


  1. 什麼是定語:定語就是修飾名詞(短語)的成分。
  2. 注:中文中聽到「xxx的+名詞(短語)」,則「xxx的」就是修飾這個名詞(短語)的定語成分。


2.1 形容詞(短語)做定語

  1. 1:那隻善良的夜鶯最後死了:That kind nightingale died at last.
  2. 2:這朵非凡的玫瑰花變成了深紅色:The extraordinary rose turns dark red.

2.2 名詞(短語)做定語【名詞(短語)形容化】

  1. 3:夜鶯的歌聲能使這朵玫瑰花開放:The nightingale's singing can make the rose bloom. / The singing of the nightingale can make the rose bloom.
  2. 4:學生愛上了教授的女兒:The student falls in love with the professor's daughter. / The student falls in love with the daughter of the professor.
  3. 注:英文中更傾向於寫成of結構

2.3 介詞短語做定語

  1. 5:窗外的夜鶯聽到了年輕人的感嘆:The nightingale out of the window heard the sighs of the young man.
  2. 6:我只有和大海的飛沫同樣白的玫瑰花:I only have roses as white as the foam in the sea.

2.4 分詞、不定式(非謂語)做定語

  1. 7:唱歌的夜鶯最終因愛死了:In the end, the singing nightingale died because of love.
  2. 8:單出的夜鶯必定是愛上了那個被女孩欺騙的學生:The innocent nightingale must love the student deceived by the girl.

2.5 從句做定語

  1. 9:夜鶯用生命換來的玫瑰花並無幫助到那個學生:The rose which the nightingale exchanged with her life failed to help the student.


  1. 定語的位置遵循前小後大原則,即當一個單詞修飾名詞(短語)時一般放在名詞(短語)前面,反之放在後面。
  2. 注:當使用過去分詞做定語,即便是一個單詞一般也放在名詞(短語)後
    1. 10:他是一個被拋棄的男人:He is a man abandoned.


4.1 構成

  1. 先行詞【名詞(短語)】+ 引導詞 + 分句

4.2 引導詞

  1. 定語從句的引導詞按照先行詞的種類,一共分爲五類:
    1. 先行詞是人時:who、whom、which;
      1. 11:她是喜歡個人女人:She is the woman who loves me.
      2. 12:她是我喜歡的女人:She is the woman whom I love.
      3. 13:Nick是個爸爸很富有的男人(作夢中):Nick is dreaming the man whose father is wealthy.
    2. 先行詞是物時:that、which、whose;
    3. 先行詞是時間時:that、which、when;
      1. 14:我將毫不會忘記我遇到你的那一天:I will never forget the day when I met you.
      2. 15:我將毫不會忘記咱們一塊兒度過的那些天:I will never forget the day that we spent.
    4. 先行詞是地點時:that、which、where;
    5. 先行詞是緣由時:that、which、why。
      1. 16:你最好不要對你爲何遲到的理由:You had better have no reason why you are late.
      2. 17:你最好不要有爲何聽起來很完美的理由:You had better have no reason that sounds perfect.
  2. 定語從句的引導詞按照詞性分類,一共分爲三大類:
    1. 代詞(充當主語或賓語):who、whom(僅賓語)、that、which
      1. 18:咱們應該尊重那些堅持夢想的窮孩子:We should respect those poor children who stick to their dreams.
      2. 19:女孩仍是喜歡王子送給她的寶珠:The girl prefers the jewelry which the prince sent to her.
      3. 20:阻止你實現夢想的東西只有一個,那就是懼怕失敗:There is only one thing that will make your dream impossible: the fear of failure.
    2. 副詞(不充當成分):where、when、why;
      1. 21:那個老婦人在她兒子到達的那天去世了:The old lady died on that day when her son arrived.
    3. 形容詞【定語,修飾名詞(短語)】:whose
      1. 22:我喜歡屋頂是原形的建築物:I love buildings whose roofs are round.


5.1 that在定語從句中充當賓語,能夠省略

  1. 若是兩個名詞(短語)直接房子一塊兒,頗有可能省略了that
    1. 23:我喜歡Nick指導的電影:I enjoy the movie Nick directed.

5.2 限制和非限制性定語從句

  1. 若是先行詞是物,非限制性定語從句只能用which
    1. 24:我愛英俊的Nick老師(你喜歡的是個人英俊):I love teacher Nick who is beautiful.
    2. 25:我愛Nick老師,他很英俊(你喜歡我):I love teacher Nick, who is beautiful.
    3. 26:我喜歡圓的西瓜(方西瓜給你你就不喜歡了):I love watermelons that/which are round.
    4. 27:我喜歡西瓜,能夠是圓的(方西瓜你就不喜歡了):I love watermelons, which are round.
  2. 注:非限制性定語從句,相似於插入語,不翻譯不影響句子意思的表達。

5.3 先行詞和引導詞中間有介詞

  1. 當先行詞和引導詞中有介詞,人只能用whom;若是不是人,先行詞只能用which:
    1. 28:他是咱們應該學習的榜樣:He is one who/whom we should learn from.
    2. 29:咱們應該從他那裏學習:He is one from whom we should learn.

5.4 the same xxx as 和 the same xxx that

  1. the same xxx as 表示像;the same xxx that表示就是:
    1. 30:他就像我愛的那個男人:He is the same man as I love.
    2. 31:他就是我愛的那個男人:He is the same man that I love.

5.5 which和as的區別

  1. which和as均可以做爲引導修飾整個句子的定語從句,可是which只能放在句子後;as能夠放在句首,也能夠放在句末:
    1. 32:她是一個好老師,這是衆人皆知的:She is a good teacher, which is known to us all. / As is known to us all, she is good teacher.


33:我作了一個很美的夢(定語從句):I had a dream that is definitely sweet.ide

34:我作了一個有一天我變成了有錢人的夢(同位語從句):I had a dream that I will become a rich lady someday.oop

  1. 定語從句的that須要充當成分;同位語從句的that不充當成分;
  2. 定語從句是對前面名詞的修飾;同位語從句是對前面名詞的解釋;
  3. 定語從句的先行詞能夠是任何名詞;同位語從句的先行詞只能是能夠解釋的名詞(抽象名詞);
  4. 定語從句的先行詞有不少;同位語從句的先行詞大可能是that(由於同位語從句大都是陳述句)。


  1. 引導詞前面的不必定是先行詞,而且沒有方法能夠直接找到先行詞,只能讀懂句子而後分析得到。
    1. 35:對於工人來講,它可能意味着做爲一個忠實員工的安全、利益和責任感的結束:For wokrs it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of importance that came from being a loyal employee.


8.1 寫做

  1. 每看成文中出現名詞(短語),均可以添加定語成分拉長句子。
    1. 36:養那些很是可愛的寵物能夠緩解老人和小孩獨自在家的孤獨(養寵物的好處):Keeping pets which look so cute and lovely can reduce loneliness of some old citizens and children who stay at home alone.
    2. 37:追星看起來是很酷的事情,可是他會浪費年輕人的時間,年輕人應該花更多的時間在學習上(盲目追星的危害):Pursuing stars looking so handsome or beautiful blindly will waste time of young men who should spend more time and energy on their studies.
  2. 兩個形容詞中間加個as well as作定語,拉長句子:
    1. 38:養那些很是可愛的寵物能夠緩解老人和小孩獨自在家的孤獨(養寵物的好處):Raising pets cute as well as lovely can reduce loneliness of some old citizens and children who stay at home alone.


  1. 39:外表看起來很是邋遢的他其實心裏很高尚:He who looks extremely unrespectable is really noble in nature.學習

  2. 40:人生最大的精神財富是笑容、優雅、自信,擁有了它們你就擁有了一切:The greatest spiritual wealth in one's life is smile, elegance and self-confidence. If you possess them, you will have it.
  3. 41:《孤兒怨》是我看過最恐怖的一部電影:Orpham is the most horrible movie that I have ever seen.
  4. 42:繼父常常在假期裏帶她出國旅遊,這讓她的朋友們羨慕不已:The stepfather often takes her to travel abroad during the vacation, which/as makes friends envy her.
  5. 43:踢足球是一項培養孩子跟別人合做的團隊運動:Playing football keeps a team sport which is used to train children to cooperation with one another.
  6. 44:這個世界上,沒有一我的可讓你一直依靠,路須要本身走:In the world, there exists no one who you can count on all the time. So you need to wait your own way alone.
  7. 45:曾經盡心盡力去實現夢想的人,即便最終沒有成功也不會感到遺憾,這很重要:Those sparing no efforts to realize their dreams will never fell regretful even if they fail finally, which is quite significant.
  8. 46:課堂上不集中精力,但願經過本身的課下努力來經過考試的學生,經常會事半功倍:Those who fail to concentrate in class but hope to pass the examination by their own endeavors after class often find that they just get half the result with twice the effort.
  9. 47:孩子能選擇學習的科目越多,家長就越能發現他們感興趣和擅長的領域:Parents will have a better chance to discover the field which their kids have interest and are good it, if there are more subjects kids can choose.
  10. 48:能澄清我觀點的例子有不少,可是下面的這個是最合適的:There exist abundant cases which can be used to clarify my point. Nevertheless, the following one sounds most favorable.ui


foam n.泡沫spa


  1. 那隻善良的夜鶯最後死了:That kind nightingale died at last.
  2. 這朵非凡的玫瑰花變成了深紅色:The extraordinary rose turns dark red.
  3. 夜鶯的歌聲能使這朵玫瑰花開放:The nightingale's singing can make the rose bloom. / The singing of the nightingale can make the rose bloom.
  4. 學生愛上了教授的女兒:The student falls in love with the professor's daughter. / The student falls in love with the daughter of the professor.
  5. 窗外的夜鶯聽到了年輕人的感嘆:The nightingale out of the window heard the sighs of the young man.
  6. 我只有和大海的飛沫同樣白的玫瑰花:I only have roses as white as the foam in the sea.
  7. 唱歌的夜鶯最終因愛死了:In the end, the singing nightingale died because of love.
  8. 單出的夜鶯必定是愛上了那個被女孩欺騙的學生:The innocent nightingale must love the student deceived by the girl.
  9. 夜鶯用生命換來的玫瑰花並無幫助到那個學生:The rose which the nightingale exchanged with her life failed to help the student.
  10. 他是一個被拋棄的男人:He is a man abandoned.
  11. 她是喜歡個人女人:She is the woman who loves me.
  12. 她是我喜歡的女人:She is the woman whom I love.
  13. Nick是個爸爸很富有的男人(作夢中):Nick is dreaming the man whose father is wealthy.
  14. 我將毫不會忘記我遇到你的那一天:I will never forget the day when I met you.
  15. 我將毫不會忘記咱們一塊兒度過的那些天:I will never forget the day that we spent.
  16. 你最好不要對你爲何遲到的理由:You had better have no reason why you are late.
  17. 你最好不要有爲何聽起來很完美的理由:You had better have no reason that sounds perfect.
  18. 咱們應該尊重那些堅持夢想的窮孩子:We should respect those poor children who stick to their dreams.
  19. 女孩仍是喜歡王子送給她的寶珠:The girl prefers the jewelry which the prince sent to her.
  20. 阻止你實現夢想的東西只有一個,那就是懼怕失敗:There is only one thing that will make your dream impossible: the fear of failure.
  21. 那個老婦人在她兒子到達的那天去世了:The old lady died on that day when her son arrived.
  22. 我喜歡屋頂是原形的建築物:I love buildings whose roofs are round.
  23. 我喜歡Nick指導的電影:I enjoy the movie Nick directed.
  24. 我愛英俊的Nick老師(你喜歡的是個人英俊):I love teacher Nick who is beautiful.
  25. 我愛Nick老師,他很英俊(你喜歡我):I love teacher Nick, who is beautiful.
  26. 我喜歡圓的西瓜(方西瓜給你你就不喜歡了):I love watermelons that/which are round.
  27. 我喜歡西瓜,能夠是圓的(方西瓜你就不喜歡了):I love watermelons, which are round.
  28. 他是咱們應該學習的榜樣:He is one who/whom we should learn from.
  29. 咱們應該從他那裏學習:He is one from whom we should learn.
  30. 他就像我愛的那個男人:He is the same man as I love.
  31. 他就是我愛的那個男人:He is the same man that I love.
  32. 她是一個好老師,這是衆人皆知的:She is a good teacher, which is known to us all. / As is known to us all, she is good teacher.
  33. 我作了一個很美的夢(定語從句):I had a dream that is definitely sweet.
  34. 我作了一個有一天我變成了有錢人的夢(同位語從句):I had a dream that I will become a rich lady someday.
  35. 對於工人來講,它可能意味着做爲一個忠實員工的安全、利益和責任感的結束:For wokrs it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of importance that came from being a loyal employee.
  36. 養那些很是可愛的寵物能夠緩解老人和小孩獨自在家的孤獨(養寵物的好處):Keeping pets which look so cute and lovely can reduce loneliness of some old citizens and children who stay at home alone.
  37. 追星看起來是很酷的事情,可是他會浪費年輕人的時間,年輕人應該花更多的時間在學習上(盲目追星的危害):Pursuing stars looking so handsome or beautiful blindly will waste time of young men who should spend more time and energy on their studies.
  38. 養那些很是可愛的寵物能夠緩解老人和小孩獨自在家的孤獨(養寵物的好處):Raising pets cute as well as lovely can reduce loneliness of some old citizens and children who stay at home alone.
  39. 外表看起來很是邋遢的他其實心裏很高尚:He who looks extremely unrespectable is really noble in nature.
  40. 人生最大的精神財富是笑容、優雅、自信,擁有了它們你就擁有了一切:The greatest spiritual wealth in one's life is smile, elegance and self-confidence. If you possess them, you will have it.
  41. 《孤兒怨》是我看過最恐怖的一部電影:Orpham is the most horrible movie that I have ever seen.
  42. 繼父常常在假期裏帶她出國旅遊,這讓她的朋友們羨慕不已:The stepfather often takes her to travel abroad during the vacation, which/as makes friends envy her.
  43. 踢足球是一項培養孩子跟別人合做的團隊運動:Playing football keeps a team sport which is used to train children to cooperation with one another.
  44. 這個世界上,沒有一我的可讓你一直依靠,路須要本身走:In the world, there exists no one who you can count on all the time. So you need to wait your own way alone.
  45. 曾經盡心盡力去實現夢想的人,即便最終沒有成功也不會感到遺憾,這很重要:Those sparing no efforts to realize their dreams will never fell regretful even if they fail finally, which is quite significant.
  46. 課堂上不集中精力,但願經過本身的課下努力來經過考試的學生,經常會事半功倍:Those who fail to concentrate in class but hope to pass the examination by their own endeavors after class often find that they just get half the result with twice the effort.
  47. 孩子能選擇學習的科目越多,家長就越能發現他們感興趣和擅長的領域:Parents will have a better chance to discover the field which their kids have interest and are good it, if there are more subjects kids can choose.
  48. 能澄清我觀點的例子有不少,可是下面的這個是最合適的:There exist abundant cases which can be used to clarify my point. Nevertheless, the following one sounds most favorable.