原文地址: IMP


擴充現有的語言IMP,添加Boolean Expressionif-then-else以及while等語法。node



Step 1

Download a prototype software package, unzip the package and run Linux command make to build the executable named imp. The package implements a small program language IMP1. If you run ./imp progfile, it will parse the program stored in a file named progfile, and build an abstract syntax tree for the program, display the program to standard output and then interprets the program (abstract syntax tree).express

An IMP1 program is a list of statement separated by ";". A statement is either an assignment statement, a print statement, the empty statement or a compound statement. An assignment statement has the form x = e where x is variable (identifier) and e an expression, a print statement has the form print e where print is a keyword and e an expression. A compound statement has the form { stmtlist } where stmtlist is a list of statements separated by ";". The empty statement is written as the empty string.ide

An expression is an arithmetic built from numbers, variables (identifiers) and binary operators +, -, * and / and unary operator -.ui

This is the grammar for IMP1. Note that non-terminal symbols are not enclosed in angle brackets and is used in place of

program  -> stmtlist
stmtlist -> stmt | stmtlist ; stmt
stmt     -> id = exp | print exp | { stmtlist } |
exp      -> exp + mulexp | exp - mulexp | mulexp
mulexp   -> mulexp * priexp | mulexp / primexp |
primexp  -> primexp ( exp ) | - primexp | id | number

Step 2

Extend IMP1 with Boolean expressions and input, if-then-else and while statements. An input statement has the form read x where read is a keyword and x a variable. Since the else branch of an if-then-else statement can be empty, there is no need for if-then statements. Let's call the extended programming language IMP2. You will need to do the following.prototype

  • a. Write an unambiguous grammar for IMP2.
  • b. Write five programs in IMP2. Your programs must collectively use all types of statements. For instance, you may have an IMP2 program that reads three numbers and printing the maximum of these numbers and another IMP2 program that prints the sum of integers from 1 to n where n is obtained by an input statement.
  • c. Implement IMP2 by modifying the implementation for IMP1. You will need to add new tokens, grammar rules, and new classes for abstract syntax tree nodes of new language constructs.
  • d. Test your implementation on the IMP2 programs you wrote.

Step 3

Submit as one archive that contains the following files:code

  • a. One file for the grammar for IMP2.
  • b. Five files containing your IMP2 programs.
  • c. Flex, Bison, C++ files for your implementation of IMP2 programming language. You must use comments to clearly identify the modification you made to the Flex, Bison, C++ files for IMP1 you downloaded.
  • d. Screen snapshots for your tests.
  • e. A description of division of work among group members. All students will receive the same grade and are expected to contribute roughly with the same effort.

