原文地址 Nealyang/personalBlog
對於前端工程構建,不少公司、BU 都有本身的一套構建體系,好比咱們正在使用的 def,或者 vue-cli 或者 create-react-app,因爲筆者最近一直想搭建一個我的網站,秉持着呼吸不停,折騰不止的原則,編碼的過程當中,仍是不想太過於枯燥。在 coding 以前,搭建本身的項目架構的時候,忽然想,爲何以前搭建過不少的項目架構不能直接拿來用,卻仍是要從 0 到 1 的去寫 webpack 去下載相關配置呢?遂!學習下 create-react-app 源碼,而後本身搞一套吧~css
代碼的入口在 packages/create-react-app/index.js
中,雖然有大概 900+行代碼,可是刪除註釋和一些友好提示啥的大概核心代碼也就六百多行吧,咱們直接來看前端
index.js 的代碼很是的簡單,其實就是對 node 的版本作了一下校驗,若是版本號低於 8,就退出應用程序,不然直接進入到核心文件中,createReactApp.js
createReactApp 的功能也很是簡單其實,大概流程:node
create-react-app --info
下的模板文件{ "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "CreateReactApp", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/packages/create-react-app/index.js", "args": [ "study-create-react-app-source" ] }, { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "CreateReactAppNoArgs", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/packages/create-react-app/index.js" }, { "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "CreateReactAppTs", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/packages/create-react-app/index.js", "args": [ "study-create-react-app-source-ts --typescript" ] }
這裏咱們添加三種環境,其實就是 create-react-app 的不一樣種使用方式react
create-react-app study-create-react-app-source
create-react-app study-create-react-app-source-ts --typescript
commander 文檔傳送門webpack
let projectName; const program = new commander.Command(packageJson.name) .version(packageJson.version)//create-react-app -v 時候輸出的值 packageJson 來自上面 const packageJson = require('./package.json'); .arguments('<project-directory>') //定義 project-directory ,必填項 .usage(`${chalk.green('<project-directory>')} [options]`) .action(name => { projectName = name;//獲取用戶的輸入,存爲 projectName }) .option('--verbose', 'print additional logs') .option('--info', 'print environment debug info') .option( '--scripts-version <alternative-package>', 'use a non-standard version of react-scripts' ) .option('--use-npm') .option('--use-pnp') .option('--typescript') .allowUnknownOption() .on('--help', () => {// on('option', cb) 語法,輸入 create-react-app --help 自動執行後面的操做輸出幫助 console.log(` Only ${chalk.green('<project-directory>')} is required.`); console.log(); console.log( ` A custom ${chalk.cyan('--scripts-version')} can be one of:` ); console.log(` - a specific npm version: ${chalk.green('0.8.2')}`); console.log(` - a specific npm tag: ${chalk.green('@next')}`); console.log( ` - a custom fork published on npm: ${chalk.green( 'my-react-scripts' )}` ); console.log( ` - a local path relative to the current working directory: ${chalk.green( 'file:../my-react-scripts' )}` ); console.log( ` - a .tgz archive: ${chalk.green( 'https://mysite.com/my-react-scripts-0.8.2.tgz' )}` ); console.log( ` - a .tar.gz archive: ${chalk.green( 'https://mysite.com/my-react-scripts-0.8.2.tar.gz' )}` ); console.log( ` It is not needed unless you specifically want to use a fork.` ); console.log(); console.log( ` If you have any problems, do not hesitate to file an issue:` ); console.log( ` ${chalk.cyan( 'https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app/issues/new' )}` ); console.log(); }) .parse(process.argv);
關於 commander 的使用,這裏就不介紹了,對於 create-react-app 的流程咱們須要知道的是,它,初始化了一些 create-react-app 的命令行環境,這一波操做後,咱們能夠看到 program 張這個樣紙:git
當咱們 debug 啓動 noArgs
環境的時候,走到這裏就結束了,判斷 projectName 是否爲 undefined,而後輸出相關提示信息,退出~web
在查看 createApp function 以前,咱們再回頭看下命令行的一些參數定義,方便咱們理解 createApp 的一些參數vue-cli
{ "type": "node", "request": "launch", "name": "CreateReactAppTs", "program": "${workspaceFolder}/packages/create-react-app/index.js", "args": [ "study-create-react-app-source-ts", "--typescript", "--use-npm" ] }
debugger 咱們項目的時候,就能夠看到,program.typescript
爲 true
爲 true
中定義的 options,因此源碼裏面 createApp 中,咱們傳入的參數分別爲:
function createApp( name, verbose, version, useNpm, usePnp, useTypescript, template ) { const root = path.resolve(name);//path 拼接路徑 const appName = path.basename(root);//獲取文件名 checkAppName(appName);//檢查傳入的文件名合法性 fs.ensureDirSync(name);//確保目錄存在,若是不存在則建立一個 if (!isSafeToCreateProjectIn(root, name)) { //判斷新建這個文件夾是否安全,不然直接退出 process.exit(1); } console.log(`Creating a new React app in ${chalk.green(root)}.`); console.log(); const packageJson = { name: appName, version: '0.1.0', private: true, }; fs.writeFileSync( path.join(root, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2) + os.EOL );//寫入 package.json 文件 const useYarn = useNpm ? false : shouldUseYarn();//判斷是使用 yarn 呢仍是 npm const originalDirectory = process.cwd(); process.chdir(root); if (!useYarn && !checkThatNpmCanReadCwd()) {//若是是使用npm,檢測npm是否在正確目錄下執行 process.exit(1); } if (!semver.satisfies(process.version, '>=8.10.0')) {//判斷node環境,輸出一些提示信息, 並採用舊版本的 react-scripts console.log( chalk.yellow( `You are using Node ${ process.version } so the project will be bootstrapped with an old unsupported version of tools.\n\n` + `Please update to Node 8.10 or higher for a better, fully supported experience.\n` ) ); // Fall back to latest supported react-scripts on Node 4 version = 'react-scripts@0.9.x'; } if (!useYarn) {//關於 npm、pnp、yarn 的使用判斷,版本校驗等 const npmInfo = checkNpmVersion(); if (!npmInfo.hasMinNpm) { if (npmInfo.npmVersion) { console.log( chalk.yellow( `You are using npm ${ npmInfo.npmVersion } so the project will be bootstrapped with an old unsupported version of tools.\n\n` + `Please update to npm 5 or higher for a better, fully supported experience.\n` ) ); } // Fall back to latest supported react-scripts for npm 3 version = 'react-scripts@0.9.x'; } } else if (usePnp) { const yarnInfo = checkYarnVersion(); if (!yarnInfo.hasMinYarnPnp) { if (yarnInfo.yarnVersion) { console.log( chalk.yellow( `You are using Yarn ${ yarnInfo.yarnVersion } together with the --use-pnp flag, but Plug'n'Play is only supported starting from the 1.12 release.\n\n` + `Please update to Yarn 1.12 or higher for a better, fully supported experience.\n` ) ); } // 1.11 had an issue with webpack-dev-middleware, so better not use PnP with it (never reached stable, but still) usePnp = false; } } if (useYarn) { let yarnUsesDefaultRegistry = true; try { yarnUsesDefaultRegistry = execSync('yarnpkg config get registry') .toString() .trim() === 'https://registry.yarnpkg.com'; } catch (e) { // ignore } if (yarnUsesDefaultRegistry) { fs.copySync( require.resolve('./yarn.lock.cached'), path.join(root, 'yarn.lock') ); } } run( root, appName, version, verbose, originalDirectory, template, useYarn, usePnp, useTypescript ); }
,最後調用 run 方法
這些工具方法,其實在寫咱們本身的構建工具的時候,也能夠直接 copy 的哈,因此這裏咱們也是簡單看下里面的實現,
checkAPPName 方法主要的核心代碼是validate-npm-package-name
package,從名字便可看出,檢查是否爲合法的 npm 包名
var done = function (warnings, errors) { var result = { validForNewPackages: errors.length === 0 && warnings.length === 0, validForOldPackages: errors.length === 0, warnings: warnings, errors: errors } if (!result.warnings.length) delete result.warnings if (!result.errors.length) delete result.errors return result } ... ... var validate = module.exports = function (name) { var warnings = [] var errors = [] if (name === null) { errors.push('name 不能使 null') return done(warnings, errors) } if (name === undefined) { errors.push('name 不能是 undefined') return done(warnings, errors) } if (typeof name !== 'string') { errors.push('name 必須是 string 類型') return done(warnings, errors) } if (!name.length) { errors.push('name 的長度必須大於 0') } if (name.match(/^\./)) { errors.push('name 不能以點開頭') } if (name.match(/^_/)) { errors.push('name 不能如下劃線開頭') } if (name.trim() !== name) { errors.push('name 不能包含前空格和尾空格') } // No funny business // var blacklist = [ // 'node_modules', // 'favicon.ico' // ] blacklist.forEach(function (blacklistedName) { if (name.toLowerCase() === blacklistedName) { //不能是「黑名單」內的 errors.push(blacklistedName + ' is a blacklisted name') } }) // Generate warnings for stuff that used to be allowed // 爲之前容許的內容生成警告 // 後面的就再也不贅述了 return done(warnings, errors) }
後面的代碼也都比較簡單,這裏就不展開說了,版本比較實用的是一個semver package.
run 主要作的事情就是安裝依賴、拷貝模板。
作的事情很是簡單,根據傳入的 version 和原始路徑 originalDirectory 去獲取要安裝的 package 列表,默認狀況下version 爲 undefined,獲取到的 packageToInstall 爲react-scripts
,也就是咱們如上圖的 resolve 回調。
最終,咱們拿到須要安裝的 info 爲
{ isOnline:true, packageName:"react-scripts" }
當咱們梳理好須要安裝的 package 後,就交給 npm 或者 yarn 去安裝咱們的依賴便可
執行完命令後會有一個回調,判斷code是否爲 0,而後 resolve Promise,
.then(async packageName => { // 安裝完 react, react-dom, react-scripts 以後檢查當前環境運行的node版本是否符合要求 checkNodeVersion(packageName); // 檢查 package.json 中的版本號 setCaretRangeForRuntimeDeps(packageName); const pnpPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.pnp.js'); const nodeArgs = fs.existsSync(pnpPath) ? ['--require', pnpPath] : []; await executeNodeScript( { cwd: process.cwd(), args: nodeArgs, }, [root, appName, verbose, originalDirectory, template], ` var init = require('${packageName}/scripts/init.js'); init.apply(null, JSON.parse(process.argv[1])); ` );
在 create-react-app
下的 init
function executeNodeScript({ cwd, args }, data, source) { // cwd:"/Users/nealyang/Desktop/create-react-app/study-create-react-app-source" // data: // 0:"/Users/nealyang/Desktop/create-react-app/study-create-react-app-source" // 1:"study-create-react-app-source" // 2:undefined // 3:"/Users/nealyang/Desktop/create-react-app" // 4:undefined // source // " var init = require('react-scripts/scripts/init.js'); // init.apply(null, JSON.parse(process.argv[1])); // " return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const child = spawn( process.execPath, [...args, '-e', source, '--', JSON.stringify(data)], { cwd, stdio: 'inherit' } ); child.on('close', code => { if (code !== 0) { reject({ command: `node ${args.join(' ')}`, }); return; } resolve(); }); }); }
方法主要是經過 spawn 來經過 node命令執行react-script
下的 init 方法。因此截止當前,create-react-app
完成了他的工做: npm i
修改 vscode 的 debugger 配置,而後咱們來 debugger react-script 下的 init 方法
function init(appPath, appName, verbose, originalDirectory, template) { // 獲取當前包中包含 package.json 所在的文件夾路徑 const ownPath = path.dirname( //"/Users/nealyang/Desktop/create-react-app/packages/react-scripts" require.resolve(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'package.json')) ); const appPackage = require(path.join(appPath, 'package.json')); //項目目錄下的 package.json const useYarn = fs.existsSync(path.join(appPath, 'yarn.lock')); //經過判斷目錄下是否有 yarn.lock 來判斷是否使用 yarn // Copy over some of the devDependencies appPackage.dependencies = appPackage.dependencies || {}; // react:"16.8.6" // react-dom:"16.8.6" // react-scripts:"3.0.1" const useTypeScript = appPackage.dependencies['typescript'] != null; // Setup the script rules 設置 script 命令 appPackage.scripts = { start: 'react-scripts start', build: 'react-scripts build', test: 'react-scripts test', eject: 'react-scripts eject', }; // Setup the eslint config 這是 eslint 的配置 appPackage.eslintConfig = { extends: 'react-app', }; // Setup the browsers list 組件autoprefixer、bable-preset-env、eslint-plugin-compat、postcss-normalize共享使用的配置項 (感謝網友指正) appPackage.browserslist = defaultBrowsers; // 寫入咱們須要建立的目錄下的 package.json 中 fs.writeFileSync( path.join(appPath, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(appPackage, null, 2) + os.EOL ); const readmeExists = fs.existsSync(path.join(appPath, 'README.md')); if (readmeExists) { fs.renameSync( path.join(appPath, 'README.md'), path.join(appPath, 'README.old.md') ); } // Copy the files for the user 獲取模板的路徑 const templatePath = template //"/Users/nealyang/Desktop/create-react-app/packages/react-scripts/template" ? path.resolve(originalDirectory, template) : path.join(ownPath, useTypeScript ? 'template-typescript' : 'template'); if (fs.existsSync(templatePath)) { // 這一步就過度了, 直接 copy! appPath:"/Users/nealyang/Desktop/create-react-app/study-create-react-app-source" fs.copySync(templatePath, appPath); } else { console.error( `Could not locate supplied template: ${chalk.green(templatePath)}` ); return; } // Rename gitignore after the fact to prevent npm from renaming it to .npmignore 重命名gitignore以防止npm將其重命名爲.npmignore // See: https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/1862 try { fs.moveSync( path.join(appPath, 'gitignore'), path.join(appPath, '.gitignore'), [] ); } catch (err) { // Append if there's already a `.gitignore` file there if (err.code === 'EEXIST') { const data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(appPath, 'gitignore')); fs.appendFileSync(path.join(appPath, '.gitignore'), data); fs.unlinkSync(path.join(appPath, 'gitignore')); } else { throw err; } } let command; let args; if (useYarn) { command = 'yarnpkg'; args = ['add']; } else { command = 'npm'; args = ['install', '--save', verbose && '--verbose'].filter(e => e); } args.push('react', 'react-dom'); // args Array // 0:"install" // 1:"--save" // 2:"react" // 3:"react-dom" // 安裝其餘模板依賴項(若是存在) const templateDependenciesPath = path.join(//"/Users/nealyang/Desktop/create-react-app/study-create-react-app-source/.template.dependencies.json" appPath, '.template.dependencies.json' ); if (fs.existsSync(templateDependenciesPath)) { const templateDependencies = require(templateDependenciesPath).dependencies; args = args.concat( Object.keys(templateDependencies).map(key => { return `${key}@${templateDependencies[key]}`; }) ); fs.unlinkSync(templateDependenciesPath); } // 安裝react和react-dom以便與舊CRA cli向後兼容 // 沒有安裝react和react-dom以及react-scripts // 或模板是presetend(經過--internal-testing-template) if (!isReactInstalled(appPackage) || template) { console.log(`Installing react and react-dom using ${command}...`); console.log(); const proc = spawn.sync(command, args, { stdio: 'inherit' }); if (proc.status !== 0) { console.error(`\`${command} ${args.join(' ')}\` failed`); return; } } if (useTypeScript) { verifyTypeScriptSetup(); } if (tryGitInit(appPath)) { console.log(); console.log('Initialized a git repository.'); } // 顯示最優雅的cd方式。 // 這須要處理未定義的originalDirectory // 向後兼容舊的global-cli。 let cdpath; if (originalDirectory && path.join(originalDirectory, appName) === appPath) { cdpath = appName; } else { cdpath = appPath; } // Change displayed command to yarn instead of yarnpkg const displayedCommand = useYarn ? 'yarn' : 'npm'; console.log('xxxx....xxxxx'); }
初始化方法主要作的事情就是修改目標路徑下的 package.json,添加一些配置命令,而後 copy!react-script 下的模板到目標路徑下。
因此咱們 copy 了這麼多 scripts
start: 'react-scripts start', build: 'react-scripts build', test: 'react-scripts test', eject: 'react-scripts eject',
原本想用一張流程圖解釋下,可是。。。create-react-app 着實沒有作啥!咱仍是等下一篇分析完,本身寫構建腳本的時候再畫一下總體流程圖(架構圖)吧~
ok~ 簡單概述下:
來用命令行執行全部的安裝通篇看完 package 的職能後,發現,哇,這有點簡答啊~~其實,咱們學習源碼的其實就是爲了學習大佬們的一些邊界狀況處理,在後面本身開發的時候再去 copy~ 借鑑一些判斷方法的編寫。後面會再簡單分析下react-scripts,而後寫一個本身的一些項目架構腳本~