若是想轉化爲2005-07-05 的格式,則須要使用類 SimpleDateFormatsession
SimpleDateFormat formatt= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd") ;
Date date =new Date();
System.out.println(formatt.format(date)); oracle
SimpleDateFormat formatt= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MMMM-dd") ;
Date date =new Date();
System.out.println(formatt.format(date)); this
Oracle的默認日期格式 ci
SQL> select sysdate from dual ;字符串
SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd') Time from dual ;
在Oracle裏有兩個與date相關的函數 to_date()和to_char() ;
to_date() 做用將字符類型按必定格式轉化爲日期類型:
如;to_date('2004-11-27 13:34:43', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') 將獲得具體的時間
to_date() 做用將字符類型按必定格式轉化爲日期類型:
如;to_date('2004-11-27 13:34:43', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') 將獲得具體的時間.
1. 日期和字符轉換函數用法(to_date,to_char) 2. select to_char( to_date(222,'J'),'Jsp') from dual 顯示Two Hundred Twenty-Two 3. 求某天是星期幾 select to_char(to_date('2002-08-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'day') from dual; 星期一 select to_char(to_date('2002-08-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'day','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') from dual; monday 設置日期語言 ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE='AMERICAN'; 也能夠這樣 TO_DATE ('2002-08-26', 'YYYY-mm-dd', 'NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') 4. 兩個日期間的天數 select floor(sysdate - to_date('20020405','yyyymmdd')) from dual; 5. 時間爲null的用法 select id, active_date from table1 UNION select 1, TO_DATE(null) from dual; 注意要用TO_DATE(null) 6. a_date between to_date('20011201','yyyymmdd') and to_date('20011231','yyyymmdd') 那麼12月31號中午12點以後和12月1號的12點以前是不包含在這個範圍以內的。 因此,當時間須要精確的時候,以爲to_char仍是必要的 7. 日期格式衝突問題 輸入的格式要看你安裝的ORACLE字符集的類型, 好比: US7ASCII, date格式的類型就是: '01-Jan-01' alter system set NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American alter session set NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American 或者在to_date中寫 select to_char(to_date('2002-08-26','yyyy-mm-dd'),'day','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE = American') from dual; 注意我這只是舉了NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE,固然還有不少, 可查看 select * from nls_session_parameters select * from V$NLS_PARAMETERS 8. select count(*) from ( select rownum-1 rnum from all_objects where rownum <= to_date('2002-02-28','yyyy-mm-dd') - to_date('2002- 02-01','yyyy-mm-dd')+1 ) where to_char( to_date('2002-02-01','yyyy-mm-dd')+rnum-1, 'D' ) not in ( '1', '7' ) 查找2002-02-28至2002-02-01間除星期一和七的天數 在先後分別調用DBMS_UTILITY.GET_TIME, 讓後將結果相減(獲得的是1/100秒, 而不是毫秒). 9. select months_between(to_date('01-31-1999','MM-DD-YYYY'), to_date('12-31-1998','MM-DD-YYYY')) "MONTHS" FROM DUAL; 1 select months_between(to_date('02-01-1999','MM-DD-YYYY'), to_date('12-31-1998','MM-DD-YYYY')) "MONTHS" FROM DUAL; 1.03225806451613 10. Next_day的用法 Next_day(date, day) Monday-Sunday, for format code DAY Mon-Sun, for format code DY 1-7, for format code D 11 select to_char(sysdate,'hh:mi:ss') TIME from all_objects 注意:第一條記錄的TIME 與最後一行是同樣的 能夠創建一個函數來處理這個問題 create or replace function sys_date return date is begin return sysdate; end; select to_char(sys_date,'hh:mi:ss') from all_objects; 12. 得到小時數 SELECT EXTRACT(HOUR FROM TIMESTAMP '2001-02-16 2:38:40') from offer SQL> select sysdate ,to_char(sysdate,'hh') from dual; SYSDATE TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH') -------------------- --------------------- 2003-10-13 19:35:21 07 SQL> select sysdate ,to_char(sysdate,'hh24') from dual; SYSDATE TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'HH24') -------------------- ----------------------- 2003-10-13 19:35:21 19 獲取年月日與此相似 13. 年月日的處理 select older_date, newer_date, years, months, abs( trunc( newer_date- add_months( older_date,years*12+months ) ) ) days from ( select trunc(months_between( newer_date, older_date )/12) YEARS, mod(trunc(months_between( newer_date, older_date )), 12 ) MONTHS, newer_date, older_date from ( select hiredate older_date, add_months(hiredate,rownum)+rownum newer_date from emp ) ) 14. 處理月份天數不定的辦法 select to_char(add_months(last_day(sysdate) +1, -2), 'yyyymmdd'),last_day(sysdate) from dual 16. 找出今年的天數 select add_months(trunc(sysdate,'year'), 12) - trunc(sysdate,'year') from dual 閏年的處理方法 to_char( last_day( to_date('02' || :year,'mmyyyy') ), 'dd' ) 若是是28就不是閏年 17. yyyy與rrrr的區別 'YYYY99 TO_C ------- ---- yyyy 99 0099 rrrr 99 1999 yyyy 01 0001 rrrr 01 2001 18.不一樣時區的處理 select to_char( NEW_TIME( sysdate, 'GMT','EST'), 'dd/mm/yyyy hh:mi:ss') ,sysdate from dual; 19. 5秒鐘一個間隔 Select TO_DATE(FLOOR(TO_CHAR(sysdate,'SSSSS')/300) * 300,'SSSSS') ,TO_CHAR(sysdate,'SSSSS') from dual 2002-11-1 9:55:00 35786 SSSSS表示5位秒數 20. 一年的第幾天 select TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'DDD'),sysdate from dual 310 2002-11-6 10:03:51 21.計算小時,分,秒,毫秒 select Days, A, TRUNC(A*24) Hours, TRUNC(A*24*60 - 60*TRUNC(A*24)) Minutes, TRUNC(A*24*60*60 - 60*TRUNC(A*24*60)) Seconds, TRUNC(A*24*60*60*100 - 100*TRUNC(A*24*60*60)) mSeconds from ( select trunc(sysdate) Days, sysdate - trunc(sysdate) A from dual ) select * from tabname order by decode(mode,'FIFO',1,-1)*to_char(rq,'yyyymmddhh24miss'); // floor((date2-date1) /365) 做爲年 floor((date2-date1, 365) /30) 做爲月 mod(mod(date2-date1, 365), 30)做爲日. 23.next_day函數 next_day(sysdate,6)是從當前開始下一個星期五。後面的數字是從星期日開始算起。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 日 一 二 三 四 五 六oracle中有不少關於日期的函數在oracle中有不少關於日期的函數,如: 一、add_months()用於從一個日期值增長或減小一些月份 date_value:=add_months(date_value,number_of_months) 例: SQL> select add_months(sysdate,12) "Next Year" from dual; Next Year ---------- 13-11月-04 SQL> select add_months(sysdate,112) "Last Year" from dual; Last Year ---------- 13-3月 -13 SQL> 二、current_date()返回當前會放時區中的當前日期 date_value:=current_date SQL> column sessiontimezone for a15 SQL> select sessiontimezone,current_date from dual; SESSIONTIMEZONE CURRENT_DA --------------- ---------- +08:00 13-11月-03 SQL> alter session set time_zone='-11:00' 2 / 會話已更改。 SQL> select sessiontimezone,current_timestamp from dual; SESSIONTIMEZONE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --------------- ------------------------------------ -11:00 12-11月-03 下午 -11: 00 SQL> 三、current_timestamp()以timestamp with time zone數據類型返回當前會放時區中的當前日期 timestamp_with_time_zone_value:=current_timestamp([timestamp_precision]) SQL> column sessiontimezone for a15 SQL> column current_timestamp format a36 SQL> select sessiontimezone,current_timestamp from dual; SESSIONTIMEZONE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --------------- ------------------------------------ +08:00 13-11月-03 上午 +08: 00 SQL> alter session set time_zone='-11:00' 2 / 會話已更改。 SQL> select sessiontimezone,current_timestamp from dual; SESSIONTIMEZONE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP --------------- ------------------------------------ -11:00 12-11月-03 下午 -11: 00 SQL> 四、dbtimezone()返回時區 varchar_value:=dbtimezone SQL> select dbtimezone from dual; DBTIME ------ -07:00 SQL> 五、extract()找出日期或間隔值的字段值 date_value:=extract(date_field from [datetime_value|interval_value]) SQL> select extract(month from sysdate) "This Month" from dual; This Month ---------- 11 SQL> select extract(year from add_months(sysdate,36)) "3 Years Out" from dual; 3 Years Out ----------- 2006 SQL> 六、last_day()返回包含了日期參數的月份的最後一天的日期 date_value:=last_day(date_value) SQL> select last_day(date'2000-02-01') "Leap Yr?" from dual; Leap Yr? ---------- 29-2月 -00 SQL> select last_day(sysdate) "Last day of this month" from dual; Last day o ---------- 30-11月-03 SQL> 七、localtimestamp()返回會話中的日期和時間 timestamp_value:=localtimestamp SQL> column localtimestamp format a28 SQL> select localtimestamp from dual; LOCALTIMESTAMP ---------------------------- 13-11月-03 下午 SQL> select localtimestamp,current_timestamp from dual; LOCALTIMESTAMP CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ---------------------------- ------------------------------------ 13-11月-03 13-11月-03 下午 +08: 下午 00 SQL> alter session set time_zone='-11:00'; 會話已更改。 SQL> select localtimestamp,to_char(sysdate,'DD-MM-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') "SYSDATE" from dual; LOCALTIMESTAMP SYSDATE ---------------------------- ------------------------ 12-11月-03 13-11-2003 12:11:31 下午 下午 SQL> 八、months_between()判斷兩個日期之間的月份數量 number_value:=months_between(date_value,date_value) SQL> select months_between(sysdate,date'1971-05-18') from dual; MONTHS_BETWEEN(SYSDATE,DATE'1971-05-18') ---------------------------------------- 389.855143 SQL> select months_between(sysdate,date'2001-01-01') from dual; MONTHS_BETWEEN(SYSDATE,DATE'2001-01-01') ---------------------------------------- 34.4035409 SQL> 九、next_day()給定一個日期值,返回由第二個參數指出的日子第一次出如今的日期值(應返回相應日子的名稱字符串)?周相?日期函?1.查詢某周的第一天select trunc(decode(ww, 53, to_date(yy || '3112', 'yyyyddmm'), to_date(yy || '-' || to_char(ww * 7), 'yyyy-ddd')), 'd') last_dayfrom (select substr('2004-32', 1, 4) yy, to_number(substr('2004-32', 6)) ww from dual)select trunc(to_date(substr('2003-01',1,5)||to_char((to_number(substr('2003-01',6)))*7),'yyyy-ddd'),'d')-6 first_day from dualselect min(v_date) from (select (to_date('200201','yyyymm') + rownum) v_date from all_tables where rownum < 370)where to_char(v_date,'yyyy-iw') = '2002-49'2.查詢某周的最後一天select trunc(decode(ww, 53, to_date(yy || '3112', 'yyyyddmm'), to_date(yy || '-' || to_char(ww * 7), 'yyyy-ddd')), 'd') - 6 first_day from (select substr('2004-33', 1, 4) yy, to_number(substr('2004-33', 6)) ww from dual) select trunc(to_date(substr('2003-01',1,5)||to_char((to_number(substr('2003-01',6)))*7),'yyyy-ddd'),'d') last_day from dualselect max(v_date) from (select (to_date('200408','yyyymm') + rownum) v_date from all_tables where rownum < 370)where to_char(v_date,'yyyy-iw') = '2004-33'3.查詢某周的日期select min_date, to_char(min_date,'day') day from(select to_date(substr('2004-33',1,4)||'001'+rownum-1,'yyyyddd') min_date from all_tables where rownum <= decode(mod(to_number(substr('2004-33',1,4)),4),0,366,365) union select to_date(substr('2004-33',1,4)-1|| decode(mod(to_number(substr('2004-33',1,4))-1,4),0,359,358)+rownum,'yyyyddd') min_date from all_tables where rownum <= 7 union select to_date(substr('2004-33',1,4)+1||'001'+rownum-1,'yyyyddd') min_date from all_tables where rownum <= 7 )where to_char(min_date,'yyyy-iw') ='2004-33'