如下是原文: I am not only the developer, I am also the main contributor and an angel investor fornthis project. EPoSe is omething that will change how people view public blockchain and how it should run. EPoSe is more complex than other technical questions. Right now, I am just laying the ground work and this small announcement I made two days ago is the start of it. Without any monitoring tools on oublic blockchain, it is as good as dead. Being anonymous is already in place. I dont know your address and your balance unless you show me and for that reason I cannot trace your account. Dont need to complicate more like monero. Our transcation size is much smaller for the same amount of coin transcation. Most of features i want to implement on this new explorer will not be functional. Because apis from daemon(node) and pools need to be developed. But it will provide a better and complete picture to everyone what QWC wants to do through EPoSe. Transparent management for anonymous blockchain. Your rewards will be compensated for the amount of service time you provide to the network.Opening information equally to everyone. Bitcoin and Ether failed miserably on this.They will never change. To be simple, EPose is about Egalitarianism, Equal opportunity equal rights. That is the original cryptonote spirit. Does not mean equal income though. All about how we can be as fair as possible to all people.And at the same time be secure and anonymous and fast. By being transparent on chain's performance, the community members can agree to any improvement plans. Have you seen any improvements on bitcoin in past 3 years? Probably no, because you dont see what is going on. Same for recent zcash event, And others. Ethereum cannot change to PoS because they are simply afraid of messing up the price and the entire network. Any changes we make has to start when we are relatively small.So I think it is now or it can be too much work later on. Let's where this takes us. I always deliver. You can ask Alex about it. Also native mobile wallet will be developed. And the sync time will be as fast as desktop wallet in remote node connection.Which is almost a real time. Explorer will take time. native mobile wallet will be out this year. All these development are a part of EPoSe. Because we need tools to make it work and need structures to enable EPoSe features.It has already begun in my clock. I am just not saying how it will be realized to public at the moment. Need to recruit more developers, meaning I will be spending more money. But I purposely limit my spending to even out investment and development over time. The best thing for chinese communities can do for this chain is to recruit chinese developers. Market activities are good but china has so many talented computer science engineers. 安全
「 我不只是QWC的開發,我也是這個項目的主要貢獻者和天使投資者。 EPoSe 將改變人們對公鏈的見解及運行方式。 EPoSe比其餘技術問題更爲複雜。 如今,我只是在打基礎工做,我兩天前向社區宣佈的那個小公告就是開始。 若是公鏈上沒有任何監控工具,那它到最後的結局同樣是死。 目前,QWC已經具有了匿名。除非你給我看, 我沒法追蹤你的賬戶,我也不知道你的地址和你的餘額。 不須要作得像門羅幣那樣複雜。轉帳相同數量的幣,qwc的交易塊大小要比門羅小得多。 我在這個瀏覽器之上要開發的大多數都不是實用性的功能。 由於來自守護進程(節點)和礦池的api都須要被開發。 可是它將爲每一個人提供更好、更完整的瞭解QWC但願經過EPoSe完成的事情——也就是"匿名區塊鏈的透明管理"。 簡單地說,就是您的獎勵將根據您提供給網絡的服務時間而得到到對應的補償。信息都是向每一個人平等地開放。 在這個問題上,比特幣和以太坊慘敗。而且您永遠不要期望它們會改變。 換句話說說,EPose是關於平等主義、平等機會的平等權利。 這就是原始的CryptoNote加密協議的精神。不過,EPoSe並不意味着收入相等。EPoSe是關於如何可以儘量公平對待全部人地同時,又能作到安全、匿名、快捷。 經過對公鏈的性能保持透明,社區成員能夠贊成任何改進計劃。 在過去3年中,你見過比特幣的任何改進嗎?極可能並無,由於你確實沒看到發生了什麼。最近的zcash事件也是如此,一樣其餘的幣也是這樣。 以太坊不能更改成PoS,由於他們僅僅是簡單地擔憂會擾亂當前的幣價和整個網絡。 對於QWC,咱們所作的任何改變都必須在咱們體量還相對較小的時候開始。 所以,我認爲如今正是時候,不然,之後改變的話可能工做將會不少。 讓咱們以如今爲起點。我最近一直在提交代碼,不信你能夠問亞歷克斯。 此外,咱們將開發原生的手機錢包。完成以後,區塊的同步時間將和桌面錢包同樣快,達到近乎實時的水平。 原生的手機錢包將於今年推出,區塊瀏覽器開發可能須要點時間,這裏說到的全部這些開發都是EPose的一部分。 由於咱們須要開發工具集來EPose工做,而且須要組織結構來啓用EPoSe特性。 這些如今都已經開始排在我接下去的工做日程中了。 固然,我並非說如今就能夠向公衆宣佈EPoSe了。 接下去,咱們須要招募更多的開發者,這意味着我我的會花更多的錢。 但我特地限制個人支出,以平衡一下總體的投資和開發。 最後,對於華人社區來講,對QWC最理想的就是能招募到來自中國的區塊鏈開發者。 最近一段時間,華人市場的宣傳和社區發展很好,但中國有那麼多有才華的計算機科學工程師,應該會有很多開源愛好者。 」 Qwertycoin華人官方wx號已成立,掃描添加wx: qwertycoin 帶你加入華人創世社羣 微信