









  • 工廠設計模式用來加載配置文件。




 * Created By zby on 22:57 2019/3/4
 * 加載配置文件
 * @param dirPath 目錄的路徑
public static LoadConfig loadXmlConFig(String dirPath) {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dirPath)){
        throw new RuntimeException("路徑不存在");
    if (null == config) {
        File dir = new File(dirPath);
        List<File> files = FactoryBuilder.createFileFactory().listFile(dir);
        if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(files)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("沒有配置文件files=" + files);
        allXmls = new HashMap<>();
        SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
        Document document = null;
        for (File file : files) {
            try {
                Map<String, XmlConfigBean> beanMaps = new HashMap<>();
                String configFileName = file.getName();
                document = saxBuilder.build(file);
                Element rootEle = document.getRootElement();
                List beans = rootEle.getChildren("bean");
                if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(beans)) {
                    int i = 0;
                    for (Iterator beanIterator = beans.iterator(); beanIterator.hasNext(); i++) {
                        Element bean = (Element) beanIterator.next();
                        XmlConfigBean configBean = new XmlConfigBean();
                        configBean.setId(attributeToConfigBeanProps(file, i, bean, "id"));
                        configBean.setClazz(attributeToConfigBeanProps(file, i, bean, "class"));
                        configBean.setAutowire(attributeToConfigBeanProps(file, i, bean, "autowire"));
                        List properties = bean.getChildren();
                        Set<XmlBeanProperty> beanProperties = new LinkedHashSet<>();
                        if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(properties)) {
                            int j = 0;
                            for (Iterator propertyIterator = properties.iterator(); propertyIterator.hasNext(); j++) {
                                Element property = (Element) propertyIterator.next();
                                XmlBeanProperty beanProperty = new XmlBeanProperty();
                                beanProperty.setName(attributeToBeanProperty(file, i, j, property, "name"));
                                beanProperty.setRef(attributeToBeanProperty(file, i, j, property, "ref"));
                                beanProperty.setValue(attributeToBeanProperty(file, i, j, property, "value"));
                        beanMaps.put(configBean.getId(), configBean);
                allXmls.put(configFileName, beanMaps);
            } catch (JDOMException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
        return new LoadConfig();
    return config;


 * Created By zby on 14:04 2019/2/14
 * 獲取文件的集合
private void local(File dir) {
    if (dir == null) {
        logger.error("文件夾爲空dir=" + dir);
        throw new RuntimeException("文件夾爲空dir=" + dir);
    File[] fies = dir.listFiles();
    if (ArrayUtil.isNotEmpty(fies)) {
        for (File fy : fies) {
            if (fy.isDirectory()) {
            String fileName = fy.getName();
            boolean isMatch = Pattern.compile(reg).matcher(fileName).matches();
            boolean isContains = ArrayUtil.containsAny(fileName, FilterConstants.FILE_NAMES);
            if (isMatch && !isContains) {
  • 建造者設計模式


 * Created By zby on 20:19 2019/2/16
 * 經過類路徑轉爲類字面常量
 * @param classPath 類路徑
public static <T> Class<T> classPathToClazz(String classPath) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(classPath)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("類路徑不存在");
    try {
        return (Class<T>) Class.forName(classPath);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        logger.error("路徑" + classPath + "不存在,建立失敗e=" + e);
    return null;



 * Created By zby on 22:31 2019/2/25
 * 將bean文件中的value值轉化爲屬性值

public final class Transfomer {

    public final static Integer MAX_BYTE = 127;

    public final static Integer MIN_BYTE = -128;

    public final static Integer MAX_SHORT = 32767;

    public final static Integer MIN_SHORT = -32768;

    public final static String STR_TRUE = "true";

    public final static String STR_FALSE = "false";

     * Created By zby on 22:32 2019/2/25
     * 數據轉化
     * @param typeName 屬性類型的名字
     * @param value    值
    public static Object transformerPropertyValue(String typeName, Object value) throws IllegalAccessException {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(typeName)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("屬性的類型不能爲空typeName+" + typeName);
        if (typeName.equals(StandardBasicTypes.STRING)) {
            return objToString(value);
        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(StandardBasicTypes.LONG)) {
            return stringToLong(objToString(value));
        } else if (typeName.equals(StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER) || typeName.equals(StandardBasicTypes.INT)) {
            return stringToInt(objToString(value));
        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(StandardBasicTypes.BYTE)) {
            return stringToByte(objToString(value));
        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(StandardBasicTypes.SHORT)) {
            return stringToShort(objToString(value));
        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(StandardBasicTypes.BOOLEAN)) {
            return stringToBoolean(objToString(value));
        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)) {
            return stringToDouble(objToString(value));
        } else if (typeName.equalsIgnoreCase(StandardBasicTypes.FLOAT)) {
            return stringToFloat(objToString(value));
        } else if (typeName.equals(StandardBasicTypes.DATE)) {
            return stringToDate(objToString(value));
        } else if (typeName.equals(StandardBasicTypes.BIG_DECIMAL)) {
            return stringToBigDecimal(objToString(value));
        } else {
            return value;

     * Created By zby on 22:32 2019/2/25
     * 數據轉化
    public static void transformerPropertyValue(Object currentObj, Field field, Object value) throws IllegalAccessException {
        if (null == currentObj && field == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("當前對象或屬性爲空值");
        String typeName = field.getType().getSimpleName();
        field.set(currentObj, transformerPropertyValue(typeName, value));

     * Created By zby on 23:29 2019/2/25
     * obj to String
    public static String objToString(Object obj) {
        return null == obj ? null : obj.toString();

     * Created By zby on 23:54 2019/2/25
     * String to integer
    public static Integer stringToInt(String val) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) {
            return 0;
        if (val.charAt(0) == 0) {
            throw new RuntimeException("字符串轉爲整形失敗val=" + val);
        return Integer.valueOf(val);

     * Created By zby on 23:31 2019/2/25
     * String to Long
    public static Long stringToLong(String val) {
        return Long.valueOf(stringToInt(val));

     * Created By zby on 23:52 2019/2/26
     * String to byte
    public static Short stringToShort(String val) {
        Integer result = stringToInt(val);
        if (result >= MIN_SHORT && result <= MAX_SHORT) {
            return Short.valueOf(result.toString());
        throw new RuntimeException("數據轉化失敗result=" + result);

     * Created By zby on 0:03 2019/2/27
     * String to short
    public static Byte stringToByte(String val) {
        Integer result = stringToInt(val);
        if (result >= MIN_BYTE && result <= MAX_BYTE) {
            return Byte.valueOf(result.toString());
        throw new RuntimeException("數據轉化失敗result=" + result);

     * Created By zby on 0:20 2019/2/27
     * string to double
    public static Double stringToDouble(String val) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("數據爲空,轉換失敗");
        return Double.valueOf(val);

     * Created By zby on 0:23 2019/2/27
     * string to float
    public static Float stringToFloat(String val) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("數據爲空,轉換失敗");
        return Float.valueOf(val);

     * Created By zby on 0:19 2019/2/27
     * string to boolean
    public static boolean stringToBoolean(String val) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("數據爲空,轉換失敗val=" + val);
        if (val.equals(STR_TRUE)) {
            return true;
        if (val.equals(STR_FALSE)) {
            return false;
        byte result = stringToByte(val);
        if (0 == result) {
            return false;
        if (1 == result) {
            return true;
        throw new RuntimeException("數據轉換失敗val=" + val);

     * Created By zby on 0:24 2019/2/27
     * string to Date
    public static Date stringToDate(String val) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("數據爲空,轉換失敗val=" + val);
        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat();
        try {
            return format.parse(val);
        } catch (ParseException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("字符串轉爲時間失敗val=" + val);

     * Created By zby on 0:31 2019/2/27
     * string to big decimal
    public static BigDecimal stringToBigDecimal(String val) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(val)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("數據爲空,轉換失敗val=" + val);
        return new BigDecimal(stringToDouble(val));



  • 自動裝配類型
 * Created By zby on 13:50 2019/2/23
 * 裝配類型
public class AutowireType {
     * 缺省狀況向,通常經過ref來自動(手動)裝配對象
    public static final String NONE = null;

     * 根據屬性名事項自動裝配,
     * 若是一個bean的名稱和其餘bean屬性的名稱是同樣的,將會自裝配它。
    public static final String BY_NAME = "byName";

     * 根據類型來裝配
     * 若是一個bean的數據類型是用其它bean屬性的數據類型,兼容並自動裝配它。
    public static final String BY_TYPE = "byType";

     * 根據構造器constructor建立對象
    public static final String CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor";

     * autodetect – 若是找到默認的構造函數,使用「自動裝配用構造」; 不然,使用「按類型自動裝配」。
    public static final String AUTODETECT = "autodetect";
  • 屬性類型常量池
 * Created By zby on 22:44 2019/2/25
 * 類型常量池
public class StandardBasicTypes {

    public static final String STRING = "String";

    public static final String LONG = "Long";

    public static final String INTEGER = "Integer";

    public static final String INT = "int";

    public static final String BYTE = "Byte";

    public static final String SHORT = "Short";

    public static final String BOOLEAN = "Boolean";

    public static final String DOUBLE = "double";

    public static final String FLOAT = "float";

    public static final String DATE = "Date";

    public static final String TIMESTAMP = "Timestamp";

    public static final String BIG_DECIMAL = "BigDecimal";

    public static final String BIG_INTEGER = "BigInteger";




 * Created By zby on 11:17 2019/2/14
 * 類的上下文加載順序
public class ClassPathXmlApplicationContext {

private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.class.getName());

private String configXml;

public ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(String configXml) {
    this.configXml = configXml;

 * Created By zby on 18:38 2019/2/24
 * bean對應的id的名稱
public Object getBean(String name) {
    String dirPath="../simulaspring/src/main/resources/";
    Map<String, Map<String, XmlConfigBean>> allXmls = LoadConfig.loadXmlConFig(dirPath).getAllXmls();
    boolean contaninsKey = MapUtil.findKey(allXmls, configXml);
    if (!contaninsKey) {
        throw new RuntimeException("配置文件不存在" + configXml);
    Map<String, XmlConfigBean> beans = allXmls.get(configXml);
    contaninsKey = MapUtil.findKey(beans, name);
    if (!contaninsKey) {
        throw new RuntimeException("id爲" + name + "bean不存在");
    XmlConfigBean configFile = beans.get(name);
    if (null == configFile) {
        throw new RuntimeException("id爲" + name + "bean不存在");
    String classPath = configFile.getClazz();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(classPath)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("id爲" + name + "類型不存在");
    String autowire = configFile.getAutowire();
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(autowire)) {
        return getBeanWithoutArgs(beans, classPath, configFile);
    } else {
        switch (autowire) {
            case AutowireType.BY_NAME:
                return getBeanByName(beans, classPath, configFile);
            case AutowireType.CONSTRUCTOR:
                return getBeanByConstruct(classPath, configFile);
            case AutowireType.AUTODETECT:
                return getByAutodetect(beans, classPath, configFile);
            case AutowireType.BY_TYPE:
                return getByType(beans, classPath, configFile);
    return null;




 * Created By zby on 18:33 2019/2/24
 * 在沒有設置自動裝配時,經過ref對象
private Object getBeanWithoutArgs(Map<String, XmlConfigBean> beans, String classPath, XmlConfigBean configFile) {
String proName = null;
try {
    Class currentClass = Class.forName(classPath);
    //經過引用 ref 建立對象
    Set<XmlBeanProperty> properties = configFile.getProperties();
    if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(properties)) {
        return currentClass.newInstance();
    Class<?> superClass = currentClass.getSuperclass();
    //TODO 父類的集合
//            List<Class> superClasses = null;
    // 父類構造器的參數子類構造器的參數
    Object currentObj = null;
    Object consArgsObj = null;
    String consArgsName = null;
    boolean hasSuperClass = (null != superClass && !superClass.getSimpleName().equals("Object"));
    if (hasSuperClass) {
        Constructor[] constructors = currentClass.getDeclaredConstructors();
        ArrayUtil.validateArray(superClass, constructors);
        Parameter[] parameters = constructors[0].getParameters();
        if (parameters == null || parameters.length == 0) {
            consArgsObj = constructors[0].newInstance();
        } else {
            ArrayUtil.validateArray(superClass, parameters);
            consArgsName = parameters[0].getType().getSimpleName();
            for (XmlBeanProperty property : properties) {
                String ref = property.getRef();
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(ref) && ref.equalsIgnoreCase(consArgsName)) {
                    classPath = beans.get(ref).getClazz();
                    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(classPath);
                    consArgsObj = clazz.newInstance();
            currentObj = constructors[0].newInstance(consArgsObj);
    } else {
        currentObj = currentClass.newInstance();
    for (XmlBeanProperty property : properties) {
        proName = property.getName();
        Field field = currentClass.getDeclaredField(proName);
        if (null != field) {
            String ref = property.getRef();
            Object value = property.getValue();
            if (null == value && StringUtils.isNotBlank(ref)) {
                boolean flag = StringUtils.isNotBlank(consArgsName) && null != consArgsObj && consArgsName.equalsIgnoreCase(ref);
                value = flag ? consArgsObj : getBean(ref);
            Transfomer.transformerPropertyValue(currentObj, field, value);
    return currentObj;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    logger.error("名爲" + classPath + "類不存在");
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
    logger.error(classPath + "類的屬性" + proName + "不存在");
    throw new RuntimeException(classPath + "類的屬性" + proName + "不存在");
return null;



 * Created By zby on 23:06 2019/3/2
 * @param classPath  類路徑
 * @param configFile 配置文件
private Object getBeanByConstruct(String classPath, XmlConfigBean configFile) {
    try {
        Class currentClass = Class.forName(classPath);
        Set<XmlBeanProperty> properties = configFile.getProperties();
        if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(properties)) {
            return currentClass.newInstance();
        Object[] objects = new Object[properties.size()];
        Class<?>[] paramType = new Class[properties.size()];
        Field[] fields = currentClass.getDeclaredFields();
        int i = 0;
        for (Iterator iterator = properties.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); i++) {
            XmlBeanProperty property = (XmlBeanProperty) iterator.next();
            String proName = property.getName();
            String ref = property.getRef();
            Object value = property.getValue();
            for (Field field : fields) {
                Class<?> type = field.getType();
                String typeName = type.getSimpleName();
                String paramName = field.getName();
                if (paramName.equals(proName) && ObjectUtil.isNotNull(value) && StringUtils.isBlank(ref)) {
                    objects[i] = Transfomer.transformerPropertyValue(typeName, value);
                    paramType[i] = type;
                } else if (paramName.equals(proName) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(ref) && ObjectUtil.isNull(value)) {
                    objects[i] = getBean(ref);
                    paramType[i] = type;
        return currentClass.getConstructor(paramType).newInstance(objects);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        logger.error("名爲" + classPath + "類不存在");
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
    return null;



 * Created By zby on 21:16 2019/3/1
 * 根據屬性名事項自動裝配,
 * @param classPath 類路徑
 * @param configFile  配置文件
private Object getBeanByName( String classPath, XmlConfigBean configFile) {
    String proName = null;
    try {
        Class currentClass = Class.forName(classPath);
        Class superclass = currentClass.getSuperclass();
        Method[] methods = currentClass.getDeclaredMethods();
        List<Method> methodList = MethodHelper.filterSetMethods(methods);
        Object currentObj = currentClass.newInstance();
        Set<XmlBeanProperty> properties = configFile.getProperties();
        if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(properties)) {
            boolean isExit = null != superclass && !superclass.getSimpleName().equals("Object");
            if (isExit) {
                Field[] parentFields = superclass.getDeclaredFields();
                if (ArrayUtil.isNotEmpty(parentFields)) {
                    if (CollectionUtil.isNotEmpty(methodList)) {
                        for (Field parentField : parentFields) {
                            for (Method method : methodList) {
                                if (MethodHelper.methodNameToProName(method.getName()).equals(parentField.getName())) {
                                    Type genericType = currentClass.getGenericSuperclass();
                                    if (null != genericType) {
                                        String genericName = genericType.getTypeName();
                                        genericName = StringUtils.substring(genericName, genericName.indexOf("<") + 1, genericName.indexOf(">"));
                                        Class genericClass = Class.forName(genericName);
                                        method.invoke(currentObj, genericClass);

            return currentObj;
        //傳遞給父級對象 service -- 》value
        List<Method> tmpList = new ArrayList<>();
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        Object value = null;
        for (XmlBeanProperty property : properties) {
            proName = property.getName();
            if (ArrayUtil.isNotEmpty(methods)) {
                String ref = property.getRef();
                value = property.getValue();
                for (Method method : methodList) {
                    String methodName = MethodHelper.methodNameToProName(method.getName());
                    Field field = currentClass.getDeclaredField(methodName);
                    if (methodName.equals(proName) && null != field) {
                        if (null == value && StringUtils.isNotBlank(ref)) {
                            value = getBean(ref);
                        } else if (value != null && StringUtils.isBlank(ref)) {
                            value = Transfomer.transformerPropertyValue(field.getType().getSimpleName(), value);
                        method.invoke(currentObj, value);
                        map.put(proName, value);
        tmpList = MethodHelper.removeMethod(methodList, tmpList);
        for (Method method : tmpList) {
            Class<?>[] type = method.getParameterTypes();
            if (ArrayUtil.isEmpty(type)) {
                throw new RuntimeException("傳遞給父級對象的參數爲空type=" + type);
            for (Class<?> aClass : type) {
                String superName = ClassHelper.classNameToProName(aClass.getSimpleName());
                value = map.get(superName);
                method.invoke(currentObj, value);
        return currentObj;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
        logger.error("名爲" + classPath + "類不存在");
    } catch (InstantiationException e) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
        logger.error("類" + classPath + "屬性" + proName + "不存在");
    return null;


