引起DataError事件。忽略了DataError事件可能會使單元格不能進行正確的格式化。
2) How do I handle the SelectedIndexChanged event?
你能夠處理CellContentClick事件來相應用戶的點擊動做。這個事件不一樣於CellClick 和CellMouseClick 事件,後二者在用戶點擊單元格任何位置(而不只僅時連接)時都會觸發。
DataGridViewLinkColumn 類提供了幾個屬性,用來修改連接的外觀,包括點擊前,點擊時和點擊後(相似於網頁中的超連接)。
多數狀況下,使用DataGridView的時候都須要跟數據打交道,這時有不少事情可能須要你去作。你須要驗證用戶輸入的數據,或者須要對數據進行格式化。DataGridView可以以三種模式顯示數據:bound、unboundand 和virtual。每種模式都有本身的特性和存在的理由。無論是不是數據綁定模式,在操做數據時,若是發生錯誤,DataGridView一般會觸發DataError事件,理解該事件發生的緣由能讓你更好地利用它。
用戶輸入數據時-對其所在的行或單元格,你可能但願驗證這些數據,在遇到無效數據時通知用戶。就像常見的Windows Forms控件,DataGridView的行和單元格也有Validating和Validated事件,驗證事件可被取消。用戶在單元格/行間移動時會觸發Enter和Leave事件。最後,用戶在開始編輯單元格時也會觸發事件。瞭解全部這些程序的發生順序會對你頗有幫助。
1) Cell Leave (原來的單元格)
2) Cell Validating/ed (原來的單元格)
3) Cell EndEdit (原來的單元格)
4) Cell Enter (新的單元格)
5) Cell BeginEdit (新的單元格)
1) Cell Leave (原來的單元格),Row leave (原來的行)
2) Cell Validating/ed (原來的單元格)
3) Cell EndEdit (原來的單元格)
4) Row Validating/ed (原來的行)
5) Row Enter (新的行)
6) Cell Enter (新的單元格)
7) Cell BeginEdit (新的單元格)
當在程序中使用DataGridView來編輯數據時,你每每但願提供讓用戶添加新行數據的功能。DataGridView控件支持這個功能,提供了一個用於添加新記錄的行,而這一行老是顯示爲最後一行,並在該行的標題單元格標以星號(*)。 下面的幾個小節會討論一些在程序中使用這個新行時須要考慮的內容。(下面老是以 新行 表示 用於添加新記錄的行 )
在數據綁定的狀況下,當DataGridView控件的AllowUserToAddRows屬性和數據源的IBindingList.AllowNew 屬性都爲true時,新行纔會顯示,只要二者有一個爲false,新行就不會顯示。
private void dataGridView1_DefaultValuesNeeded(object sender,
DataGridViewRowEventArgs e)
e.Row.Cells["Region"].Value = "WA";
e.Row.Cells["City"].Value = "Redmond";
e.Row.Cells["PostalCode"].Value = "98052-6399";
e.Row.Cells["Region"].Value = "NA";
e.Row.Cells["Country"].Value = "USA";
e.Row.Cells["CustomerID"].Value = NewCustomerId();
DataGridViewRow row = dataGridView1.Rows[dataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1];
新行標題的標準圖標是箭頭或者星號,並無獲得暴露。若是你要自定義這個圖標,就須要建立一個自定義的DataGridViewRowHeaderCell 類。
在綁定模式或虛擬模式(Virtual Mode)下,若是已對數據排序,那麼插入數據時的行爲取決於數據模型的實現方式。對於ADO.NET,新加的行會被自動排序至合適的位置。
若是你正要實現虛擬模式(Virtual Mode),須要考慮數據模型添加新行和回滾添加操做的狀況。該功能準確的實現方式取決於數據模型的實現方式及其事務機制,例如,提交的時候是針對單元格仍是行。參看本文檔後面關於Virtual Mode的主題。
在使用數據源的時候,好比數據庫或業務對象,常常須要處理null值。null值多是一個實際的null(VB中爲Nothing),也多是一個數據庫的」null」值(DBNull.Value),當你遭遇了這些值,就須要考慮如何顯示它們。另外一方面,不少時候,你還須要向數據源寫入null值。使用單元格Style的NullValue屬性和DataSourceNullValue 屬性,你能夠改變DataGridView處理null值的方式。
DataGridViewCellStyle.NullValue 屬性原本要被命名爲FormattedNullValue 的,可是後來沒來得及做出這個更改。但它能給咱們帶來一點提示——顧名思義,在格式化時會用到它。若是一個單元格的值爲」null」(等於null或DBNull.Value),它會使用你設置的NullValue屬性來顯示。該屬性的默認值取決於所在列的類型,見下圖:
DataGridView列類型 |
列的DefaultCellStyle.NullValue值 |
TextBoxColumn |
String.Empty (「」) |
ImageColumn |
空的圖像( ) |
ComboBoxColumn |
String.Empty (「」) |
ButtonColumn |
String.Empty (「」) |
LinkColumn |
String.Empty (「」) |
CheckBoxColumn |
默認值取決於ThreeState屬性的值,若是爲true,默認值爲CheckState.Indeterminate ,不然爲unchecked。 |
有一點要了解,在用戶輸入數據時也會用到NullValue。例如,若用戶向TextBox類型單元格輸入了string.Empty,那麼會將null做爲該單元格的值。 查看下面的DataSourceNullValue屬性以瞭解到底是輸入了什麼做爲單元格的值。
DataGridViewCellStyle.DataSourceNullValue屬性要被命名爲ParseNullValue的,若是NullValue屬性被命名爲FormattedNullValue的話,但最後仍是採用了DataSourceNullValue,這樣更直觀準確。在將null值寫入單元格的值時,就會用到DataSourceNullValue屬性。在數據綁定情形下,這個null值將被寫入數據庫或業務對象,此處須要進行控制,由於對於數據庫和業務對象來講,null的概念不盡相同。一般你會指望,使用業務對象時將DataSourceNullValue 設置爲null,而使用數據庫時則將其設置爲DBNullValue。DataSourceNullValue的默認值爲DBNull.Value。
編輯操做中的DataError 事件
DataErrorContext |
什麼時候發生 |
Formatting |
When attempting to retrieve the cell's formatted value. |
Display |
When attempting to paint the cell or calculate the cell's tooltiptext. Note that these operations usually also require getting the cell's formatted value, so the error context is OR'd together. |
PreferredSize |
When calculating the preferred size of a cell. This |
RowDeletion |
Any exception raised when deleting a row. |
Parsing |
When exceptions occur when committing, ending or canceling an edit. Usually OR'd in with other error contexts |
Commit |
When exceptions occur when committing an edit. Usually OR'd with other error contexts |
InitialValueRestoration |
When exceptions occur while either initializing the editing control/cell's value, or Canceling an edit |
LeaveControl |
When exceptions occur while attempting to validate grid data when the grid is losing focus. Usually OR'd with other error contexts. |
CurrentCellChange |
When exceptions occur while validating\updating\committing\getting cell content when the current cell changes. Usually OR'd with other error contexts. |
Scroll |
When exceptions occur while validating\updating\committing\getting cell content when the current cell changes as a result of scrolling. |
ClipboardContent |
When exceptions occur while attempting to get the formatted value of a cell while creating the clipboard content. |
若是你要在程序中管理數量相對較小的數據,那麼非綁定模式會比較合適。此時你不是像綁定模式中那樣將DataGridView控件直接指向一個數據源,而是手動去生成控件。通常須要用到DataGridViewRowCollection.Add 方法(該方法向DGV中添加行)。
非綁定模式在處理靜態、只讀的數據時特別有用,也能夠用在以本身的方式與外部數據源交互的狀況,但實際上,若是你但願你的用戶與外部的數據源交互,通常仍是用綁定模式(bound mode)更好。
若是你在程序中管理一些數據,並但願能與數據源自動進行交互,就應該使用綁定模式。此時你能夠設置DataSource屬性,將數據源綁定到DataGridView控件。若是控件使用了綁定模式,就不須要你去顯式地對數據進行讀寫了。若是AutoGenerateColumns 屬性爲true,數據源中的每一列都會在DataGridView中生成一個相應的列(根據列的數據類型),若是你但願建立本身的列,能夠將該屬性設置爲false,使用DataPropertyName屬性將一列綁定到數據源的一列,這在你不想用自動生成的列類型時頗有用。
列表更改通知(List Change Notification)
在選擇數據源時,BindingSource組件應該做爲首選,由於它能夠綁定到多種類型的數據源,而且可以自動處理不少數據綁定相關的事務。通常狀況下,應該將DataGridView綁定到BindingSource組件,並將BindingSource組件綁定真正的數據源(它的做用就像DGV和數據源間的橋樑)。 BindingList<T>類也能夠在一個類的基礎上建立自定義列表(list)。
對象更改通知(Object Change Notification)
若是你有了一個數據源,那麼數據源中的對象就能夠實現對public屬性的更改通知。這須要你爲相應屬性提供一個」 PropertyNameChanged」事件,或者實現INotifyPropertyChanged接口。INotifyPropertyChanged 是在VS 2005 中新加的接口,能夠與BindingList<T>一塊兒使用來建立可綁定的列表(list)。但當你的數據源是BindingSource ,那就不用再額外實現更改通知了。
若是你正要實現虛擬模式(Virtual Mode),須要考慮數據模型添加新行和回滾添加操做的狀況。該功能準確的實現方式取決於數據模型的實現方式及其事務機制,例如,提交的時候是針對單元格仍是行。參看本文檔後面關於Virtual Mode的主題。
你能夠在綁定模式下添加非綁定列,在你但願顯示一個按鈕列或者連接列讓用戶操做一些特定行時這顯得頗有用,另外也能夠用非綁定列顯示一些由綁定列計算而獲得的值。你能夠在CellFormatting事件處理函數中生成計算列的值。不過若是你使用的數據源是DataSet或DataTable,你可能但願使用DataColumn.Expression 屬性來建立一個計算列,在這種狀況下,在DGV看來,這一列就跟數據源中其它列是同樣的。
2) How do I show data that comes from two tables?(TODO)
3) 如何顯示主從表?
5) 如何避免對一列的排序?
6) 如何針對多個列排序?
You can define appearance and formatting styles for individual cells, for cells in specific columns and rows, or for all cells in the control by setting the properties of the DataGridViewCellStyle objects accessed through various DataGridView control properties. Additionally, you can modify these styles dynamically based on factors such as the cell value by handling the CellFormatting event.
Each cell within the DataGridView control can have its own style, such as text format, background color, foreground color, and font. Typically, however, multiple cells will share particular style characteristics.
Groups of cells that share styles may include all cells within particular rows or columns, all cells that contain particular values, or all cells in the control. Because these groups overlap, each cell may get its styling information from more than one place. For example, you may want every cell in a DataGridView control to use the same font, but only cells in currency columns to use currency format, and only currency cells with negative numbers to use a red foreground color.
The DataGridViewCellStyle class contains the following properties related to visual style:
BackColor and ForeColor, SelectionBackColor and SelectionForeColor, Font
This class also contains the following properties related to formatting:
Format and FormatProvider, NullValue and DataSourceNullValue, WrapMode, Alignment, Padding
You can retrieve DataGridViewCellStyle objects from various properties of the DataGridView, DataGridViewColumn, DataGridViewRow, and DataGridViewCell classes and their derived classes. If one of these properties has not yet been set, retrieving its value will create a new DataGridViewCellStyle object. You can also instantiate your own DataGridViewCellStyle objects and assign them to these properties.
You can avoid unnecessary duplication of style information by sharing DataGridViewCellStyle objects among multiple DataGridView elements. Because the styles set at the control, column, and row levels filter down through each level to the cell level, you can also avoid style duplication by setting only those style properties at each level that differ from the levels above. This is described in more detail in the Style Inheritance section that follows.
The following table lists the primary properties that get or set DataGridViewCellStyle objects.
Property |
Classes |
Description |
DefaultCellStyle |
DataGridView, DataGridViewColumn, DataGridViewRow, and derived classes |
Gets or sets default styles used by all cells in the entire control (including header cells), in a column, or in a row. |
RowsDefaultCellStyle |
DataGridView |
Gets or sets default cell styles used by all rows in the control. This does not include header cells. |
AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle |
DataGridView |
Gets or sets default cell styles used by alternating rows in the control. Used to create a ledger-like effect. |
RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle |
DataGridView |
Gets or sets default cell styles used by the control's row headers. Overridden by the current theme if visual styles are enabled. |
ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle |
DataGridView |
Gets or sets default cell styles used by the control's column headers. Overridden by the current theme if visual styles are enabled. |
Style |
DataGridViewCell and derived classes |
Gets or sets styles specified at the cell level. These styles override those inherited from higher levels. |
InheritedStyle |
DataGridViewCell, DataGridViewRow, DataGridViewColumn, and derived classes |
Gets all the styles currently applied to the cell, row, or column, including styles inherited from higher levels. |
As mentioned above, getting the value of a style property automatically instantiates a new DataGridViewCellStyle object if the property has not been previously set. To avoid creating these objects unnecessarily, the row and column classes have a HasDefaultCellStyle property that you can check to determine whether the DefaultCellStyle property has been set. Similarly, the cell classes have a HasStyle property that indicates whether the Style property has been set.
Each of the style properties has a corresponding PropertyNameChanged event on the DataGridView control. For row, column, and cell properties, the name of the event begins with "Row", "Column", or "Cell" (for example, RowDefaultCellStyleChanged). Each of these events occurs when the corresponding style property is set to a different DataGridViewCellStyle object. These events do not occur when you retrieve a DataGridViewCellStyle object from a style property and modify its property values. To respond to changes to the cell style objects themselves, handle the CellStyleContentChanged event.
Each DataGridViewCell gets its appearance from its InheritedStyle property. The DataGridViewCellStyle object returned by this property inherits its values from a hierarchy of properties of type DataGridViewCellStyle. These properties are listed below in the order in which the InheritedStyle for non-header cells obtains its values.
For row and column header cells, the InheritedStyle property is populated by values from the following list of source properties in the given order.
The following diagram illustrates this process.
You can also access the styles inherited by specific rows and columns. The column InheritedStyle property inherits its values from the following properties.
The row InheritedStyle property inherits its values from the following properties.
For each property in a DataGridViewCellStyle object returned by an InheritedStyle property, the property value is obtained from the first cell style in the appropriate list that has the corresponding property set to a value other than the DataGridViewCellStyle class defaults.
The following table illustrates how the ForeColor property value for an example cell is inherited from its containing column.
Property of type DataGridViewCellStyle |
Example ForeColor value for retrieved object |
DataGridViewCell.Style |
Color.Empty |
DataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle |
Color.Red |
AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle |
Color.Empty |
RowsDefaultCellStyle |
Color.Empty |
DataGridViewColumn.DefaultCellStyle |
Color.DarkBlue |
DefaultCellStyle |
Color.Black |
In this case, the System.Drawing.Color.Red value from the cell's row is the first real value on the list. This becomes the ForeColor property value of the cell's InheritedStyle.
The following diagram illustrates how different DataGridViewCellStyle properties can inherit their values from different places.
By taking advantage of style inheritance, you can provide appropriate styles for the entire control without having to specify the same information in multiple places.
Although header cells participate in style inheritance as described, the objects returned by the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle and RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle properties of the DataGridView control have initial property values that override the property values of the object returned by the DefaultCellStyle property. If you want the properties set for the object returned by the DefaultCellStyle property to apply to row and column headers, you must set the corresponding properties of the objects returned by the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle and RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle properties to the defaults indicated for the DataGridViewCellStyle class.
Note: If visual styles are enabled, the row and column headers (except for the TopLeftHeaderCell) are automatically styled by the current theme, overriding any styles specified by these properties. Set the EnableHeadersVisualStyle property to false if you want headers to not use XP’s visual styles.
The DataGridViewButtonColumn, DataGridViewImageColumn, and DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn types also initialize some values of the object returned by the column DefaultCellStyle property. For more information, see the reference documentation for these types.
To customize the styles of cells with particular values, implement a handler for the CellFormatting event. Handlers for this event receive an argument of the DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs type. This object contains properties that let you determine the value of the cell being formatted along with its location in the DataGridView control. This object also contains a CellStyle property that is initialized to the value of the InheritedStyle property of the cell being formatted. You can modify the cell style properties to specify style information appropriate to the cell value and location.
Note: The RowPrePaint and RowPostPaint events also receive a DataGridViewCellStyle object in the event data, but in their case, it is a copy of the row InheritedStyle property for read-only purposes, and changes to it do not affect the control.
You can also dynamically modify the styles of individual cells in response to events such as the CellMouseEnter and CellMouseLeave events. For example, in a handler for the CellMouseEnter event, you could store the current value of the cell background color (retrieved through the cell's Style property), then set it to a new color that will highlight the cell when the mouse hovers over it. In a handler for the CellMouseLeave event, you can then restore the background color to the original value.
Note: Caching the values stored in the cell's Style property is important regardless of whether a particular style value is set. If you temporarily replace a style setting, restoring it to its original "not set" state ensures that the cell will go back to inheriting the style setting from a higher level. If you need to determine the actual style in effect for a cell regardless of whether the style is inherited, use the cell's InheritedStyle property.
The DataGridView control provides several properties that you can use to adjust the appearance and basic behavior (look and feel) of its cells, rows, and columns. If you have requirements that go beyond the capabilities of the DataGridViewCellStyle class, you can perform custom drawing of the cell or row content. To paint cells and rows yourself, you can handle various DataGridView painting events such as RowPrePaint, CellPainting and RowPostPaint.
One important part of custom painting is the concept of paint parts. The DataGridViewPainParts enumeration is used to specify what parts a cell paints. Enum values can be combined together to have a cell paint or not paint specific parts. Here are the different parts:
PaintPart |
Example ForeColor value for retrieved object |
All |
All parts are painted |
Background |
The background of the cell is painted using the cell’s background color (1) |
Border |
The borders are painted |
ContentBackground |
The background part of the cell’s content is painted. (2) |
ContentForeground |
The foreground part of the cell’s content is painted (2) |
ErrorIcon |
The error icon is painted |
Focus |
The focus rectangle for the cell is painted |
None |
No parts are painted (1) |
SelectionBackground |
The background is painted selected if the cell is selected. |
1) If a cell does not paint its background then nothing is painted. A row or column performs no painting, so ensure that at least the cell’s background is painted or you perform your own custom background painting; otherwise the rectangle remains invalidated (unpainted).
2) Each cell determines what it paints as content foreground and content background as described by the following list:
Cell Type |
Content Foreground |
Content Background |
Text box |
Cell text is painted |
Nothing painted |
Button |
Cell text is painted |
Button is painted |
Combo box |
Cell text is painted |
Combo box is painted |
Check box |
Check box is painted |
Nothing painted |
Link |
Cell text is painted as a link |
Nothing is painted |
Image |
Cell image is painted |
Nothing painted |
Column Header |
Column header text |
Sort Glyph is painted |
Row Header |
Row header text |
Current row triangle, edit pencil and new row indicator is painted |
You can control the appearance of DataGridView rows by handling one or both of the DataGridView.RowPrePaint and DataGridView.RowPostPaint events. These events are designed so that you can paint only what you want to while letting the DataGridView control paint the rest. For example, if you want to paint a custom background, you can handle the DataGridView.RowPrePaint event and let the individual cells paint their own foreground content. In the RowPrePaint event you can set the PaintParts event args property to easily customize how the cells paint. For example, if you want to keep cells from painting any selection or focus, your RowPrePaint event would set the PaintParts property like so:
e.PaintParts = DataGridViewPaintParts.All &
~(DataGridViewPaintParts.Focus |
Which could also be written as:
e.PaintParts = (DataGridViewPaintParts.Background |
DataGridViewPaintParts.Border |
DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentBackground |
DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentForeground |
Alternately, you can let the cells paint themselves and add custom foreground content in a handler for the DataGridView.RowPostPaint event. You can also disable cell painting and paint everything yourself in a DataGridView.RowPrePaint event handler
The DataGridView control provides numerous options for customizing the sizing behavior of its columns and rows. Typically, DataGridView cells do not resize based on their contents. Instead, they clip any display value that is larger than the cell. If the content can be displayed as a string, the cell displays it in a ToolTip.
By default, users can drag row, column, and header dividers with the mouse to show more information. Users can also double-click a divider to automatically resize the associated row, column, or header band based on its contents. Columns share the available width of the control by default, so if users can resize the control—for example, if it is docked to a resizable form—they can also change the available display space for all columns.
The DataGridView control provides properties, methods, and events that enable you to customize or disable all of these user-directed behaviors. Additionally, you can programmatically resize rows, columns, and headers to fit their contents, or you can configure them to automatically resize themselves whenever their contents change.
DataGridView rows, columns, and headers can change size as a result of many different occurrences. The following table shows these occurrences.
Occurrence |
Description |
User resize |
Users can make size adjustments by dragging or double-clicking row, column, or header dividers. |
Control resize |
In column fill mode, column widths change when the control width changes; for example, when the control is docked to its parent form and the user resizes the form. |
Cell value change |
In content-based automatic sizing modes, sizes change to fit new display values. |
Method call |
Programmatic content-based resizing lets you make opportunistic size adjustments based on cell values at the time of the method call. |
Property setting |
You can also set specific height and width values. |
By default, user resizing is enabled, automatic sizing is disabled, and cell values that are wider than their columns are clipped.
The following table shows scenarios that you can use to adjust the default behavior or to use specific sizing options to achieve particular effects.
Scenario |
Implementation |
Use column fill mode for displaying similarly sized data in a relatively small number of columns that occupy the entire width of the control without displaying the horizontal scroll bar. |
Set the AutoSizeColumnsMode property to Fill. |
Use column fill mode with display values of varying sizes. |
Set the AutoSizeColumnsMode property to Fill. Initialize relative column widths by setting the column FillWeight properties or by calling the control AutoResizeColumns method after filling the control with data. |
Use column fill mode with values of varying importance. |
Set the AutoSizeColumnsMode property to Fill. Set large MinimumWidth values for columns that must always display some of their data or use a sizing option other than fill mode for specific columns. |
Use column fill mode to avoid displaying the control background. |
Set the AutoSizeMode property of the last column to Fill and use other sizing options for the other columns. |
Display a fixed-width column, such as an icon or ID column. |
Set AutoSizeMode to None and Resizable to False for the column. Initialize its width by setting the Width property or by calling the control AutoResizeColumn method after filling the control with data. |
Adjust sizes automatically whenever cell contents change to avoid clipping and to optimize the use of space. |
Set an automatic sizing property to a value that represents a content-based sizing mode. To avoid a performance penalty when working with large amounts of data, use a sizing mode that calculates displayed rows only. |
Adjust sizes to fit values in displayed rows to avoid performance penalties when working with many rows. |
Use the appropriate sizing-mode enumeration values with automatic or programmatic resizing. To adjust sizes to fit values in newly displayed rows while scrolling, call a resizing method in a Scroll event handler. To customize user double-click resizing so that only values in displayed rows determine the new sizes, call a resizing method in a RowDividerDoubleClick or ColumnDividerDoubleClick event handler. |
Adjust sizes to fit cell contents only at specific times to avoid performance penalties or to enable user resizing. |
Call a content-based resizing method in an event handler. For example, use the DataBindingComplete event to initialize sizes after binding, and handle the CellValidated or CellValueChanged event to adjust sizes to compensate for user edits or changes in a bound data source. |
Adjust row heights for multiline cell contents. |
Ensure that column widths are appropriate for displaying paragraphs of text and use automatic or programmatic content-based row sizing to adjust the heights. Also ensure that cells with multiline content are displayed using a WrapMode cell style value of True. Typically, you will use an automatic column sizing mode to maintain column widths or set them to specific widths before row heights are adjusted. |
By default, users can resize rows, columns, and headers that do not use an automatic sizing mode based on cell values. To prevent users from resizing with other modes, such as column fill mode, set one or more of the following DataGridView properties:
You can also prevent users from resizing individual rows or columns by setting their Resizable properties. By default, the Resizable property value is based on the AllowUserToResizeColumns property value for columns and the AllowUserToResizeRows property value for rows. If you explicitly set Resizable to True or False, however, the specified value overrides the control value is for that row or column. Set Resizable to NotSet to restore the inheritance.
Because NotSet restores the value inheritance, the Resizable property will never return a NotSet value unless the row or column has not been added to a DataGridView control. If you need to determine whether the Resizable property value of a row or column is inherited, examine its State property. If the State value includes the ResizableSet flag, the Resizable property value is not inherited.
There are two kinds of automatic sizing in the DataGridView control: column fill mode and content-based automatic sizing.
Column fill mode causes the visible columns in the control to fill the width of the control's display area. For more information about this mode, see the Column Fill Mode section below.
You can also configure rows, columns, and headers to automatically adjust their sizes to fit their cell contents. In this case, size adjustment occurs whenever cell contents change.
Note: If you maintain cell values in a custom data cache using virtual mode, automatic sizing occurs when the user edits a cell value but does not occur when you alter a cached value outside of a CellValuePushed event handler. In this case, call the UpdateCellValue method to force the control to update the cell display and apply the current automatic sizing modes.
If content-based automatic sizing is enabled for one dimension only—that is, for rows but not columns, or for columns but not rows—and WrapMode is also enabled, size adjustment also occurs whenever the other dimension changes. For example, if rows but not columns are configured for automatic sizing and WrapMode is enabled, users can drag column dividers to change the width of a column and row heights will automatically adjust so that cell contents are still fully displayed.
If you configure both rows and columns for content-based automatic sizing and WrapMode is enabled, the DataGridView control will adjust sizes whenever cell contents changed and will use an ideal cell height-to-width ratio when calculating new sizes.
To configure the sizing mode for headers and rows and for columns that do not override the control value, set one or more of the following DataGridView properties:
To override the control's column sizing mode for an individual column, set its AutoSizeMode property to a value other than NotSet. The sizing mode for a column is actually determined by its InheritedAutoSizeMode property. The value of this property is based on the column's AutoSizeMode property value unless that value is NotSet, in which case the control's AutoSizeColumnsMode value is inherited.
Use content-based automatic resizing with caution when working with large amounts of data. To avoid performance penalties, use the automatic sizing modes that calculate sizes based only on the displayed rows rather than analyzing every row in the control. For maximum performance, use programmatic resizing instead so that you can resize at specific times, such as immediately after new data is loaded.
Content-based automatic sizing modes do not affect rows, columns, or headers that you have hidden by setting the row or column Visible property or the control RowHeadersVisible or ColumnHeadersVisible properties to false. For example, if a column is hidden after it is automatically sized to fit a large cell value, the hidden column will not change its size if the row containing the large cell value is deleted. Automatic sizing does not occur when visibility changes, so changing the column Visible property back to true will not force it to recalculate its size based on its current contents.
Programmatic content-based resizing affects rows, columns, and headers regardless of their visibility.
When automatic sizing is disabled, you can programmatically set the exact width or height of rows, columns, or headers through the following properties:
You can also programmatically resize rows, columns, and headers to fit their contents using the following methods:
These methods will resize rows, columns, or headers once rather than configuring them for continuous resizing. The new sizes are automatically calculated to display all cell contents without clipping. When you programmatically resize columns that have InheritedAutoSizeMode property values of Fill, however, the calculated content-based widths are used to proportionally adjust the column FillWeight property values, and the actually column widths are then calculated according to these new proportions so that all columns fill the available display area of the control.
Programmatic resizing is useful to avoid performance penalties with continuous resizing. It is also useful to provide initial sizes for user-resizable rows, columns, and headers, and for column fill mode.
You will typically call the programmatic resizing methods at specific times. For example, you might programmatically resize all columns immediately after loading data, or you might programmatically resize a specific row after a particular cell value has been modified.
You can customize sizing behaviors when working with derived DataGridView cell, row, and column types by overriding the DataGridViewCell.GetPreferredSize(), DataGridViewRow.GetPreferredHeight(), or DataGridViewColumn.GetPreferredWidth() methods or by calling protected resizing method overloads in a derived DataGridView control. The protected resizing method overloads are designed to work in pairs to achieve an ideal cell height-to-width ratio, avoiding overly wide or tall cells. For example, if you call the AutoResizeRows(DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode,Boolean) overload of the AutoResizeRows method and pass in a value of false for the Boolean parameter, the overload will calculate the ideal heights and widths for cells in the row, but it will adjust the row heights only. You must then call the AutoResizeColumns method to adjust the column widths to the calculated ideal.
The enumerations used by sizing properties and methods have similar values for content-based sizing. With these values, you can limit which cells are used to calculate the preferred sizes. For all sizing enumerations, values with names that refer to displayed cells limit their calculations to cells in displayed rows. Excluding rows is useful to avoid a performance penalty when you are working with a large quantity of rows. You can also restrict calculations to cell values in header or nonheader cells.
The DataGridView control provides you with a variety of options for configuring how users can select cells, rows, and columns. For example, you can enable single or multiple selection, selection of whole rows or columns when users click cells, or selection of whole rows or columns only when users click their headers, which enables cell selection as well. If you want to provide your own user interface for selection, you can disable ordinary selection and handle all selection programmatically. Additionally, you can enable users to copy the selected values to the Clipboard.
Sometimes you want your application to perform actions based on user selections within a DataGridView control. Depending on the actions, you may want to restrict the kinds of selection that are possible. For example, suppose your application can print a report for the currently selected record. In this case, you may want to configure the DataGridView control so that clicking anywhere within a row always selects the entire row, and so that only one row at a time can be selected.
You can specify the selections allowed by setting the SelectionMode property to one of the following DataGridViewSelectionMode enumeration values.
DataGridViewSelectionMode value |
Description |
CellSelect |
單擊單元格以選中它,行列標題不能用於選擇。 |
ColumnHeaderSelect |
單擊單元格以選中它,單擊列標題選中整列。此時列標題不能用於排序。 |
FullColumnSelect |
單擊單元格或列標題會選中它們所在的列,此時列標題不能用於排序。 |
FullRowSelect |
單擊單元格或行標題會選中它們所在的行。 |
RowHeaderSelect |
DGV的默認選擇模式,單擊單元格選中該單元格,單擊行標題則選中整行。 |
注意: 在運行時改變選擇模式會自動清除當前選擇的內容。
By default, users can select multiple rows, columns, or cells by dragging with the mouse, pressing CTRL or SHIFT while selecting to extend or modify a selection, or clicking the top-left header cell to select all cells in the control. To prevent this behavior, set the MultiSelect property to false.
The FullRowSelect and RowHeaderSelect modes allow users to delete rows by selecting them and pressing the DELETE key. Users can delete rows only when the current cell is not in edit mode, the AllowUserToDeleteRows property is set to true, and the underlying data source supports user-driven row deletion. Note that these settings do not prevent programmatic row deletion.
The current selection mode restricts the behavior of programmatic selection as well as user selection. You can change the current selection programmatically by setting the Selected property of any cells, rows, or columns present in the DataGridView control. You can also select all cells in the control through the SelectAll method, depending on the selection mode. To clear the selection, use the ClearSelection method.
If the MultiSelect property is set to true, you can add DataGridView elements to or remove them from the selection by changing the Selected property of the element. Otherwise, setting the Selected property to true for one element automatically removes other elements from the selection.
As you scroll the DataGridView raises the Scroll event that allows you to be notified that scrolling is occurring. The Orientation property on the scroll event args lets you know the scroll direction.
The DataGridView provides access to the scrollbars that it displays via the protected HorizontalScrollBar and VerticalScrollBar properties. Accessing these ScrollBar controls directly allow you to have finer control over scrolling.
There are a set of properties that provide greater level of details on how the DataGridView is scrolled. The diagram highlights these properties and their values at this state. The properties are read/write except for the FirstDisplayedScrollingColumnHiddenWidth and VerticalScrollingOffset properties.
By default, users can sort the data in a DataGridView control by clicking the header of a text box column. You can modify the SortMode property of specific columns to allow users to sort by other column types when it makes sense to do so. You can also sort the data programmatically by any column, or by multiple columns.
DataGridView columns have three sort modes. The sort mode for each column is specified through the SortMode property of the column, which can be set to one of the following DataGridViewColumnSortMode enumeration values.
DataGridViewColumnSortMode value |
Description |
Automatic |
Default for text box columns. Unless column headers are used for selection, clicking the column header automatically sorts the DataGridView by this column and displays a glyph indicating the sort order. |
NotSortable |
Default for non–text box columns. You can sort this column programmatically; however, it is not intended for sorting, so no space is reserved for the sorting glyph. |
Programmatic |
You can sort this column programmatically, and space is reserved for the sorting glyph. |
You might want to change the sort mode for a column that defaults to NotSortable if it contains values that can be meaningfully ordered. For example, if you have a database column containing numbers that represent item states, you can display these numbers as corresponding icons by binding an image column to the database column. You can then change the numerical cell values into image display values in a handler for the CellFormatting event. In this case, setting the SortMode property to Automatic will enable your users to sort the column. Automatic sorting will enable your users to group items that have the same state even if the states corresponding to the numbers do not have a natural sequence. Check box columns are another example where automatic sorting is useful for grouping items in the same state.
You can sort a DataGridView programmatically by the values in any column or in multiple columns, regardless of the SortMode settings. Programmatic sorting is useful when you want to provide your own user interface (UI) for sorting or when you want to implement custom sorting. Providing your own sorting UI is useful, for example, when you set the DataGridView selection mode to enable column header selection. In this case, although the column headers cannot be used for sorting, you still want the headers to display the appropriate sorting glyph, so you would set the SortMode property to Programmatic.
Columns set to programmatic sort mode do not automatically display a sorting glyph. For these columns, you must display the glyph yourself by setting the DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection property. This is necessary if you want flexibility in custom sorting. For example, if you sort the DataGridView by multiple columns, you might want to display multiple sorting glyphs or no sorting glyph.
Although you can programmatically sort a DataGridView by any column, some columns, such as button columns, might not contain values that can be meaningfully ordered. For these columns, a SortMode property setting of NotSortable indicates that it will never be used for sorting, so there is no need to reserve space in the header for the sorting glyph.
When a DataGridView is sorted, you can determine both the sort column and the sort order by checking the values of the SortedColumn and SortOrder properties. These values are not meaningful after a custom sorting operation. For more information about custom sorting, see the Custom Sorting section later in this topic.
When a DataGridView control containing both bound and unbound columns is sorted, the values in the unbound columns cannot be maintained automatically. To maintain these values, you must implement virtual mode by setting the VirtualMode property to true and handling the CellValueNeeded and CellValuePushed events.
You can sort a DataGridView programmatically by calling its Sort method.
The Sort(DataGridViewColumn,ListSortDirection) overload of the Sort method takes a DataGridViewColumn and a ListSortDirection enumeration value as parameters. This overload is useful when sorting by columns with values that can be meaningfully ordered, but which you do not want to configure for automatic sorting. When you call this overload and pass in a column with a SortMode property value of DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic, the SortedColumn and SortOrder properties are set automatically and the appropriate sorting glyph appears in the column header.
Note: When the DataGridView control is bound to an external data source by setting the DataSource property, the Sort(DataGridViewColumn,ListSortDirection) method overload does not work for unbound columns. Additionally, when the VirtualMode property is true, you can call this overload only for bound columns. To determine whether a column is data-bound, check the IsDataBound property value. Sorting unbound columns in bound mode is not supported.
You can customize DataGridView by using the Sort(IComparer) overload of the Sort method or by handling the SortCompare event.
The Sort(IComparer) method overload takes an instance of a class that implements the IComparer interface as a parameter. This overload is useful when you want to provide custom sorting; for example, when the values in a column do not have a natural sort order or when the natural sort order is inappropriate. In this case, you cannot use automatic sorting, but you might still want your users to sort by clicking the column headers. You can call this overload in a handler for the ColumnHeaderMouseClick event if you do not use column headers for selection.
Note: The Sort(IComparer) method overload works only when the DataGridView control is not bound to an external data source and the VirtualMode property value is false. To customize sorting for columns bound to an external data source, you must use the sorting operations provided by the data source. In virtual mode, you must provide your own sorting operations for unbound columns.
To use the Sort(IComparer) method overload, you must create your own class that implements the IComparer interface. This interface requires your class to implement the IComparer.Compare(Object) method, to which the DataGridView passes DataGridViewRow objects as input when the Sort(IComparer) method overload is called. With this, you can calculate the correct row ordering based on the values in any column.
The Sort(IComparer) method overload does not set the SortedColumn and SortOrder properties, so you must always set the DataGridViewColumnHeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection property to display the sorting glyph.
As an alternative to the Sort(IComparer) method overload, you can provide custom sorting by implementing a handler for the SortCompare event. This event occurs when users click the headers of columns configured for automatic sorting or when you call the Sort(DataGridViewColumn,ListSortDirection) overload of the Sort method. The event occurs for each pair of rows in the control, enabling you to calculate their correct order.
Note: The SortCompare event does not occur when the DataSource property is set or when the VirtualMode property value is true.
1) 如何避免用戶對列排序?
2) 如何針對多個列排序?
With the DataGridView control, you can customize the appearance of the control's border and gridlines to improve the user experience. You can modify the gridline color and the control border style in addition to the border styles for the cells within the control. The gridline color is controlled via the GridColor property. You can also apply different cell border styles for ordinary cells, row header cells, and column header cells. For advanced border styles the DataGridView provides the advanced border style properties as well.
Note: The gridline color is used only with the Single, SingleHorizontal, and SingleVertical values of the DataGridViewCellBorderStyle enumeration and the Single value of the DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle enumeration. The other values of these enumerations use colors specified by the operating system. Additionally, when visual styles are enabled on Windows XP and above, the GridColor property value is not used.
Standard border styles are controlled via the CellBorderStyle, RowHeadersBorderStyle, and ColumnHeadersBorderStyle properties.
The following table identifies the standard border styles available via the :
BorderStyle value |
Description |
Fixed3D |
A three-dimensional border. |
FixedSingle |
A single-line border. |
None |
No border. |
The DataGridView control allows you to fully customize its appearance, including the borders of the cells and headers. The DataGridView has CellBorderStyle, ColumnHeadersBorderStyle, and RowHeadersBorderStyle properties that allow you to set the appearance of the cell border. However, if you need to further customize the borders, the DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle class allows you to set the style of the border on the individual sides of the cells. The Left, Right, Top, and Bottom properties of DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle represent the left, right, top, and bottom border of a cell, respectively. You can set these properties on the AdvancedCellBorderStyle, AdvancedColumnHeadersBorderStyle, AdvancedRowHeadersBorderStyle properties of the DataGridView to produce various appearances for the borders between the cells.
The following table identifies the advanced border styles available that can be set for the left, right, top and bottom parts. Note that some combinations are not valid.
BorderStyle value |
Description |
Inset |
A three-dimensional border. |
InsetDouble |
A single-line border. |
None |
No border. |
NotSet |
The border is not set |
Outset |
A single-line raised border |
OutsetDouble |
A double-line raised border |
OutsetPartial |
A single-line border containing a raised portion |
Single |
A single-line border |
By default, users can edit the contents of the current DataGridView text box cell by typing in it or pressing F2. This puts the cell in edit mode if all of the following conditions are met:
In edit mode, the user can change the cell value and press ENTER to commit the change or ESC to revert the cell to its original value.
You can configure a DataGridView control so that a cell enters edit mode as soon as it becomes the current cell. The behavior of the ENTER and ESC keys is unchanged in this case, but the cell remains in edit mode after the value is committed or reverted. You can also configure the control so that cells enter edit mode only when users type in the cell or only when users press F2. Finally, you can prevent cells from entering edit mode except when you call the BeginEdit method.
The following table describes the different edit modes available:
EditMode value |
Description |
EditOnEnter |
Editing begins when the cell receives focus. This mode is useful when pressing the TAB key to enter values across a row, or when pressing the ENTER key to enter values down a column. |
EditOnF2 |
Editing begins when F2 is pressed while the cell has focus. This mode places the selection point at the end of the cell contents. |
EditOnKeystroke |
Editing begins when any alphanumeric key is pressed while the cell has focus. |
EditOnKeystrokeOrF2 |
Editing begins when any alphanumeric key or F2 is pressed while the cell has focus. |
EditProgrammatically |
Editing begins only when the BeginEdit method is called. |
When you enable cell copying, you make the data in your DataGridView control easily accessible to other applications through the Clipboard. The DataGridView control copies the text representation of each selected cell to the Clipboard. This value is the cell value converted to a string or, for image cells, the value of the Description property. The content is then added to the Clipboard as tab-delimited text values for pasting into applications like Notepad and Excel, and as an HTML-formatted table for pasting into applications like Word.
You can configure cell copying to copy cell values only, to include row and column header text in the Clipboard data, or to include header text only when users select entire rows or columns.
The following table identifies the different clipboard copy modes:
Clipboard Copy modes |
Description |
Disable |
Copying to the Clipboard is disabled. |
EnableAlwaysIncludeHeaderText |
The text values of selected cells can be copied to the Clipboard. Header text is included for rows and columns that contain selected cells. |
EnableWithAutoHeaderText |
The text values of selected cells can be copied to the Clipboard. Row or column header text is included for rows or columns that contain selected cells only when the SelectionMode property is set to RowHeaderSelect or ColumnHeaderSelect and at least one header is selected. |
EnableWithoutHeaderText |
The text values of selected cells can be copied to the Clipboard. Header text is not included. |
Depending on the selection mode, users can select multiple disconnected groups of cells. When a user copies cells to the Clipboard, rows and columns with no selected cells are not copied. All other rows or columns become rows and columns in the table of data copied to the Clipboard. Unselected cells in these rows or columns are copied as blank placeholders to the Clipboard.
When users copy content, the DataGridView control adds a DataObject to the Clipboard. This data object is retrieved from the GetClipboardContent() method. You can call this method when you want to programmatically add the data object to the Clipboard. The GetClipboardContent() method retrieves values for individual cells by calling the DataGridViewCell.GetClipboardContent() method. You can override either or both of these methods in derived classes to customize the layout of copied cells or to support additional data formats.
When users view data sometimes they need to refer to a single column or set of columns frequently. For example, when displaying a table of customer information that contains many columns, it is useful to display the customer name at all times while enabling other columns to scroll outside the visible region.
To achieve this behavior, you can freeze columns in the control. This is done via setting the Frozen property on the column or row. When you freeze a column, all the columns to its left (or to its right in right-to-left language scripts) are frozen as well. Frozen columns remain in place while all other columns can scroll. Rows act in similar fashion: all rows before the frozen row are frozen as well and remain in place while the non frozen rows can scroll.
You can implement the IDataGridViewEditingCell interface in your derived cell class to create a cell type that has editing functionality but does not host a control in editing mode. To create a control that you can host in a cell in editing mode, you can implement the IDataGridViewEditingControl interface in a class derived from Control.
Cells that support advanced editing functionality typically use a hosted control that is derived from a Windows Forms control. This interface is implemented by editing controls, such as DataGridViewComboBoxEditingControl and DataGridViewTextBoxEditingControl, that are hosted by the corresponding DataGridView cells, such as DataGridViewComboBoxCell and DataGridViewTextBoxCell, when they are in edit mode.
Cell types that can that host editing controls set their EditType property to a Type representing the editing control type.
This interface is implemented by classes to provide a user interface (UI) for specifying values without hosting an editing control. The UI in this case is displayed regardless of whether the cell is in edit mode. The DataGridViewCheckBoxCell is an example of a cell that implements the IDataGridViewEditingCell interface.
Other cell types, such as DataGridViewButtonCell, provide a UI but do not store user-specified values. In this case, the cell type does not implement IDataGridViewEditingCell or host an editing control.
With virtual mode, you can manage the interaction between the DataGridView control and a custom data cache. To implement virtual mode, set the VirtualMode property to true and handle one or more of the events described in this topic. You will typically handle at least the CellValueNeeded event, which enables the control look up values in the data cache.
Virtual mode is necessary only when you need to supplement or replace bound mode. In bound mode, you set the DataSource property and the control automatically loads the data from the specified source and submits user changes back to it. You can control which of the bound columns are displayed, and the data source itself typically handles operations such as sorting.
You can supplement bound mode by displaying unbound columns along with the bound columns. This is sometimes called "mixed mode" and is useful for displaying things like calculated values or user-interface (UI) controls.
Because unbound columns are outside the data source, they are ignored by the data source's sorting operations. Therefore, when you enable sorting in mixed mode, you must manage the unbound data in a local cache and implement virtual mode to let the DataGridView control interact with it.
1) How do I show unbound data along with bound data?
2) How do I show data that comes from two tables?
If bound mode does not meet your performance needs, you can manage all your data in a custom cache through virtual-mode event handlers. For example, you can use virtual mode to implement a just-in-time data loading mechanism that retrieves only as much data from a networked database as is necessary for optimal performance. This scenario is particularly useful when working with large amounts of data over a slow network connection or with client machines that have a limited amount of RAM or storage space.
If your data is read-only, the CellValueNeeded event may be the only event you will need to handle. Additional virtual-mode events let you enable specific functionality like user edits, row addition and deletion, and row-level transactions.
Some standard DataGridView events (such as events that occur when users add or delete rows, or when cell values are edited, parsed, validated, or formatted) are useful in virtual mode, as well. You can also handle events that let you maintain values not typically stored in a bound data source, such as cell ToolTip text, cell and row error text, cell and row shortcut menu data, and row height data.
The following events occur only when the VirtualMode property is set to true.
Event |
Description |
CellValueNeeded |
Used by the control to retrieve a cell value from the data cache for display. This event occurs only for cells in unbound columns. |
CellValuePushed |
Used by the control to commit user input for a cell to the data cache. This event occurs only for cells in unbound columns. Call the UpdateCellValue method when changing a cached value outside of a CellValuePushed event handler to ensure that the current value is displayed in the control and to apply any automatic sizing modes currently in effect. |
NewRowNeeded |
Used by the control to indicate the need for a new row in the data cache. |
RowDirtyStateNeeded |
Used by the control to determine whether a row has any uncommitted changes. |
CancelRowEdit |
Used by the control to indicate that a row should revert to its cached values. |
The following events are useful in virtual mode, but can be used regardless of the VirtualMode property setting.
Events |
Description |
UserDeletingRow UserDeletedRow RowsRemoved RowsAdded |
Used by the control to indicate when rows are deleted or added, letting you update the data cache accordingly. |
CellFormatting CellParsing CellValidating CellValidated RowValidating RowValidated |
Used by the control to format cell values for display and to parse and validate user input. |
CellToolTipTextNeeded |
Used by the control to retrieve cell ToolTip text when the DataSource property is set or the VirtualMode property is true. Cell ToolTips are displayed only when the ShowCellToolTips property value is true. |
CellErrorTextNeeded RowErrorTextNeeded |
Used by the control to retrieve cell or row error text when the DataSource property is set or the VirtualMode property is true. Call the UpdateCellErrorText method or the UpdateRowErrorText method when you change the cell or row error text to ensure that the current value is displayed in the control. Cell and row error glyphs are displayed when the ShowCellErrors and ShowRowErrors property values are true. |
CellContextMenuStripNeeded RowContextMenuStripNeeded |
Used by the control to retrieve a cell or row ContextMenuStrip when the control DataSource property is set or the VirtualMode property is true. |
RowHeightInfoNeeded RowHeightInfoPushed |
Used by the control to retrieve or store row height information in the data cache. Call the UpdateRowHeightInfo method when changing the cached row height information outside of a RowHeightInfoPushed event handler to ensure that the current value is used in the display of the control. |
If you are implementing virtual mode in order to work efficiently with large amounts of data, you will also want to ensure that you are working efficiently with the DataGridView control itself. See below for more information on best practices
In general, the DataGridView does not have any hard-coded capacity limits. The grid was designed so that more and more content can be added as machines become faster and have more memory. That said, the grid was not designed to deal with large number of columns. If you add more than 300 columns you will start to notice a degradation in performance as our performance tuning of the grid was not designed for this. If you need a grid with large amounts of columns then the DataGridView might not meet your needs. Regarding the number of rows supported, the DataGridView is bound by memory constraints. When using Virtual mode you can easily support over 2 million rows. Check out the best practices section below for information on things you can do (and not do) to improve memory usage and performance.
The DataGridView control is designed to provide maximum scalability. If you need to display large amounts of data, you should follow the guidelines described in this topic to avoid consuming large amounts of memory or degrading the responsiveness of the user interface (UI).
Each cell, row, and column can have its own style information. Style information is stored in DataGridViewCellStyle objects. Creating cell style objects for many individual DataGridView elements can be inefficient, especially when working with large amounts of data. To avoid a performance impact, use the following guidelines:
Each cell, row, and column can have its own shortcut menu. Shortcut menus in the DataGridView control are represented by ContextMenuStrip controls. Just as with cell style objects, creating shortcut menus for many individual DataGridView elements will negatively impact performance. To avoid this penalty, use the following guidelines:
Rows, columns, and headers can be automatically resized as cell content changes so that the entire contents of cells are displayed without clipping. Changing sizing modes can also resize rows, columns, and headers. To determine the correct size, the DataGridView control must examine the value of each cell that it must accommodate. When working with large data sets, this analysis can negatively impact the performance of the control when automatic resizing occurs. To avoid performance penalties, use the following guidelines:
The SelectedCells collection does not perform efficiently with large selections. The SelectedRows and SelectedColumns collections can also be inefficient, although to a lesser degree because there are many fewer rows than cells in a typical DataGridView control, and many fewer columns than rows. To avoid performance penalties when working with these collections, use the following guidelines:
Efficient memory use is achieved in the DataGridView control through shared rows. Rows will share as much information about their appearance and behavior as possible by sharing instances of the DataGridViewRow class.
While sharing row instances saves memory, rows can easily become unshared. For example, whenever a user interacts directly with a cell, its row becomes unshared. Because this cannot be avoided, the guidelines in this topic are useful only when working with very large amounts of data and only when users will interact with a relatively small part of the data each time your program is run.
A row cannot be shared in an unbound DataGridView control if any of its cells contain values. When the DataGridView control is bound to an external data source or when you implement virtual mode and provide your own data source, the cell values are stored outside the control rather than in cell objects, allowing the rows to be shared.
A row object can only be shared if the state of all its cells can be determined from the state of the row and the states of the columns containing the cells. If you change the state of a cell so that it can no longer be deduced from the state of its row and column, the row cannot be shared.
For example, a row cannot be shared in any of the following situations:
In bound mode or virtual mode, you can provide ToolTips and shortcut menus for individual cells by handling the CellToolTipTextNeeded and CellContextMenuStripNeeded events.
The DataGridView control will automatically attempt to use shared rows whenever rows are added to the DataGridViewRowCollection. Use the following guidelines to ensure that rows are shared:
To determine whether a row is shared, use the DataGridViewRowCollection.SharedRow(Int) method to retrieve the row object, and then check the object's Index property. Shared rows always have an Index property value of –1.
Shared rows can become unshared as a result of code or user action. To avoid a performance impact, you should avoid causing rows to become unshared. During application development, you can handle the RowUnshared event to determine when rows become unshared. This is useful when debugging row-sharing problems.
To prevent rows from becoming unshared, use the following guidelines:
每一個屬性的樣式上有一個相應的PropertyNameChanged DataGridView控件的事件。對於行,列和單元格屬性,事件名稱開頭「行」,「列」,或「細胞」(例如,RowDefaultCellStyleChanged)。這些事件發生時,每個對應的樣式屬性設置爲不一樣的DataGridViewCellStyle對象。這些事件不會發生當您檢索從樣式屬性的DataGridViewCellStyle對象,並修改其屬性值。爲了應對變化的單元格樣式對象自己,處理CellStyleContentChanged事件。
每一個DataGridViewCell的會從它的InheritedStyle屬性它的外觀。 DataGridViewCellStyle對象的此屬性返回繼承從類型DataGridViewCellStyle的屬性層次的價值。下面列出了這些屬性的順序在其中非頭細胞InheritedStyle獲取其值。
1。 DataGridViewCell.Style
2。 DataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle
3。 AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle(只適用於奇數行單元格指數)
4。 RowsDefaultCellStyle
5。 DataGridViewColumn.DefaultCellStyle
1。 DataGridViewCell.Style
2。 ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle或RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle
1。 DataGridViewColumn.DefaultCellStyle
1。 DataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle
2。 AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle(只適用於奇數行單元格指數)
3。 RowsDefaultCellStyle
DataGridViewCell.Style Color.Empty
DataGridViewRow.DefaultCellStyle Color.Red
AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle Color.Empty
RowsDefaultCellStyle Color.Empty
DataGridViewColumn.DefaultCellStyle Color.DarkBlue
的DefaultCellStyle Color.Black
在這種狀況下,從單元格的行System.Drawing.Color.Red值是第一個在名單上的實際價值。這成爲該單元格的InheritedStyle ForeColor屬性值。
ContentBackground單元格的內容是畫背景的一部分。 (2)
e.PaintParts = DataGridViewPaintParts.All&
〜(DataGridViewPaintParts.Focus |
e.PaintParts =(DataGridViewPaintParts.Background |
DataGridViewPaintParts.Border |
DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentBackground |
DataGridViewPaintParts.ContentForeground |
5.3 Autosizing
使用列填充顯示一樣,在一列,佔據了整個寬度的控制數量相對較少,而不顯示水平滾動條大小的數據模式。 AutoSizeColumnsMode屬性設置爲Fill。
使用列填充不一樣大小顯示值模式。 AutoSizeColumnsMode屬性設置爲Fill。初始化設置列的FillWeight屬性或調用控件AutoResizeColumns灌裝後用數據控制方法相對列寬度。
使用列填充不一樣的重要性與價值模式。 AutoSizeColumnsMode屬性設置爲Fill。設置大量列的MinimumWidth值,必須始終顯示的數據部分或使用一個尺寸的選擇之外填補特定列模式。
顯示一個固定寬度的列,如圖標或ID列。 AutoSizeMode設置爲None,可調整大小爲False的列。初始化設置width屬性,或者調用控件AutoResizeColumn後用數據填充它的寬度控制方法。
您還能夠防止大小設置其Resizable屬性由單個行或列的用戶。默認狀況下,Resizable屬性值是基於對列AllowUserToResizeColumns屬性值和屬性值的行AllowUserToResizeRows。若是你明確地設置大小可調整爲True或False,可是,指定的值控制值覆蓋該行或列中。設置調整大小to NotSet恢復繼承。
RowHeaderSelect DGV的默認選擇模式,單擊單元格選中該單元格,單擊行標題則選中整行。
默認狀況下,用戶能夠選擇用鼠標拖動,按Ctrl或Shift的同時選擇延長或修改的選擇,或者點擊左上角的標題單元格來選擇控件中的全部細胞的多個行,列或單元格。爲了防止這種行爲,設置爲false MultiSelect屬性。
5.5.1 Scroll事件
DataGridView的滾動條能夠訪問,它經過保護HorizontalScrollBar和VerticalScrollBar屬性顯示。 ScrollBar控件直接訪問這些讓你擁有滾動更好的控制。
雖然您能夠經過編程任意列進行排序的DataGridView,一些欄目,如按鈕列,可能不包含能夠有意義的有序值。對於這些列,一個NotSortable SortMode屬性設置表示,它將永遠不會被用於排序的,因此沒有必要儲備爲排序標誌符號頭空間。
注:網格線顏色僅用於與DataGridViewCellBorderStyle枚舉和枚舉的DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle單值單,SingleHorizontal和SingleVertical值。這些枚舉的其餘值使用由操做系統指定的顏色。此外,當視覺樣式的Windows XP及以上的啓用,GridColor屬性值不被使用。
DataGridView控件容許你徹底自定義其外觀,包括細胞和頭的邊界。 DataGridView的有CellBorderStyle,ColumnHeadersBorderStyle和RowHeadersBorderStyle屬性,讓您設置單元格邊框的外觀。可是,若是您須要進一步定製邊界,DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle類容許您設置單元格的我的雙方的邊框樣式。對DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle左,右,頂部和底部屬性表明左,右,上,一個細胞和底部邊框,分別爲。您能夠設置在AdvancedCellBorderStyle,AdvancedColumnHeadersBorderStyle,AdvancedRowHeadersBorderStyle DataGridView的屬性這些屬性產生的細胞之間的邊界,展示多種風采。
當你使細胞複製,你才能在DataGridView控件的數據很容易接觸到其餘應用程序經過剪貼板。 DataGridView控件複製到選定的單元格的每一個剪貼板的文本表示。此值是單元格的值轉換爲圖像細胞,Description屬性的值的字符串或。其內容後加入爲製表符分隔的文本值的剪貼簿在諸如記事本和Excel應用程序粘貼,並做爲應用程序,如Word粘貼到HTML格式的表格。
5.11.1 IDataGridViewEditingControl
5.11.2 IDataGridViewEditingCell
調用方法或UpdateRowErrorText UpdateCellErrorText方法,當你更改單元格或行的錯誤文本,以確保當前值在控件中顯示。
•避免使用的DataGridViewSelectedCellCollection Count屬性來肯定所選細胞的數量。相反,使用GetCellCount()方法並傳入DataGridViewElementStates.Selected價值。一樣,使用DataGridViewRowCollection.GetRowCount()和DataGridViewColumnCollection.GetColumnCount()方法來肯定所選元素,而不是訪問選定的行和列集合,數量。
•避免調用Add(Object []的)的添加方法和插入(對象[])的插入的行的集合方法重載超載。這些重載自動建立非共享行。
要肯定行是不是共享的,使用DataGridViewRowCollection.SharedRow(int)方法來檢索行對象,而後檢查對象的Index屬性。共享行老是爲-1 Index屬性值。
•避免索引中的行集或經過它迭代與foreach循環。你不會一般須要直接訪問行。 DataGridView的操做方法,對行,而不是採起行實例行索引參數。此外,對於行相關的事件處理程序接收行屬性,您能夠用它來操做,而不會形成他們成爲非共享行的事件參數對象。
ReadOnly屬性決定了單元格中的數據是否能夠編輯,能夠設置單元格的ReadOnly 屬性,也能夠設置DataGridViewRow.ReadOnly 或DataGridViewColumn.ReadOnly使得一行或一列所包含的單元格都是隻讀的。 默認狀況下,若是一行或一列是隻讀的,那麼其包含的單元格也會使只讀的。
單元格能夠設置爲只讀而不可編輯,但DataGridView卻沒提供使單元格不可用的支持。通常意義上,不可用意味着用戶不能進行操做,一般會帶有外觀的暗示,如灰色。沒有一種簡單的方法來建立那種不可操做的單元格,但提供一個暗示性的外觀告訴用戶某單元格不可用仍是可行的。內置的單元格類型沒有進行不可用設置的屬性,下面的例子擴展了DataGridViewButtonCell ,參照常見控件的Enabled屬性,爲其添加了Enabled屬性,若是該屬性設置爲false,那麼其外觀狀態將相似於普通按鈕的不可用狀態。
public class DataGridViewDisableButtonColumn : DataGridViewButtonColumn
public DataGridViewDisableButtonColumn()
this.CellTemplate = new DataGridViewDisableButtonCell();
public class DataGridViewDisableButtonCell : DataGridViewButtonCell
private bool enabledValue;
public bool Enabled
get {
return enabledValue;
set {
enabledValue = value;
// Override the Clone method so that the Enabled property is copied.
public override object Clone()
DataGridViewDisableButtonCell cell =
cell.Enabled = this.Enabled;
return cell;
// By default, enable the button cell.
public DataGridViewDisableButtonCell()
this.enabledValue = true;
protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics,
Rectangle clipBounds, Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex,
DataGridViewElementStates elementState, object value,
object formattedValue, string errorText,
DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,
DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
// The button cell is disabled, so paint the border,
// background, and disabled button for the cell.
if (!this.enabledValue)
// Draw the cell background, if specified.
if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Background) ==
SolidBrush cellBackground =
new SolidBrush(cellStyle.BackColor);
graphics.FillRectangle(cellBackground, cellBounds);
// Draw the cell borders, if specified.
if ((paintParts & DataGridViewPaintParts.Border) ==
PaintBorder(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, cellStyle,
// Calculate the area in which to draw the button.
Rectangle buttonArea = cellBounds;
Rectangle buttonAdjustment =
buttonArea.X += buttonAdjustment.X;
buttonArea.Y += buttonAdjustment.Y;
buttonArea.Height -= buttonAdjustment.Height;
buttonArea.Width -= buttonAdjustment.Width;
// Draw the disabled button.
ButtonRenderer.DrawButton(graphics, buttonArea,
// Draw the disabled button text.
if (this.FormattedValue is String)
buttonArea, SystemColors.GrayText);
// The button cell is enabled, so let the base class
// handle the painting.
base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex,
elementState, value, formattedValue, errorText,
cellStyle, advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
默認狀況下DataGridView的操做(navigation)模型在限制用戶將焦點置於指定的單元格方面沒有提供任何支持。你能夠實現本身的操做邏輯,這須要重寫合適的鍵盤、導航、鼠標方法,如DataGridView.OnKeyDown, DataGridView.ProcessDataGridViewKey, DataGridView.SetCurrentCellAddressCore, DataGridView.SetSelectedCellCore, DataGridView.OnMouseDown。
DataGridView 控件只支持在單元格處於編輯狀態時顯示真實的控件(如TextBox)。DataGridView 沒有被設計爲顯示多控件或爲每行重複顯示控件。DataGridView 在單元格不被編輯時爲其繪製對應控件的外觀,該外觀多是你想要的。例如,DataGridViewButtonCell 類型的單元格,無論它是否處於編輯狀態,老是表現爲一個按鈕。
By default, text in a DataGridViewTextBoxCell does not wrap. This can be controlled via the WrapMode property on the cell style (e.g. DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode). Because text doesn’t wrap, new line characters in the text do not apply and so they are displayed as a 「non-printable」 character. This is similar to setting a TextBox’s Text property to the same text when the TextBox’s MultiLine property is false.
DataGridView控件沒有對在同一單元格內同時顯示圖標和文本提供支持。但經過實現自定義的繪製事件,如CellPaint 事件,你能夠輕鬆實現這個效果。
下面這段代碼擴展了DataGridViewTextBoxColumn 和DataGridViewTextBoxCell類,將一個圖片顯示在文本旁邊。這個示例使用了DataGridViewCellStyle.Padding 屬性來調整文本的位置,重寫了Paint 方法來繪製圖片。該示例能夠獲得簡化,方法是處理CellPainting 事件,在這裏實現相似的功能。
public class TextAndImageColumn:DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
private Image imageValue;
private Size imageSize;
public TextAndImageColumn()
this.CellTemplate = new TextAndImageCell();
public override object Clone()
TextAndImageColumn c = base.Clone() as TextAndImageColumn;
c.imageValue = this.imageValue;
c.imageSize = this.imageSize;
return c;
public Image Image
get { return this.imageValue; }
if (this.Image != value) {
this.imageValue = value;
this.imageSize = value.Size;
if (this.InheritedStyle != null) {
Padding inheritedPadding = this.InheritedStyle.Padding;
this.DefaultCellStyle.Padding = new Padding(imageSize.Width,
inheritedPadding.Top, inheritedPadding.Right,
private TextAndImageCell TextAndImageCellTemplate
get { return this.CellTemplate as TextAndImageCell; }
internal Size ImageSize
get { return imageSize; }
public class TextAndImageCell : DataGridViewTextBoxCell
private Image imageValue;
private Size imageSize;
public override object Clone()
TextAndImageCell c = base.Clone() as TextAndImageCell;
c.imageValue= this.imageValue;
c.imageSize = this.imageSize;
return c;
public Image Image
get {
if (this.OwningColumn == null ||
this.OwningTextAndImageColumn == null) {
return imageValue;
else if (this.imageValue != null) {
return this.imageValue;
else {
return this.OwningTextAndImageColumn.Image;
set {
if (this.imageValue != value) {
this.imageValue = value;
this.imageSize = value.Size;
Padding inheritedPadding = this.InheritedStyle.Padding;
this.Style.Padding = new Padding(imageSize.Width,
inheritedPadding.Top, inheritedPadding.Right,
protected override void Paint(Graphics graphics, Rectangle clipBounds,
Rectangle cellBounds, int rowIndex, DataGridViewElementStates cellState,
object value, object formattedValue, string errorText,
DataGridViewCellStyle cellStyle,
DataGridViewAdvancedBorderStyle advancedBorderStyle,
DataGridViewPaintParts paintParts)
// Paint the base content
base.Paint(graphics, clipBounds, cellBounds, rowIndex, cellState,
value, formattedValue, errorText, cellStyle,
advancedBorderStyle, paintParts);
if (this.Image != null) {
// Draw the image clipped to the cell.
System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsContainer container =
graphics.DrawImageUnscaled(this.Image, cellBounds.Location);
private TextAndImageColumn OwningTextAndImageColumn
get { return this.OwningColumn as TextAndImageColumn; }
DataGridViewColumn類的Visible 屬性決定了是否顯示該列。
1) 右擊DataGridView控件,選擇Edit Columns;
2) 在列列表中選擇一列;
3) 在列屬性網格中,將Visible屬性設置爲false。
對於DataGridView 控件,默認狀況下,TextBox類型的列會自動排序,而其它類型的列則不會自動排序。這種自動排序有時會把數據變得比較亂,這時你會想更改這些默認設置。
9.1 將數據綁定到DataGridView時
下面這個示例使用DataTable做爲數據源,使用其DefaultView的 Sort 屬性對第二列和第三列排序;該示例同時演示瞭如何設置列的SortGlyphDirection屬性。該示例假定在你的窗體上有一個DataGridView控件和一個BindingSource組件:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("C1", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add("C2", typeof(string));
dt.Columns.Add("C3", typeof(string));
dt.Rows.Add(1, "1", "Test1");
dt.Rows.Add(2, "2", "Test2");
dt.Rows.Add(2, "2", "Test1");
dt.Rows.Add(3, "3", "Test3");
dt.Rows.Add(4, "4", "Test4");
dt.Rows.Add(4, "4", "Test3");
DataView view = dt.DefaultView;
view.Sort = "C2 ASC, C3 ASC";
bindingSource.DataSource = view;
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col0 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
col0.DataPropertyName = "C1";
col0.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Programmatic;
col0.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection = SortOrder.None;
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col1 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
col1.DataPropertyName = "C2";
col1.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Programmatic;
col1.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection = SortOrder.Ascending;
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn col2 = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
col2.DataPropertyName = "C3";
col2.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Programmatic;
col2.HeaderCell.SortGlyphDirection = SortOrder.Ascending;
9.2 Unbound DataGridView
To provide support for sorting on multiple columns you can handle the SortCompare event or call the Sort(IComparer) overload of the Sort method for greater sorting flexibility.
9.2.1 Custom Sorting Using the SortCompare Event
The following code example demonstrates custom sorting using a SortCompare event handler. The selected DataGridViewColumn is sorted and, if there are duplicate values in the column, the ID column is used to determine the final order.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Form1 : Form
private DataGridView dataGridView1 = new DataGridView();
// Establish the main entry point for the application.
static voidMain()
Application.Run(new Form1());
public Form1()
// Initialize the form.
// This code can be replaced with designer generated code.
dataGridView1.AllowUserToAddRows = false;
dataGridView1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
dataGridView1.SortCompare += new DataGridViewSortCompareEventHandler(
this.Text = "DataGridView.SortCompare demo";
// Replace this with your own population code.
public void PopulateDataGridView()
// Add columns to the DataGridView.
dataGridView1.ColumnCount = 3;
// Set the properties of the DataGridView columns.
dataGridView1.Columns[0].Name = "ID";
dataGridView1.Columns[1].Name = "Name";
dataGridView1.Columns[2].Name = "City";
dataGridView1.Columns["ID"].HeaderText = "ID";
dataGridView1.Columns["Name"].HeaderText = "Name";
dataGridView1.Columns["City"].HeaderText = "City";
// Add rows of data to the DataGridView.
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "1", "Parker", "Seattle" });
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "2", "Parker", "New York" });
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "3", "Watson", "Seattle" });
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "4", "Jameson", "New Jersey" });
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "5", "Brock", "New York" });
dataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "6", "Conner", "Portland" });
// Autosize the columns.
private void dataGridView1_SortCompare(object sender,
DataGridViewSortCompareEventArgs e)
// Try to sort based on the cells in the current column.
e.SortResult = System.String.Compare(
e.CellValue1.ToString(), e.CellValue2.ToString());
// If the cells are equal, sort based on the ID column.
if (e.SortResult == 0 && e.Column.Name != "ID")
e.SortResult = System.String.Compare(
e.Handled = true;
9.2.2 Custom Sorting Using the IComparer Interface
The following code example demonstrates custom sorting using the Sort(IComparer) overload of the Sort method, which takes an implementation of the IComparer interface to perform a multiple-column sort.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
class Form1 : Form
private DataGridView DataGridView1 = new DataGridView();
private FlowLayoutPanel FlowLayoutPanel1 = new FlowLayoutPanel();
private Button Button1 = new Button();
private RadioButton RadioButton1 = new RadioButton();
private RadioButton RadioButton2 = new RadioButton();
// Establish the main entry point for the application.
public static voidMain()
Application.Run(new Form1());
public Form1()
// Initialize the form.
// This code can be replaced with designer generated code.
AutoSize = true;
Text = "DataGridView IComparer sort demo";
FlowLayoutPanel1.FlowDirection = FlowDirection.TopDown;
FlowLayoutPanel1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(304, 0);
FlowLayoutPanel1.AutoSize = true;
Button1.Text = "Sort";
RadioButton1.Text = "Ascending";
RadioButton2.Text = "Descending";
RadioButton1.Checked = true;
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
Button1.Click += new EventHandler(Button1_Click);
// Replace this with your own code to populate the DataGridView.
private void PopulateDataGridView()
DataGridView1.Size = new Size(300, 300);
// Add columns to the DataGridView.
DataGridView1.ColumnCount = 2;
// Set the properties of the DataGridView columns.
DataGridView1.Columns[0].Name = "First";
DataGridView1.Columns[1].Name = "Last";
DataGridView1.Columns["First"].HeaderText = "First Name";
DataGridView1.Columns["Last"].HeaderText = "Last Name";
DataGridView1.Columns["First"].SortMode =
DataGridView1.Columns["Last"].SortMode =
// Add rows of data to the DataGridView.
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "Peter", "Parker" });
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "James", "Jameson" });
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "May", "Parker" });
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "Mary", "Watson" });
DataGridView1.Rows.Add(new string[] { "Eddie", "Brock" });
private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (RadioButton1.Checked == true)
DataGridView1.Sort(new RowComparer(SortOrder.Ascending));
else if (RadioButton2.Checked == true)
DataGridView1.Sort(new RowComparer(SortOrder.Descending));
private class RowComparer : System.Collections.IComparer
private static int sortOrderModifier = 1;
public RowComparer(SortOrder sortOrder)
if (sortOrder == SortOrder.Descending)
sortOrderModifier = -1;
else if (sortOrder == SortOrder.Ascending)
sortOrderModifier = 1;
public int Compare(object x, object y)
DataGridViewRow DataGridViewRow1 = (DataGridViewRow)x;
DataGridViewRow DataGridViewRow2 = (DataGridViewRow)y;
// Try to sort based on the Last Name column.
int CompareResult = System.String.Compare(
// If the Last Names are equal, sort based on the First Name.
if (CompareResult == 0)
CompareResult = System.String.Compare(
return CompareResult * sortOrderModifier;
有時候你須要處理單元格包含的編輯控件的特定事件。你須要處理DataGridView.EditingControlShowing 事件,它的第二個參數的Control屬性能讓你訪問該單元格包含的編輯控件。若是你要處理的事件不屬於它的基類Control,還須要將該控件轉換爲特定的控件(通常爲ComboBox控件或TextBox控件)。
有時知道用戶什麼時候選擇了ComboBox編輯控件的項(item)會比較有用。對於窗體上的ComboBox 控件,你一般會處理它的SelectedIndexChanged事件,對於DataGridViewComboBox,經過處理DataGridView.EditingControlShowing事件你能夠完成相同的事情。下面這段示例代碼演示了這一點。注意:它同時也演示瞭如何避免添加多個相同的事件處理函數(即在添加前先移除已存在的事件處理函數,能夠參考問題11)。
private void dataGridView1_EditingControlShowing(object sender,
DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e)
ComboBox cb = e.Control as ComboBox;
if (cb != null)
// first remove event handler to keep from attaching multiple:
cb.SelectedIndexChanged -= new
// now attach the event handler
cb.SelectedIndexChanged += new
void cb_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Selected index changed");
private Rectangle dragBoxFromMouseDown;
private int rowIndexFromMouseDown;
private int rowIndexOfItemUnderMouseToDrop;
private void dataGridView1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if ((e.Button & MouseButtons.Left) == MouseButtons.Left)
// If the mouse moves outside the rectangle, start the drag.
if (dragBoxFromMouseDown != Rectangle.Empty &&
!dragBoxFromMouseDown.Contains(e.X, e.Y))
// Proceed with the drag and drop, passing in the list item.
DragDropEffects dropEffect = dataGridView1.DoDragDrop(
private void dataGridView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
// Get the index of the item the mouse is below.
rowIndexFromMouseDown = dataGridView1.HitTest(e.X, e.Y).RowIndex;
if (rowIndexFromMouseDown != -1)
// Remember the point where the mouse down occurred.
// The DragSize indicates the size that the mouse can move
// before a drag event should be started.
Size dragSize = SystemInformation.DragSize;
// Create a rectangle using the DragSize, with the mouse position being
// at the center of the rectangle.
dragBoxFromMouseDown = new Rectangle(new Point(e.X - (dragSize.Width / 2),
e.Y - (dragSize.Height / 2)),
// Reset the rectangle if the mouse is not over an item in the ListBox.
dragBoxFromMouseDown = Rectangle.Empty;
private void dataGridView1_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move;
private void dataGridView1_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
// The mouse locations are relative to the screen, so they must be
// converted to client coordinates.
Point clientPoint = dataGridView1.PointToClient(new Point(e.X, e.Y));
// Get the row index of the item the mouse is below.
rowIndexOfItemUnderMouseToDrop =
dataGridView1.HitTest(clientPoint.X, clientPoint.Y).RowIndex;
// If the drag operation was a move then remove and insert the row.
if (e.Effect== DragDropEffects.Move)
DataGridViewRow rowToMove = e.Data.GetData(
typeof(DataGridViewRow)) as DataGridViewRow;
dataGridView1.Rows.Insert(rowIndexOfItemUnderMouseToDrop, rowToMove);
以默認方式填充DataGridView時,可能會發生因列的寬度不夠,而暴露出控件的灰色背景的狀況,很不美觀。將最後一列的AutoSizeMode屬性設置爲Fill會使該列調整大小來填充網格的剩餘客戶區(client area)。做爲一個可選的方式,你能夠設置最後一列MinimumWidth屬性,以保持該列的寬度不至於過小。
默認狀況下,DataGridViewTextBoxCell不支持換行,這個能夠由DataGridViewCellStyle的WrapMode屬性來控制。 (如DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode)。將WrapMode 屬性DataGridViewTriState枚舉的三個取值之一。
this.dataGridView1.DefaultCellStyle.WrapMode = DataGridViewTriState.True;
默認狀況下Image類型的列和單元格將null值轉換爲標準的「X」圖像( ),將Image列的NullValue屬性設置爲null可以使該列不顯示任何圖像。下面這行代碼演示瞭如何設置Image列的NullValue屬性。
this.dataGridViewImageColumn1.DefaultCellStyle.NullValue = null;
private void dataGridView1_CellValidating(object sender,
DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
if (e.ColumnIndex == comboBoxColumn.DisplayIndex)
if (!this.comboBoxColumn.Items.Contains(e.FormattedValue))
private void dataGridView1_EditingControlShowing(object sender,
DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs e)
if (this.dataGridView1.CurrentCellAddress.X == comboBoxColumn.DisplayIndex)
ComboBox cb = e.Control as ComboBox;
if (cb != null)
cb.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDown;
Sometimes data that you want to display in the DataGridView has a relationship between two tables such as a category and subcategory. You want to let the user select the category and then choose between a subcategory based upon the category. This is possible with the DataGridView by using two combo box columns. To enable this, two versions of the filtered list (subcategory) needs to be created. One list has no filter applied while the other one will be filtered only when the user is editing a subcategory cell. Two lists are required due to the requirement described in 3.5.1 section that a combo box cells value must be in the items collection or else a DataError event is raised. In this case, since all combo box cells in the column use the same datasource if you filter the datasource for one row then a combo box cell in another row might not have its value visible in the datasource, thus causing a DataError event.
The below example uses the Northwind database to display related data from the Territory and Region tables (a territory is in a specific region.) Using the category and subcategory concept, the Region is the category and the Territory is the subcategory.
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Setup BindingSource for filtered view.
filteredTerritoriesBS = new BindingSource();
DataView dv = new DataView(northwindDataSet.Tables["Territories"]);
filteredTerritoriesBS.DataSource = dv;
private void dataGridView1_CellBeginEdit(object sender,
DataGridViewCellCancelEventArgs e)
if (e.ColumnIndex == territoryComboBoxColumn.Index)
// Set the combobox cell datasource to the filtered BindingSource
DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgcb = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)dataGridView1
[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];
dgcb.DataSource = filteredTerritoriesBS;
// Filter the BindingSource based upon the region selected
this.filteredTerritoriesBS.Filter = "RegionID = " +
this.dataGridView1[e.ColumnIndex - 1, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();
private void dataGridView1_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (e.ColumnIndex == this.territoryComboBoxColumn.Index)
// Reset combobox cell to the unfiltered BindingSource
DataGridViewComboBoxCell dgcb = (DataGridViewComboBoxCell)dataGridView1
[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];
dgcb.DataSource = territoriesBindingSource; //unfiltered
下面的示例演示瞭如何在CellValidating事件中填充(padding)一個單元格爲錯誤圖標提供空間。由於默認狀況下填充行爲會影響錯誤圖標的位置,該示例(TODO)。The below sample demonstrates how you can set a cell’s padding in the CellValidating event to provide spacing for the error icon. Since padding by default affects the location of the error icon the sample uses the CellPainting to move the position of the icon for painting. Lastly, the sample uses the tooltip control to display a custom tooltip when the mouse is over the cell to indicate what the problem is. This sample could also be written as a custom cell that overrides GetErrorIconBounds method to provide a location for the error icon that was independent of the padding.
private ToolTip errorTooltip;
private Point cellInError = new Point(-2, -2);
public Form1()
dataGridView1.ColumnCount = 3;
dataGridView1.RowCount = 10;
private void dataGridView1_CellValidating(object sender, DataGridViewCellValidatingEventArgs e)
if (dataGridView1.IsCurrentCellDirty)
if (e.FormattedValue.ToString() == "BAD")
DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView1[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];
cell.ErrorText = "Invalid data entered in cell";
// increase padding for icon. This moves the editing control
if (cell.Tag == null)
cell.Tag = cell.Style.Padding;
cell.Style.Padding = new Padding(0, 0, 18, 0);
cellInError = new Point(e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex);
if (errorTooltip == null)
errorTooltip = new ToolTip();
errorTooltip.InitialDelay = 0;
errorTooltip.ReshowDelay = 0;
errorTooltip.Active = false;
e.Cancel = true;
private void dataGridView1_CellPainting(object sender, DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e)
if (dataGridView1.IsCurrentCellDirty && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.ErrorText))
// paint everything except error icon
e.Paint(e.ClipBounds, DataGridViewPaintParts.All &
// now move error icon over to fill in the padding space
GraphicsContainer container = e.Graphics.BeginContainer();
e.Graphics.TranslateTransform(18, 0);
e.Paint(this.ClientRectangle, DataGridViewPaintParts.ErrorIcon);
e.Handled = true;
private void dataGridView1_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (dataGridView1[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex].ErrorText != String.Empty)
DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView1[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];
cell.ErrorText = String.Empty;
cellInError = new Point(-2,-2);
// restore padding for cell. This moves the editing control
cell.Style.Padding = (Padding)cell.Tag;
// hide and dispose tooltip
if (errorTooltip != null)
errorTooltip = null;
// show and hide the tooltip for error
private void dataGridView1_CellMouseMove(object sender,
DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
if (cellInError.X == e.ColumnIndex &&
cellInError.Y == e.RowIndex)
DataGridViewCell cell = dataGridView1[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex];
if (cell.ErrorText != String.Empty)
if (!errorTooltip.Active)
errorTooltip.Show(cell.ErrorText, dataGridView1, 1000);
errorTooltip.Active = true;
private void dataGridView1_CellMouseLeave(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (cellInError.X == e.ColumnIndex &&
cellInError.Y == e.RowIndex)
if (errorTooltip.Active)
errorTooltip.Active = false;
The data you display in the DataGridView control will normally come from a data source of some kind, but you might want to display a column of data that does not come from the data source. This kind of column is called an unbound column. Unbound columns can take many forms. As discussed in the data section above, you can use virtual mode to display additional data along with bound data.
The following code example demonstrates how to create an unbound column of check box cells to enable the user to select database records to process. The grid is put into virtual mode and responds to the necessary events. The selected records are kept by ID in a dictionary to allow the user to sort the content but not lose the checked rows.
private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<int, bool> checkState;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dataGridView1.DataSource = customerOrdersBindingSource;
// The check box column will be virtual.
dataGridView1.VirtualMode = true;
dataGridView1.Columns.Insert(0, new DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn());
// Initialize the dictionary that contains the boolean check state.
checkState = new Dictionary<int, bool>();
private void dataGridView1_CellValueChanged(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
// Update the status bar when the cell value changes.
if (e.ColumnIndex == 0 && e.RowIndex != -1)
// Get the orderID from the OrderID column.
int orderID = (int)dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["OrderID"].Value;
checkState[orderID] = (bool)dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value;
private void dataGridView1_CellValueNeeded(object sender, DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e)
// Handle the notification that the value for a cell in the virtual column
// is needed. Get the value from the dictionary if the key exists.
if (e.ColumnIndex == 0)
int orderID = (int)dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["OrderID"].Value;
if (checkState.ContainsKey(orderID))
e.Value = checkState[orderID];
e.Value = false;
private void dataGridView1_CellValuePushed(object sender, DataGridViewCellValueEventArgs e)
// Handle the notification that the value for a cell in the virtual column
// needs to be pushed back to the dictionary.
if (e.ColumnIndex == 0)
// Get the orderID from the OrderID column.
int orderID = (int)dataGridView1.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells["OrderID"].Value;
// Add or update the checked value to the dictionary depending on if the
// key (orderID) already exists.
if (!checkState.ContainsKey(orderID))
checkState.Add(orderID, (bool)e.Value);
checkState[orderID] = (bool)e.Value;
The DataGridView does not provide any new features apart from virtual mode to enable this. What you can do is use the JoinView class described in the following article;en-us;325682. Using this class you can join two or more DataTables together. This JoinView can then be databound to the DataGridView.
經過DataGridView控件和BindingSource 組件的交互做用來實現主從表單是很是簡單的。下面的示例演示的是SQL Server的範例數據庫Northwind 中的兩個表:Customers 和Orders。在主DataGridView中選擇一個顧客,那麼該顧客的全部訂單會顯示在從DataGridView 中。
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Windows.Forms;
public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
private DataGridView masterDataGridView = new DataGridView();
private BindingSource masterBindingSource = new BindingSource();
private DataGridView detailsDataGridView = new DataGridView();
private BindingSource detailsBindingSource = new BindingSource();
public static voidMain()
Application.Run(new Form1());
// Initializes the form.
public Form1()
masterDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
detailsDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
SplitContainer splitContainer1 = new SplitContainer();
splitContainer1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
splitContainer1.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
this.Load += new System.EventHandler(Form1_Load);
this.Text = "DataGridView master/detail demo";
private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Bind the DataGridView controls to the BindingSource
// components and load the data from the database.
masterDataGridView.DataSource = masterBindingSource;
detailsDataGridView.DataSource = detailsBindingSource;
// Resize the master DataGridView columns to fit the newly loaded data.
// Configure the details DataGridView so that its columns automatically
// adjust their widths when the data changes.
detailsDataGridView.AutoSizeColumnsMode =
private void GetData()
// Specify a connection string. Replace the given value with a
// valid connection string for a Northwind SQL Server sample
// database accessible to your system.
String connectionString =
"Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;" +
"Initial Catalog=Northwind;Data Source=localhost";
SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
// Create a DataSet.
DataSet data = new DataSet();
data.Locale = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
// Add data from the Customers table to the DataSet.
SqlDataAdapter masterDataAdapter = new
SqlDataAdapter("select * from Customers", connection);
masterDataAdapter.Fill(data, "Customers");
// Add data from the Orders table to the DataSet.
SqlDataAdapter detailsDataAdapter = new
SqlDataAdapter("select * from Orders", connection);
detailsDataAdapter.Fill(data, "Orders");
// Establish a relationship between the two tables.
DataRelation relation = new DataRelation("CustomersOrders",
// Bind the master data connector to the Customers table.
masterBindingSource.DataSource = data;
masterBindingSource.DataMember = "Customers";
// Bind the details data connector to the master data connector,
// using the DataRelation name to filter the information in the
// details table based on the current row in the master table.
detailsBindingSource.DataSource = masterBindingSource;
detailsBindingSource.DataMember = "CustomersOrders";
catch (SqlException)
MessageBox.Show("To run this example, replace the value of the " +
"connectionString variable with a connection string that is " +
"valid for your system.");
DataGridView 不支持在同一DataGridView 中顯示主從表。Windows Forms的先前版本中的DataGrid控件或許是你須要的一個解決方案。
對於DataGridView 控件,默認狀況下,TextBox類型的列會自動排序,而其它類型的列則不會自動排序。這種自動排序有時會把數據變得比較亂,這時你會想更改這些默認設置。
this.customersBindingSource.EndEdit(); this.customersTableAdapter.Update(this.northwindDataSet.Customers);
當用戶選擇DataGridView的一行,按下Delete鍵時就會觸發UserDeletingRow 事件。你能夠提示用戶是否肯定要刪除該行記錄,建議僅在用戶要刪除已存在的記錄(而不是用戶添加的新行)時才進行這種提示。將下面這些代碼添加到UserDeletingRow事件的處理方法中就能夠實現這種功能:
if (!e.Row.IsNewRow)
DialogResult response = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure?", "Delete row?",
if (response == DialogResult.No)
e.Cancel = true;