談談TensorFlow with CPU support or TensorFlow with GPU support(圖文詳解)

























You must choose one of the following types of TensorFlow to install:微信

  • TensorFlow with CPU support only. If your system does not have a NVIDIA® GPU, you must install this version. Note that this version of TensorFlow is typically much easier to install (typically, in 5 or 10 minutes), so even if you have an NVIDIA GPU, we recommend installing this version first.
    TensorFlow僅支持CPU支持。 若是您的系統沒有NVIDIA®GPU,則必須安裝此版本。 
    請注意,此版本的TensorFlow一般會更容易安裝(一般在5或10分鐘內),所以即便您有NVIDIA GPU,咱們建議先安裝此版本。


  • TensorFlow with GPU support. TensorFlow programs typically run significantly faster on a GPU than on a CPU. Therefore, if your system has a NVIDIA® GPU meeting the prerequisites shown below and you need to run performance-critical applications, you should ultimately install this version.
TensorFlow支持GPU。 TensorFlow程序一般在GPU上比在CPU上運行得更快。 



  CPU版本和GPU版本二選一安裝便可,若是電腦沒有GPU,或者GPU的Compute Capability低於3.0,請安裝CPU版本。通常的計算,安裝CPU版本徹底夠用。

  API都是相同的,CPU版本和GPU版本二選一安裝便可,若是電腦沒有GPU,或者GPU的Compute Capability低於3.0.app


  是的,關鍵是看你的顯卡有沒有被nv(NVIDIA 公司是全球視覺計算技術的行業領袖及 GPU(圖形處理器)的發明者)選中。若是顯卡被選中了,各類驅動都有,並且你的顯卡算力在5以上,折騰折騰還行。

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