1. Metadata lock wait 出現的場景mysql
表維護操做(optimize table、repair table 等)併發
獲取表上表級寫鎖 (lock table tab_name write)fetch
注:支持事務的 InnoDB 引擎表和不支持事務的 MyISAM 引擎表,都會出現 Metadata Lock Wait 等待現象。spa
一旦出現 Metadata Lock Wait 等待現象,後續全部對該表的訪問都會阻塞在該等待上,致使鏈接堆積,業務受影響。orm
2. Metadata lock wait 的含義索引
爲了在併發環境下維護表元數據的數據一致性,在表上有活動事務(顯式或隱式)的時候,不能夠對元數據進行寫入操做。所以 MySQL引入了metadata lock ,來保護表的元數據信息。事件
所以在對錶進行上述操做時,若是表上有活動事務(未提交或回滾),請求寫入的會話會等待在 Metadata lock wait
3. 致使 Metadata lock wait 等待的活動事務
4. 解決方案
a.show processlist 查看會話有長時間未完成的查詢,使用kill 命令終止該查詢。
b.查詢 information_schema.innodb_trx 看到有長時間未完成的事務, 使用 kill 命令終止該查詢。
select concat('kill ',i.trx_mysql_thread_id,';') from information_schema.innodb_trx i, (select id, time from information_schema.processlist where time = (select max(time) from information_schema.processlist where state = 'Waiting for table metadata lock' and substring(info, 1, 5) in ('alter' , 'optim', 'repai', 'lock ', 'drop ', 'creat'))) p where timestampdiff(second, i.trx_started, now()) > p.time and i.trx_mysql_thread_id not in (connection_id(),p.id);
-- MySQL 5.6 select concat('kill ', a.owner_thread_id, ';') from information_schema.metadata_locks a left join (select b.owner_thread_id from information_schema.metadata_locks b, information_schema.metadata_locks c where b.owner_thread_id = c.owner_thread_id and b.lock_status = 'granted' and c.lock_status = 'pending') d ON a.owner_thread_id = d.owner_thread_id where a.lock_status = 'granted' and d.owner_thread_id is null; -- MySQL 5.5 select concat('kill ', p1.id, ';') from information_schema.processlist p1, (select id, time from information_schema.processlist where time = (select max(time) from information_schema.processlist where state = 'Waiting for table metadata lock' and substring(info, 1, 5) in ('alter' , 'optim', 'repai', 'lock ', 'drop ', 'creat', 'trunc'))) p2 where p1.time >= p2.time and p1.command in ('Sleep' , 'Query') and p1.id not in (connection_id() , p2.id);
5. 如何避免出現長時間 metadata lock wait 致使表上相關查詢阻塞,影響業務
在到數據庫鏈接創建後,設置會話變量 autocommit 爲 1 或者 on,好比 set autocommit=1; 或 set autocommit=on; 。
create event my_long_running_trx_monitor on schedule every 60 minute starts '2018-08-08 11:00:00' on completion preserve enable do begin declare v_sql varchar(500); declare no_more_long_running_trx integer default 0; declare c_tid cursor for select concat ('kill ',trx_mysql_thread_id,';') from information_schema.innodb_trx where timestampdiff(minute,trx_started,now()) >= 60; declare continue handler for not found set no_more_long_running_trx=1; open c_tid; repeat fetch c_tid into v_sql; set @v_sql=v_sql; prepare stmt from @v_sql; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; until no_more_long_running_trx end repeat; close c_tid; end;