編譯內核使用的是docke容器,比較方便。封裝打包內核生成鏡像使用實體機ubuntu16.04 64位。由於打包鏡像在docker內運行會出錯。git
docker pull registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/qusir/orangepi_zero:0.2
docker run -it -v /home/orangepi_h2_linux:/data registry.cn-shenzhen.aliyuncs.com/qusir/orangepi_zero:0.2 bash
dtc下載地址 連接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sndX30T 密碼:c2mwbootstrap
7z x dtc.7z cd dtc make
export PATH=/data/dtc/:$PATH
export PATH="$PWD/brandy/gcc-linaro/bin":"$PATH"
make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- orangepi_zero_defconfig
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- sun8iw7p1smp_linux_defconfig make -j8 ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi- uImage modules
cp -rf ./linux-3.4/output/lib/* ./build/lib cp -rf ./linux-3.4/arch/arm/boot/uImage ./build/uImage cp -rf ./u-boot-2016.7/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin ./build/uboot cp -rf ./build/lib/* ../OrangePi-BuildLinux/orange/lib/ cp -rf ./build/uImage ../OrangePi-BuildLinux/orange/ cp -rf ./build/uboot/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin ../OrangePi-BuildLinux/orange/ cp -rf ./build/uboot/boot.scr ../OrangePi-BuildLinux/orange/
apt-get install debootstrap qemu-user-static chroot
./create_image ./image_from_dir linux-trusty orangepi ext4 zero
修改 params.sh文件app
# ===================================================== # ==== P A R A M E T E R S ============================ # ===================================================== # ***************************************************** # Set to "yes" to create realy minimal image * # ***************************************************** ONLY_BASE="no" # ***************************************************** # Set hostname, user to be created * # and root and user passwords * # ***************************************************** HOSTNAME="OrangePizero" #主機名稱 USER="orangepi" #用戶名 ROOTPASS="orangepi" #root密碼 USERPASS="orangepi" #orangepi密碼 # ***************************************************** # Set timezone, for default (HOST'S) set _timezone="" * # ***************************************************** _timezone="Etc/UTC" #_timezone="" # ***************************************************** # SET IF YOU WANT TO INSTALL SPECIFIC LANGUAGE, * # COMMENT FOR DEFAULT (HOST) settings * # ***************************************************** LANGUAGE="en" LANG="en_US.UTF-8" # ***************************************************** # Set the base name of your image. * # Distro name is automaticaty appended, and the image * # will be "image_name-distro.img" * # --------------------------------------------------- * # IF image_name="", image file won't be created, * # instalation will be created in local directories * # linux-$distro & boot-$distro * # YOU CAN CREATE THE IMAGE LATER RUNNING: * # sudo ./image_from_dir <directory> <DEVICE|IMAGE> * # === IT IS THE RECOMMENDED WAY OF IMAGE CREATION === * # --------------------------------------------------- * # IF image_name is BLOCK DEVICE (/dev/sdXn) * # LINUX filesystem will be created directly on it * # Partition must exist ! * # IF _format="" partition will NOT be formated * # otherwyse it will be formated with specified format * # ***************************************************** image_name="" #image_name="minimal" #image_name="/dev/sdg" # ***************************************************** # Filesystem type for linux partition * # If btrfs is selectet, partition will be mounted * # "compressed" option, you can save some sdcard space * # --------------------------------------------------- * # Used when creating the system directly on SDCard or * # SDCard image file and in "image_from_dir" script * # ***************************************************** _format="ext4" #文件系統 #_format="btrfs" # ***************************************************** # SD Card partitions sizes in MB (1024 * 1024 bytes) * # --------------------------------------------------- * # If creating on physical sdcard (not image) you can * # set "linuxsize=0" to use maximum sdcard size * # --------------------------------------------------- * # When creating the image with "image_from_dir" script* # "linuxsize" is calculated from directory size * # ***************************************************** fatsize=64 linuxsize=800 #生成鏡像大小 # ***************************************************** # Select ubuntu/debian distribution and repository * # === SELECT ONLY ONE distro AND ONE repo === * # ***************************************************** # === Ubuntu === #distro="precise" #distro="xenial" distro="trusty" #ubuntu版本 #distro="utopic" #distro="vivid" #distro="wily" #repo="http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports" repo="http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/ubuntu-ports" #ubuntu鏡像源 # === Debian === #distro="wheezy" #distro="jessie" #repo="http://ftp.hr.debian.org/debian" #raspbian="no" # === Raspbian === #distro="wheezy" #distro="jessie" #repo="http://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian" #raspbian="yes" # ****************************************************** # If creating the image, you can xz compress the image * # after creation and make the md5sum file * # to do that automatically, set _compress="yes" * # ****************************************************** _compress="no" # ===================================================== # IF YOU WANT TO HAVE BOOT FILES ON EXT4 PARTITION = # AND NOT ON SEPARATE FAT16 PARTITION = # set _boot_on_ext4="yes" and = # FAT partitin won't be created = # --------------------------------------------------- = # DO NOT CHANGE FOR NOW ! = # ===================================================== _boot_on_ext4="no" # ^^^^ P A R A M E T E R S ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^