/// <summary> /// 錯過不執行 /// </summary> public class NoMissedRunsAttribute : JobFilterAttribute, IClientFilter { /// <summary> /// 設置逾期時間 /// </summary> public TimeSpan MaxDelay { get; set; } = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15); public void OnCreating(CreatingContext context) { if (context.Parameters.TryGetValue("RecurringJobId", out var recurringJobId) && context.InitialState?.Reason == "Triggered by recurring job scheduler") { // the job being created looks like a recurring job instance, // and triggered by a scheduler (i.e. not manually) at that. var recurringJob = context.Connection.GetAllEntriesFromHash($"recurring-job:{recurringJobId}"); if (recurringJob != null && recurringJob.TryGetValue("NextExecution", out var nextExecution)) { // the next execution time of a recurring job is updated AFTER the job instance creation, // so at the moment it still contains the scheduled execution time from the previous run. var scheduledTime = JobHelper.DeserializeDateTime(nextExecution); if (DateTime.UtcNow > scheduledTime + MaxDelay) { // the job is created way later than expected context.Canceled = true; } } } } public void OnCreated(CreatedContext context) { } }
GlobalJobFilters.Filters.Add(new NoMissedRunsAttribute());async
/// <summary> /// 執行同步操做 /// </summary> //[UnitOfWork] [NoMissedRunsAttribute] public virtual async Task Execute() { ..... }