<button ng-button nzType="primary">Primary</button> nzType="" primary/default/dashed/danger
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<button nz-button nzType='primary' disabled>禁用</button> <button nz-button nzType='primary' [disabled]=false>不由用</button>
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按鈕適合父寬度 <button nz-button nzType="primary" nzBlock>Primary</button>
使用<i nz-icon></i> 聲明組件 nzType 設置對應的圖標 nzSpin 屬性實現動畫旋轉 <i nz-icon [nzType]="'sync'" [nzSpin]="true"></i> nzTheme 屬性爲 twotone 來渲染雙色圖標 [nzTwotoneColor] 來設置顏色 <i nz-icon [nzType]="'check-circle'" [nzTheme]="'twotone'" [nzTwotoneColor]="'#52c41a'"></i>
html <i nz-icon [nzIconfont]="'icon-twitter'"></i> ts import { NzIconService } from 'ng-zorro-antd'; constructor(private _iconService: NzIconService) { this._iconService.fetchFromIconfont({ scriptUrl: '../../../assets/iconfont.js' //下載圖標路徑的js }); }
<i nz-icon [type]="'star'" [theme]="'fill'"></i>
<i nz-icon [type]="'message'" style="font-size: 16px; color: #08c;"></i>
<div nz-row> <div nz-col nzSpan="12">col-12</div> <div nz-col nzSpan="12">col-12</div> </div> 父盒子帶有 nz-row 子盒子帶有nz-col,由於24柵格,nzSpan="6" 柵格經常須要間隔 nzGutter 父元素 <div nz-row nzGutter="16"> 推薦 8n+8 左右偏移 子盒子 nzoffset="4"
父元素添加 nzType="flex" 水平方向 nzJustify="" start,center,end,space-between,space-around <div nz-row nzType="flex" nzJustify="start"> <div nz-col nzSpan="4">col-4</div> 垂直方向 nzAlign="" top middle bottom <div nz-row nzType="flex" nzJustify="space-around" nzAlign="middle">
xs sm md lg xl xxl 12刪格 <768 >=768 >=992 1200 <div nz-row> <div nz-col nzXs="2" nzSm="4" nzMd="6" nzLg="8" nzXl="10"> </div> [nzXs] <576px [nzSm] ≥576px [nzMd] ≥768px [nzLg] ≥992px [nzXl] ≥1200px [nzXXl] ≥1600px
[nzPull] 柵格向左移動格數 [nzPush] 柵格向右移動格數 <div nz-row> <div nz-col [nzSpan]="18" [nzPush]="6"> col-18 col-push-6 </div> <div nz-col [nzSpan]="6" [nzPull]="18"> col-6 col-pull-18 </div> </div> 能夠調換兩個盒子的順序,可是不會改變他們的大小,,若是要交換位置就是這個, 不行的話就用偏移
nz-affix 標籤 [nzOffsetTop]="120" 下面滾動距離上面的距離 <nz-affix> <button nz-button [nzType]="'primary'"> <span>Affix top</span> </button> </nz-affix> [nzOffsetBottom] 距離窗口底部達到指定偏移量後觸發 number [nzOffsetTop] 距離窗口頂部達到指定偏移量後觸發 number 注意圖釘不要使用定位
<nz-table #nzTable [nzShowPagination]="total>10" nzShowSizeChanger nzShowQuickJumper [nzFrontPagination]="false" [nzData]="searchResult" [nzPageSizeOptions]="[10, 20, 50, 100]" [(nzPageIndex)]="pageIndex" [(nzPageSize)]="pageSize" [nzShowTotal]="totalTemplate" [nzTotal]="total" [nzLoading]="loading" (nzPageIndexChange)="searchData()" (nzPageSizeChange)="searchData(true)"> [nzShowPagination] 是否顯示分頁器 [nzShowSizeChanger] 是否能夠改變 nzPageSize [nzShowQuickJumper] 是否能夠快速跳轉至某頁 [nzFrontPagination] 是否在前端對數據進行分頁,若是在服務器分頁數據或者須要在前端顯示所有數據時傳入 false [nzData] 數據數組 [nzPageSizeOptions] 頁數選擇器可選值 [nzPageIndex] 當前頁碼,可雙向綁定 [nzPageSize] 每頁展現多少數據,可雙向綁定 [nzShowTotal] 用於顯示數據總量和當前數據範圍,用法參照 Pagination 組件 <ng-template #totalTemplate let-total>共 {{total}} 條</ng-template>
<nz-table #nzTable [nzShowPagination]="total>10" nzShowSizeChanger nzShowQuickJumper [nzFrontPagination]="false" [nzData]="listOfData" [nzPageSizeOptions]="[10, 20, 30,40]" [(nzPageIndex)]="page" [(nzPageSize)]="page_size" [nzShowTotal]="totalTemplate" [nzTotal]="total" [nzLoading]="loading" (nzPageIndexChange)="searchData()" (nzPageSizeChange)="searchData(true)"> <ng-template #totalTemplate let-total>共 {{total}} 條</ng-template> ts // 表格的設置項 public page = 1; public page_size = 10; public total: any; //多少條數據 public listOfData: any = [];//表單數據 searchData(reset: boolean = false) { if (reset) { this.page = 1; } this.loading = true; const params = { page: this.page, page_size: this.page_size }; this.http.get('/api/v1/get_ip/shows_blocked_ips/', params).subscribe(res => { console.log(res); if (res['status'] === 1) { this.total = res['total']; this.listOfData = res['data']; this.loading = false; } else { this.loading = false; this.nzMsg.create('error', `請求出錯!`); } }) }
nz-layout 佈局容器 下面的標籤都只能放在nz-layou中 nz-header 頂部佈局 nz-sider 側邊欄 nz-content 內部部分 nz-footer 底部佈局 [nzWidth]="numer" 寬度 [nzTheme]="'light'" 主題顏色,默認藍色 'light'|'dark' 白色或者藍色 <nz-layout> <nz-header>header</nz-header> <nz-layout> <nz-sider>left sidebar</nz-sider> <nz-content>main content</nz-content> <nz-sider>right sidebar</nz-sider> </nz-layout> <nz-footer>footer</nz-footer> </nz-layout>
自動麪包屑 路由 { path: 'apple', component: ArticleComponent, data: { breadcrumb: 'Apple' }, children: [ { path: 'steve', component: ArticleComponent, data: { breadcrumb: 'Steve' }, children: [ { path: 'jobs', component: ArticleComponent, data: { breadcrumb: 'Jobs' } } ] } ] } html <nz-breadcrumb [nzAutoGenerate]="true"></nz-breadcrumb> <nz-divider></nz-divider> //分割線 <router-outlet></router-outlet> See the first: <a [routerLink]="'apple'">Apple</a><br> See the second: <a [routerLink]="'apple/steve'">Steve</a><br> See the third: <a [routerLink]="'apple/steve/jobs'">Jobs</a><br> 不會的話就用簡單點 <nz-breadcrumb> <nz-breadcrumb-item> <a [routerLink]="['../../']">Home</a> </nz-breadcrumb-item> <nz-breadcrumb-item> Breadcrumb </nz-breadcrumb-item> </nz-breadcrumb>
今天看到一遍文章,說的是相似< <師說> >到底在學習互聯網是否須要老師,雖然每一個人都但願能有一個老師帶本身,可是現實也是很殘酷的,不少時候咱們都是本身一個坑一個坑的去填,雖然那篇文章說的好, 牛逼的人會向比他們更牛逼的人吸收技能,可是當咱們身邊沒有這樣的人,也沒有可以跟你一塊兒談論學習,一塊兒探討學習方法的人,可是我仍是以爲人生要有追求, 熱情這東西只有再該有的年齡纔會有的,若是你錯過了這個時期,可能之後就沒有機會
var arr = ["a", "b", "c"]; var iterator = arr.entries(); for (let e of iterator) { console.log(e); } // [0, "a"] // [1, "b"] // [2, "c"] let a = ['a', 'b', 'c'].keys(); for(let key of a){ console.log(key); //0 ,1 ,2 } let a = ['a', 'b', 'c'].values(); for(let key of a){ console.log(key); } // 'a' 'b' 'c' 其實能夠用 for in 拿到索引 for of 拿到值
value 用來填充數組元素的值。 start 可選 起始索引,默認值爲0。 end 可選 終止索引,默認值爲 this.length。 console.log([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].fill(4,4)); // [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4 ]
搜索過濾條件 var fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'grapes', 'mango', 'orange']; const filterItem=query=>{ return fruits.filter(value=> value.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase())>-1 ) } 理解 indexOf 找到返回索引沒有找到返回-1 console.log('abc'.indexOf('bc')); //1
var arr1 = [1, 2, [3, 4]]; console.log(arr1.reduce((a, v) => a.concat(v), [])); 多層 var arr1 = [1, 2, [3, 4, [3, 4, [4, 5, [7, 8, 9, [5, 6]]]]]]; const flatDeep=(arr)=>{ return arr.reduce((a, v) => Array.isArray(v) ? a.concat(flatDeep(v)) : a.concat(v), []); }; console.log(flatDeep(arr1));
參數 * 元素值 * 索引(可選) 從第幾個索引開始 [1,2,3].includes(2) //true [1,2,3,NaN].includes(NaN) //true 當索引大於數組長度,該數組不會搜索 當索引小於0,則整個數組都會搜索
var grocery = { id: 'bananas', name: 'Bananas', units: 6, price: 10, currency: 'USD' }; let groceries={ [grocery.id]:grocery }; console.log(groceries); //第二種狀況 function getEnvelope(type, description) { return { // type:description 不行的 [type]:description } } console.log(getEnvelope('sss', 'ggg'));
let obj={ emit(){ return {name:'zhangsan',age:12} } }
var list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']; let {a,b,...other}=list; let [c,d,...first]=list; console.log(other);//類數組 console.log(first);//數組 ES5 ES6 list.push.apply(list, items) list.push(...items)
class LocalStorage { constructor(key) { this.key = key } get data() { return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.key)) } set data(data) { localStorage.setItem(this.key, JSON.stringify(data)) } } const ls = new LocalStorage('groceries'); ls.data = ['a', 'b', 'c']; console.log(ls.data);