通常運維人員完成一個任務, 好比安裝部署一個httpd服務會須要多個模塊(一個模塊也能夠稱之爲task)提供功能來完成。而playbook就是組織多個task的容器,它的實質就是一個文件,有着特定的組織格式,它採用的語法格式是YAML(Yet Another Markup Language)。YAML語法可以簡單的表示散列表,字典等數據結構。簡單來講, playbook是由一個或多個模塊組成的,使用多個不一樣的模塊,完成一件事情。
- pyYAML用於ansible編寫劇本所使用的語言格式(saltstack---python);
- rsync-ini語法, sersync-xml語法, nsible-pyYAML語法;
- paramiko遠程鏈接與數據傳輸;
- Jinja2用於編寫ansible的模板信息;
縮進: YAML使用一個固定的縮進風格表示層級結構,每一個縮進由兩個空格組成, 不能使用tabs;
冒號: 以冒號結尾的除外,其餘全部冒號後面全部必須有空格;
短橫線: 表示列表項,使用一個短橫槓加一個空格。多個項使用一樣的縮進級別做爲同一列表;
Ansible-playbook採用YAML語法編寫。連續的項目(即列表)用 -
1mysql 2linux 3nginx 4web 5redis 6 7 8 |
fruits: - Apple - Orange - Strawberry - Mango 或者: fruits: [ 'Apple' , 'Orange' , 'Strawberry' , 'Mango' ] |
1 2 3 4 5 6 |
martin: name: Martin D'vloper job: Developer skill: Elite 或者 martin: {name: Martin D'vloper, job: Developer, skill: Elite} |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
- martin: name: Martin D'vloper job: Developer skills: - python - perl - pascal - tabitha: name: Tabitha Bitumen job: Developer skills: - lisp - fortran - erlang |
[root@localhost ~]# cat httpd.yaml
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--- - hosts: control-node #將要執行任務的主機,已經在hosts文件中定義好了,但是單個主機或主機組 remote_user: root #在目標主機上執行任務時的用戶身份 vars: - pkg: httpd tasks: - name: "install httpd package." yum: name={{ pkg }} state=installed - name: "copy httpd configure file to remote host." copy: src= /root/conf/httpd .conf dest= /etc/httpd/conf/httpd .conf notify: restart httpd #當這個任務執行狀態發生改變時,觸發handlers執行. - name: "boot httpd service." service: name=httpd state=started handlers: #handlers與tasks是同一級別 - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted |
1. 以 --- (三個減號)開始,必須頂行寫;
2. 次行開始寫Playbook的內容,可是通常要求寫明該playbook的功能;
3. 嚴格縮進,而且不能用Tab鍵縮進;
4. 縮進級別必須是一致的,一樣的縮進表明一樣的級別,程序判別配置的級別是經過縮進結合換行來實現的;
5. K/V的值可同行寫,也可換行寫。同行使用 :分隔,換行寫須要以 - 分隔;
variables:變量,變量替換{{ variable_name }}
1. variable
變量定義在資產 (inventory) 中, 默認就是/etc/ansible/hosts文件中
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主機變量: http_port=808 maxRequestsPerChild=808 http_port=8080 maxRequestsPerChild=909 主機組變量: [websers] [websers:vars] ntp_server=ntp.exampl.com proxy=proxy.exampl.com |
1 2 3 |
- hosts: webservers vars: http_port: 80 |
1 2 3 4 |
facts變量是由setup模塊獲取遠程主機的信息。 用法: # ansible -m setup |
在roles中定義變量, 這個後面會介紹到.
ansible-playbook 命令中傳入參數
1 2 |
使用 -e選項傳入參數 # ansible-playbook -e "httpd_port=808" httpd04.yml |
2. templates
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字面量: 字符串:使用單引號或雙引號 數字:整型,浮點數 列表:{item1,item2,...} 字典:{key1:value1,key2:value2,...} 布爾型: true /false 算術運算: +,-,*,/, // ,%,** 比較運算: ==,!=,>,>=,<,<= 邏輯運算: and,or,not |
3. tasks
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格式: action:模塊參數(此種方式只在較新的版本中出現) module:參數(已鍵值對的形式出現) 每個task都有一個名稱,用於標記此任務。任務示例: name: install httpd yum: name=httpd state=present 注意:shell和 command 沒有參數,可在後面直接跟命令 shell: ss -tnl | grep :80 1)某任務的運行狀態爲changed後,可經過相應的notify通知相應的handlers 2)任務能夠經過tags打標籤,而後經過palybook命令-t選項調用. |
ansible-playbook <filename.yml> ... [options]
<filename.yml>: yaml格式的playbook文件路徑,必須指明
[options]: 選項
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Options: --ask-vault-pass #ask for vault password #加密playbook文件時提示輸入密碼 -C, --check #don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur #模擬執行,不會真正在機器上執行(查看執行會產生什麼變化)。即並不在遠程主機上執行,只是測試。 -D, -- diff #when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great with --check #當更新的文件數及內容較少時,該選項可顯示這些文件不一樣的地方,該選項結合-C用會有較好的效果 -e EXTRA_VARS, --extra-vars=EXTRA_VARS #set additional variables as key=value or YAML/JSON #在Playbook中引入外部參數變量 --flush-cache #clear the fact cache #清理fact緩存,將fact清除到的遠程主機緩存 --force-handlers #run handlers even if a task fails #強制運行handlers的任務,即便在任務失敗的狀況下 -f FORKS, --forks=FORKS #specify number of parallel processes to use(default=5) #並行任務數。FORKS被指定爲一個整數,默認是5 -h, --help #show this help message and exit #打開幫助文檔API -i INVENTORY, --inventory- file =INVENTORY #specify inventory host path (default=/etc/ansible/hosts) or comma separated host list. #指定要讀取的Inventory清單文件 -l SUBSET, --limit=SUBSET #further limit selected hosts to an additional pattern #限定執行的主機範圍 --list-hosts #outputs a list of matching hosts; does not execute anything else #列出執行匹配到的主機,但並不會執行任何動做。 --list-tags #list all available tags #列出全部可用的tags --list-tasks #list all tasks that would be executed #列出全部即將被執行的任務 -M MODULE_PATH, --module-path=MODULE_PATH #specify path(s) to module library (default=None) #要執行的模塊的路徑 --new-vault-password- file =NEW_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE #new vault password file for rekey # --output=OUTPUT_FILE #output file name for encrypt or decrypt; use - for stdout # --skip-tags=SKIP_TAGS #only run plays and tasks whose tags do not match these values #跳過指定的tags任務 --start-at-task=START_AT_TASK #start the playbook at the task matching this name #從第幾條任務(START_AT_TASK)開始執行 --step #one-step-at-a-time: confirm each task before running #逐步執行Playbook定義的任務,並經人工確認後繼續執行下一步任務 --syntax-check #perform a syntax check on the playbook, but do not execute it #檢查Playbook中的語法書寫,並不實際執行 -t TAGS, --tags=TAGS #only run plays and tasks tagged with these values #指定執行該tags的任務 --vault-password- file =VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE #vault password file # - v , --verbose #verbose mode (-vvv for more, -vvvv to enable connection debugging) #執行詳細輸出 --version #show program's version number and exit #顯示版本 ############Connection Options,即下面時鏈接權限############ control as whom and how to connect to hosts -k, --ask-pass #ask for connection password # --private-key=PRIVATE_KEY_FILE, --key- file =PRIVATE_KEY_FILE #use this file to authenticate the connection # -u REMOTE_USER, --user=REMOTE_USER #connect as this user (default=None) #指定遠程主機以USERNAME運行命令 -c CONNECTION, --connection=CONNECTION #connection type to use (default=smart) #指定鏈接方式,可用選項paramiko (SSH)、ssh、local,local方式經常使用於crontab和kickstarts -T TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT #override the connection timeout in seconds(default=10) #SSH鏈接超時時間設定,默認10s -- ssh -common-args=SSH_COMMON_ARGS #specify common arguments to pass to sftp/scp/ssh (e.g.ProxyCommand) # -- sftp -extra-args=SFTP_EXTRA_ARGS #specify extra arguments to pass to sftp only (e.g. -f, -l) # -- scp -extra-args=SCP_EXTRA_ARGS #specify extra arguments to pass to scp only (e.g. -l) # -- ssh -extra-args=SSH_EXTRA_ARGS #specify extra arguments to pass to ssh only (e.g. -R) # ############Privilege Escalation Options, 即下面時權限提高權限############ control how and which user you become as on target hosts -s, -- sudo #run operations with sudo (nopasswd) (deprecated, use become) #至關於Linux系統下的sudo命令 -U SUDO_USER, -- sudo -user=SUDO_USER #desired sudo user (default=root) (deprecated, use become) #使用sudo,至關於Linux下的sudo命令 -S, -- su #run operations with su (deprecated, use become) # -R SU_USER, -- su -user=SU_USER #run operations with su as this user (default=root)(deprecated, use become) -b, --become #run operations with become (does not imply password prompting) # --become-method=BECOME_METHOD #privilege escalation method to use (default=sudo),valid choices: [ sudo | su | pbrun | pfexec | doas |dzdo | ksu | runas ] # --become-user=BECOME_USER #run operations as this user (default=root) # --ask- sudo -pass #ask for sudo password (deprecated, use become) #傳遞sudo密碼到遠程主機,來保證sudo命令的正常運行 --ask- su -pass #ask for su password (deprecated, use become) # -K, --ask-become-pass #ask for privilege escalation password # |
1)檢查語法,只檢查是不是yaml語法格式。並不作邏輯校驗。(記住這個要常用, 它是判斷語法是否正確!!!)
# ansible-playbook --syntax-check kevin.yml
# ansible-playbook -C kevin.yml
在playbook中關閉Facts方法(gather_facts: no):
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--- - hosts: webserver gather_facts: no |
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--- # 也能夠不使用這一行。能夠省略。 - hosts: #處理指定服務器. - (空格)hosts:(空格) task: #劇本所要乾的事情; (空格)(空格)task: - name: #(兩個空格)-(空格)name。 command : echo hello clsn linux #(四個空格)command:(空格) 須要注意: Task任務裏的name能夠省略不寫,將-(空格)放到下一行模塊牆面。例如: --- - hosts: task: - command : echo hello clsn linux 小示例: [root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root gather_facts: no tasks: - file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch |
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[root@ansible-server ~] # vim /etc/ansible/test.yaml - hosts: tasks: - name: Install Rsync yum: name= rsync state=installed playbook檢查方法 [root@ansible-server ~] # ansible-playbook --syntax-check /etc/ansible/test.yaml playbook: /etc/ansible/test .yaml [root@ansible-server ~] # ansible-playbook -C /etc/ansible/test.yaml PLAY [] ******************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [Install Rsync] ******************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 上面兩個檢查命令, 第一個是進行playbook劇本配置信息語法檢查; 第二個是模擬playbook劇本執行(彩排) |
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- hosts: all tasks: - name: restart-network cron : name= 'restart network' minute=00 hour=00 job= '/usr/sbin/ntpdate time.nist.gov >/dev/null 2>&1' - name: sync time cron : name= 'sync time' minute=* /5 job= "/usr/sbin/ntpdate pool.ntp.com >/dev/null 2>&1" |
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- hosts: tasks: - name: restart-network cron : name= 'restart network' minute=00 hour=00 job= '/usr/sbin/ntpdate time.nist.gov >/dev/null 2>&1' - name: sync time cron : name= 'sync time' minute=* /5 job= "/usr/sbin/ntpdate pool.ntp.com >/dev/null 2>&1" - hosts: tasks: - name: show ip addr to file shell: echo $( hostname -i) >> /tmp/ip .txt |
- 多主機單任務編寫方式
- 多主機多任務編寫方式
- 不一樣主機多任務編寫方式
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--- - host: webservers ###要管理的遠程服務器組名稱, 服務器地址維護在/etc/ansible/hosts 裏, 也能夠直接寫地址 vars: port: 8081 ###定義了一個變量 端口號 remote_user: root ###遠程登陸後用什麼用戶執行 pre_tasks: ###執行正式 task 以前執行的任務 - name: pre task ###任務名稱 shell: echo 'execute pre task' ###執行一行 shell 命令, 支持 >> 等符號 roles: ###引入 roles, 能夠理解爲引用了一個其餘項目 ansible 包, 引用的 roles 能夠是另外一個完整的 ansible 腳本 - role: my_role ###要引用的 role 名稱 when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'" ###判斷條件, ansible_os_family 是一個內置變量, 可直接使用 tasks: ###按順序執行如下 task - include: my_tasks /some_task .yml ###能夠引入其餘 yml 文件 - name: get hostname ###這是一個 task, 名稱 command : cat log.log ###執行一行 command , 和 shell 相似, 可是不支持 >> 等操做符 register: result ###執行的結果, 設到 result 這個變量中, 後面可使用 - name: set hostname shell: cat {{result.stdout}} >> host.text - name: task1 command : echo 'execute task1' - name: task2 start apache service: ###啓動 httpd 服務器, service 是一個 ansible 內置模塊, 讀者能夠自行查看更多模塊, 包括下載複製等等 name: httpd state: started tags: - apache ###這是一個標籤, 能夠用 ansible-playbook main.yml --tags "apache" 指定只執行這個任務 - name: copy and set value of index.html template: ###這是一個複製方法, 也叫模塊, 而且.j2文件中可使用{{}}來設置須要替換的變量 src: templates /index .html.j2 dest: /etc/httpd/index .html notify: ###喚醒執行後面的 handlers 中名字叫 restart apache 的任務 - restart apache post_tasks: ###最後須要執行的任務 - name: posy task shell: echo 'execute post task' handlers: - name: restart apache debug: ###這是一個打印模塊 msg: start restart apche |
1. handlers 任務觸發
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[root@localhost ~] # cat httpd.yaml --- - hosts: control-node remote_user: root vars: - pkg: httpd tasks: - name: "install httpd package." yum: name={{ pkg }} state=installed - name: "copy httpd configure file to remote host." copy: src= /root/conf/httpd .conf dest= /etc/httpd/conf/httpd .conf notify: restart httpd - name: "boot httpd service." service: name=httpd state=started handlers: - name: restart httpd service: name=httpd state=restarted |
######## 在使用handlers的過程當中,須要注意下面幾點 ########
1. handlers只有在其所在的任務被執行完時,它纔會被運行;若是一個任務中定義了notify調用Handlers,但因爲條件判斷等緣由,該任務未被執行,則Handlers一樣不會被執行。
2. handlers只會在Play的末尾運行一次;若是想在一個Playbook的中間運行handlers,則須要使用meta模塊來實現,例如:-meta: flush_handlers。
3. 能夠直接在Handlers中使用notify選項,實現Handlers調用Handlers。
4. 可使用listen關鍵字,在一個tasks任務中一次性notify多個handler。即將多個handler分爲"一組",使用相同的"組名"便可,當notify對應的值爲"組名"時,"組"內的全部handler都會被notify。
5. 若是一個Play在運行到調用handlers的語句以前失敗了,那麼這個handlers將不會被執行。可是可使用mega模塊的--force-handlers選項來強制執行handlers,即便在handlers所在Play中途運行失敗也能執行。須要注意:--force-handlers參數主要針對即便playbook執行失敗,也要執行代碼塊成功了的handlers(即執行成功的task任務), 若是代碼塊自己執行失敗(即執行失敗的task任務),那麼它所對應的handlers應當不會被執行!
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - name: make file task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch notify: task1 - name: make file task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt state= touch notify: task2 handlers: - name: task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt mode=777 owner=root group=root - name: task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt src= /opt/task2 .txt dest= /opt/heihei state=link force= yes 執行結果: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [ make file task1] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [ make file task2] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task2] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - name: make file task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch notify: task1 - meta: flush_handlers - name: make file task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt state= touch notify: task2 handlers: - name: task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt mode=777 owner=root group=root - name: task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt src= /opt/task2 .txt dest= /opt/heihei state=link force= yes 執行結果: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [ make file task1] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [ make file task2] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task2] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - name: make file task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch notify: task1 - name: make file task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt state= touch handlers: - name: task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt mode=777 owner=root group=root notify: task2 - name: task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt src= /opt/task2 .txt dest= /opt/heihei state=link force= yes 執行結果: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [ make file task1] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [ make file task2] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task2] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 注意:上面執行的順序是: make file task1 > make file task2 > task1 > task2 ==================================================================== 也能夠改爲下面的方式:實現Handlers調用Handlers [root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - name: make file task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch notify: task1 handlers: - name: task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt mode=777 owner=root group=root notify: task2 - name: task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt state= touch notify: task3 - name: task3 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt src= /opt/task2 .txt dest= /opt/heihei state=link force= yes 執行結果: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [ make file task1] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task2] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task3] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 注意:上面的執行順序是: make file task1 > task1 > task2 > task3 |
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - name: make file task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch notify: group1_handler handlers: - name: task1 listen: group1_handler file : path= /opt/task1 .txt mode=777 owner=root group=root - name: task2 listen: group1_handler file : path= /opt/task1 .txt src= /opt/task1 .txt dest= /opt/heihei state=link force= yes - name: task3 listen: group1_handler shell: echo "this is test,haha...." >> /opt/task1 .txt 執行結果: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [ make file task1] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task2] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] RUNNING HANDLER [task3] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=5 changed=4 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
當playbook劇本執行失敗之後,handlers可能並無被觸發,也就不會執行了!若是想無論task任務是否成功執行,都強制執行handlers。在這個時候,能夠在執行playbook的時候,添加--force-handlers來強制執行handlers!可是必需要注意的是:--force-handlers參數主要針對即便playbook執行失敗,也要執行代碼塊成功了的handlers(即執行成功的task任務), 若是代碼塊自己執行失敗(即執行失敗的task任務),那麼它所對應的handlers應當不會被執行!
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root become: yes become_method: sudo tasks: - name: make file task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch notify: task1 - name: make file task2 file : path= /opt/kevin/task2 .txt state= touch notify: task2 handlers: - name: task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt mode=777 owner=root group=root - name: task2 shell: ln -s /opt/task1 .txt /opt/task2 .txt 執行結果: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [ make file task1] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [ make file task2] *************************************************************************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => { "changed" : false , "module_stderr" : "" , "module_stdout" : "Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_iNMDpU/ansible_module_file.py\", line 474, in <module>\r\n main()\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_iNMDpU/ansible_module_file.py\", line 448, in main\r\n open(b_path, 'wb').close()\r\nIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/kevin/task2.txt'\r\n" , "msg" : "MODULE FAILURE" , "rc" : 0} fatal: []: FAILED! => { "changed" : false , "module_stderr" : "" , "module_stdout" : "Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_OvTacW/ansible_module_file.py\", line 474, in <module>\r\n main()\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_OvTacW/ansible_module_file.py\", line 448, in main\r\n open(b_path, 'wb').close()\r\nIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/kevin/task2.txt'\r\n" , "msg" : "MODULE FAILURE" , "rc" : 0} RUNNING HANDLER [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************** to retry, use: --limit @ /etc/ansible/haha .retry PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=1 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=1 如上執行結果,因爲 /opt/kevin 目錄不存在,致使task的第二個任務執行失敗,這個時候handler根本沒有被觸發,也就不會執行。 即便第一個任務執行成功,可是它對應的第一個handler也不會被執行!! ################################################################################### 接下來使用--force-handlers選項來強制執行handlers(強制執行的是:成功執行的task對應的handler) [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml --force-handlers PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [ make file task1] *************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [ make file task2] *************************************************************************************************************************** fatal: []: FAILED! => { "changed" : false , "module_stderr" : "" , "module_stdout" : "Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_rEJQHm/ansible_module_file.py\", line 474, in <module>\r\n main()\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_rEJQHm/ansible_module_file.py\", line 448, in main\r\n open(b_path, 'wb').close()\r\nIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/kevin/task2.txt'\r\n" , "msg" : "MODULE FAILURE" , "rc" : 0} fatal: []: FAILED! => { "changed" : false , "module_stderr" : "" , "module_stdout" : "Traceback (most recent call last):\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_7CDxpp/ansible_module_file.py\", line 474, in <module>\r\n main()\r\n File \"/tmp/ansible_7CDxpp/ansible_module_file.py\", line 448, in main\r\n open(b_path, 'wb').close()\r\nIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/kevin/task2.txt'\r\n" , "msg" : "MODULE FAILURE" , "rc" : 0} RUNNING HANDLER [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] to retry, use: --limit @ /etc/ansible/haha .retry PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=1 如上執行結果,即便playbook執行中有task任務執行失敗,可是執行成功的task任務所調用的handler依然會被強制觸發並執行!可是執行失敗的task任務所調用的handler依然不會被執行。 即handlers中的task1會被執行,task2不會被執行! |
2. tags任務標籤
2.1 ansible支持"tags:"屬性,執行playbook時,能夠經過兩種方式根據"tags"過濾任務:
1. 在命令行上,使用或選項"--tags或 --skip-tags",後面使用空格或"="均可以。
2. 在ansible配置設置中,使用和選項"TAGS_RUN或TAGS_SKIP";
3. 可使用"--list-tags"查看playbook中有哪些tags會被執行;
2.2 ansible系統中內置的特殊tags(目前有5個特殊的tags)
到ansible 2.5版本之後,目前系統內置的tags有如下幾個:
always: 除非--skip-tags指定這個標籤,不然該標記爲always的task一直都會執行。"--tags always"只執行標記了always的tasks;
never: 除非--tags指定了這個標籤,不然該標記爲never的task一直都不會執行。"--tags never"執行標記了always和never的tasks;
tagged: --tags tagged表示執行全部有tags標籤的tasks任務,但不包括tags標籤是never的tasks任務;--skip-tags tagged表示全部有tags標籤的tasks任務都跳過,即不會執行。
untagged: --tags untagged表示執行全部沒有tags標籤的tasks任務和tags標籤爲always的tasks任務;--skip-tags untagged效果相反!
all:--tags all表示執行全部的tags標籤爲非never的task,包括有tags標籤和無tags標籤的tasks。
"--tags 自定義的tag" 表示執行tags爲指定的標籤名的tasks和tags爲always的tasks。若是執行命令ansible-playbook site.yml 時不指定tags,則會執行全部tags爲非never的tasks
"--skip-tags 自定義tag" 表示執行全部非指定tag和非never的tasks
2.3 tags標籤配置語法有下面三種:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
語法一: tags: - tag_test 語法二: tags: tag_test 語法三: tags: [ 'tag_test' ] |
2.3 ansible的tags使用
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官方示例以下: [root@localhost ansible] # vim example.yml --- - hosts: all remote_user: root gather_facts: no tasks: - yum: name={{ item }} state=installed with_items: - httpd - memcached tags: - packages - template: src=templates /src .j2 dest= /etc/foo .conf tags: - configuration |
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[root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook example.yml --tags "configuration,packages" [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook example.yml --tags configuration [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook example.yml --tags packages 或者 [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook example.yml --tags="configuration,packages" [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook example.yml --tags=configuration [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook example.yml --tags=packages |
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[root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook example.yml --skip-tags configuration 或者 [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook example.yml --skip-tags=configuration |
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root gather_facts: no tasks: - name: task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch tags: make_task1 - name: task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt state= touch tags: - make_task2 - name: task3 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt src= /opt/task2 .txt dest= /opt/heihei state=link force= yes tags: [ 'link_task3' ] 只運行make_task1標籤的task任務 [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml --tags make_task1 PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 運行多個tags [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml --tags make_task1,make_task2 PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] TASK [task2] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 跳過make_task2標籤的任務,其餘任務正常執行 [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml --skip-tags make_task2 PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] TASK [task3] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
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一個任務添加多個tags標籤的語法仍然也有三種: 語法1: tags: - tag1 - tag2 語法2: tags: tag1,tag2 語法3: tags: [ 'tag1,tag2' ] ======================================================== 具體示例以下: [root@localhost ansible] # vim https.yml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root tasks: - name: install httpd package tags: - httpd - package yum: name=httpd state=latest - name: start up httpd service tags: httpd,service service: name: httpd state: started 上面例子中每一個任務都有多個標籤,並且上例中兩個任務都有一個共同的標籤,就是httpd標籤。 因此當執行 "ansible-playbook httpd.yml --tags=httpd" 時,上面兩個task任務都會被執行。 因爲上面例子中的全部任務都有共同的httpd標籤,因此像這種狀況,能夠把httpd標籤提取出來並寫在play劇本中,示例以下: [root@localhost ansible] # vim https.yml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root tags:httpd tasks: - name: install httpd package tags: - package yum: name=httpd state=latest - name: start up httpd service tags: [ 'service' ] service: name: httpd state: started |
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat haha.yaml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root gather_facts: no tasks: - name: task1 file : path= /opt/task1 .txt state= touch tags: make_task1 - name: task2 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt state= touch tags: - always - name: task3 file : path= /opt/task2 .txt src= /opt/task2 .txt dest= /opt/heihei state=link force= yes tags: [ 'link_task3' ] 執行1:以下,雖然tags指定了執行標籤爲make_task1的任務,可是因爲任務2的標籤有關鍵字always,因此任務2也會被執行,這就是always的做用! [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml --tags=make_task1 PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] TASK [task2] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 執行2: 只執行標籤爲always的任務 [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml --tags always 或者 [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml --tags=always PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [task2] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 執行3: 跳過標籤爲always關鍵字的任務,這裏明確指出跳過執行always標籤。 [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yaml --skip-tags always PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [task1] ************************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] TASK [task3] ************************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 其餘四個特殊的tags標籤在這裏就不作示例說明了。特殊tags標籤能夠在ansible-playbook命令執行時直接使用。 |
4)tags標籤能夠和role 結合使用
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat test.yml --- roles: - { role: webserver, port: 5000, tags: [ 'web' , 'foo' ] } |
1 2 3 |
[root@localhost ansible] # cat test.yml --- - include: kevin.yml tags=web,foo |
如上,對一個include任務打了兩個tags標籤,直接執行"ansible_playbook test.yml" 或 "ansible_playbook test.yml --tags=web" 或 "ansible_playbook test.yml --tags=foo" 命令則會將kevin.yml文件中全部task任務都執行。
1 2 3 4 5 |
--- - include: install_tomcat7.yml tags: tomcat7 - include: install_tomcat8.yml tags: tomcat8 |
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--- - name: "複製文件到遠程主機" copy: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} with_items: - src: jdk-7u79-linux-x64.rpm dest: /usr/local/src/ - src: java17.sh dest: /etc/profile .d/ - name: "安裝jdk" yum: name: /usr/local/src/jdk-7u79-linux-x64 .rpm state: present - name: "從新加載環境變量" shell: "source /etc/profile.d/java17.sh" - name: "複製tomcat文件到遠程服務器並解壓" unarchive: src=apache-tomcat-7.0.64.zip dest= /data/ copy= yes owner=staplesapp group=admin - name: "對解壓後的文件重命名" shell: mv /data/apache-tomcat-7 .0.64 /data/tomcat7 - name: "對tomcat進行相關配置" shell: find /data/tomcat7/bin -name "*.sh" | xargs chmod +x - name: "啓動tomcat" shell: 'nohup /data/tomcat7/bin/startup.sh &' |
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--- - name: "複製文件到遠程主機" copy: src={{ item.src }} dest={{ item.dest }} with_items: - src: jdk-8u111-linux-x64.rpm dest: /usr/local/src/ - src: java18.sh dest: /etc/profile .d/ - name: "安裝jdk" yum: name: /usr/local/src/jdk-8u111-linux-x64 .rpm state: present - name: "配置java環境變量" shell: "source /etc/profile.d/java18.sh" - name: "安裝tomcat" unarchive: src=apache-tomcat-8.0.30. tar .gz dest= /data/ copy= yes owner=staplesapp group=admin - name: "對解壓後的文件重命名" shell: mv /data/apache-tomcat-8 .0.30 /data/tomcat8 - name: "啓動tomcat" shell: 'nohup /data/tomcat8/bin/startup.sh &' |
1 2 3 4 5 |
安裝tomcat7: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook tomcat.yml --tags tomcat7 安裝tomcat8: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook tomcat.yml --tags tomcat8 |
在以前ansible版本中使用include 整合多個roles至統一入口結合tags標籤來管理roles劇本,但在ansible2.8版本以後將會刪除include語法,更改成import_playbook。若是還使用include語法也能夠,只不過ansible-playbook執行結果中會有告警信息:"DEPRECATION WARNING]:'include' for playbook includes. You should use 'import_playbook' instead. This feature will be removed in version 2.8. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg."。因此,最好將上面tomcat.yml文件中的include語法改爲import_playbook,以下:
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[root@localhost ansible] # cat tomcat.yml --- - import_playbook: install_tomcat7.yml tags: tomcat7 - import_playbook: install_tomcat8.yml tags: tomcat8 |
3. include用法
若是想在playbook中重複使用任務列表,則可使用include文件來執行此操做。 使用include的任務列表是定義系統將要實現的角色的好方法。主要清楚:ansible2.8版本以後include語法變成了import_playbook。若是仍是使用include,則不會影響執行結果,只不過是有告警信息。ansible也能夠將變量傳遞給include。示例以下:
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示例1: 經過Include,能夠在playbook中引用另外一個playbook或者tasks ============================================================== [root@localhost ansible] # cat install_MysqlAndPhp.yml - yum: name: mysql state: present - yum: name: php-fpm state: present [root@localhost ansible] # cat lamp.yml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root gather_facts: no tasks: - include: install_MysqlAndPhp.yml - yum: name: httpd state: present [root@localhost ansible] # cat lnmp.yml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root gather_facts: no tasks: - include: install_MysqlAndPhp.yml - yum: name: nginx state: present 示例2: 能夠在handler中引用include ============================================================== [root@localhost ansible] # cat test_include.yml --- - hosts: test_host remote_user: root gather_facts: no tasks: - file : path: /opt/ttt state: touch notify: test include handlers handlers: - name: test include handlers include: include_handler.yml [root@localhost ansible] # cat include_handler.yml - debug: msg: "task1 of handlers" - debug: msg: "task2 of handlers" - debug: msg: "task3 of handlers" 示例3: when在include中使用 ============================================================== [root@localhost ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/hosts [db] [app] [root@localhost ansible] # cat install_client.yml --- - hosts: '` hosts `' user: ansible sudo : yes sudo_user:root roles: - install_client [root@localhost ansible] # cat roles/install_client/tasks/main.yml --- - include: db.yml when: "hosts == 'db'" - include: app.yml when: "hosts == 'app'" [root@localhost ansible] # cat roles/install_client/tasks/db.yml --- - name: Touchdb file shell: touch /tmp/db .txt [root@localhost ansible] # cat roles/install_client/tasks/app.yml --- - name: Touchdb file shell: touch /tmp/db .txt 執行命令: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook -i hosts install_client.yml --extra-vars "hosts=db" [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook -i hosts install_client.yml --extra-vars "hosts=app" 示例4: 能夠在include中使用tags標籤,這個在上面已經介紹過了 ============================================================== |
4. role用法
角色(roles)是ansible自1.2版本開始引入的新特性,用於層次性,結構化地組織playbook。roles可以根據層次型結構自動裝載變量文件、tasks以及handlers等。要使用roles只須要在playbook中使用include指令便可。簡單的說,roles就是經過分別將變量、文件、任務、模塊及處理器放置於單獨的目錄中、並能夠便捷地include他們的一種機制。角色通常用於基於主機構建服務的場景中、但也能夠是用於構建守護進程等場景中。role主要做用是重用playbook,例如不管安裝什麼軟件都會安裝時間同步服務,那麼每一個playbook都要編寫ntp task,能夠將ntp task寫好,等到用的時候再調用就好了。ansible中將其組織成role,它有着固定的組織格式,以便playbook調用。
4.1 role層級目錄結構
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roles/ role_name/:定義的role的名字 file /: 用於存放copy或script等模塊調用的函數 tasks/: 用於定義各類task,此目錄必定要有main.yml;其餘文件須要main.yml包含調用 handlers/: 用於定義各類handlers,此目錄必定要有main.yml;其餘文件須要main.yml包含調用 vars/: 用於定義variables,此目錄必定要有main.yml;其餘文件須要main.yml包含調用 templates/:存儲由template模塊調用的模板文本; meta/: 定義當前角色的特殊設定及其依賴關係,此目錄中至少應該有一個名爲main.yml的文件;其它的文件須要由main.yml進行 "包含" 調用; default/: 此目錄中至少應該有一個名爲main.yml的文件,用於設定默認變量; [root@localhost ansible] # ll roles/ total 40 drwkebor-kebor-kebo 8 root root 4096 Jul 29 22:13 web_Deploy drwkebor-kebor-kebo 8 root root 4096 May 7 2019 web_Deploy_af [root@localhost ansible] # ll roles/web_Deploy total 25 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 45 May 7 2019 web_Deploy.yml drwkebor-kebor-kebo 2 root root 4096 Jul 10 19:09 defaults drwkebor-kebor-kebo 2 root root 4096 May 7 2019 handlers drwkebor-kebor-kebo 2 root root 4096 May 7 2019 meta drwkebor-kebor-kebo 2 root root 4096 Dec 26 19:42 tasks drwkebor-kebor-kebo 2 root root 4096 May 7 2019 templates drwkebor-kebor-kebo 2 root root 4096 May 7 2019 vars [root@localhost ansible] # ll roles/web_Deploy/tasks/ total 35 -rwkebor-kebor-kebo 1 root root 1542 Jun 24 2019 Auth.yml -rwkebor-kebor-kebo 1 root root 1482 Oct 11 16:13 StartService.yml -rwkebor-kebor-kebo 1 root root 963 Jun 18 2019 main.yml -rwkebor-kebor-kebo 1 root root 1415 May 7 2019 StopService.yml [root@localhost ansible] # cat roles/web_Deploy/tasks/main.yml --- - include_tasks: Auth.yml tags: userauth - include_tasks: StopService.yml tags: stopservice - include_tasks: StartService.yml tags: startservice [root@localhost ansible] # cat roles/web_Deploy/web_Deploy.yml --- - hosts: all roles: - web_Deploy =================================================================================== 再以下一個項目的role目錄結構: site.yml webservers.yml fooservers.yml roles/ common/ files/ templates/ tasks/ handlers/ vars/ defaults/ meta/ webservers/ files/ templates/ tasks/ handlers/ vars/ defaults/ meta/ 再看下目錄解釋: yml文件:用於定義此角色用到的各handler:在handler中使用include包含的其餘的handler文件也應該位於此目錄中; files目錄:存放由copy或script等模塊調用的文件; templates目錄:templates模塊會自動在此目錄中尋找Jinja2模板文件; tasks目錄:至少應該包含一個名爲main.yml的文件,其定義了此角色的任務列表;此文件可使用include包含其餘的位於此目錄中的task文件; handlers目錄:此目錄中應當包含一個main; vars目錄:應當包含一個main.yml文件,用於定義此角色用到的變量; meta目錄:應當包含一個main.yml文件,用於定義此角色的特殊設定及其依賴關係;ansible 1.3及其之後的版本才支持 default目錄:爲當前角色設定默認變量時使用此目錄;應當包含一個main.yml文件; 那麼一個playbook就能夠這樣寫: --- - hosts: webservers roles: - common - webservers 這個playbook爲一個角色 "kebo" 指定了以下的行爲: 若是 roles /kebo/tasks/main .yml 存在, 其中列出的tasks將被添加到play中 若是roles /kebo/handlers/main .yml 存在, 其中列出的handlers將被添加到play中 若是roles /kebo/vars/main .yml 存在, 其中列出的variables將被添加到play中 若是roles /kebo/meta/main .yml 存在, 其中列出的 "角色依賴" 將被添加到roles列表中 (1.3 andlater) 全部 copy tasks 能夠引用 roles /kebo/files/ 中的文件,不須要指明文件的路徑。 全部 scripttasks 能夠引用 roles /kebo/files/ 中的腳本,不須要指明文件的路徑。 全部 template tasks 能夠引用roles /kebo/templates/ 中的文件,不須要指明文件的路徑。 全部 include tasks 能夠引用roles /kebo/tasks/ 中的文件,不須要指明文件的路徑。 若是roles目錄下有文件不存在,這些文件將被忽略。好比 roles目錄下面缺乏了 "vars/" 目錄,這也不要緊。 須要注意: 仍然能夠在playbook中鬆散地列出tasks,vars_files 以及 handlers,這種方式仍然可用,可是roles是一種很好的具備組織性的功能特性,強烈建議使用它。 若是在playbook中同時使用roles和tasks,vars_files 或者 handlers,roles 將優先執行。 並且也可使用參數化的roles,這種方式經過添加變量來實現,好比: -- - hosts: webservers roles: - common - { role: foo_app_instance, dir : '/opt/a' , port: 5000 } - { role: foo_app_instance, dir : '/opt/b' , port: 5001 } 當一些事情不須要頻繁去作時,也能夠爲 roles 設置觸發條件,像這樣: --- - hosts: webservers roles: - { role: some_role, when: "ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'" } 它的工做方式是:將條件子句應用到 role 中的每個 task 上。 也能夠給role分配指定的標籤,好比: --- - hosts: webservers roles: - { role: foo, tags: [ "bar" , "baz" ] } 若是play仍然包含有 "tasks" section,這些 tasks 將在全部 roles 應用完成以後才被執行。也可定義一些tasks,讓它們在roles以前以及以後執行,能夠這樣作: --- - hosts: webservers pre_tasks: - shell: echo 'hello' roles: - { role: some_role } tasks: - shell: echo 'still busy' post_tasks: - shell: echo 'goodbye' 注意: pre_tasks: 執行正式 task 以前執行的任務 post_tasks:最後須要執行的任務 |
4.2 在playbook中調用role
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role存放的路徑在配置文件 /etc/ansible/ansible .cfg中定義。以下,發現ansible的roles目錄定義到 /root/app/script/ansible/roles 路徑下了!! [root@localhost ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg |grep roles_path roles_path = /etc/ansible/roles : /root/app/script/ansible/roles 在playbook中調用role的方式有三種,以下: 第一種: - hosts: HOSTS remote_user: root roles: - ROLE_NAME1 - ROLE_NAME2 第二種:除了字典第一個元素指明調用的role,後面是傳遞給role的變量 - hosts: HOSTS remote_user: root roles: - { role: ROLE_NAME1, VARIABLE1: VALUE1, ... } 第三種:when指明role調用的條件 - hosts: HOSTS remote_user: root roles: - { role: ROLE_NAME1, when: CONDITIONS } |
4.3 調用role示例
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0) 先來看看role的路徑定義 [root@localhost ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg|grep roles_path roles_path = /etc/ansible/roles : /etc/ansible/roles 1)目錄結構 [root@localhost ansible] # tree /etc/ansible/roles /etc/ansible/roles └── httpd #palybook調用時role的名稱 ├── defaults ├── files └── handlers │ └── main.yml #全部的目錄文件,並不必定要有,用時才建立 └── mata └── tasks │ └── main.yml └── tamplates └── httpd.conf.c6.j2 #centos6,centos7的配置文件 └── httpd.conf.c7.j2 2)tasks文件 [root@localhost ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/roles/httpd/tasks/main.yml - name: install httpd package yum: name=httpd state=present - name: install configure file template: src=httpd.conf.c{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.j2 dest= /etc/httpd/conf/httpd .conf tags: instconf notify: restart httpd service - name: start httpd service service: name=httpd state=started enabled= true 3) handlers文件 [root@localhost ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/roles/httpd/handlers/main.yml - name: restart httpd service service: name=httpd state=restarted 4) 模板文件 [root@localhost ansible] # grep ^Listen /etc/ansible/roles/httpd/templates/httpd.conf.c6.j2 Lister {{ httpd_port }} 5) 變量 [root@localhost ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/roles/httpd/vars/main.yml httpd_port: 8088 6) playbook文件 [root@localhost ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/httpd_conf.yml --- - hosts: webservers remote_user: root roles: - { role: httpd } 7) 執行playbook文件,並查看httpd端口 [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook -i /etc/ansible/hosts /etc/ansible/httpd_conf.yml [root@localhost ansible] # ansible -i /etc/ansible/hosts webservers -m shell -a "ss -tnlp|grep :80" ======================================================================================================== 再來看一例: 1.group: 建立用戶組nginx 2.user: 建立用戶nginx 3.yum: 安裝nginx 4.template: 配置文件更新nginx.conf 5.service: 啓動nginx [root@localhost ~] # cat /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg|grep roles_path roles_path = /etc/ansible/roles : /root/ansible/roles [root@localhost ~] # cd /root/ansible/roles/nginx [root@localhost nginx] # mkdir tasks templates [root@localhost nginx] # cd tasks [root@localhost tasks] # vim group.yml - name: create group nginx group: name=nginx gid=80 [root@localhost tasks] # vim user.yml -name: create user nginx user: name=nginx uid=80 group=nginx system= yes shell= /sbi/nologin [root@localhost tasks] # vim install.yml - name: install package yum: name=nginx [root@localhost tasks] # vim start.yml - name: start service service: name=nginx state=started enabled= yes [root@localhost tasks] # vim restart.yml - name: restart service service: name=nginx state=restarted [root@localhost tasks] # vim templ.yml - name: copy conf template: src=nginx.conf.j2 dest= /etc/nginx/conf/nginx .conf [root@localhost tasks] # vim main.yml - include: group.yml - include: user.yml - include: install .yml - include: templ.yml - include: start.yml [root@localhost tasks] # cd ../templates && ls nginx.conf.j2 [root@localhost tasks] # cd /root/ansible [root@localhost ansible] # vim nginx_role.yml - hosts: websrvs remote_user: root roles: - role: nginx 執行命令: [root@localhost ansible] # ansible-playbook nginx_role.yml |
5. loop列表循環用法
在ansible 2.5版本以前,大多數人習慣使用"with_X"風格的關鍵字操做循環,從ansible 2.6版本開始,官方開始推薦使用"loop"關鍵字代替"with_X"風格關鍵字。下面經過一些小示例來講明使用loop關鍵字進行的列表循環操做。[loop、with_items、with_list 三者等同,效果是同樣的!]。ansible的循環使用,能夠參考下面"循環變量"以及參考這裏
######## 變量的優先級 ########
1. extra vars變量(在命令行中使用 -e);優先級最高
2. 在inventory中定義的鏈接變量(好比ansible_ssh_user);優先級第二
3. 大多數的其餘變量(命令行轉換,play中的變量,include的變量,role的變量等);優先級第三
4. 在inventory定義的其餘變量;優先級第四
5. 有系統發現的facts;優先級第五
6. "role默認變量",這個是最默認的值,很容易喪失優先權。優先級最小。
1. host_vars下定義變量
2. inventory中單個主機定義變量
3. group_vars下定義變量
4. inventory中組定義變量
1 2 3 |
- hosts: webservers vars: http_port: 80 |
YAML語法要求若是值以{{ foo }}開頭的話,那麼就須要將整行用雙引號包起來,這是爲了確認你不是想聲明一個YAML字典。
1 2 3 4 |
--- - hosts: app_servers vars: app_path: {{ base_path }} /data/web |
1 2 3 4 |
--- - hosts: app_servers vars: app_path: "{{ base_path }}/data/web" |
######## Ansbile-playbook變量配置方法 ########
1. 在inventory主機清單文件中定義變量
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有針對單個主機定義變量和組定義變量兩種方式。 1)向不一樣的單個主機傳遞不一樣的變量; IP /HOSTNAME var1=value1 var2=value2 2)向組中的主機傳遞相同的變量; [groupname:vars] var1=value1 var2=value2 可是注意: 組定義變量的做用範圍是組下的全部主機。 當兩種定義方式同時存在時,ansible會優先採用單個主機定義的變量值! [root@ss-server ansible] # pwd /etc/ansible [root@ss-server ansible] # cat hosts|egrep -v "^#|^$" [kevin] key=20180101 ansible_ssh_port=22288 key= "niubility" [root@ss-server ansible] # cat ansi.yml --- - hosts: kevin gather_facts: False tasks: - name: haha debug: msg= "the {{ inventory_hostname }} value is {{ key }}" 執行結果(注意inventory_hostname表明inventory列表列表裏被控節點的主機名): [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook ansi.yml PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [haha] ************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "the value is 20180101" } ok: [] => { "msg" : "the value is niubility" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 再看下面一示例 [root@ss-server ansible] # tail -n 10 /etc/ansible/hosts [webserver] dir = /root/node2 dir = /root/node1 [node1] [webserver:vars] file = hostname .txt [root@ss-server ansible] # cat playbook.yml --- - hosts: webserver remote_user: root tasks: - name: Create New Folder file : name={{ dir }} state=directory - name: Create New Folder shell: echo ` hostname ` > {{ dir }}/{{ file }} 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook playbook.yml PLAY [webserver] ************************************************************************ TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [Create New Folder] ************************************************************* changed: [] changed: [] TASK [Create New Folder] ************************************************************* changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=3 changed=2 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
此外:ansible還內置了一些固定的主機變量名,在inventory中定義其值, 在另外一篇文章中介紹過。
2. 經過host_vars和group_vars目錄來定義變量
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1)針對單個主機的變量 [root@ss-server ansible] # pwd /etc/ansible [root@ss-server ansible] # cat host_vars/ --- user: root pass: root@123 2)針對 test 組的變量 [root@ss-server ansible] # cat group_vars/kevin --- user: work pass: work@123 ############ 在inventory清單列表文件裏,單個主機定義的變量優先級高於主機組定義的變量 ############ ############ 通過實驗,ansible使用變量的優先級順序從高到低爲 ############# 1. host_vars下定義變量 2. inventory中單個主機定義變量 3. group_vars下定義變量 4. inventory中組定義變量 示例以下: [root@ss-server ~] # cat /root/ansible/hosts [kevin] ansible_ssh_port=22222 ansible_ssh_port=22288 [root@ss-server ~] # cat /root/ansible/group_vars/kevin key=20191010 [root@ss-server ~] # cat /root/ansible/bo.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root tasks: - debug: msg= 'The key is {{key}} ' [root@ss-server ~] # ansible-playbook /root/ansible/bo.yml PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [haha] ************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "The key is 20191010" } ok: [] => { "msg" : "The key is 20191010" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 |
3. 經過var_files定義變量
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[root@ss-server ansible] # cat laoji.yml --- key: jiayou [root@ss-server ansible] # cat bo.yml --- - hosts: kevin gather_facts: False vars_files: - laoji.yml tasks: - name: display debug: msg= "the {{ inventory_hostname }} valus is {{ key }}" 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook bo.yml PALY [kevin] **************************************************** TASK [display] **************************************************** ok: [] => { "changed" : false "msg" : "the value is jiayou" } PLAY RECAP **************************************************** : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
4. 經過vars_prompt交互式傳入變量
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[root@ss-server ansible] # cat prom.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root vars_prompt: - name: "var1" prompt: "please input you name" private: no - name: "var2" prompt: "please input you age" private: yes default: 'kevin var' tasks: - name: display var1 debug: msg= "your name of var1 is {{ var1 }}" - name: display var2 debug: msg= "you age of var2 is {{ var2 }}" 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook prom.yml your name of var1: wangzhaojun #把輸入的內容傳遞給變量var1。輸入的值顯示出來!! you age of var2 [kevin var]: #把輸入的內容傳遞給默認變量kevin var。可是輸入的值不顯示出來!! 好比這裏輸入的30 PALY [kevin] **************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] **************************************************** OK: [] TASK [display var1] **************************************************** ok: [] =>{ "msg" : "youn name of var1 is wangzhaojun" } TASK [display var2] **************************************************** ok: [] =>{ "msg" : "youn name of var2 is 30" } PLAY RECAP **************************************************** : ok=3 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 接下來再來看一個 "ansible 中prompt 交互變量的使用" 的示例 [root@ss-server ansible] # cat haha.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root vars_prompt: - name: "your_name" prompt: "what is your name" private: no - name: "your_age" prompt: "how old are you" private: no - name: "solution" prompt: "Choose the solution you want \n A: solutionA\n B: solutionB\n C: solutionC\n" private: no default: A - name: "user_name" prompt: "Enter user name" private: no - name: "user_password" prompt: "Enter user password" private: no encrypt: "sha512_crypt" confirm: yes tasks: - name: "output vars" debug: msg= "your name is {{ your_name }},you are {{ your_age }} years old" - name: "output solution" debug: msg= "the final solution is {{solution}}" - name: "create_user" user: name: "{{user_name}}" password: "{{user_password}}" - name: "debug_create user" debug: msg= "create user {{user_name}} in" 執行結果爲: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook haha.yml what is your name: wangshibo how old are you: 29 Choose the solution you want A: solutionA B: solutionB C: solutionC [A]: C Enter user name: bobo Enter user password: bobo123 confirm Enter user password: bobo123 PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [output vars] ******************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg" : "your name is wangshibo,you are 29 years old" } TASK [output solution] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "the final solution is C" } TASK [create_user] ******************************************************************************************************************************* changed: [] TASK [debug_create user] ************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] => { "msg" : "create user bobo in" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=5 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 |
5. 經過ansible-playbook命令行定義變量!即參數傳入變量
除了"vars_prompt"和"vars_files",也能夠經過Ansible命令行發送變量。若是想要編寫一個通用的發佈playbook時則特別有用!你能夠傳遞應用的版本以便部署。例以下面命令(注意: --extra-vars 相等於 -e)
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[root@ss-server ~] # ansible-playbook release.yml --extra-vars "version=1.78.34 other_variable=fos" 其餘場景中,經過參數傳入變量也是頗有用的。好比爲playbook設置主機羣組或用戶。以下: [root@ss-server ~] # vim exap.yml --- - hosts: '{{hosts}}' remote_user: '{{user}}' tasks: - name: "一個測試" debug: msg= "your hosts is {{hosts}}, user is {{user}}" 執行的時候,經過參數傳入變量(-e)。變量{{hosts}}能夠是主機羣組名稱,也能夠是主機ip。 [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook exap.yml -e "hosts=kevin user=root" [WARNING]: Found variable using reserved name: hosts PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [一個測試] ************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "your hosts is kevin, user is root" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 在命令行裏面傳值的方法: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook amp.yml --extra-vars "hosts=webserver user=root" 還可使用json格式傳遞參數: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook amp.yml --extra-vars "{'hosts':'webserver', 'user':'root'}" 還能夠將參數放在文件裏面進行傳遞(注意命令行裏要是用 "@文件名" ): [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook amp.yml --extra-vars "@anhui.yml" [root@ss-server ansible] # cat anhui.yml --- hosts: webserver user: root 例以下面這個添加用戶的plakbook劇本配置,用傳遞了json文件: [root@ss-server ansible] # cat useradd.yml --- - hosts: "{{ host }}" gather_facts: no remote_user: root vars: UserName: "{{ user }}" UserPassword: "{{ pass }}" tasks: - name: create new user {{ UserName }} user: name={{ UserName }} shell= /bin/bash password={{ UserPassword |password_hash( 'sha512' ) }} update_password=always append= yes - name: Config /etc/sudoers lineinfile: dest= /etc/sudoers state=present line= '{{ item }}' validate= 'visudo -cf %s' with_items: - "{{ user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL,!/bin/rm,!/bin/su,!/usr/bin/passwd,!/usr/sbin/visudo,!/sbin/shutdown,!/sbin/reboot,!/sbin/halt" - "Defaults: {{ user }} !requiretty" [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook useradd.yml -e "host= user=kevin_bo pass=kevin@bo123" 在上例中,變量pass是密碼,若是變量pass裏有特殊的字符,或者變量pass是一串數組的話,它將被轉義。若不想被轉義,可使用以下方法: [root@ss-server ansible] # cat user.json host: webserver #ansible裏面定義的主機組或者直接配置主機ip,如172.16.60.20 user: kevin_bo #添加的用戶名 pass: 'Fxx6unM$R%I$Jna&' #添加的用戶的密碼,能夠用百度上隨機密碼生成器生成 指定user,json文件執行劇本 (使用JSON格式的文件便可,-e 傳遞變量,優先級最高) [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook useradd.yml -e "@user.json" 刪除web組中全部用戶 [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible webserver -m user -a 'name=zhangsan state=absent remove=yes' |
6. 在playbook劇本中定義變量
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在playbook中定義變量須要用到Ansible的vars模塊,能夠將全部須要用到的變量統一在vars模塊下定義,定義格式須要遵循YAML語言格式: vars: - var1: value1 - var2: value2 - var3: value3 - ....: ..... 示例以下: [root@ss-server ansible] # cat playbook.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root vars: - dir1: /root/Ansible - dir2: /root/Ansible/test1 - dir3: /root/Ansible/test2 tasks: - name: Create New Folder file : name={{ dir1 }} state=directory - name: Create New Folder file : name={{ dir2 }} state=directory - name: Create New Folder file : name={{ dir3 }} state=directory [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook playbook.yml PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [Create New Folder] ************************************************************* changed: [] TASK [Create New Folder] ************************************************************* changed: [] TASK [Create New Folder] ************************************************************* changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************** [] : ok=4 changed=3 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
7. 經過roles角色定義變量
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在Ansible的roles中定義變量,須要將變量及值的鍵值對形式寫到roles的vars目錄下的main.yml文件中,一樣適用YAML語言格式,格式以下: var1: value1 var2: value2 var3: value3 可是請注意: 經過Roles定義的變量只適用於當前roles。以下是roles文件組織結構: [root@ss-server roles] # tree test/ test / ├── files ├── handlers ├── playbook.retry ├── playbook.yml ├── tasks │ └── main.yml ├── templates └── vars └── main.yml 5 directories, 4 files [root@ss-server roles] # cat test/tasks/main.yml #任務文件 - name: Get IP Address shell: echo `{{ cmd }}` >> {{ dir }}/{{ file }} [root@ss-server roles] # cat test/vars/main.yml #定義變量cmd cmd: hostname -I [root@ss-server roles] # cat test/playbook.yml --- - hosts: webserver remote_user: root roles: - test hosts清單列表裏定義的變量,適用於全部roles。 [root@ss-server roles] # cat /etc/ansible/hosts [webserver] dir = /root/node2 dir = /root/node1 [node1] [webserver:vars] file = hostname .txt playbook調用Roles,執行結果爲: [root@Centos7T test ] #ansible-playbook playbook.yml PLAY [websvr] ************************************************************************ TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [ test : Get IP Address] ********************************************************* changed: [] changed: [] PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
8. 使用Facts獲取的信息
還有其它地方能夠獲取變量, 這些變量是自動發現的,而不是用戶本身設置的。Facts經過訪問遠程系統獲取相應的信息,一個很好的例子就是遠程主機的IP地址或者操做系統是什麼。
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使用如下命令能夠查看哪些信息是可用的(kevin是上面在 /etc/ansible/hosts 列表文件中配置的主機羣組): [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible kevin -m setup [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible kevin -m setup|grep "ansible_python_version" "ansible_python_version" : "2.7.5" , 能夠在playbook中這樣引用上面被控制主機的python版本: {{ ansible_python_version }} [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible kevin -m setup|grep "ansible_nodename" "ansible_nodename" : "ss-server" , 能夠在playbook中這樣引用上面被控制主機的主機名: {{ ansible_nodename }} [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible kevin -m setup|grep "ansible_hostname" "ansible_hostname" : "ss-server" , 被控制主機的主機名變量還能夠是: {{ ansible_hostname }} 訪問複雜變量數據 有些提供的facts, 好比網絡信息等, 是一個嵌套的數據結構。訪問它們使用簡單的 {{ foo }} 語法並不夠用, 可是也仍然很容易.以下所示: {{ ansible_eth0[ "ipv4" ][ "address" ] }} 或者這樣寫: {{ ansible_eth0.ipv4.address }} ############ 若是關閉Facts,能夠大大提升ansible的執行速度 ########### 關閉方法以下: [root@ss-server ansible] # cat anhui.yml --- - hosts: kevin gather_facts: no |
9. register註冊變量
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示例以下: [root@ss-server ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/hosts [kevin] [root@ss-server ansible] # cat /root/register.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root tasks: - name: register bo_test shell: hostname -I register: info - name: display info debug: msg= "this host ip is {{ info }}" [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook /root/register.yml PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [register bo_test] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [display info] ****************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "this host ip is {'stderr_lines': [], u'changed': True, u'end': u'2019-12-15 22:07:18.431549', 'failed': False, u'stdout': u' ', u'cmd': u'hostname -I', u'rc': 0, u'start': u'2019-12-15 22:07:18.408235', u'stderr': u'', u'delta': u'0:00:00.023314', 'stdout_lines': [u' ']}" } ok: [] => { "msg" : "this host ip is {'stderr_lines': [], u'changed': True, u'end': u'2019-12-15 22:07:18.430108', 'failed': False, u'stdout': u' ', u'cmd': u'hostname -I', u'rc': 0, u'start': u'2019-12-15 22:07:18.407184', u'stderr': u'', u'delta': u'0:00:00.022924', 'stdout_lines': [u' ']}" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 這裏注意下: register定義的info變量在第二個task中用來查看前一個task中執行的 hostname 命令的結果。 能夠看到playbook運行後的結果中,info返回的是一段python字典數據,若是隻想看到stdout部分的信息的話,能夠經過info[‘stdout’]來引用。 [root@ss-server ansible] # cat /root/register.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root tasks: - name: register bo_test shell: hostname -I register: info - name: display info debug: msg= "this host ip is {{ info['stdout'] }}" [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook /root/register.yml PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] ok: [] TASK [register bo_test] ************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] changed: [] TASK [display info] ****************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "this host ip is " } ok: [] => { "msg" : "this host ip is " } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
10. hostvars 變量
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以下示例: [root@ss-server ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/hosts [kevin] addr=beijing user=shibo age=39 [root@ss-server ansible] # cat test.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root gather_facts: False tasks: - name: this is test1 debug: msg= "She is come from {{ hostvars['']['addr'] }}" - name: this is test2 debug: msg= "I am {{ hostvars['']['user'] }}, and age is {{ hostvars['']['age'] }}" 或者將 test .yml文件配置以下,即由 "[變量]" " 改成 " .變量" 兩種配置的執行結果都是同樣的! [root@ss-server ansible] # cat test.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root gather_facts: False tasks: - name: this is test1 debug: msg= "She is come from {{ hostvars[''].addr }}" - name: this is test2 debug: msg= "I am {{ hostvars[''].user }}, and age is {{ hostvars[''].age }}" 執行結果爲: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook test.yml PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [this is test1] ***************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "She is come from beijing" } ok: [] => { "msg" : "She is come from beijing" } TASK [this is test2] ***************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "I am shibo, and age is 39" } ok: [] => { "msg" : "I am shibo, and age is 39" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 ############################# 這裏須要注意下 ########################### 除了上面的配置,還能夠以下配置,可是請注意: 1)debug後面必須使用 "var" 字段,即hostvar變量傳遞給var字段的變量。 2)var=hostvars[....],等於兩邊不能有空格! [root@ss-server ansible] # cat test.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root gather_facts: False tasks: - name: this is test1 debug: var=hostvars[ '' ][ 'addr' ] - name: this is test2 debug: var=hostvars[ '' ][ 'user' ] 或者將 test .yml文件配置以下,這兩個配置方法的執行結果是同樣的! [root@ss-server ansible] # cat test.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root gather_facts: False tasks: - name: this is test1 debug: var=hostvars[ '' ].addr - name: this is test2 debug: var=hostvars[ '' ].user 執行結果爲: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook test.yml PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [this is test1] ***************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "hostvars['']['addr']" : "beijing" } ok: [] => { "hostvars['']['addr']" : "beijing" } TASK [this is test2] ***************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "hostvars['']['user']" : "shibo" } ok: [] => { "hostvars['']['user']" : "shibo" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 注意:若是同一個name裏配置了多個debug,則默認執行最後一個debug內容! (多個task的話,也是執行最後一個task) [root@ss-server ansible] # cat test.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root gather_facts: False tasks: - name: this is test1 debug: var=hostvars[ '' ][ 'addr' ] - name: this is test2 debug: var=hostvars[ '' ][ 'user' ] debug: var=hostvars[ '' ][ 'age' ] 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook test.yml [WARNING]: While constructing a mapping from /etc/ansible/test .yml, line 8, column 7, found a duplicate dict key (debug). Using last defined value only. PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [this is test1] ***************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "hostvars['']['addr']" : "beijing" } ok: [] => { "hostvars['']['addr']" : "beijing" } TASK [this is test2] ***************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "hostvars['']['age']" : "39" } ok: [] => { "hostvars['']['age']" : "39" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 |
11. 列表變量、循環變量、字典變量
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1)ansible的變量不只能夠是單個的值,也能夠爲列表,即ansible傳列表做爲變量。以下示例: ################################################################################################################# [root@ss-server ansible] # vim test.yml --- - hosts: test_host gather_facts: no vars: - list: [1,2,3] tasks: - name: echo debug: msg= "{{ list }}" 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-palybook test.yml TASK [ echo ] ******************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] } 再來看一例: linux建立用戶,須要獲取的變量有用戶名,用戶密碼,用戶組,有時候須要建立多個用戶,那麼傳遞給ansible的用戶確定是列表,但每一組又有用戶名、密碼、組這些變量值。 作法以下: [root@ss-server ~] # cat /etc/ansible/test.yml --- - hosts: test_host gather_facts: no tasks: - name: create or update account user: name={{ item.user }} password={{ item.password }} groups ={{ item.group }} system=no with_items: - '{{ user_list }}' 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test.yml -e '{"user_list":[{"user":"user1","password":"*******","group":"user1"}]}' ################################################################################################################# 2)循環列表 結合循環,這個特性就變得頗有用;以參數傳遞列表給playbook,不用在playbook中固定循環的次數與內容。以下示例: [root@ss-server ansible] # vim test.yml --- - hosts: test_host gather_facts: no vars: - list: [1,2,3] tasks: - name: this is loop debug: msg= "{{ item }}" with_items: '{{list}}' 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-palybook test.yml TASK [this is loop] ******************************************************************** ok: [] => (item=1) => { "item" : 1, "msg" : 1 } ok: [localhost] => (item=2) => { "item" : 2, "msg" : 2 } ok: [localhost] => (item=3) => { "item" : 3, "msg" : 3 } 接着看下面一例: loop 關鍵字表示循環,去讀循環體裏的變量固定使用{{item}},item是個字典對象item.key=value。 須要注意:下面 test .yml文件中的 "loop" 關鍵字 改成 "with_items" 關鍵字,效果是同樣的! ansible的循環用法:在ansible 2.5版本以前,大多數人習慣使用 "with_X" 風格的關鍵字操做循環, 從ansible 2.6版本開始,官方開始推薦使用 "loop" 關鍵字代替 "with_X" 風格關鍵字。 [root@ss-server ~] # cat /etc/ansible/test.yml --- - name: this is test hosts: test_host connection: local gather_facts: no tasks: - name: debug loop debug: msg: "{{item.A1}}" loop: #這裏將"loop"關鍵字 改成 "with_items"關鍵字,效果是同樣的! - A: a A1: a1 A2: a2 - B: b A1: b1 A2: b2 - C: c A1: c1 A2: c2 - D: d A1: d1 A2: d2 執行結果:以上loop下的四個變量分別稱爲一塊,即一個item,符號 "-" 爲循環體塊的標誌,{{item.A1}}的值,即分別爲a1,b1,c1,d1 [root@ss-server ~] # ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test.yml PLAY [this is test ] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [debug loop] ******************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => (item={u 'A' : u 'a' , u 'A1' : u 'a1' , u 'A2' : u 'a2' }) => { "msg" : "a1" } ok: [] => (item={u 'A1' : u 'b1' , u 'B' : u 'b' , u 'A2' : u 'b2' }) => { "msg" : "b1" } ok: [] => (item={u 'A1' : u 'c1' , u 'C' : u 'c' , u 'A2' : u 'c2' }) => { "msg" : "c1" } ok: [] => (item={u 'A1' : u 'd1' , u 'A2' : u 'd2' , u 'D' : u 'd' }) => { "msg" : "d1" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 再來看一例: [root@ss-server ~] # cat /etc/ansible/test.yml --- - name: this is test hosts: test_host connection: local gather_facts: no vars: my_list: - a - b - c - 1 tasks: - name: debug loop output debug: msg: "The {{index}} one is {{item}}" loop: "{{my_list}}" # 或者使用with_items: "{{my_list}}" 或者 with_list: "{{my_list}}" loop_control: index_var: index 執行結果: [root@ss-server ~] # ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test.yml PLAY [this is test ] ****************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [debug loop output] ************************************************************************************************************************* ok: [] => (item=a) => { "msg" : "The 0 one is a" } ok: [] => (item=b) => { "msg" : "The 1 one is b" } ok: [] => (item=c) => { "msg" : "The 2 one is c" } ok: [] => (item=1) => { "msg" : "The 3 one is 1" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 ################################################################################################################# 3)字典變量 變量也能夠爲字典。以下示例, 用到了ansible的循環,循環關鍵字是 "with_X" , 改成loop關鍵字,效果是同樣的! 注意:在變量中使用循環時,vars下必需要有 "-" ,符號 "-" 爲循環體塊的標誌!! [root@ss-server ansible] # vim test.yml --- - hosts: test_host gather_facts: no vars: - lists: list1: [1,2,3] list2: [4,5] tasks: - name: loop debug: msg= "{{ item }}" with_items: '{{lists["list1"]}}' #替換爲 loop: '{{lists["list1"]}}', 或者 with_list: '{{lists["list1"]}}' 效果是同樣的 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-palybook test.yml TASK [loop] ******************************************************************** ok: [] => (item=1) => { "item" : 1, "msg" : 1 } ok: [localhost] => (item=2) => { "item" : 2, "msg" : 2 } ok: [localhost] => (item=3) => { "item" : 3, "msg" : 3 } 接着看下面一例: [root@ss-server ~] # cat /etc/ansible/test.yml --- - hosts: test_host gather_facts: no vars: - users : name: [xiaoming] address: [anhui] age: [28] tasks: - name: this is loop debug: msg= "{{ item }}" loop: '{{users["name"]}}' [root@ss-server ~] # ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test.yml PLAY [test_host] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [this is loop] ************************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => (item=xiaoming) => { "msg" : "xiaoming" } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 上面的示例,若是要想打印多個字典變量,修改以下: [root@ss-server ~] # cat /etc/ansible/test.yml --- - hosts: test_host gather_facts: no vars: - users : name: [xiaoming] address: [anhui] age: [28] tasks: - name: this is loop debug: msg= "{{ item }}" loop: #這裏用loop,with_items,with_list均可以 - '{{users["name"]}}' - '{{users["address"]}}' - '{{users["age"]}}' 執行結果: [root@ss-server ~] # ansible-playbook /etc/ansible/test.yml PLAY [test_host] ********************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [this is loop] ****************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => (item=[u 'xiaoming' ]) => { "msg" : [ "xiaoming" ] } ok: [] => (item=[u 'anhui' ]) => { "msg" : [ "anhui" ] } ok: [] => (item=[28]) => { "msg" : [ 28 ] } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0 |
###### 能夠在一個yaml文件裏放置多個hosts,將多個tasks任務一塊兒執行 ########
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[root@ss-server ansible] # cat /etc/ansible/hosts [kevin] [grace] [root@ss-server ansible] # cat bo.yml --- - hosts: kevin remote_user: root gather_facts: False tasks: - name: this is test1 shell: hostname -I - hosts: remote_user: root tasks: - name: this is test2 debug: msg= "this server is {{ info }} " - hosts: remote_user: root tasks: - name: this is test3 debug: msg= "this key is {{ haha }} " 執行結果: [root@ss-server ansible] # ansible-playbook bo.yml -e "{'info':'my server','haha':'123123213123'}" PLAY [kevin] ************************************************************************************************************************************* TASK [this is test1] ***************************************************************************************************************************** changed: [] PLAY [] ***************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [this is test2] ***************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "this server is my server " } PLAY [] ***************************************************************************************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] TASK [this is test3] ***************************************************************************************************************************** ok: [] => { "msg" : "this key is 123123213123 " } PLAY RECAP *************************************************************************************************************************************** : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 : ok=3 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 ############# 再來看下面一個測試環境用過的部署腳本配置 ######################### [root@localhost ansible] # cat /opt/ansible_cfg/deploy.yml --- - hosts: webservers tasks: - name: Installed Httpd Server yum: name=httpd state=present - name: Start Httpd Server systemd: name=httpd state=started enabled= yes - name: Start Firewalld Server systemd: name=firewalld state=started enabled= yes - name: Configure Firewalld Server firewalld: service=http immediate= yes permanent= yes state=enabled - hosts: web01 tasks: - name: Configure web01 Website copy: content= 'This is Web01' dest= /var/www/html/index .html - hosts: web02 tasks: - name: Cofnigure webi-2 weisite copy: content= 'This is Web02' dest= /var/www/html/index .html - hosts: nfs01 tasks: - name: Install NFS-utils Server yum: name=nfs-utils state=present - name: Configure Nfs-utils Server copy: src=. /exports .j2 dest= /etc/exports owner=root group=root mode=0644 - name: Create NFS Group group: name=www gid=666 - name: Create NFS User user: name=www uid=666 group=www create_home=no shell= /sbin/nologin - name: Create Data Directory file : path= /data state=directory owner=www group=www mode=0755 recurse= yes - name: Start NFS Server systemd: name=nfs state=started enabled= yes - hosts: nfs01 tasks: - name: Mount NFS Server mount : path= /opt src= /data fstype=nfs opts=defaults state=mounted |
###### Ansible-playbook如何正確獲取ip ######
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[root@ansible ~] # vim /etc/ansible/hosts_all.yaml --- - hosts: all tasks: - name: 將原有的hosts文件備份 shell: mv /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_bak - name: 將ansible端的hosts複製到各自機器上 copy: src= /root/hosts dest= /etc/ owner=root group=root mode=0644 - name: 在新的hosts文件後面追加各自機器內網ip和 hostname lineinfile: dest= /etc/hosts line= "`ansible_all_ipv4_addresses` `ansible_hostname`" 可是執行完ansible-playbook以後,ansible客戶機器上的 /etc/hosts 文件裏ip和主機名對應關係以下( cat /etc/hosts ): localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 [u '' ] redis-fun01.kevin.cn 實際想要的結果是( cat /etc/hosts ): localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 redis-fun01.kevin.cn 解決辦法: 調整ansible服務端的hosts_all.yaml文件中獲取ip的變量 變量用 IP: "{{ ansible_eth0['ipv4']['address'] }}" ,而不是`ansible_all_ipv4_addresses` 修改後的yaml文件配置以下: [root@ansible ~] # vim /etc/ansible/hosts_all.yaml --- - hosts: all vars: IP: "{{ ansible_eth0['ipv4']['address'] }}" tasks: - name: 將原有的hosts文件備份 shell: mv /etc/hosts /etc/hosts_bak - name: 將ansible端的hosts複製到各自機器上 copy: src= /root/hosts dest= /etc/ owner=root group=root mode=0644 - name: 在新的hosts文件後面追加各自機器內網ip和 hostname lineinfile: dest= /etc/hosts line= "`IP` `ansible_hostname`" |
######## 獲取ansible清單列表裏對應組的ip、指定機器執行操做 [ --list-hosts、--limit ] ########
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注意下面兩個參數的使用: 1)獲取hosts清單文件裏指定組內的ip,使用 "--list-hosts" 2)指定hosts清單文件裏的ip執行操做,使用 "--limit" 以下是ansible的一個清單文件: [root@localhost ~] # cat /opt/kevin-bo.cfg [kevin-bo_F] [kevin-bo_A] [kevin-bo:children] kevin-bo_D kevin-bo_F kevin-bo_A [kevin-bo:vars] deploy_path= /opt/web/kevin-bo/ start_time_out=90 stop_time_out=60 module=kevin-bo [kevin-bo_D] 如今須要獲取 "kevin-bo_A" 和 "kevin-bo_D" 組下的ip,--list-hosts後面加不加引號均可以。 [root@localhost ~] # ansible -i /opt/kevin-bo.cfg --list-hosts kevin-bo_A hosts (2): [root@localhost ~] # ansible -i /opt/kevin-bo.cfg --list-hosts "kevin-bo_A"|grep -v "hosts" [root@localhost ~] # ansible -i /opt/kevin-bo.cfg --list-hosts kevin-bo_D|grep -v "hosts" 獲取多個機器組內的ip,中間使用逗號隔開 [root@localhost ~] # ansible -i /opt/kevin-bo.cfg --list-hosts "kevin-bo_A,kevin-bo_D" hosts (3): [root@localhost ~] # ansible -i /opt/kevin-bo.cfg --list-hosts "kevin-bo_A,kevin-bo_D"|grep -v "hosts" 在執行ansible-playbook時,能夠指定單個ip或group,也能夠指定多個ip或group,也能夠一塊兒指定ip和group,多箇中間使用逗號隔開! --limit後面加不加引號均可以。 # ansible-playbook -i 清單文件 yml文件 --limit ip # ansible-playbook -i 清單文件 yml文件 --limit ip1,iP2,ipn # ansible-playbook -i 清單文件 yml文件 --limit group # ansible-playbook -i 清單文件 yml文件 --limit group1,group2,groupn # ansible-playbook -i 清單文件 yml文件 --limit ip1,ip2,group1,groupn 還能夠將制定的ip或group放在一個文件裏,如ip.txt,而後--limit後面跟 "@ip.txt" # ansible-playbook -i 列表文件 yml文件 --limit @ip.txt # cat ip.txt kevin-bo_F 如上,須要對清單文件 "kevin-bo_A" 組下的機器進行發佈操做,因爲發佈過程當中涉及服務啓停,爲了保證發佈中總體服務不中斷,須要一臺一臺的執行,不能全部機器一塊兒執行。以下: [root@localhost ~] # vim deploy.sh #!/bin/bash #設置變量,傳參等 BRANCH=$1 MODULE_NAME=$2 PRODUCT_PATH=$3 USER=$4 APP_NANE=${Deploy_App} ..... for Next_Deploy_IP in $(ansible -i /opt/kevin-bo .cfg --list-hosts kevin-bo_A| grep - v "hosts" ) do ansible-playbook -i /opt/kevin-bo .cfg /root/ansible/web_deploy .yml --limit "${Next_Deploy_IP}" -e "user=${USER} app_name=${APP_NANE} package_name=... ..." if [ $? - eq 0 ]; then echo "[`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`]++++++++++++++++++++++++${Next_Deploy_IP}部署成功!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" sleep 10 else echo "[`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`]++++++++++++++++++++++++${Next_Deploy_IP}部署失敗!++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" exit 1 fi done |