用C++封裝一個類,其中setting中註冊的解析http head的函數爲static,此函數須要訪問存儲header數據的指針,因爲註冊的函數不能變,不能加this指針。一種是直接將指針搞成static,這樣在多線程場景就會出問題;另一種就是將指針做爲http_parser的私有數據git
Mul-thread Example:github
typedef struct { socket_t sock; void* buffer; int buf_len; } custom_data_t; int my_url_callback(http_parser* parser, const char *at, size_t length) { /* access to thread local custom_data_t struct. Use this access save parsed data for later use into thread local buffer, or communicate over socket */ parser->data; ... return 0; } ... void http_parser_thread(socket_t sock) { int nparsed = 0; /* allocate memory for user data */ custom_data_t *my_data = malloc(sizeof(custom_data_t)); /* some information for use by callbacks. * achieves thread -> callback information flow */ my_data->sock = sock; /* instantiate a thread-local parser */ http_parser *parser = malloc(sizeof(http_parser)); http_parser_init(parser, HTTP_REQUEST); /* initialise parser */ /* this custom data reference is accessible through the reference to the parser supplied to callback functions */ parser->data = my_data; http_parser_settings settings; /* set up callbacks */ settings.on_url = my_url_callback; /* execute parser */ nparsed = http_parser_execute(parser, &settings, buf, recved); ... /* parsed information copied from callback. can now perform action on data copied into thread-local memory from callbacks. achieves callback -> thread information flow */ my_data->buffer; ... }