Modeling With Data This book focus some processes to solve analytical problems applied to data. In particular explains you the theory to create tools for exploring big datasets of information.
Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques Full of real world situations where machine learning tools are applied, this is a practical book which provides you the knowledge and hability to master the whole process of machine learning.
Machine Learning – Wikipedia Guide A great resource provided by Wikipedia assembling a lot of machine learning in a simple, yet very useful and complete guide.
An Introduction to Data Science An introductory level resource developed by a american university with to objective to provide solid opinions and experience about data sciences.
Mining of Massive Datasets The focus of this book is provide the necessary tools and knowledge to manage, manipulate and consume large chunks of information into databases.
A Programmer’s Guide to Data Mining A guide through data mining concepts in a programming point of view. It provides several hands-on problems to practice and test the subjects taught on this online book.
Reinforcement Learning: An introduction A solid approach to the reinforcement learning thematic providing solution methods. It describes also some very important case studies.
Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms An interesting approach to information theory merged with the inference and learning concepts. This book taughts a lot of data mining techniques making the relationship with information theory.
Data Mining and Business Analytics with R Another R based book describing all processes and implementations to explore, transform and store information. It also focus on the concept of Business Analytics.
Machine Learning A very complete book about the machine learning subject approching several specific, and very useful techniques.
Think Bayes, Bayesian Statistics Made Simple A Python programming language approach to the bayesian statistical methods, where these techniques are applied to solve real-world problems and simulations.
Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning Another bayesian book reference, this one focusing on applying it to machine learning algortihms and processes. It is a hands-on resource, great to absorb all the knowledge in the book.
Gaussian Processes for Machine LearningThis is a theoretical book approaching learning algortihms based on probabilistic gaussian processes. It’s about supervised learning problems, describing models and solutions related to machine learning.