Diagnosing Transaction Log Performance Issues and Limits of the Log Managerdom
Storage and SQL Server capacity planning and configuration (SharePoint Server 2013)
Disk Partition Alignment Best Practices for SQL Server
「Now, saying that, one trap that many people fall into is equating increased I/O subsystem latencies with poor I/O subsystem performance. This is often not the case at all. It’s usually the case that the I/O subsystem performs fine when the designed-for I/O workload is happening, but becomes the performance bottleneck when the I/O workload increases past the I/O subsystem design point. The I/O workload increase is what’s causing the problem, not the I/O subsystem – if you design an I/O subsystem to support 1000 IOPS (I/O operations per second – and making sure you’re using the right I/O size and the workload characteristics make sense to be defined in terms of the number of random IOPS) and SQL Server is trying to push 2000 IOPS, performance is going to suffer.」